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  • 一个简单的INI读写文件类,基于C++的模板编程实现,使用超级方便



    /** @mainpage
            <tr><th>Library     <td>SimpleIni
            <tr><th>File        <td>SimpleIni.h
            <tr><th>Author      <td>Brodie Thiesfield [code at jellycan dot com]
            <tr><th>Source      <td>https://github.com/brofield/simpleini
            <tr><th>Version     <td>4.17
        Jump to the @link CSimpleIniTempl CSimpleIni @endlink interface documentation.
        @section intro INTRODUCTION
        This component allows an INI-style configuration file to be used on both
        Windows and Linux/Unix. It is fast, simple and source code using this
        component will compile unchanged on either OS.
        @section features FEATURES
        - MIT Licence allows free use in all software (including GPL and commercial)
        - multi-platform (Windows CE/9x/NT..10/etc, Linux, MacOSX, Unix)
        - loading and saving of INI-style configuration files
        - configuration files can have any newline format on all platforms
        - liberal acceptance of file format
            - key/values with no section
            - removal of whitespace around sections, keys and values
        - support for multi-line values (values with embedded newline characters)
        - optional support for multiple keys with the same name
        - optional case-insensitive sections and keys (for ASCII characters only)
        - saves files with sections and keys in the same order as they were loaded
        - preserves comments on the file, section and keys where possible.
        - supports both char or wchar_t programming interfaces
        - supports both MBCS (system locale) and UTF-8 file encodings
        - system locale does not need to be UTF-8 on Linux/Unix to load UTF-8 file
        - support for non-ASCII characters in section, keys, values and comments
        - support for non-standard character types or file encodings
          via user-written converter classes
        - support for adding/modifying values programmatically
        - compiles cleanly in the following compilers:
            - Windows/VC6 (warning level 3)
            - Windows/VC.NET 2003 (warning level 4)
            - Windows/VC 2005 (warning level 4)
            - Linux/gcc (-Wall)
        @section usage USAGE SUMMARY
        -#  Define the appropriate symbol for the converter you wish to use and
            include the SimpleIni.h header file. If no specific converter is defined
            then the default converter is used. The default conversion mode uses
            SI_CONVERT_WIN32 on Windows and SI_CONVERT_GENERIC on all other
            platforms. If you are using ICU then SI_CONVERT_ICU is supported on all
        -#  Declare an instance the appropriate class. Note that the following
            definitions are just shortcuts for commonly used types. Other types
            (PRUnichar, unsigned short, unsigned char) are also possible.
                <tr><th>Interface   <th>Case-sensitive  <th>Load UTF-8  <th>Load MBCS   <th>Typedef
                <tr><td>char        <td>No              <td>Yes         <td>Yes #1      <td>CSimpleIniA
                <tr><td>char        <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseA
                <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>No              <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniW
                <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseW
                <tr><td>char        <td>No              <td>No #2       <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniA
                <tr><td>char        <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseA
                <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>No              <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniW
                <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseW
                <tr><td>char        <td>No              <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniA
                <tr><td>char        <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseA
                <tr><td>UChar       <td>No              <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniW
                <tr><td>UChar       <td>Yes             <td>Yes         <td>Yes         <td>CSimpleIniCaseW
            #1  On Windows you are better to use CSimpleIniA with SI_CONVERT_WIN32.<br>
            #2  Only affects Windows. On Windows this uses MBCS functions and
                so may fold case incorrectly leading to uncertain results.
        -# Call LoadData() or LoadFile() to load and parse the INI configuration file
        -# Access and modify the data of the file using the following functions
                <tr><td>GetAllSections  <td>Return all section names
                <tr><td>GetAllKeys      <td>Return all key names within a section
                <tr><td>GetAllValues    <td>Return all values within a section & key
                <tr><td>GetSection      <td>Return all key names and values in a section
                <tr><td>GetSectionSize  <td>Return the number of keys in a section
                <tr><td>GetValue        <td>Return a value for a section & key
                <tr><td>SetValue        <td>Add or update a value for a section & key
                <tr><td>Delete          <td>Remove a section, or a key from a section
        -# Call Save() or SaveFile() to save the INI configuration data
        @section iostreams IO STREAMS
        SimpleIni supports reading from and writing to STL IO streams. Enable this
        by defining SI_SUPPORT_IOSTREAMS before including the SimpleIni.h header
        file. Ensure that if the streams are backed by a file (e.g. ifstream or
        ofstream) then the flag ios_base::binary has been used when the file was
        @section multiline MULTI-LINE VALUES
        Values that span multiple lines are created using the following format.
            key = <<<ENDTAG
            .... multiline value ....
        Note the following:
        - The text used for ENDTAG can be anything and is used to find
          where the multi-line text ends.
        - The newline after ENDTAG in the start tag, and the newline
          before ENDTAG in the end tag is not included in the data value.
        - The ending tag must be on it's own line with no whitespace before
          or after it.
        - The multi-line value is modified at load so that each line in the value
          is delimited by a single '\n' character on all platforms. At save time
          it will be converted into the newline format used by the current
        @section comments COMMENTS
        Comments are preserved in the file within the following restrictions:
        - Every file may have a single "file comment". It must start with the
          first character in the file, and will end with the first non-comment
          line in the file.
        - Every section may have a single "section comment". It will start
          with the first comment line following the file comment, or the last
          data entry. It ends at the beginning of the section.
        - Every key may have a single "key comment". This comment will start
          with the first comment line following the section start, or the file
          comment if there is no section name.
        - Comments are set at the time that the file, section or key is first
          created. The only way to modify a comment on a section or a key is to
          delete that entry and recreate it with the new comment. There is no
          way to change the file comment.
        @section save SAVE ORDER
        The sections and keys are written out in the same order as they were
        read in from the file. Sections and keys added to the data after the
        file has been loaded will be added to the end of the file when it is
        written. There is no way to specify the location of a section or key
        other than in first-created, first-saved order.
        @section notes NOTES
        - To load UTF-8 data on Windows 95, you need to use Microsoft Layer for
          Unicode, or SI_CONVERT_GENERIC, or SI_CONVERT_ICU.
        - When using SI_CONVERT_GENERIC, ConvertUTF.c must be compiled and linked.
        - When using SI_CONVERT_ICU, ICU header files must be on the include
          path and icuuc.lib must be linked in.
        - To load a UTF-8 file on Windows AND expose it with SI_CHAR == char,
          you should use SI_CONVERT_GENERIC.
        - The collation (sorting) order used for sections and keys returned from
          iterators is NOT DEFINED. If collation order of the text is important
          then it should be done yourself by either supplying a replacement
          SI_STRLESS class, or by sorting the strings external to this library.
        - Usage of the <mbstring.h> header on Windows can be disabled by defining
          SI_NO_MBCS. This is defined automatically on Windows CE platforms.
        - Not thread-safe so manage your own locking
        @section contrib CONTRIBUTIONS
        - 2010/05/03: Tobias Gehrig: added GetDoubleValue()
        @section licence MIT LICENCE
        The licence text below is the boilerplate "MIT Licence" used from:
        Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Brodie Thiesfield
        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
        of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
        in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
        to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
        copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
        to do so, subject to the following conditions:
        The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
        all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    #ifndef INCLUDED_SimpleIni_h
    #define INCLUDED_SimpleIni_h
    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
    # pragma once
    // Disable these warnings in MSVC:
    //  4127 "conditional expression is constant" as the conversion classes trigger
    //  it with the statement if (sizeof(SI_CHAR) == sizeof(char)). This test will
    //  be optimized away in a release build.
    //  4503 'insert' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
    //  4702 "unreachable code" as the MS STL header causes it in release mode.
    //  Again, the code causing the warning will be cleaned up by the compiler.
    //  4786 "identifier truncated to 256 characters" as this is thrown hundreds
    //  of times VC6 as soon as STL is used.
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    # pragma warning (push)
    # pragma warning (disable: 4127 4503 4702 4786)
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string>
    #include <map>
    #include <list>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <stdio.h>
    # include <iostream>
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    # ifndef assert
    #  include <cassert>
    # endif
    # define SI_ASSERT(x)   assert(x)
    # define SI_ASSERT(x)
    enum SI_Error {
        SI_OK       =  0,   //!< No error
        SI_UPDATED  =  1,   //!< An existing value was updated
        SI_INSERTED =  2,   //!< A new value was inserted
        // note: test for any error with (retval < 0)
        SI_FAIL     = -1,   //!< Generic failure
        SI_NOMEM    = -2,   //!< Out of memory error
        SI_FILE     = -3    //!< File error (see errno for detail error)
    #define SI_UTF8_SIGNATURE     "xEFxBBxBF"
    #ifdef _WIN32
    # define SI_NEWLINE_A   "
    # define SI_NEWLINE_W   L"
    #else // !_WIN32
    # define SI_NEWLINE_A   "
    # define SI_NEWLINE_W   L"
    #endif // _WIN32
    #if defined(SI_CONVERT_ICU)
    # include <unicode/ustring.h>
    #if defined(_WIN32)
    # define SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    # define SI_WCHAR_T     wchar_t
    #elif defined(SI_CONVERT_ICU)
    # define SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    # define SI_WCHAR_T     UChar
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              MAIN TEMPLATE CLASS
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** Simple INI file reader.
        This can be instantiated with the choice of unicode or native characterset,
        and case sensitive or insensitive comparisons of section and key names.
        The supported combinations are pre-defined with the following typedefs:
            <tr><th>Interface   <th>Case-sensitive  <th>Typedef
            <tr><td>char        <td>No              <td>CSimpleIniA
            <tr><td>char        <td>Yes             <td>CSimpleIniCaseA
            <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>No              <td>CSimpleIniW
            <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>Yes             <td>CSimpleIniCaseW
        Note that using other types for the SI_CHAR is supported. For instance,
        unsigned char, unsigned short, etc. Note that where the alternative type
        is a different size to char/wchar_t you may need to supply new helper
        classes for SI_STRLESS and SI_CONVERTER.
