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  • centos7 安装install_mysql5.7网络教程安装_无报错.sh


    #uninstall system installed mysql(rpm version)
    rpm -qa |grep mysql
    rpm -e --nodeps *mysql*
    rpm -qa |grep mariadb
    rpm -e --nodeps mariadb*
    #create folder
    mkdir /mysql
    mkdir -p /mysql/app
    mkdir -p /mysql/data/3306
    mkdir -p /mysql/log/3306
    mkdir /backup
    cd /usr/local/src/
    wget http://download.zhufunin.com/mysql-5.7.26-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
    tar zxf mysql-5.7.26-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
    mv mysql-5.7.26-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64 /mysql/app
    mv /mysql/app/mysql-5.7.26-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64 /mysql/app/mysql
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:/mysql/app/mysql/bin/" >> /etc/profile
    source /etc/profile
    #create mysql user and group
    groupadd mysql
    useradd -r -g mysql -s /bin/false mysql
    cat >> /mysql/data/3306/my3306.cnf <<EOF 
    port = 3306
    socket = /mysql/data/3306/mysql.sock
    basedir = /mysql/app/mysql
    datadir= /mysql/data/3306/data
    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 200M
    max_allowed_packet = 16M
    slow_query_log = ON
    slow_query_log_file = /mysql/log/3306/slow-query.log
    long_query_time = 10
    log-error = /mysql/log/3306/error.log
    chown -R mysql:mysql /mysql/
    #ln -sf /mysql/data/3306/my3306.cnf /etc/my.cnf
    #initialize mysql,if initialize failed need delete data folder, password can find in /mysql/log/3306/error.log
    /mysql/app/mysql/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/mysql/data/3306/my3306.cnf --initialize --user=mysql --basedir=/mysql/app/mysql/ --datadir=/mysql/data/3306/data/ 
    cat >> /usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service << EOF
    Description=MySQL Server
    ExecStart=/mysql/app/mysql/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/mysql/data/3306/my3306.cnf
    LimitNOFILE = 65536
    LimitNPROC = 65536
    chmod 755 /usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service
    #systemctl daemon-reload
    #systemctl stop mysqld
    #systemctl start mysqld
    #systemctl enable mysqld
    #systemctl status mysqld
    changerootpwd_DEMO () {
    # will have error, if not
    ln -s /mysql/data/3306/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock
     mysql -uroot -p -S /mysql/data/3306/mysql.sock
    #insert password
    ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Dreamfuture88';
    manual_start-stop_mysql_DEMO () {
    nohup /mysql/app/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/mysql/data/3306/my3306.cnf >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    mysqladmin -uroot -p shutdown -S /mysql/data/3306/mysql.sock
    mysqladmin -uroot -p shutdown -S /mysql/data/3306/mysql.sock -pDreamfuture88
    allowrootremote_DEMO () {
    mysql -u root -p
    #insert passowrd
    use mysql;
    select host,user from user where user='root';
    create USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Dreamfuture88';
    grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' with grant option;
    create_database () {
    create database itpuxdb DEFAULT CHARSET utf8mb4;
    create database itpuxdb DEFAULT CHARSET utf8mb4 default collate utf8mb4_general_ci;
    create_user () {
    create user 'itpux'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'itpux';
    check_user () {
    select host,user from mysql.user;
    grant_privileges () {
    grant all privileges on itpuxdb.* to 'itpux'@'%' IDENTIFIED by 'itpux';
    grant all privileges on itpuxdb.* to 'itpux'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED by 'itpux';
    create_tables () {
    use itpuxdb;
    create table itpux01(
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(15)
    ) engine = InnoDB;
    insert_data () {