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
    class CSimpleIniTempl
        typedef SI_CHAR SI_CHAR_T;
        /** key entry */
        struct Entry {
            const SI_CHAR * pItem;
            const SI_CHAR * pComment;
            int             nOrder;
            Entry(const SI_CHAR * a_pszItem = NULL, int a_nOrder = 0)
                : pItem(a_pszItem)
                , pComment(NULL)
                , nOrder(a_nOrder)
            { }
            Entry(const SI_CHAR * a_pszItem, const SI_CHAR * a_pszComment, int a_nOrder)
                : pItem(a_pszItem)
                , pComment(a_pszComment)
                , nOrder(a_nOrder)
            { }
            Entry(const Entry & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
            Entry & operator=(const Entry & rhs) {
                pItem    = rhs.pItem;
                pComment = rhs.pComment;
                nOrder   = rhs.nOrder;
                return *this;
    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
            /** STL of VC6 doesn't allow me to specify my own comparator for list::sort() */
            bool operator<(const Entry & rhs) const { return LoadOrder()(*this, rhs); }
            bool operator>(const Entry & rhs) const { return LoadOrder()(rhs, *this); }
            /** Strict less ordering by name of key only */
            struct KeyOrder {
                bool operator()(const Entry & lhs, const Entry & rhs) const {
                    const static SI_STRLESS isLess = SI_STRLESS();
                    return isLess(lhs.pItem, rhs.pItem);
            /** Strict less ordering by order, and then name of key */
            struct LoadOrder {
                bool operator()(const Entry & lhs, const Entry & rhs) const {
                    if (lhs.nOrder != rhs.nOrder) {
                        return lhs.nOrder < rhs.nOrder;
                    return KeyOrder()(lhs.pItem, rhs.pItem);
        /** map keys to values */
        typedef std::multimap<Entry,const SI_CHAR *,typename Entry::KeyOrder> TKeyVal;
        /** map sections to key/value map */
        typedef std::map<Entry,TKeyVal,typename Entry::KeyOrder> TSection;
        /** set of dependent string pointers. Note that these pointers are
            dependent on memory owned by CSimpleIni.
        typedef std::list<Entry> TNamesDepend;
        /** interface definition for the OutputWriter object to pass to Save()
            in order to output the INI file data.
        class OutputWriter {
            OutputWriter() { }
            virtual ~OutputWriter() { }
            virtual void Write(const char * a_pBuf) = 0;
            OutputWriter(const OutputWriter &);             // disable
            OutputWriter & operator=(const OutputWriter &); // disable
        /** OutputWriter class to write the INI data to a file */
        class FileWriter : public OutputWriter {
            FILE * m_file;
            FileWriter(FILE * a_file) : m_file(a_file) { }
            void Write(const char * a_pBuf) {
                fputs(a_pBuf, m_file);
            FileWriter(const FileWriter &);             // disable
            FileWriter & operator=(const FileWriter &); // disable
        /** OutputWriter class to write the INI data to a string */
        class StringWriter : public OutputWriter {
            std::string & m_string;
            StringWriter(std::string & a_string) : m_string(a_string) { }
            void Write(const char * a_pBuf) {
            StringWriter(const StringWriter &);             // disable
            StringWriter & operator=(const StringWriter &); // disable
        /** OutputWriter class to write the INI data to an ostream */
        class StreamWriter : public OutputWriter {
            std::ostream & m_ostream;
            StreamWriter(std::ostream & a_ostream) : m_ostream(a_ostream) { }
            void Write(const char * a_pBuf) {
                m_ostream << a_pBuf;
            StreamWriter(const StreamWriter &);             // disable
            StreamWriter & operator=(const StreamWriter &); // disable
        /** Characterset conversion utility class to convert strings to the
            same format as is used for the storage.
        class Converter : private SI_CONVERTER {
            Converter(bool a_bStoreIsUtf8) : SI_CONVERTER(a_bStoreIsUtf8) {
            Converter(const Converter & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
            Converter & operator=(const Converter & rhs) {
                m_scratch = rhs.m_scratch;
                return *this;
            bool ConvertToStore(const SI_CHAR * a_pszString) {
                size_t uLen = SI_CONVERTER::SizeToStore(a_pszString);
                if (uLen == (size_t)(-1)) {
                    return false;
                while (uLen > m_scratch.size()) {
                    m_scratch.resize(m_scratch.size() * 2);
                return SI_CONVERTER::ConvertToStore(
            const char * Data() { return m_scratch.data(); }
            std::string m_scratch;
        /** Default constructor.
            @param a_bIsUtf8     See the method SetUnicode() for details.
            @param a_bMultiKey   See the method SetMultiKey() for details.
            @param a_bMultiLine  See the method SetMultiLine() for details.
            bool a_bIsUtf8    = false,
            bool a_bMultiKey  = false,
            bool a_bMultiLine = false
        /** Destructor */
        /** Deallocate all memory stored by this object */
        void Reset();
        /** Has any data been loaded */
        bool IsEmpty() const { return m_data.empty(); }
        /** @{ @name Settings */
        /** Set the storage format of the INI data. This affects both the loading
            and saving of the INI data using all of the Load/Save API functions.
            This value cannot be changed after any INI data has been loaded.
            If the file is not set to Unicode (UTF-8), then the data encoding is
            assumed to be the OS native encoding. This encoding is the system
            locale on Linux/Unix and the legacy MBCS encoding on Windows NT/2K/XP.
            If the storage format is set to Unicode then the file will be loaded
            as UTF-8 encoded data regardless of the native file encoding. If
            SI_CHAR == char then all of the char* parameters take and return UTF-8
            encoded data regardless of the system locale.
            param a_bIsUtf8     Assume UTF-8 encoding for the source?
        void SetUnicode(bool a_bIsUtf8 = true) {
            if (!m_pData) m_bStoreIsUtf8 = a_bIsUtf8;
        /** Get the storage format of the INI data. */
        bool IsUnicode() const { return m_bStoreIsUtf8; }
        /** Should multiple identical keys be permitted in the file. If set to false
            then the last value encountered will be used as the value of the key.
            If set to true, then all values will be available to be queried. For
            example, with the following input:
            Then with SetMultiKey(true), both of the values "value1" and "value2"
            will be returned for the key test. If SetMultiKey(false) is used, then
            the value for "test" will only be "value2". This value may be changed
            at any time.
            param a_bAllowMultiKey  Allow multi-keys in the source?
        void SetMultiKey(bool a_bAllowMultiKey = true) {
            m_bAllowMultiKey = a_bAllowMultiKey;
        /** Get the storage format of the INI data. */
        bool IsMultiKey() const { return m_bAllowMultiKey; }
        /** Should data values be permitted to span multiple lines in the file. If
            set to false then the multi-line construct <<<TAG as a value will be
            returned as is instead of loading the data. This value may be changed
            at any time.
            param a_bAllowMultiLine     Allow multi-line values in the source?
        void SetMultiLine(bool a_bAllowMultiLine = true) {
            m_bAllowMultiLine = a_bAllowMultiLine;
        /** Query the status of multi-line data */
        bool IsMultiLine() const { return m_bAllowMultiLine; }
        /** Should spaces be added around the equals sign when writing key/value
            pairs out. When true, the result will be "key = value". When false, 
            the result will be "key=value". This value may be changed at any time.
            param a_bSpaces     Add spaces around the equals sign?
        void SetSpaces(bool a_bSpaces = true) {
            m_bSpaces = a_bSpaces;
        /** Query the status of spaces output */
        bool UsingSpaces() const { return m_bSpaces; }
        /** @}
            @{ @name Loading INI Data */
        /** Load an INI file from disk into memory
            @param a_pszFile    Path of the file to be loaded. This will be passed
                                to fopen() and so must be a valid path for the
                                current platform.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadFile(
            const char * a_pszFile
    #ifdef SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
        /** Load an INI file from disk into memory
            @param a_pwszFile   Path of the file to be loaded in UTF-16.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadFile(
            const SI_WCHAR_T * a_pwszFile
    #endif // SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
        /** Load the file from a file pointer.
            @param a_fpFile     Valid file pointer to read the file data from. The
                                file will be read until end of file.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadFile(
            FILE * a_fpFile
        /** Load INI file data from an istream.
            @param a_istream    Stream to read from
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadData(
            std::istream & a_istream
        /** Load INI file data direct from a std::string
            @param a_strData    Data to be loaded
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadData(const std::string & a_strData) {
            return LoadData(a_strData.c_str(), a_strData.size());
        /** Load INI file data direct from memory
            @param a_pData      Data to be loaded
            @param a_uDataLen   Length of the data in bytes
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error LoadData(
            const char *    a_pData,
            size_t          a_uDataLen
        /** @}
            @{ @name Saving INI Data */
        /** Save an INI file from memory to disk
            @param a_pszFile    Path of the file to be saved. This will be passed
                                to fopen() and so must be a valid path for the
                                current platform.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is
                                in UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then
                                this parameter is ignored.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error SaveFile(
            const char *    a_pszFile,
            bool            a_bAddSignature = true
            ) const;
    #ifdef SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
        /** Save an INI file from memory to disk
            @param a_pwszFile   Path of the file to be saved in UTF-16.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is
                                in UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then
                                this parameter is ignored.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error SaveFile(
            const SI_WCHAR_T *  a_pwszFile,
            bool                a_bAddSignature = true
            ) const;
    #endif // _WIN32
        /** Save the INI data to a file. See Save() for details.
            @param a_pFile      Handle to a file. File should be opened for
                                binary output.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                                UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                                ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                                already been written to the file.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error SaveFile(
            FILE *  a_pFile,
            bool    a_bAddSignature = false
            ) const;
        /** Save the INI data. The data will be written to the output device
            in a format appropriate to the current data, selected by:
                <tr><th>SI_CHAR     <th>FORMAT
                <tr><td>char        <td>same format as when loaded (MBCS or UTF-8)
                <tr><td>wchar_t     <td>UTF-8
                <tr><td>other       <td>UTF-8
            Note that comments from the original data is preserved as per the
            documentation on comments. The order of the sections and values
            from the original file will be preserved.
            Any data prepended or appended to the output device must use the the
            same format (MBCS or UTF-8). You may use the GetConverter() method to
            convert text to the correct format regardless of the output format
            being used by SimpleIni.
            To add a BOM to UTF-8 data, write it out manually at the very beginning
            like is done in SaveFile when a_bUseBOM is true.
            @param a_oOutput    Output writer to write the data to.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                                UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                                ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                                already been written to the OutputWriter.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error Save(
            OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
            bool            a_bAddSignature = false
            ) const;
        /** Save the INI data to an ostream. See Save() for details.
            @param a_ostream    String to have the INI data appended to.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                                UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                                ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                                already been written to the stream.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error Save(
            std::ostream &  a_ostream,
            bool            a_bAddSignature = false
            ) const
            StreamWriter writer(a_ostream);
            return Save(writer, a_bAddSignature);
        /** Append the INI data to a string. See Save() for details.
            @param a_sBuffer    String to have the INI data appended to.
            @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                                UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                                ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                                already been written to the string.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
        SI_Error Save(
            std::string &   a_sBuffer,
            bool            a_bAddSignature = false
            ) const
            StringWriter writer(a_sBuffer);
            return Save(writer, a_bAddSignature);
        /** @}
            @{ @name Accessing INI Data */
        /** Retrieve all section names. The list is returned as an STL vector of
            names and can be iterated or searched as necessary. Note that the
            sort order of the returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort
            the names into the load order if desired. Search this file for ".sort"
            for an example.
            NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual
            string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the
            CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these pointers
            are in use!