    INSERT INTO itpux01 VALUES (1, 'fgedu01');
    INSERT INTO itpux01 VALUES (2, 'fgedu02');
    INSERT INTO itpux01 VALUES (3, 'fgedu03');
    INSERT INTO itpux01 VALUES (4, 'fgedu04');
    INSERT INTO itpux01 VALUES (5, 'fgedu05');
    check_data () {
    select * from itpuxdb.itpux01;
    use itpuxdb;
    select * from itpux01;
    mysqldump_backup () {
    #mysqldump Error binlogging on server not active, no need parameter --single-transaction --master-data=2 --flush-logs
    mysqldump -uroot -pDreamfuture88  --routines --databases itpuxdb > itpuxdb.sql
    mysqldump -uroot -pDreamfuture88 --single-transaction --master-data=2 --routines --flush-logs --databases itpuxdb > itpuxdb.sql
    mysqldump_recovery () {
    mysql -uroot -pDreamfuture88 < itpuxdb.sql
    mysqldump --help
    mysqlpump_backupall_DB () {
    mysqlpump -uroot -pDreamfuture88 --single-transaction --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --default-parallelism=2 --all-databases --users > itpux_alldb_01.sql 
    mysqlpump_recovery () {
    mysql -uroot -pDreamfuture88 < itpux_alldb_01.sql
    mysql_command () {
    show databases;
    show databases like 'itpuxdb';
    show databases like 'it%';
    create database if not exists itpux1 default character set UTF8 default collate utf8_general_ci;
    #pure number database name need use ` `
    create database `1111`;
    show create database itpux1;
    alter database itpux2 character set gbk;
    drop database if exists `111`;
    mysqladmin create itpux1 -uroot -pDreamfuture88
    mysqladmin drop itpux1 -uroot -pDreamfuture88
    create table itputx2(id01 tinyint);
    desc itpux1;
    insert into itputx2 values('-200'); //-200会报错
    create table itpux01(id01 tinyint,id02 int);
    insert into itpux01 values(100,101);
    insert into itpux01 values(1,12);
    insert into itpux01 values(-1,12);
    select * from itpux01;
    create table itpux02(id01 tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill,id02 int(3) unsigned zerofill );;
    desc itpux02;
    insert into itpux02 values (1,1);
    select * from itpux02;
    insert into itpux02 values(12,1234);
    create table itpuxf1(f1 float, f2 double);
    desc itpuxf1;
    insert into itpuxf1 values(-12.123,-1234.5678);
    insert into itpuxf1 values(-12.123,-1234.5678);
    select * from itpuxf1;
    create table itpuxf2(f1 float(5,2) zerofill,f2 double(6,3) zerofill);
    desc itpuxf2;
    insert into itpuxf2 values (12.34,12.34);
    insert into itpuxf2 values (1.1,1.2);
    insert into itpuxf2 values (123.45,123.456);
    select * from itpuxf2;
    | f1     | f2      |
    |  12.34 |  12.340 |
    |  01.10 |  01.200 |
    | 123.45 | 123.456 |
    insert into itpuxf2 values(0.1234E2,0.123456E3);
    select * from itpuxf2;
    | f1     | f2      |
    |  12.34 |  12.340 |
    |  01.10 |  01.200 |
    | 123.45 | 123.456 |
    |  12.34 | 123.456 |
    insert into itpuxf2 values (12.126,12.34);
    select * from itpuxf2;
    | f1     | f2      |
    |  12.34 |  12.340 |
    |  01.10 |  01.200 |
    | 123.45 | 123.456 |
    |  12.34 | 123.456 |
    |  12.13 |  12.340 |
    案例五,decimal 类型定点数,zerofill,高精度
    create table itpux03(f decimal(10,4) unsigned zerofill);
    insert into itpux03 values (123.45);
    insert into itpux03 values (123.4567);
    insert into itpux03 values (123.45678);
    select * from itpux03;
    | f           |
    | 000123.4500 |
    | 000123.4567 |
    | 000123.4568 |
    案例六,decimal 类型定点数,没有zerofill
    create table itpux04(f decimal(10,4));
    insert into itpux04 values (123.45);
    insert into itpux04 values (123.4567);
    insert into itpux04 values (123.45678);
    select * from itpux04;
    char_leixing () {
    tinyint  -128~127, 0~255,占一个字节,取值3位
    smallint  -32768~32767, 无符号,0~65535 占2个字节,取值5位
    mediumint -8388608~8388607 无符号,0~16777215 占3个字节,取值8位
    int       -2147483648~2147483647, 无符号, 0~4294967295,占用4个字节,取值11位
    bigint   有符号-20位~20位,无符号,0~20位,占8个字节,取值20位
    M 取值范围:int(5) 取值5位, 表示最小宽度是多少