            @param a_names          Vector that will receive all of the section
                                     names. See note above!
        void GetAllSections(
            TNamesDepend & a_names
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve all unique key names in a section. The sort order of the
            returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort the names into the load 
            order if desired. Search this file for ".sort" for an example. Only 
            unique key names are returned.
            NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual
            string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the
            CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these strings
            are in use!
            @param a_pSection       Section to request data for
            @param a_names          List that will receive all of the key
                                     names. See note above!
            @return true            Section was found.
            @return false           Matching section was not found.
        bool GetAllKeys(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            TNamesDepend &  a_names
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve all values for a specific key. This method can be used when
            multiple keys are both enabled and disabled. Note that the sort order 
            of the returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort the names into 
            the load order if desired. Search this file for ".sort" for an example.
            NOTE! The returned values are pointers to string data stored in memory
            owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed
            or Reset while you are using this pointer!
            @param a_pSection       Section to search
            @param a_pKey           Key to search for
            @param a_values         List to return if the key is not found
            @return true            Key was found.
            @return false           Matching section/key was not found.
        bool GetAllValues(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            TNamesDepend &  a_values
            ) const;
        /** Query the number of keys in a specific section. Note that if multiple
            keys are enabled, then this value may be different to the number of
            keys returned by GetAllKeys.
            @param a_pSection       Section to request data for
            @return -1              Section does not exist in the file
            @return >=0             Number of keys in the section
        int GetSectionSize(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve all key and value pairs for a section. The data is returned
            as a pointer to an STL map and can be iterated or searched as
            desired. Note that multiple entries for the same key may exist when
            multiple keys have been enabled.
            NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual
            string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the
            CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these strings
            are in use!
            @param a_pSection       Name of the section to return
            @return boolean         Was a section matching the supplied
                                    name found.
        const TKeyVal * GetSection(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve the value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled
            (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key
            will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.
            NOTE! The returned value is a pointer to string data stored in memory
            owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed
            or Reset while you are using this pointer!
            @param a_pSection       Section to search
            @param a_pKey           Key to search for
            @param a_pDefault       Value to return if the key is not found
            @param a_pHasMultiple   Optionally receive notification of if there are
                                    multiple entries for this key.
            @return a_pDefault      Key was not found in the section
            @return other           Value of the key
        const SI_CHAR * GetValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pDefault     = NULL,
            bool *          a_pHasMultiple = NULL
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled
            (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key
            will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.
            @param a_pSection       Section to search
            @param a_pKey           Key to search for
            @param a_nDefault       Value to return if the key is not found
            @param a_pHasMultiple   Optionally receive notification of if there are
                                    multiple entries for this key.
            @return a_nDefault      Key was not found in the section
            @return other           Value of the key
        long GetLongValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            long            a_nDefault     = 0,
            bool *          a_pHasMultiple = NULL
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled
            (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key
            will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.
            @param a_pSection       Section to search
            @param a_pKey           Key to search for
            @param a_nDefault       Value to return if the key is not found
            @param a_pHasMultiple   Optionally receive notification of if there are
                                    multiple entries for this key.
            @return a_nDefault      Key was not found in the section
            @return other           Value of the key
        double GetDoubleValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            double          a_nDefault     = 0,
            bool *          a_pHasMultiple = NULL
            ) const;
        /** Retrieve a boolean value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled
            (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key
            will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.
            Strings starting with "t", "y", "on" or "1" are returned as logically true.
            Strings starting with "f", "n", "of" or "0" are returned as logically false.
            For all other values the default is returned. Character comparisons are 
            @param a_pSection       Section to search
            @param a_pKey           Key to search for
            @param a_bDefault       Value to return if the key is not found
            @param a_pHasMultiple   Optionally receive notification of if there are
                                    multiple entries for this key.
            @return a_nDefault      Key was not found in the section
            @return other           Value of the key
        bool GetBoolValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            bool            a_bDefault     = false,
            bool *          a_pHasMultiple = NULL
            ) const;
        /** Add or update a section or value. This will always insert
            when multiple keys are enabled.
            @param a_pSection   Section to add or update
            @param a_pKey       Key to add or update. Set to NULL to
                                create an empty section.
            @param a_pValue     Value to set. Set to NULL to create an
                                empty section.
            @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the section or the
                                key. If a_pKey is NULL then it will be associated
                                with the section, otherwise the key. Note that a
                                comment may be set ONLY when the section or key is
                                first created (i.e. when this function returns the
                                value SI_INSERTED). If you wish to create a section
                                with a comment then you need to create the section
                                separately to the key. The comment string must be
                                in full comment form already (have a comment
                                character starting every line).
            @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                                file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                                no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                                difference between Delete/SetValue and SetValue
                                with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load 
                                order and comment will be preserved this way.
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
            @return SI_UPDATED  Value was updated
            @return SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
        SI_Error SetValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pValue,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pComment      = NULL,
            bool            a_bForceReplace = false
            return AddEntry(a_pSection, a_pKey, a_pValue, a_pComment, a_bForceReplace, true);
        /** Add or update a numeric value. This will always insert
            when multiple keys are enabled.
            @param a_pSection   Section to add or update
            @param a_pKey       Key to add or update. 
            @param a_nValue     Value to set. 
            @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the key. See the 
                                notes on SetValue() for comments.
            @param a_bUseHex    By default the value will be written to the file 
                                in decimal format. Set this to true to write it 
                                as hexadecimal.
            @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                                file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                                no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                                difference between Delete/SetLongValue and 
                                SetLongValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that 
                                the load order and comment will be preserved this 
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
            @return SI_UPDATED  Value was updated
            @return SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
        SI_Error SetLongValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            long            a_nValue,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pComment      = NULL,
            bool            a_bUseHex       = false,
            bool            a_bForceReplace = false
        /** Add or update a double value. This will always insert
            when multiple keys are enabled.
            @param a_pSection   Section to add or update
            @param a_pKey       Key to add or update. 
            @param a_nValue     Value to set. 
            @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the key. See the 
                                notes on SetValue() for comments.
            @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                                file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                                no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                                difference between Delete/SetDoubleValue and 
                                SetDoubleValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that 
                                the load order and comment will be preserved this 
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
            @return SI_UPDATED  Value was updated
            @return SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
        SI_Error SetDoubleValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            double          a_nValue,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pComment      = NULL,
            bool            a_bForceReplace = false
        /** Add or update a boolean value. This will always insert
            when multiple keys are enabled.
            @param a_pSection   Section to add or update
            @param a_pKey       Key to add or update. 
            @param a_bValue     Value to set. 
            @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the key. See the 
                                notes on SetValue() for comments.
            @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                                file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                                no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                                difference between Delete/SetBoolValue and 
                                SetBoolValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that 
                                the load order and comment will be preserved this 
            @return SI_Error    See error definitions
            @return SI_UPDATED  Value was updated
            @return SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
        SI_Error SetBoolValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            bool            a_bValue,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pComment      = NULL,
            bool            a_bForceReplace = false
        /** Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. Note that the
            data returned by GetSection is invalid and must not be used after
            anything has been deleted from that section using this method.
            Note when multiple keys is enabled, this will delete all keys with
            that name; to selectively delete individual key/values, use
            @param a_pSection       Section to delete key from, or if
                                    a_pKey is NULL, the section to remove.
            @param a_pKey           Key to remove from the section. Set to
                                    NULL to remove the entire section.
            @param a_bRemoveEmpty   If the section is empty after this key has
                                    been deleted, should the empty section be
            @return true            Key or section was deleted.
            @return false           Key or section was not found.
        bool Delete(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            bool            a_bRemoveEmpty = false
        /** Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. If value is
            provided, only remove keys with the value. Note that the data
            returned by GetSection is invalid and must not be used after
            anything has been deleted from that section using this method.
            Note when multiple keys is enabled, all keys with the value will
            be deleted.
            @param a_pSection       Section to delete key from, or if
                                    a_pKey is NULL, the section to remove.
            @param a_pKey           Key to remove from the section. Set to
                                    NULL to remove the entire section.
            @param a_pValue         Value of key to remove from the section.
                                    Set to NULL to remove all keys.
            @param a_bRemoveEmpty   If the section is empty after this key has
                                    been deleted, should the empty section be
            @return true            Key/value or section was deleted.
            @return false           Key/value or section was not found.
        bool DeleteValue(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pValue,
            bool            a_bRemoveEmpty = false
        /** @}
            @{ @name Converter */
        /** Return a conversion object to convert text to the same encoding
            as is used by the Save(), SaveFile() and SaveString() functions.
            Use this to prepare the strings that you wish to append or prepend
            to the output INI data.
        Converter GetConverter() const {
            return Converter(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        /** @} */
        // copying is not permitted
        CSimpleIniTempl(const CSimpleIniTempl &); // disabled
        CSimpleIniTempl & operator=(const CSimpleIniTempl &); // disabled
        /** Parse the data looking for a file comment and store it if found.
        SI_Error FindFileComment(
            SI_CHAR *&      a_pData,
            bool            a_bCopyStrings
        /** Parse the data looking for the next valid entry. The memory pointed to
            by a_pData is modified by inserting NULL characters. The pointer is
            updated to the current location in the block of text.
        bool FindEntry(
            SI_CHAR *&  a_pData,
            const SI_CHAR *&  a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR *&  a_pKey,
            const SI_CHAR *&  a_pVal,
            const SI_CHAR *&  a_pComment
            ) const;
        /** Add the section/key/value to our data.
            @param a_pSection   Section name. Sections will be created if they
                                don't already exist.
            @param a_pKey       Key name. May be NULL to create an empty section.
                                Existing entries will be updated. New entries will
                                be created.
            @param a_pValue     Value for the key.
            @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the section or the
                                key. If a_pKey is NULL then it will be associated
                                with the section, otherwise the key. This must be
                                a string in full comment form already (have a
                                comment character starting every line).
            @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                                file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                                no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                                difference between Delete/AddEntry and AddEntry
                                with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load 
                                order and comment will be preserved this way.
            @param a_bCopyStrings   Should copies of the strings be made or not.
                                If false then the pointers will be used as is.