    [unsigned] 无符号,控制是否有正负数,如果是正数,那就取值是0~255,如果是负数,那就是-128~127
    [zerofill] 用来进行行前导零填充。001,如果类型后面写了zerofill, 默认就是 unsigned 无符号
    decimal (M,D)-- (numeric) 
    非压缩浮点数,不能是无符号的,每个小数对应一个字节,M 代表长度,D代表小数位数
    最小: -9E+65
    最大: 9E+65
    float (M,D) 
    单精度:不能使用无符号的浮点数字, M 代表长度,D代表小数位数,值10,2 一共10位,其中2位小数,占4个字节
    不写(M,D) , 自动处理M为7左右
    最大值: 3.4E+38
    double (M,D) 
    双精度:不能使用无符号的双精度浮点数据, M 代表长度,D代表小数位数,值10,2 一共10位,其中2位小数,占8个字节
    最大值: 1.790E+308
    date-format () {
    datetime (年月日时分秒)
    create table itpuxd1 (mydate datetime);
    insert into itpuxd1 values('20180305103030');
    insert into itpuxd1 values(20180305103030);
    insert into itpuxd1 values('2018-03-05 10:30:30');
    select * from itpuxd1;
    | mydate              |
    | 2018-03-05 10:30:30 |
    | 2018-03-05 10:30:30 |
    | 2018-03-05 10:30:30 |
    timestamp 用整数,字符串都可以存储
    create table itpuxd2 (t timestamp);
    insert into itpuxd2 values ('20180305103030');
    insert into itpuxd2 values ('2018-03-05 10:30:30');
    select * from itpuxd2;
    | t                   |
    | 2018-03-05 10:30:30 |
    | 2018-03-05 10:30:30 |
    +0 查看时间戳,显示整数
    select t+0 from itpuxd2;
    | t+0            |
    | 20180305103030 |
    | 20180305103030 |
    date (年月日)
    create table itpuxd3 (t date);
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('20180305');  //推荐格式
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('2018-03-05'); //推荐格式
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('2018:03:05');
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('18:03:05');
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('80:03:05');
    insert into itpuxd3 values ('20180305103030'); //只会显示年月日
    select * from itpuxd3;
    | t          |
    | 2018-03-05 |
    | 2018-03-05 |
    | 2018-03-05 |
    | 2018-03-05 |
    | 2018-03-05 |
    | 1980-03-05 |
    time (时间)D HH:MM:SS D代表天,最大代表34天,代表过去多少时间
    create table itpuxd4 (t time);
    insert into itpuxd4 values ('10:30:30'); 
    insert into itpuxd4 values ('5 10:30:30'); 
    select * from itpuxd4;
    | t         |
    | 10:30:30  |
    | 130:30:30 |
    year YYYY
    create table itpuxd5 (`y` year);
    insert into itpuxd5 values (1234); //会报错
    insert into itpuxd5 values (2018);
    insert into itpuxd5 values (2016);
    select * from itpuxd5;
    | y    |
    | 2018 |
    | 2016 |
    char_type () {
    --char(M) M 代表字符固定长度,255个字节
    --varchar(M) M表示字符可变长度,65536个字节,需要1~2个字节保存信息,超过255的长度就是用2个字节来保存
    utf8: 一个字符占用3个字节 65535/3=21845 -1~2=21844/21843
    gbk: 一个字符占用2个字节 65535/2=32767 -1~2=32767/32765
    create table itpuxz1 (c CHAR(255));
    insert into itpuxz1 values('Yes');
    insert into itpuxz1 values('No');
    insert into itpuxz1 values('Y');
    insert into itpuxz1 values('Y  ');
    select * from itpuxz1;
    | c    |
    | Yes  |
    | No   |
    | Y    |
    | Y    |
    create table itpuxz2(c varchar(65535)); \错误
    create table itpuxz2(c varchar(21845)); \错误
    create table itpuxz2(c varchar(21844));
    desc itpuxz2;
    insert into itpuxz2 values('Yes');
    insert into itpuxz2 values('No');
    insert into itpuxz2 values('Y');
    insert into itpuxz2 values('Y  ');
    select * from itpuxz2;
    select c,LENGTH(c) from itpuxz2;
    text 和 blob 区别,blob用来保存二进制数据,text保存字符数据
    text 和 char/varchar 区别,text不需要指定存储长度
    tinytext: 256 bytes,1字节开销,少于255个字符,就比较好,比如,文章摘要
    text: 65535 bytes, 最大64K, 相当于65535个字符,2字节开销,比如文章正文
    mediumtext 最大16MB ,相当于16777215, 3个字节开销,存储相对大的文本数据
    longtext 最大4GB
    create table text1 (id int, name tinytext);
    tinyblob 最大255字节
    blob 最大65K
    mediumblob 最大16K
    longlob 最大4G
    create table blobtest (id int, name blob);
    最多65535 个枚举项,2个字节的消耗,
    create table itpuxe1(e enum('Y','N'));
    insert into itpuxe1 values('Y');
    insert into itpuxe1 values('N');
    insert into itpuxe1 values('1');
    insert into itpuxe1 values('2');
    insert into itpuxe1 values('Y1'); \出错