        SI_Error AddEntry(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pValue,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pComment,
            bool            a_bForceReplace,
            bool            a_bCopyStrings
        /** Is the supplied character a whitespace character? */
        inline bool IsSpace(SI_CHAR ch) const {
            return (ch == ' ' || ch == '	' || ch == '
    ' || ch == '
        /** Does the supplied character start a comment line? */
        inline bool IsComment(SI_CHAR ch) const {
            return (ch == ';' || ch == '#');
        /** Skip over a newline character (or characters) for either DOS or UNIX */
        inline void SkipNewLine(SI_CHAR *& a_pData) const {
            a_pData += (*a_pData == '
    ' && *(a_pData+1) == '
    ') ? 2 : 1;
        /** Make a copy of the supplied string, replacing the original pointer */
        SI_Error CopyString(const SI_CHAR *& a_pString);
        /** Delete a string from the copied strings buffer if necessary */
        void DeleteString(const SI_CHAR * a_pString);
        /** Internal use of our string comparison function */
        bool IsLess(const SI_CHAR * a_pLeft, const SI_CHAR * a_pRight) const {
            const static SI_STRLESS isLess = SI_STRLESS();
            return isLess(a_pLeft, a_pRight);
        bool IsMultiLineTag(const SI_CHAR * a_pData) const;
        bool IsMultiLineData(const SI_CHAR * a_pData) const;
        bool LoadMultiLineText(
            SI_CHAR *&          a_pData,
            const SI_CHAR *&    a_pVal,
            const SI_CHAR *     a_pTagName,
            bool                a_bAllowBlankLinesInComment = false
            ) const;
        bool IsNewLineChar(SI_CHAR a_c) const;
        bool OutputMultiLineText(
            OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
            Converter &     a_oConverter,
            const SI_CHAR * a_pText
            ) const;
        /** Copy of the INI file data in our character format. This will be
            modified when parsed to have NULL characters added after all
            interesting string entries. All of the string pointers to sections,
            keys and values point into this block of memory.
        SI_CHAR * m_pData;
        /** Length of the data that we have stored. Used when deleting strings
            to determine if the string is stored here or in the allocated string
        size_t m_uDataLen;
        /** File comment for this data, if one exists. */
        const SI_CHAR * m_pFileComment;
        /** Parsed INI data. Section -> (Key -> Value). */
        TSection m_data;
        /** This vector stores allocated memory for copies of strings that have
            been supplied after the file load. It will be empty unless SetValue()
            has been called.
        TNamesDepend m_strings;
        /** Is the format of our datafile UTF-8 or MBCS? */
        bool m_bStoreIsUtf8;
        /** Are multiple values permitted for the same key? */
        bool m_bAllowMultiKey;
        /** Are data values permitted to span multiple lines? */
        bool m_bAllowMultiLine;
        /** Should spaces be written out surrounding the equals sign? */
        bool m_bSpaces;
        /** Next order value, used to ensure sections and keys are output in the
            same order that they are loaded/added.
        int m_nOrder;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                                  IMPLEMENTATION
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        bool a_bIsUtf8,
        bool a_bAllowMultiKey,
        bool a_bAllowMultiLine
      : m_pData(0)
      , m_uDataLen(0)
      , m_pFileComment(NULL)
      , m_bStoreIsUtf8(a_bIsUtf8)
      , m_bAllowMultiKey(a_bAllowMultiKey)
      , m_bAllowMultiLine(a_bAllowMultiLine)
      , m_bSpaces(true)
      , m_nOrder(0)
    { }
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        // remove all data
        delete[] m_pData;
        m_pData = NULL;
        m_uDataLen = 0;
        m_pFileComment = NULL;
        if (!m_data.empty()) {
            m_data.erase(m_data.begin(), m_data.end());
        // remove all strings
        if (!m_strings.empty()) {
            typename TNamesDepend::iterator i = m_strings.begin();
            for (; i != m_strings.end(); ++i) {
                delete[] const_cast<SI_CHAR*>(i->pItem);
            m_strings.erase(m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end());
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const char * a_pszFile
        FILE * fp = NULL;
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        fopen_s(&fp, a_pszFile, "rb");
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        fp = fopen(a_pszFile, "rb");
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        if (!fp) {
            return SI_FILE;
        SI_Error rc = LoadFile(fp);
        return rc;
    #ifdef SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_WCHAR_T * a_pwszFile
    #ifdef _WIN32
        FILE * fp = NULL;
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        _wfopen_s(&fp, a_pwszFile, L"rb");
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        fp = _wfopen(a_pwszFile, L"rb");
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        if (!fp) return SI_FILE;
        SI_Error rc = LoadFile(fp);
        return rc;
    #else // !_WIN32 (therefore SI_CONVERT_ICU)
        char szFile[256];
        u_austrncpy(szFile, a_pwszFile, sizeof(szFile));
        return LoadFile(szFile);
    #endif // _WIN32
    #endif // SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        FILE * a_fpFile
        // load the raw file data
        int retval = fseek(a_fpFile, 0, SEEK_END);
        if (retval != 0) {
            return SI_FILE;
        long lSize = ftell(a_fpFile);
        if (lSize < 0) {
            return SI_FILE;
        if (lSize == 0) {
            return SI_OK;
        // allocate and ensure NULL terminated
        char * pData = new(std::nothrow) char[lSize+1];
        if (!pData) {
            return SI_NOMEM;
        pData[lSize] = 0;
        // load data into buffer
        fseek(a_fpFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
        size_t uRead = fread(pData, sizeof(char), lSize, a_fpFile);
        if (uRead != (size_t) lSize) {
            delete[] pData;
            return SI_FILE;
        // convert the raw data to unicode
        SI_Error rc = LoadData(pData, uRead);
        delete[] pData;
        return rc;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const char *    a_pData,
        size_t          a_uDataLen
        if (!a_pData) {
            return SI_OK;
        // if the UTF-8 BOM exists, consume it and set mode to unicode, if we have
        // already loaded data and try to change mode half-way through then this will
        // be ignored and we will assert in debug versions
        if (a_uDataLen >= 3 && memcmp(a_pData, SI_UTF8_SIGNATURE, 3) == 0) {
            a_pData    += 3;
            a_uDataLen -= 3;
            SI_ASSERT(m_bStoreIsUtf8 || !m_pData); // we don't expect mixed mode data
        if (a_uDataLen == 0) {
            return SI_OK;
        // determine the length of the converted data
        SI_CONVERTER converter(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        size_t uLen = converter.SizeFromStore(a_pData, a_uDataLen);
        if (uLen == (size_t)(-1)) {
            return SI_FAIL;
        // allocate memory for the data, ensure that there is a NULL
        // terminator wherever the converted data ends
        SI_CHAR * pData = new(std::nothrow) SI_CHAR[uLen+1];
        if (!pData) {
            return SI_NOMEM;
        memset(pData, 0, sizeof(SI_CHAR)*(uLen+1));
        // convert the data
        if (!converter.ConvertFromStore(a_pData, a_uDataLen, pData, uLen)) {
            delete[] pData;
            return SI_FAIL;
        // parse it
        const static SI_CHAR empty = 0;
        SI_CHAR * pWork = pData;
        const SI_CHAR * pSection = &empty;
        const SI_CHAR * pItem = NULL;
        const SI_CHAR * pVal = NULL;
        const SI_CHAR * pComment = NULL;
        // We copy the strings if we are loading data into this class when we
        // already have stored some.
        bool bCopyStrings = (m_pData != NULL);
        // find a file comment if it exists, this is a comment that starts at the
        // beginning of the file and continues until the first blank line.
        SI_Error rc = FindFileComment(pWork, bCopyStrings);
        if (rc < 0) return rc;
        // add every entry in the file to the data table
        while (FindEntry(pWork, pSection, pItem, pVal, pComment)) {
            rc = AddEntry(pSection, pItem, pVal, pComment, false, bCopyStrings);
            if (rc < 0) return rc;
        // store these strings if we didn't copy them
        if (bCopyStrings) {
            delete[] pData;
        else {
            m_pData = pData;
            m_uDataLen = uLen+1;
        return SI_OK;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        std::istream & a_istream
        std::string strData;
        char szBuf[512];
        do {
            a_istream.get(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), '');
        while (a_istream.good());
        return LoadData(strData);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        SI_CHAR *&      a_pData,
        bool            a_bCopyStrings
        // there can only be a single file comment
        if (m_pFileComment) {
            return SI_OK;
        // Load the file comment as multi-line text, this will modify all of
        // the newline characters to be single 
        if (!LoadMultiLineText(a_pData, m_pFileComment, NULL, false)) {
            return SI_OK;
        // copy the string if necessary
        if (a_bCopyStrings) {
            SI_Error rc = CopyString(m_pFileComment);
            if (rc < 0) return rc;
        return SI_OK;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        SI_CHAR *&        a_pData,
        const SI_CHAR *&  a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR *&  a_pKey,
        const SI_CHAR *&  a_pVal,
        const SI_CHAR *&  a_pComment
        ) const
        a_pComment = NULL;
        SI_CHAR * pTrail = NULL;
        while (*a_pData) {
            // skip spaces and empty lines
            while (*a_pData && IsSpace(*a_pData)) {
            if (!*a_pData) {
            // skip processing of comment lines but keep a pointer to
            // the start of the comment.
            if (IsComment(*a_pData)) {
                LoadMultiLineText(a_pData, a_pComment, NULL, true);
            // process section names
            if (*a_pData == '[') {
                // skip leading spaces
                while (*a_pData && IsSpace(*a_pData)) {
                // find the end of the section name (it may contain spaces)
                // and convert it to lowercase as necessary
                a_pSection = a_pData;
                while (*a_pData && *a_pData != ']' && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
                // if it's an invalid line, just skip it
                if (*a_pData != ']') {
                // remove trailing spaces from the section
                pTrail = a_pData - 1;
                while (pTrail >= a_pSection && IsSpace(*pTrail)) {
                *pTrail = 0;
                // skip to the end of the line
                ++a_pData;  // safe as checked that it == ']' above
                while (*a_pData && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
                a_pKey = NULL;
                a_pVal = NULL;
                return true;
            // find the end of the key name (it may contain spaces)
            // and convert it to lowercase as necessary
            a_pKey = a_pData;
            while (*a_pData && *a_pData != '=' && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
            // if it's an invalid line, just skip it
            if (*a_pData != '=') {
            // empty keys are invalid
            if (a_pKey == a_pData) {
                while (*a_pData && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
            // remove trailing spaces from the key
            pTrail = a_pData - 1;
            while (pTrail >= a_pKey && IsSpace(*pTrail)) {
            *pTrail = 0;
            // skip leading whitespace on the value
            ++a_pData;  // safe as checked that it == '=' above
            while (*a_pData && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData) && IsSpace(*a_pData)) {
            // find the end of the value which is the end of this line
            a_pVal = a_pData;
            while (*a_pData && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
            // remove trailing spaces from the value
            pTrail = a_pData - 1;
            if (*a_pData) { // prepare for the next round
            while (pTrail >= a_pVal && IsSpace(*pTrail)) {
            *pTrail = 0;
            // check for multi-line entries
            if (m_bAllowMultiLine && IsMultiLineTag(a_pVal)) {
                // skip the "<<<" to get the tag that will end the multiline
                const SI_CHAR * pTagName = a_pVal + 3;
                return LoadMultiLineText(a_pData, a_pVal, pTagName);
            // return the standard entry
            return true;
        return false;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pVal
        ) const
        // check for the "<<<" prefix for a multi-line entry
        if (*a_pVal++ != '<') return false;
        if (*a_pVal++ != '<') return false;
        if (*a_pVal++ != '<') return false;
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pData
        ) const
        // data is multi-line if it has any of the following features:
        //  * whitespace prefix
        //  * embedded newlines
        //  * whitespace suffix
        // empty string
        if (!*a_pData) {
            return false;
        // check for prefix
        if (IsSpace(*a_pData)) {
            return true;
        // embedded newlines
        while (*a_pData) {
            if (IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) {
                return true;
        // check for suffix
        if (IsSpace(*--a_pData)) {
            return true;
        return false;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        SI_CHAR a_c
        ) const
        return (a_c == '
    ' || a_c == '
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        SI_CHAR *&          a_pData,
        const SI_CHAR *&    a_pVal,
        const SI_CHAR *     a_pTagName,
        bool                a_bAllowBlankLinesInComment
        ) const
        // we modify this data to strip all newlines down to a single '
        // character. This means that on Windows we need to strip out some
        // characters which will make the data shorter.