    select * from itpuxe1;
    select e+0 from itpuxe1;
    create table itpuxs1(s set('A','B','C','D'));
    insert into itpuxs1 values ('A');
    insert into itpuxs1 values ('A,B');
    insert into itpuxs1 values ('C');
    insert into itpuxs1 values ('C,D');
    insert into itpuxs1 values ('C,E'); \出错
    select * from itpuxs1;
    create_tables () {
    create table table_name 列定义 选项
    create table table_name like old_table_name; \like : 包括旧表的结构+信息+索引
    create table table_name as select * from old_table_name; \ as 包括旧表的结构+信息
    create table table_name (colume_name columa_type);
    create table itpuxt1 
        id int(20) unsigned auto_increment not null,
        name varchar(20) not null,
        jobdate date,
        primary key(id)
    )engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;
    desc itpuxt1;
    show create table itpuxt1;
    show tables;
    show tables from db_name;
    show tables like '关键字';
    select_format () {
    select * from tables where dname = 'it';
    select * from tables limit 2; \查看两行
    select count(*) from tables where dname = 'it';
    creat_insert_delete () {
    create table itpux11(id int(3), name varchar(12), sex varchar(6));
    create table itpux12(id int(3), name varchar(12), age int(5));
    insert into itpux11 values(1,'itpux01','男');
    insert into itpux11 values(2,'itpux02','男');
    insert into itpux11 values(3,'itpux03','女');
    insert into itpux11 values(4,'itpux04','女');
    insert into itpux11 values(5,'itpux05','女');
    insert into itpux12 values(1,'itpux01','20');
    insert into itpux12 values(2,'itpux02','21');
    insert into itpux12 values(3,'itpux03','18');
    insert into itpux12 values(4,'itpux04','19');
    insert into itpux12 values(5,'itpux055','28');
    select * from itpux11;
    select * from itpux12;
    语法: insert into table_name(表字段) values(值列表);
    insert into itpux11(id,name,sex) values (6,'itpux06','男');
    insert into itpux11 values (7,'itpux07','男');
    select * from itpux11;
    insert into itpux11 set id=8,name='itpux08',sex='男';
    delete from itpux11 where sex is NULL;
    insert into itpuxt1 (id,name,jobdate,age2)values(1, 'itpux01', NOW(),20);
    insert into itpuxt1 values(2, 'itpux02',default,20);
    create table itpux13 select * from itpux11;
    truncate table itpux13;
    select * from itpux13;
    insert into itpux13 select * from itpux11;
    update_format () {
    update 表名 set 列名=值 where 条件;
    update inpux13 set name = 'itpux11' where id=1;
    delete_format () {
    delete from 表名 [where 条件] [order by] [limit ROW_COUNT]
    delete from itpux13 where id=1;
    delete from itpux13 limit 2;
    delete from itpux11 limit 1;
    select * from itpux11;
    select * from itpux12;
    select * from itpux11 inner join itpux12 using (id,name);
    delete from itpux11,itpux12 using itpux11 inner join itpux12 using (id,name) where id=2;
    select * from itpux11 order by id desc limit 3;
    delete from itpux11 order by id desc limit 3;
    select_ () {
    select 语法:
    select 字段/表名 from 表名/视图名 where 查询条件;
    1)where 条件
    2) group by 分组
    3) having 分组后再聚合
    4) limit 限制多少行
    5) order by [asc |desc] 排序 正、反
    1) 变量
    select 10+20;
    | 10+20 |
    |    30 |
    select NOW();
    | NOW()               |
    | 2019-05-21 09:10:38 |
    select NOW(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
    | NOW()               | UNIX_TIMESTAMP() |
    | 2019-05-21 09:10:27 |       1558444227 |
    2) from 子句
    select * from yg;
    select email from yg;
    select email, job_id from yg;
    select * from yg,bm;
    select * from itpux11,itpux12;
    select * from itpux11 a1,itpux12 a2 where a1.name=a2.name; \a1, a2是别名
    -- 列连接
    select name, CONCAT(name,'-',sex) from itpux11;
    | name    | CONCAT(name,'-',sex) |
    | itpux01 | itpux01-男          |
    | itpux03 | itpux03-女          |
    | itpux04 | itpux04-女          |
    | itpux05 | itpux05-女          |
    | itpux06 | itpux06-男          |