        // i.e.  LINE1-LINE1
    LINE2-LINE2 will become
        //       LINE1-LINE1
        // The pDataLine entry is the pointer to the location in memory that
        // the current line needs to start to run following the existing one.
        // This may be the same as pCurrLine in which case no move is needed.
        SI_CHAR * pDataLine = a_pData;
        SI_CHAR * pCurrLine;
        // value starts at the current line
        a_pVal = a_pData;
        // find the end tag. This tag must start in column 1 and be
        // followed by a newline. No whitespace removal is done while
        // searching for this tag.
        SI_CHAR cEndOfLineChar = *a_pData;
        for(;;) {
            // if we are loading comments then we need a comment character as
            // the first character on every line
            if (!a_pTagName && !IsComment(*a_pData)) {
                // if we aren't allowing blank lines then we're done
                if (!a_bAllowBlankLinesInComment) {
                // if we are allowing blank lines then we only include them
                // in this comment if another comment follows, so read ahead
                // to find out.
                SI_CHAR * pCurr = a_pData;
                int nNewLines = 0;
                while (IsSpace(*pCurr)) {
                    if (IsNewLineChar(*pCurr)) {
                    else {
                // we have a comment, add the blank lines to the output
                // and continue processing from here
                if (IsComment(*pCurr)) {
                    for (; nNewLines > 0; --nNewLines) *pDataLine++ = '
                    a_pData = pCurr;
                // the comment ends here
            // find the end of this line
            pCurrLine = a_pData;
            while (*a_pData && !IsNewLineChar(*a_pData)) ++a_pData;
            // move this line down to the location that it should be if necessary
            if (pDataLine < pCurrLine) {
                size_t nLen = (size_t) (a_pData - pCurrLine);
                memmove(pDataLine, pCurrLine, nLen * sizeof(SI_CHAR));
                pDataLine[nLen] = '';
            // end the line with a NULL
            cEndOfLineChar = *a_pData;
            *a_pData = 0;
            // if are looking for a tag then do the check now. This is done before
            // checking for end of the data, so that if we have the tag at the end
            // of the data then the tag is removed correctly.
            if (a_pTagName &&
                (!IsLess(pDataLine, a_pTagName) && !IsLess(a_pTagName, pDataLine)))
            // if we are at the end of the data then we just automatically end
            // this entry and return the current data.
            if (!cEndOfLineChar) {
                return true;
            // otherwise we need to process this newline to ensure that it consists
            // of just a single 
            pDataLine += (a_pData - pCurrLine);
            *a_pData = cEndOfLineChar;
            *pDataLine++ = '
        // if we didn't find a comment at all then return false
        if (a_pVal == a_pData) {
            a_pVal = NULL;
            return false;
        // the data (which ends at the end of the last line) needs to be
        // null-terminated BEFORE before the newline character(s). If the
        // user wants a new line in the multi-line data then they need to
        // add an empty line before the tag.
        *--pDataLine = '';
        // if looking for a tag and if we aren't at the end of the data,
        // then move a_pData to the start of the next line.
        if (a_pTagName && cEndOfLineChar) {
            *a_pData = cEndOfLineChar;
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR *& a_pString
        size_t uLen = 0;
        if (sizeof(SI_CHAR) == sizeof(char)) {
            uLen = strlen((const char *)a_pString);
        else if (sizeof(SI_CHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t)) {
            uLen = wcslen((const wchar_t *)a_pString);
        else {
            for ( ; a_pString[uLen]; ++uLen) /*loop*/ ;
        ++uLen; // NULL character
        SI_CHAR * pCopy = new(std::nothrow) SI_CHAR[uLen];
        if (!pCopy) {
            return SI_NOMEM;
        memcpy(pCopy, a_pString, sizeof(SI_CHAR)*uLen);
        a_pString = pCopy;
        return SI_OK;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pValue,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pComment,
        bool            a_bForceReplace,
        bool            a_bCopyStrings
        SI_Error rc;
        bool bInserted = false;
        SI_ASSERT(!a_pComment || IsComment(*a_pComment));
        // if we are copying strings then make a copy of the comment now
        // because we will need it when we add the entry.
        if (a_bCopyStrings && a_pComment) {
            rc = CopyString(a_pComment);
            if (rc < 0) return rc;
        // create the section entry if necessary
        typename TSection::iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            // if the section doesn't exist then we need a copy as the
            // string needs to last beyond the end of this function
            if (a_bCopyStrings) {
                rc = CopyString(a_pSection);
                if (rc < 0) return rc;
            // only set the comment if this is a section only entry
            Entry oSection(a_pSection, ++m_nOrder);
            if (a_pComment && (!a_pKey || !a_pValue)) {
                oSection.pComment = a_pComment;
            typename TSection::value_type oEntry(oSection, TKeyVal());
            typedef typename TSection::iterator SectionIterator;
            std::pair<SectionIterator,bool> i = m_data.insert(oEntry);
            iSection = i.first;
            bInserted = true;
        if (!a_pKey || !a_pValue) {
            // section only entries are specified with pItem and pVal as NULL
            return bInserted ? SI_INSERTED : SI_UPDATED;
        // check for existence of the key
        TKeyVal & keyval = iSection->second;
        typename TKeyVal::iterator iKey = keyval.find(a_pKey);
        // remove all existing entries but save the load order and
        // comment of the first entry
        int nLoadOrder = ++m_nOrder;
        if (iKey != keyval.end() && m_bAllowMultiKey && a_bForceReplace) {
            const SI_CHAR * pComment = NULL;
            while (iKey != keyval.end() && !IsLess(a_pKey, iKey->first.pItem)) {
                if (iKey->first.nOrder < nLoadOrder) {
                    nLoadOrder = iKey->first.nOrder;
                    pComment   = iKey->first.pComment;
            if (pComment) {
                a_pComment = pComment;
            Delete(a_pSection, a_pKey);
            iKey = keyval.end();
        // make string copies if necessary
        bool bForceCreateNewKey = m_bAllowMultiKey && !a_bForceReplace;
        if (a_bCopyStrings) {
            if (bForceCreateNewKey || iKey == keyval.end()) {
                // if the key doesn't exist then we need a copy as the
                // string needs to last beyond the end of this function
                // because we will be inserting the key next
                rc = CopyString(a_pKey);
                if (rc < 0) return rc;
            // we always need a copy of the value
            rc = CopyString(a_pValue);
            if (rc < 0) return rc;
        // create the key entry
        if (iKey == keyval.end() || bForceCreateNewKey) {
            Entry oKey(a_pKey, nLoadOrder);
            if (a_pComment) {
                oKey.pComment = a_pComment;
            typename TKeyVal::value_type oEntry(oKey, static_cast<const SI_CHAR *>(NULL));
            iKey = keyval.insert(oEntry);
            bInserted = true;
        iKey->second = a_pValue;
        return bInserted ? SI_INSERTED : SI_UPDATED;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
    const SI_CHAR *
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pDefault,
        bool *          a_pHasMultiple
        ) const
        if (a_pHasMultiple) {
            *a_pHasMultiple = false;
        if (!a_pSection || !a_pKey) {
            return a_pDefault;
        typename TSection::const_iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            return a_pDefault;
        typename TKeyVal::const_iterator iKeyVal = iSection->second.find(a_pKey);
        if (iKeyVal == iSection->second.end()) {
            return a_pDefault;
        // check for multiple entries with the same key
        if (m_bAllowMultiKey && a_pHasMultiple) {
            typename TKeyVal::const_iterator iTemp = iKeyVal;
            if (++iTemp != iSection->second.end()) {
                if (!IsLess(a_pKey, iTemp->first.pItem)) {
                    *a_pHasMultiple = true;
        return iKeyVal->second;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        long            a_nDefault,
        bool *          a_pHasMultiple
        ) const
        // return the default if we don't have a value
        const SI_CHAR * pszValue = GetValue(a_pSection, a_pKey, NULL, a_pHasMultiple);
        if (!pszValue || !*pszValue) return a_nDefault;
        // convert to UTF-8/MBCS which for a numeric value will be the same as ASCII
        char szValue[64] = { 0 };
        SI_CONVERTER c(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        if (!c.ConvertToStore(pszValue, szValue, sizeof(szValue))) {
            return a_nDefault;
        // handle the value as hex if prefaced with "0x"
        long nValue = a_nDefault;
        char * pszSuffix = szValue;
        if (szValue[0] == '0' && (szValue[1] == 'x' || szValue[1] == 'X')) {
            if (!szValue[2]) return a_nDefault;
            nValue = strtol(&szValue[2], &pszSuffix, 16);
        else {
            nValue = strtol(szValue, &pszSuffix, 10);
        // any invalid strings will return the default value
        if (*pszSuffix) { 
            return a_nDefault; 
        return nValue;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        long            a_nValue,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pComment,
        bool            a_bUseHex,
        bool            a_bForceReplace
        // use SetValue to create sections
        if (!a_pSection || !a_pKey) return SI_FAIL;
        // convert to an ASCII string
        char szInput[64];
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        sprintf_s(szInput, a_bUseHex ? "0x%lx" : "%ld", a_nValue);
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        sprintf(szInput, a_bUseHex ? "0x%lx" : "%ld", a_nValue);
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        // convert to output text
        SI_CHAR szOutput[64];
        SI_CONVERTER c(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        c.ConvertFromStore(szInput, strlen(szInput) + 1, 
            szOutput, sizeof(szOutput) / sizeof(SI_CHAR));
        // actually add it
        return AddEntry(a_pSection, a_pKey, szOutput, a_pComment, a_bForceReplace, true);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        double          a_nDefault,
        bool *          a_pHasMultiple
        ) const
        // return the default if we don't have a value
        const SI_CHAR * pszValue = GetValue(a_pSection, a_pKey, NULL, a_pHasMultiple);
        if (!pszValue || !*pszValue) return a_nDefault;
        // convert to UTF-8/MBCS which for a numeric value will be the same as ASCII
        char szValue[64] = { 0 };
        SI_CONVERTER c(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        if (!c.ConvertToStore(pszValue, szValue, sizeof(szValue))) {
            return a_nDefault;
        char * pszSuffix = NULL;
        double nValue = strtod(szValue, &pszSuffix);
        // any invalid strings will return the default value
        if (!pszSuffix || *pszSuffix) { 
            return a_nDefault; 
        return nValue;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        double          a_nValue,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pComment,
        bool            a_bForceReplace
        // use SetValue to create sections
        if (!a_pSection || !a_pKey) return SI_FAIL;
        // convert to an ASCII string
        char szInput[64];
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        sprintf_s(szInput, "%f", a_nValue);
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        sprintf(szInput, "%f", a_nValue);
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        // convert to output text
        SI_CHAR szOutput[64];