    | itpux07 | itpux07-男          |
    | itpux08 | itpux08-男          |
    3) 别名,as/也可以省略
    select * from itpux11 a1,itpux12 a2;
    select name, CONCAT(name,'-',sex) as xingming from itpux11;
    select name, CONCAT(name,'-',sex) as '姓名和性别' from itpux11;
    | name    | xingming    |
    | itpux01 | itpux01-男 |
    | itpux03 | itpux03-女 |
    | itpux04 | itpux04-女 |
    | itpux05 | itpux05-女 |
    | itpux06 | itpux06-男 |
    | itpux07 | itpux07-男 |
    | itpux08 | itpux08-男 |
    select NOW() from dual;
    5) SQL 语句注释方式
    #select NOW() from dual; 
    select NOW() from dual; -- 查询当前系统时间,后面接 --
    select NOW() /* date */ from dual; -- 用/* 注释内容 */
    select NOW() from dual;
    select NOW() from dual;
    select NOW() from dual;
    6) SQL语句编写规则
    B. SQL可以占用多行
    select * from itpux11
    C. 关键字不能省略,要么折成多行
    D. 任何SQL最后都加一个";"
    select 运算符
    = : id=15
    > : id>15
    < : id<15
    >= : id>=15
    <> : id <> 15
    != : id!=15
    is null : address is null
    is not null : 
    like : 模糊查询 address like '北京%'
    not like : 模糊查询 address not like '北京%'
    between: 在什么范围内,id between 1 and 15
    not between: 在什么范围内,id not between 1 and 15
    in: 在什么范围值内, id in (1,2,3,5,10),id not in (1,2,3,5,10)
    not in:
    select * from itpux12 where age=20;
    select * from itpux12 where age!=20;
    select * from itpux12 where age>20;
    select * from itpux12 where age<20;
    select * from itpux12 where age>=20;
    select * from itpux12 where age>=20;
    select * from itpux12 where age between 18 and 25;
    select * from itpux12 where age not between 18 and 25;
    select * from itpux12 where age>=18 and age <=25;
    select * from itpux12 where age>=18 && age <=25;
    select * from itpux12 where age in (18,19,28);
    select * from itpux12 where age not in (18,19,28);
    select * from itpux12 where name like 'itpux%';
    非 not, ! 非null. 为null
    与 and , &&
    或 or
    select null is not null, null b is null;
    | null is not null | null is null |
    |                0 |            1 |
    select null <=> null, 10 <=> null;
    | null <=> null | 10 <=> null |
    |             1 |           0 |
    select * from itpux12 where name like 'itpux0%';
    select * from itpux11 where name ='itpux01' or sex = '女';
    select * from itpux11 where name is null;
    select * from itpux11 where name is not null;
    -- like
    非精确查询 , (精确查询=)
    A%, %A, %A% %A%C% A%C
     group by
     order by
     group by 列 {asc升序,desc降序}, {with rollup} 组合聚合计算
     MAX: 最大值
     MIN: 最小值
     avg: 求平均
     sum: 列/表达式综合
    COUNT: 行数总和
    select * from itpux_sales;
    select count(*) from itpux_sales;
    select goods,count(*) from itpux_sales group by goods;
    select goods,count(*) from itpux_sales group by 1 order by 2 asc;
    select goods,count(*) from itpux_sales group by 1 order by 2 desc;
    select goods,count(*) from itpux_sales group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 1;
    slect SUM(salary) from yg;
    select region, dept, sum(salary) from itpux_yg group by region,dept;
    select region, sum(salary) from itpux_yg group by region order by 2;
    select region, sum(salary) from itpux_yg where salary > 10000 group by region order by 2;
    --with rollup
    select region, dept, sum(salary) from itpux_yg group by region,dept with rollup;
    --order by 多列排序,默认以第一个字段排序
    select * from itpux_yg order by jobid, age;
    select * from yg;
    select * from yg limit 5;
    select * from yg limit 3,4; -- 第三行之后的四行
    select * from yg order by salary desc limit 1;
    -- distinct
    select sex from itpux_yg;
    select distinct sex from itpux_yg;
    -- all
     select sex from itpux11;
     select all sex from itpux11; -- 默认省略了all
     -- union
    select * from itpux11;
    select * from itpux12;
    select name from itpux11 union select name from itpux12;
    | name     |
    | itpux01  |
    | itpux03  |
    | itpux04  |
    | itpux05  |
    | itpux06  |
    | itpux07  |
    | itpux08  |
    | itpux055 |
    -- union all
    select name from itpux11 union all select name from itpux12;
    -- for update
    select * from itpux11 for update;
    learn_from_imooc () {
    create database test;
    show databases;
    use test;
    select database();
    create table if not exists tb1(
        username varchar(20),
        age tinyint unsigned,
        salary float(8,2) unsigned
    show tables;
    show columns from tb1;    
    show tables from mysql;
    insert tb1 values ('tom',25,7863.25);
    select * from tb1;
    insert tb1(username,salary) values ('john',4500.69);
    select * from tb1;
    练习二,设置not null
    create table if not exists tb2(
        username varchar(20) not null,
        age tinyint unsigned null,
        salary float(8,2) unsigned
    show columns from tb2;
    insert tb2 values ('tom',null,1);
    insert tb2 values (null,26,1); //报错
    练习三,auto_increment, 设置主键primary key
    create table if not exists tb3(
        id smallint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
        username varchar(20) not null
    show columns from tb3;
    | Field    | Type                 | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | id       | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | username | varchar(20)          | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    insert tb3(username) values('john');
    insert tb3(username) values('rose');
    insert tb3(username) values('tom');
    练习五 unique key
    create table if not exists tb5(
        id smallint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
        username varchar(20) not null unique key,
        age tinyint unsigned
    show columns from tb5;
    insert tb5(username,age) values ('tom',25);
    insert tb5(username,age) values ('tom',25);
    练习六 default
    create table if not exists tb6(
        id smallint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
        username varchar(20) not null unique key,
        sex enum('1','2','3') default '3'
    show columns from tb6;
    insert tb6(username) values ('tom');
    iselect * from tb6;
    not null 非空约束
    primary key 主键约束
    unique key 唯一约束
    default 默认约束
    foreign key外键约束
    show indexes from tb6;
    插入新的tables 列, after,before,first,
    alter table tb6 add password varchar(32) not null after username;
    alter table tb6 add age tinyint unsigned not null default 10;
    alter table tb6 add turename varchar(20) not null first;
    添加多列, 不能定义位置,只能放最后
    alter table tbl_name add (col_name01 column_definition, col_name02 column_definition,...);
    alter table tbl_name drop col_name01,drop col_name02;
    add 增加列,drop删除列
    添加primary key
    alter table tb6 add constraint primary key (id);
    alter table tb_name add [constraint [symbol]] unique [index|key] [index_name] [index_type] 
    alter table users2 add forgeign key (pid) references provinces (id);
    alter table tbl_name alter [column] col_name set default 100; //修改和添加默认约束
    alter table tbl_name alter [column] col_name set drop default; //删除默认约束
    alter table tab_name drop primary key; //因为主键有唯一性,所以不需要指定column
    alter table tbl_name drop index index_name;
    show indexes from tb6;
    alter table tb6 drop index username;
    删除外键约束foreign key
    show create table tb6;
    alter table tbl_name drop foreign key fk_symbol
    show create table tb6;
    show columns from tb6;
    alter table tb6 modify id smallint unsigned not null first;
    alter table tb6 modify id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT first;
    修改列名称,change 旧名 新名
    alter table tbl_name change old_col_name new_col_name column_definition [first|after col_name]
     alter table tb6 change age ages tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' after username;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/faberbeta/p/13253349.html
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