        SI_CONVERTER c(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        c.ConvertFromStore(szInput, strlen(szInput) + 1, 
            szOutput, sizeof(szOutput) / sizeof(SI_CHAR));
        // actually add it
        return AddEntry(a_pSection, a_pKey, szOutput, a_pComment, a_bForceReplace, true);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        bool            a_bDefault,
        bool *          a_pHasMultiple
        ) const
        // return the default if we don't have a value
        const SI_CHAR * pszValue = GetValue(a_pSection, a_pKey, NULL, a_pHasMultiple);
        if (!pszValue || !*pszValue) return a_bDefault;
        // we only look at the minimum number of characters
        switch (pszValue[0]) {
        case 't': case 'T': // true
        case 'y': case 'Y': // yes
        case '1':           // 1 (one)
            return true;
        case 'f': case 'F': // false
        case 'n': case 'N': // no
        case '0':           // 0 (zero)
            return false;
        case 'o': case 'O':
            if (pszValue[1] == 'n' || pszValue[1] == 'N') return true;  // on
            if (pszValue[1] == 'f' || pszValue[1] == 'F') return false; // off
        // no recognized value, return the default
        return a_bDefault;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        bool            a_bValue,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pComment,
        bool            a_bForceReplace
        // use SetValue to create sections
        if (!a_pSection || !a_pKey) return SI_FAIL;
        // convert to an ASCII string
        const char * pszInput = a_bValue ? "true" : "false";
        // convert to output text
        SI_CHAR szOutput[64];
        SI_CONVERTER c(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        c.ConvertFromStore(pszInput, strlen(pszInput) + 1, 
            szOutput, sizeof(szOutput) / sizeof(SI_CHAR));
        // actually add it
        return AddEntry(a_pSection, a_pKey, szOutput, a_pComment, a_bForceReplace, true);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        TNamesDepend &  a_values
        ) const
        if (!a_pSection || !a_pKey) {
            return false;
        typename TSection::const_iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            return false;
        typename TKeyVal::const_iterator iKeyVal = iSection->second.find(a_pKey);
        if (iKeyVal == iSection->second.end()) {
            return false;
        // insert all values for this key
        a_values.push_back(Entry(iKeyVal->second, iKeyVal->first.pComment, iKeyVal->first.nOrder));
        if (m_bAllowMultiKey) {
            while (iKeyVal != iSection->second.end() && !IsLess(a_pKey, iKeyVal->first.pItem)) {
                a_values.push_back(Entry(iKeyVal->second, iKeyVal->first.pComment, iKeyVal->first.nOrder));
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection
        ) const
        if (!a_pSection) {
            return -1;
        typename TSection::const_iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            return -1;
        const TKeyVal & section = iSection->second;
        // if multi-key isn't permitted then the section size is
        // the number of keys that we have.
        if (!m_bAllowMultiKey || section.empty()) {
            return (int) section.size();
        // otherwise we need to count them
        int nCount = 0;
        const SI_CHAR * pLastKey = NULL;
        typename TKeyVal::const_iterator iKeyVal = section.begin();
        for (int n = 0; iKeyVal != section.end(); ++iKeyVal, ++n) {
            if (!pLastKey || IsLess(pLastKey, iKeyVal->first.pItem)) {
                pLastKey = iKeyVal->first.pItem;
        return nCount;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
    const typename CSimpleIniTempl<SI_CHAR,SI_STRLESS,SI_CONVERTER>::TKeyVal *
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection
        ) const
        if (a_pSection) {
            typename TSection::const_iterator i = m_data.find(a_pSection);
            if (i != m_data.end()) {
                return &(i->second);
        return 0;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        TNamesDepend & a_names
        ) const
        typename TSection::const_iterator i = m_data.begin();
        for (int n = 0; i != m_data.end(); ++i, ++n ) {
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        TNamesDepend &  a_names
        ) const
        if (!a_pSection) {
            return false;
        typename TSection::const_iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            return false;
        const TKeyVal & section = iSection->second;
        const SI_CHAR * pLastKey = NULL;
        typename TKeyVal::const_iterator iKeyVal = section.begin();
        for (int n = 0; iKeyVal != section.end(); ++iKeyVal, ++n ) {
            if (!pLastKey || IsLess(pLastKey, iKeyVal->first.pItem)) {
                pLastKey = iKeyVal->first.pItem;
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const char *    a_pszFile,
        bool            a_bAddSignature
        ) const
        FILE * fp = NULL;
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        fopen_s(&fp, a_pszFile, "wb");
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        fp = fopen(a_pszFile, "wb");
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        if (!fp) return SI_FILE;
        SI_Error rc = SaveFile(fp, a_bAddSignature);
        return rc;
    #ifdef SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_WCHAR_T *  a_pwszFile,
        bool                a_bAddSignature
        ) const
    #ifdef _WIN32
        FILE * fp = NULL;
    #if __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ && !_WIN32_WCE
        _wfopen_s(&fp, a_pwszFile, L"wb");
    #else // !__STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        fp = _wfopen(a_pwszFile, L"wb");
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
        if (!fp) return SI_FILE;
        SI_Error rc = SaveFile(fp, a_bAddSignature);
        return rc;
    #else // !_WIN32 (therefore SI_CONVERT_ICU)
        char szFile[256];
        u_austrncpy(szFile, a_pwszFile, sizeof(szFile));
        return SaveFile(szFile, a_bAddSignature);
    #endif // _WIN32
    #endif // SI_HAS_WIDE_FILE
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        FILE *  a_pFile,
        bool    a_bAddSignature
        ) const
        FileWriter writer(a_pFile);
        return Save(writer, a_bAddSignature);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
        bool            a_bAddSignature
        ) const
        Converter convert(m_bStoreIsUtf8);
        // add the UTF-8 signature if it is desired
        if (m_bStoreIsUtf8 && a_bAddSignature) {
        // get all of the sections sorted in load order
        TNamesDepend oSections;
    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
    #elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
        oSections.sort(typename Entry::LoadOrder());
        // write the file comment if we have one
        bool bNeedNewLine = false;
        if (m_pFileComment) {
            if (!OutputMultiLineText(a_oOutput, convert, m_pFileComment)) {
                return SI_FAIL;
            bNeedNewLine = true;
        // iterate through our sections and output the data
        typename TNamesDepend::const_iterator iSection = oSections.begin();
        for ( ; iSection != oSections.end(); ++iSection ) {
            // write out the comment if there is one
            if (iSection->pComment) {
                if (bNeedNewLine) {
                if (!OutputMultiLineText(a_oOutput, convert, iSection->pComment)) {
                    return SI_FAIL;
                bNeedNewLine = false;
            if (bNeedNewLine) {
                bNeedNewLine = false;
            // write the section (unless there is no section name)
            if (*iSection->pItem) {
                if (!convert.ConvertToStore(iSection->pItem)) {
                    return SI_FAIL;
            // get all of the keys sorted in load order
            TNamesDepend oKeys;
            GetAllKeys(iSection->pItem, oKeys);
    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
    #elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
            oKeys.sort(typename Entry::LoadOrder());
            // write all keys and values
            typename TNamesDepend::const_iterator iKey = oKeys.begin();
            for ( ; iKey != oKeys.end(); ++iKey) {
                // get all values for this key
                TNamesDepend oValues;
                GetAllValues(iSection->pItem, iKey->pItem, oValues);
                typename TNamesDepend::const_iterator iValue = oValues.begin();
                for ( ; iValue != oValues.end(); ++iValue) {
                    // write out the comment if there is one
                    if (iValue->pComment) {
                        if (!OutputMultiLineText(a_oOutput, convert, iValue->pComment)) {
                            return SI_FAIL;
                    // write the key
                    if (!convert.ConvertToStore(iKey->pItem)) {
                        return SI_FAIL;
                    // write the value
                    if (!convert.ConvertToStore(iValue->pItem)) {
                        return SI_FAIL;
                    a_oOutput.Write(m_bSpaces ? " = " : "=");
                    if (m_bAllowMultiLine && IsMultiLineData(iValue->pItem)) {
                        // multi-line data needs to be processed specially to ensure
                        // that we use the correct newline format for the current system
                        a_oOutput.Write("<<<END_OF_TEXT" SI_NEWLINE_A);
                        if (!OutputMultiLineText(a_oOutput, convert, iValue->pItem)) {
                            return SI_FAIL;
                    else {
            bNeedNewLine = true;
        return SI_OK;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
        Converter &     a_oConverter,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pText
        ) const
        const SI_CHAR * pEndOfLine;
        SI_CHAR cEndOfLineChar = *a_pText;
        while (cEndOfLineChar) {
            // find the end of this line
            pEndOfLine = a_pText;
            for (; *pEndOfLine && *pEndOfLine != '
    '; ++pEndOfLine) /*loop*/ ;
            cEndOfLineChar = *pEndOfLine;
            // temporarily null terminate, convert and output the line
            *const_cast<SI_CHAR*>(pEndOfLine) = 0;
            if (!a_oConverter.ConvertToStore(a_pText)) {
                return false;
            *const_cast<SI_CHAR*>(pEndOfLine) = cEndOfLineChar;
            a_pText += (pEndOfLine - a_pText) + 1;
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        bool            a_bRemoveEmpty
        return DeleteValue(a_pSection, a_pKey, NULL, a_bRemoveEmpty);
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pSection,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pKey,
        const SI_CHAR * a_pValue,
        bool            a_bRemoveEmpty
        if (!a_pSection) {
            return false;
        typename TSection::iterator iSection = m_data.find(a_pSection);
        if (iSection == m_data.end()) {
            return false;
        // remove a single key if we have a keyname
        if (a_pKey) {
            typename TKeyVal::iterator iKeyVal = iSection->second.find(a_pKey);
            if (iKeyVal == iSection->second.end()) {
                return false;
            const static SI_STRLESS isLess = SI_STRLESS();
            // remove any copied strings and then the key
            typename TKeyVal::iterator iDelete;
            bool bDeleted = false;
            do {
                iDelete = iKeyVal++;
                if(a_pValue == NULL ||
                (isLess(a_pValue, iDelete->second) == false &&
                isLess(iDelete->second, a_pValue) == false)) {
                    bDeleted = true;
            while (iKeyVal != iSection->second.end()
                && !IsLess(a_pKey, iKeyVal->first.pItem));
            if(!bDeleted) {
                return false;
            // done now if the section is not empty or we are not pruning away
            // the empty sections. Otherwise let it fall through into the section
            // deletion code
            if (!a_bRemoveEmpty || !iSection->second.empty()) {
                return true;
        else {
            // delete all copied strings from this section. The actual
            // entries will be removed when the section is removed.
            typename TKeyVal::iterator iKeyVal = iSection->second.begin();
            for ( ; iKeyVal != iSection->second.end(); ++iKeyVal) {
        // delete the section itself
        return true;
    template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
        const SI_CHAR * a_pString
        // strings may exist either inside the data block, or they will be
        // individually allocated and stored in m_strings. We only physically
        // delete those stored in m_strings.
        if (a_pString < m_pData || a_pString >= m_pData + m_uDataLen) {
            typename TNamesDepend::iterator i = m_strings.begin();
            for (;i != m_strings.end(); ++i) {
                if (a_pString == i->pItem) {
                    delete[] const_cast<SI_CHAR*>(i->pItem);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              CONVERSION FUNCTIONS
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Defines the conversion classes for different libraries. Before including
    // SimpleIni.h, set the converter that you wish you use by defining one of the
    // following symbols.
    //  SI_CONVERT_GENERIC      Use the Unicode reference conversion library in
    //                          the accompanying files ConvertUTF.h/c
    //  SI_CONVERT_ICU          Use the IBM ICU conversion library. Requires
    //                          ICU headers on include path and icuuc.lib
    //  SI_CONVERT_WIN32        Use the Win32 API functions for conversion.
    #if !defined(SI_CONVERT_GENERIC) && !defined(SI_CONVERT_WIN32) && !defined(SI_CONVERT_ICU)
    # ifdef _WIN32
    #  define SI_CONVERT_WIN32
    # else
    #  define SI_CONVERT_GENERIC
    # endif
     * Generic case-sensitive less than comparison. This class returns numerically
     * ordered ASCII case-sensitive text for all possible sizes and types of
     * SI_CHAR.
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    struct SI_GenericCase {
        bool operator()(const SI_CHAR * pLeft, const SI_CHAR * pRight) const {
            long cmp;
            for ( ;*pLeft && *pRight; ++pLeft, ++pRight) {
                cmp = (long) *pLeft - (long) *pRight;
                if (cmp != 0) {
                    return cmp < 0;
            return *pRight != 0;
     * Generic ASCII case-insensitive less than comparison. This class returns
     * numerically ordered ASCII case-insensitive text for all possible sizes
     * and types of SI_CHAR. It is not safe for MBCS text comparison where
     * ASCII A-Z characters are used in the encoding of multi-byte characters.
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    struct SI_GenericNoCase {
        inline SI_CHAR locase(SI_CHAR ch) const {
            return (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z') ? ch : (ch - 'A' + 'a');
        bool operator()(const SI_CHAR * pLeft, const SI_CHAR * pRight) const {
            long cmp;
            for ( ;*pLeft && *pRight; ++pLeft, ++pRight) {
                cmp = (long) locase(*pLeft) - (long) locase(*pRight);
                if (cmp != 0) {
                    return cmp < 0;
            return *pRight != 0;
     * Null conversion class for MBCS/UTF-8 to char (or equivalent).
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    class SI_ConvertA {
        bool m_bStoreIsUtf8;
        SI_ConvertA() { }
        SI_ConvertA(bool a_bStoreIsUtf8) : m_bStoreIsUtf8(a_bStoreIsUtf8) { }
        /* copy and assignment */
        SI_ConvertA(const SI_ConvertA & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
        SI_ConvertA & operator=(const SI_ConvertA & rhs) {
            m_bStoreIsUtf8 = rhs.m_bStoreIsUtf8;
            return *this;
        /** Calculate the number of SI_CHAR required for converting the input
         * from the storage format. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @return              Number of SI_CHAR required by the string when
         *                      converted. If there are embedded NULL bytes in the
         *                      input data, only the string up and not including
         *                      the NULL byte will be converted.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen)
            SI_ASSERT(a_uInputDataLen != (size_t) -1);
            // ASCII/MBCS/UTF-8 needs no conversion
            return a_uInputDataLen;
        /** Convert the input string from the storage format to SI_CHAR.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the output buffer to received the
         *                      converted data.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in SI_CHAR.
         * @return              true if all of the input data was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen,
            SI_CHAR *       a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            // ASCII/MBCS/UTF-8 needs no conversion
            if (a_uInputDataLen > a_uOutputDataSize) {
                return false;
            memcpy(a_pOutputData, a_pInputData, a_uInputDataLen);
            return true;
        /** Calculate the number of char required by the storage format of this
         * data. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated string to calculate the number of
         *                      bytes required to be converted to storage format.
         * @return              Number of bytes required by the string when
         *                      converted to storage format. This size always
         *                      includes space for the terminating NULL character.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData)
            // ASCII/MBCS/UTF-8 needs no conversion
            return strlen((const char *)a_pInputData) + 1;
        /** Convert the input string to the storage format of this data.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated source string to convert. All of
         *                      the data will be converted including the
         *                      terminating NULL character.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the buffer to receive the converted
         *                      string.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in char.
         * @return              true if all of the input data, including the
         *                      terminating NULL character was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData,
            char *          a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            // calc input string length (SI_CHAR type and size independent)
            size_t uInputLen = strlen((const char *)a_pInputData) + 1;
            if (uInputLen > a_uOutputDataSize) {
                return false;
            // ascii/UTF-8 needs no conversion
            memcpy(a_pOutputData, a_pInputData, uInputLen);
            return true;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              SI_CONVERT_GENERIC
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #define SI_Case     SI_GenericCase
    #define SI_NoCase   SI_GenericNoCase
    #include <wchar.h>
    #include "ConvertUTF.h"
     * Converts UTF-8 to a wchar_t (or equivalent) using the Unicode reference
     * library functions. This can be used on all platforms.
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    class SI_ConvertW {
        bool m_bStoreIsUtf8;
        SI_ConvertW() { }
        SI_ConvertW(bool a_bStoreIsUtf8) : m_bStoreIsUtf8(a_bStoreIsUtf8) { }
        /* copy and assignment */
        SI_ConvertW(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
        SI_ConvertW & operator=(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) {
            m_bStoreIsUtf8 = rhs.m_bStoreIsUtf8;
            return *this;
        /** Calculate the number of SI_CHAR required for converting the input
         * from the storage format. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @return              Number of SI_CHAR required by the string when
         *                      converted. If there are embedded NULL bytes in the
         *                      input data, only the string up and not including
         *                      the NULL byte will be converted.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen)
            SI_ASSERT(a_uInputDataLen != (size_t) -1);
            if (m_bStoreIsUtf8) {
                // worst case scenario for UTF-8 to wchar_t is 1 char -> 1 wchar_t
                // so we just return the same number of characters required as for
                // the source text.
                return a_uInputDataLen;
    #if defined(SI_NO_MBSTOWCS_NULL) || (!defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_linux))
            // fall back processing for platforms that don't support a NULL dest to mbstowcs
            // worst case scenario is 1:1, this will be a sufficient buffer size
            return a_uInputDataLen;
            // get the actual required buffer size
            return mbstowcs(NULL, a_pInputData, a_uInputDataLen);
        /** Convert the input string from the storage format to SI_CHAR.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                       must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                       NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the output buffer to received the
         *                       converted data.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in SI_CHAR.
         * @return              true if all of the input data was successfully
         *                       converted.
        bool ConvertFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen,
            SI_CHAR *       a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            if (m_bStoreIsUtf8) {
                // This uses the Unicode reference implementation to do the
                // conversion from UTF-8 to wchar_t. The required files are
                // ConvertUTF.h and ConvertUTF.c which should be included in
                // the distribution but are publically available from unicode.org
                // at http://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/CVTUTF/
                ConversionResult retval;
                const UTF8 * pUtf8 = (const UTF8 *) a_pInputData;
                if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF32)) {
                    UTF32 * pUtf32 = (UTF32 *) a_pOutputData;
                    retval = ConvertUTF8toUTF32(
                        &pUtf8, pUtf8 + a_uInputDataLen,
                        &pUtf32, pUtf32 + a_uOutputDataSize,
                else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF16)) {
                    UTF16 * pUtf16 = (UTF16 *) a_pOutputData;
                    retval = ConvertUTF8toUTF16(
                        &pUtf8, pUtf8 + a_uInputDataLen,
                        &pUtf16, pUtf16 + a_uOutputDataSize,
                return retval == conversionOK;
            // convert to wchar_t
            size_t retval = mbstowcs(a_pOutputData,
                a_pInputData, a_uOutputDataSize);
            return retval != (size_t)(-1);
        /** Calculate the number of char required by the storage format of this
         * data. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated string to calculate the number of
         *                       bytes required to be converted to storage format.
         * @return              Number of bytes required by the string when
         *                       converted to storage format. This size always
         *                       includes space for the terminating NULL character.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData)
            if (m_bStoreIsUtf8) {
                // worst case scenario for wchar_t to UTF-8 is 1 wchar_t -> 6 char
                size_t uLen = 0;
                while (a_pInputData[uLen]) {
                return (6 * uLen) + 1;
            else {
                size_t uLen = wcstombs(NULL, a_pInputData, 0);
                if (uLen == (size_t)(-1)) {
                    return uLen;
                return uLen + 1; // include NULL terminator
        /** Convert the input string to the storage format of this data.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated source string to convert. All of
         *                       the data will be converted including the
         *                       terminating NULL character.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the buffer to receive the converted
         *                       string.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in char.
         * @return              true if all of the input data, including the
         *                       terminating NULL character was successfully
         *                       converted.
        bool ConvertToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData,
            char *          a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize
            if (m_bStoreIsUtf8) {
                // calc input string length (SI_CHAR type and size independent)
                size_t uInputLen = 0;
                while (a_pInputData[uInputLen]) {
                ++uInputLen; // include the NULL char
                // This uses the Unicode reference implementation to do the
                // conversion from wchar_t to UTF-8. The required files are
                // ConvertUTF.h and ConvertUTF.c which should be included in
                // the distribution but are publically available from unicode.org
                // at http://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/CVTUTF/
                ConversionResult retval;
                UTF8 * pUtf8 = (UTF8 *) a_pOutputData;
                if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF32)) {
                    const UTF32 * pUtf32 = (const UTF32 *) a_pInputData;
                    retval = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(
                        &pUtf32, pUtf32 + uInputLen,
                        &pUtf8, pUtf8 + a_uOutputDataSize,
                else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF16)) {
                    const UTF16 * pUtf16 = (const UTF16 *) a_pInputData;
                    retval = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(
                        &pUtf16, pUtf16 + uInputLen,
                        &pUtf8, pUtf8 + a_uOutputDataSize,
                return retval == conversionOK;
            else {
                size_t retval = wcstombs(a_pOutputData,
                    a_pInputData, a_uOutputDataSize);
                return retval != (size_t) -1;
    #endif // SI_CONVERT_GENERIC
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              SI_CONVERT_ICU
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #ifdef SI_CONVERT_ICU
    #define SI_Case     SI_GenericCase
    #define SI_NoCase   SI_GenericNoCase
    #include <unicode/ucnv.h>
     * Converts MBCS/UTF-8 to UChar using ICU. This can be used on all platforms.
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    class SI_ConvertW {
        const char * m_pEncoding;
        UConverter * m_pConverter;
        SI_ConvertW() : m_pEncoding(NULL), m_pConverter(NULL) { }
        SI_ConvertW(bool a_bStoreIsUtf8) : m_pConverter(NULL) {
            m_pEncoding = a_bStoreIsUtf8 ? "UTF-8" : NULL;
        /* copy and assignment */
        SI_ConvertW(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
        SI_ConvertW & operator=(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) {
            m_pEncoding = rhs.m_pEncoding;
            m_pConverter = NULL;
            return *this;
        ~SI_ConvertW() { if (m_pConverter) ucnv_close(m_pConverter); }
        /** Calculate the number of UChar required for converting the input
         * from the storage format. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to UChar.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @return              Number of UChar required by the string when
         *                      converted. If there are embedded NULL bytes in the
         *                      input data, only the string up and not including
         *                      the NULL byte will be converted.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen)
            SI_ASSERT(a_uInputDataLen != (size_t) -1);
            UErrorCode nError;
            if (!m_pConverter) {
                nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                m_pConverter = ucnv_open(m_pEncoding, &nError);
                if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                    return (size_t) -1;
            nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            int32_t nLen = ucnv_toUChars(m_pConverter, NULL, 0,
                a_pInputData, (int32_t) a_uInputDataLen, &nError);
            if (U_FAILURE(nError) && nError != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
                return (size_t) -1;
            return (size_t) nLen;
        /** Convert the input string from the storage format to UChar.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to UChar.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the output buffer to received the
         *                      converted data.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in UChar.
         * @return              true if all of the input data was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen,
            UChar *         a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            UErrorCode nError;
            if (!m_pConverter) {
                nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                m_pConverter = ucnv_open(m_pEncoding, &nError);
                if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                    return false;
            nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                a_pOutputData, (int32_t) a_uOutputDataSize,
                a_pInputData, (int32_t) a_uInputDataLen, &nError);
            if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        /** Calculate the number of char required by the storage format of this
         * data. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated string to calculate the number of
         *                      bytes required to be converted to storage format.
         * @return              Number of bytes required by the string when
         *                      converted to storage format. This size always
         *                      includes space for the terminating NULL character.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeToStore(
            const UChar * a_pInputData)
            UErrorCode nError;
            if (!m_pConverter) {
                nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                m_pConverter = ucnv_open(m_pEncoding, &nError);
                if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                    return (size_t) -1;
            nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            int32_t nLen = ucnv_fromUChars(m_pConverter, NULL, 0,
                a_pInputData, -1, &nError);
            if (U_FAILURE(nError) && nError != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
                return (size_t) -1;
            return (size_t) nLen + 1;
        /** Convert the input string to the storage format of this data.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated source string to convert. All of
         *                      the data will be converted including the
         *                      terminating NULL character.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the buffer to receive the converted
         *                      string.
         * @param a_pOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in char.
         * @return              true if all of the input data, including the
         *                      terminating NULL character was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertToStore(
            const UChar *   a_pInputData,
            char *          a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            UErrorCode nError;
            if (!m_pConverter) {
                nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                m_pConverter = ucnv_open(m_pEncoding, &nError);
                if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                    return false;
            nError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                a_pOutputData, (int32_t) a_uOutputDataSize,
                a_pInputData, -1, &nError);
            if (U_FAILURE(nError)) {
                return false;
            return true;
    #endif // SI_CONVERT_ICU
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              SI_CONVERT_WIN32
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #ifdef SI_CONVERT_WIN32
    #define SI_Case     SI_GenericCase
    // Windows CE doesn't have errno or MBCS libraries
    #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
    # ifndef SI_NO_MBCS
    #  define SI_NO_MBCS
    # endif
    #include <windows.h>
    #ifdef SI_NO_MBCS
    # define SI_NoCase   SI_GenericNoCase
    #else // !SI_NO_MBCS
     * Case-insensitive comparison class using Win32 MBCS functions. This class
     * returns a case-insensitive semi-collation order for MBCS text. It may not
     * be safe for UTF-8 text returned in char format as we don't know what
     * characters will be folded by the function! Therefore, if you are using
     * SI_CHAR == char and SetUnicode(true), then you need to use the generic
     * SI_NoCase class instead.
    #include <mbstring.h>
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    struct SI_NoCase {
        bool operator()(const SI_CHAR * pLeft, const SI_CHAR * pRight) const {
            if (sizeof(SI_CHAR) == sizeof(char)) {
                return _mbsicmp((const unsigned char *)pLeft,
                    (const unsigned char *)pRight) < 0;
            if (sizeof(SI_CHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t)) {
                return _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *)pLeft,
                    (const wchar_t *)pRight) < 0;
            return SI_GenericNoCase<SI_CHAR>()(pLeft, pRight);
    #endif // SI_NO_MBCS
     * Converts MBCS and UTF-8 to a wchar_t (or equivalent) on Windows. This uses
     * only the Win32 functions and doesn't require the external Unicode UTF-8
     * conversion library. It will not work on Windows 95 without using Microsoft
     * Layer for Unicode in your application.
    template<class SI_CHAR>
    class SI_ConvertW {
        UINT m_uCodePage;
        SI_ConvertW() { }
        SI_ConvertW(bool a_bStoreIsUtf8) {
            m_uCodePage = a_bStoreIsUtf8 ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP;
        /* copy and assignment */
        SI_ConvertW(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) { operator=(rhs); }
        SI_ConvertW & operator=(const SI_ConvertW & rhs) {
            m_uCodePage = rhs.m_uCodePage;
            return *this;
        /** Calculate the number of SI_CHAR required for converting the input
         * from the storage format. The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @return              Number of SI_CHAR required by the string when
         *                      converted. If there are embedded NULL bytes in the
         *                      input data, only the string up and not including
         *                      the NULL byte will be converted.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen)
            SI_ASSERT(a_uInputDataLen != (size_t) -1);
            int retval = MultiByteToWideChar(
                m_uCodePage, 0,
                a_pInputData, (int) a_uInputDataLen,
                0, 0);
            return (size_t)(retval > 0 ? retval : -1);
        /** Convert the input string from the storage format to SI_CHAR.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  Data in storage format to be converted to SI_CHAR.
         * @param a_uInputDataLen Length of storage format data in bytes. This
         *                      must be the actual length of the data, including
         *                      NULL byte if NULL terminated string is required.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the output buffer to received the
         *                      converted data.
         * @param a_uOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in SI_CHAR.
         * @return              true if all of the input data was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertFromStore(
            const char *    a_pInputData,
            size_t          a_uInputDataLen,
            SI_CHAR *       a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            int nSize = MultiByteToWideChar(
                m_uCodePage, 0,
                a_pInputData, (int) a_uInputDataLen,
                (wchar_t *) a_pOutputData, (int) a_uOutputDataSize);
            return (nSize > 0);
        /** Calculate the number of char required by the storage format of this
         * data. The storage format is always UTF-8.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated string to calculate the number of
         *                      bytes required to be converted to storage format.
         * @return              Number of bytes required by the string when
         *                      converted to storage format. This size always
         *                      includes space for the terminating NULL character.
         * @return              -1 cast to size_t on a conversion error.
        size_t SizeToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData)
            int retval = WideCharToMultiByte(
                m_uCodePage, 0,
                (const wchar_t *) a_pInputData, -1,
                0, 0, 0, 0);
            return (size_t) (retval > 0 ? retval : -1);
        /** Convert the input string to the storage format of this data.
         * The storage format is always UTF-8 or MBCS.
         * @param a_pInputData  NULL terminated source string to convert. All of
         *                      the data will be converted including the
         *                      terminating NULL character.
         * @param a_pOutputData Pointer to the buffer to receive the converted
         *                      string.
         * @param a_pOutputDataSize Size of the output buffer in char.
         * @return              true if all of the input data, including the
         *                      terminating NULL character was successfully
         *                      converted.
        bool ConvertToStore(
            const SI_CHAR * a_pInputData,
            char *          a_pOutputData,
            size_t          a_uOutputDataSize)
            int retval = WideCharToMultiByte(
                m_uCodePage, 0,
                (const wchar_t *) a_pInputData, -1,
                a_pOutputData, (int) a_uOutputDataSize, 0, 0);
            return retval > 0;
    #endif // SI_CONVERT_WIN32
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                                  TYPE DEFINITIONS
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<char,
        SI_NoCase<char>,SI_ConvertA<char> >                 CSimpleIniA;
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<char,
        SI_Case<char>,SI_ConvertA<char> >                   CSimpleIniCaseA;
    #if defined(SI_CONVERT_ICU)
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<UChar,
        SI_NoCase<UChar>,SI_ConvertW<UChar> >               CSimpleIniW;
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<UChar,
        SI_Case<UChar>,SI_ConvertW<UChar> >                 CSimpleIniCaseW;
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<wchar_t,
        SI_NoCase<wchar_t>,SI_ConvertW<wchar_t> >           CSimpleIniW;
    typedef CSimpleIniTempl<wchar_t,
        SI_Case<wchar_t>,SI_ConvertW<wchar_t> >             CSimpleIniCaseW;
    #ifdef _UNICODE
    # define CSimpleIni      CSimpleIniW
    # define CSimpleIniCase  CSimpleIniCaseW
    # define SI_NEWLINE      SI_NEWLINE_W
    #else // !_UNICODE
    # define CSimpleIni      CSimpleIniA
    # define CSimpleIniCase  CSimpleIniCaseA
    # define SI_NEWLINE      SI_NEWLINE_A
    #endif // _UNICODE
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    # pragma warning (pop)
    #endif // INCLUDED_SimpleIni_h
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eaglexmw/p/11128236.html
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