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  • element-ui Carousel 走马灯源码分析整理笔记(十一)

    Carousel 走马灯源码分析整理笔记,这篇写的不详细,后面有空补充


      <div class="el-carousel"
        :class="{ 'el-carousel--card': type === 'card' }"
        <div class="el-carousel__container" :style="{ height: height }">
          <transition name="carousel-arrow-left">
              v-if="arrow !== 'never'"
              v-show="(arrow === 'always' || hover) && (loop || activeIndex > 0)"
              @click.stop="throttledArrowClick(activeIndex - 1)"
              class="el-carousel__arrow el-carousel__arrow--left">
              <i class="el-icon-arrow-left"></i>
          <transition name="carousel-arrow-right">
              v-if="arrow !== 'never'"
              v-show="(arrow === 'always' || hover) && (loop || activeIndex < items.length - 1)"
              @click.stop="throttledArrowClick(activeIndex + 1)"
              class="el-carousel__arrow el-carousel__arrow--right">
              <i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i>
          v-if="indicatorPosition !== 'none'"
          :class="{ 'el-carousel__indicators--labels': hasLabel, 'el-carousel__indicators--outside': indicatorPosition === 'outside' || type === 'card' }">
            v-for="(item, index) in items"
            :class="{ 'is-active': index === activeIndex }"
            <button class="el-carousel__button"><span v-if="hasLabel">{{ item.label }}</span></button>
    import throttle from 'throttle-debounce/throttle';
    import { addResizeListener, removeResizeListener } from 'element-ui/src/utils/resize-event';
    export default {
      name: 'ElCarousel',
      props: {
        initialIndex: { //初始状态激活的幻灯片的索引,从 0 开始
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        height: String, //走马灯的高度
        trigger: { //指示器的触发方式
          type: String,
          default: 'hover'
        autoplay: { //是否自动切换
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        interval: { //自动切换的时间间隔,单位为毫秒
          type: Number,
          default: 3000
        indicatorPosition: String, //指示器的位置
        indicator: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        arrow: {  //切换箭头的显示时机 always/hover/never
          type: String,
          default: 'hover'
        type: String, //走马灯的类型,card
        loop: {  //是否循环显示
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      data() {
        return {
          items: [],  //幻灯片数组
          activeIndex: -1, //标识当前幻灯片索引
          containerWidth: 0,
          timer: null,
          hover: false //记录当前鼠标的移入状态
      computed: {
        hasLabel() {
          return this.items.some(item => item.label.toString().length > 0);
      watch: {
        items(val) {
          if (val.length > 0) this.setActiveItem(this.initialIndex);
        activeIndex(val, oldVal) {
          this.$emit('change', val, oldVal);
        autoplay(val) {
          val ? this.startTimer() : this.pauseTimer();
        loop() {
      methods: {
        // 当鼠标移入
        handleMouseEnter() {
          // 当鼠标移入时,清空幻灯片播放的定时器,暂停自动切换。
          this.hover = true;
        // 当鼠标移出
        handleMouseLeave() {
          //  当鼠标移出,设置幻灯片自动播放定时器
          this.hover = false;
        itemInStage(item, index) {
          const length = this.items.length;
          // 满足当前为最后一个幻灯片;当前幻灯片在场景内;第一个幻灯片激活状态;
          //  或者 满足 当前幻灯片在场景内;当前幻灯片后面有至少一个项目;当前幻灯片后面一个项目处于激活状态
          if (index === length - 1 && item.inStage && this.items[0].active ||
            (item.inStage && this.items[index + 1] && this.items[index + 1].active)) {
            return 'left';
          } else if (index === 0 && item.inStage && this.items[length - 1].active ||
            (item.inStage && this.items[index - 1] && this.items[index - 1].active)) {
            return 'right';
          return false;
        // 当鼠标移入左边的切换幻灯片的按钮
        handleButtonEnter(arrow) {
          this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
            if (arrow === this.itemInStage(item, index)) {
              item.hover = true;
        handleButtonLeave() {
          this.items.forEach(item => {
            item.hover = false;
        // 将所有的幻灯片放入items数组中
        updateItems() {
          this.items = this.$children.filter(child => child.$options.name === 'ElCarouselItem');
        //  重置幻灯片位置
        resetItemPosition(oldIndex) {
          this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
            item.translateItem(index, this.activeIndex, oldIndex);
        playSlides() {
          if (this.activeIndex < this.items.length - 1) {
          } else if (this.loop) {
            this.activeIndex = 0;
        pauseTimer() {
          // 清空定时器
        startTimer() {
          //  如果自动切换的时间间隔小于等于0时,或者用户未设置自动播放时,直接返回,幻灯片不自动播放
          if (this.interval <= 0 || !this.autoplay) return;
          this.timer = setInterval(this.playSlides, this.interval);
        setActiveItem(index) {
          // 如果index是字符串,则是用户设置了幻灯片的name
          if (typeof index === 'string') {
            // 找到对应name的幻灯片
            const filteredItems = this.items.filter(item => item.name === index);
            // 如果找到的items长度大于0,取第一个的索引作为我们要使用的索引
            if (filteredItems.length > 0) {
              index = this.items.indexOf(filteredItems[0]);
          // 索引转成数字
          index = Number(index);
          // 如果索引不是数字,或者不是整数
          if (isNaN(index) || index !== Math.floor(index)) {
            // 如果不是生产环境下,就报warn
            process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
            console.warn('[Element Warn][Carousel]index must be an integer.');
          // 获取幻灯片数组的长度
          let length = this.items.length;
          const oldIndex = this.activeIndex;
          // 如果索引小于0,判断是否设置循环播放,如果设置了,设置当前页为最后一页;也就是在向前切换到第一张,继续向前切换显示最后一张,然后显示倒数第二张
          if (index < 0) {
            this.activeIndex = this.loop ? length - 1 : 0;
          } else if (index >= length) { //如果索引大于数组长度,判断是否设置循环播放,如果设置了,设置当前页为第一页;也就是在向后切换到最后一张时,继续向后切换显示第一张,然后显示第二张
            this.activeIndex = this.loop ? 0 : length - 1;
          } else { //否则,当前页设置为索引页
            this.activeIndex = index;
          if (oldIndex === this.activeIndex) {
        prev() {
          this.setActiveItem(this.activeIndex - 1);
        next() {
          this.setActiveItem(this.activeIndex + 1);
        handleIndicatorClick(index) {
          this.activeIndex = index;
        handleIndicatorHover(index) {
          if (this.trigger === 'hover' && index !== this.activeIndex) {
            this.activeIndex = index;
      created() {
        // throttle节流函数,点击频率控制,返回函数连续调用时   http://npm.taobao.org/package/throttle-debounce
        // 第二个参数noTrailing,当其设置为true时,保证函数每隔delay时间只能执行一次,如果设置为false或者没有指定,则会在最后一次函数调用后的delay时间后重置计时器。
        this.throttledArrowClick = throttle(300, true, index => {
        this.throttledIndicatorHover = throttle(300, index => {
      mounted() {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          addResizeListener(this.$el, this.resetItemPosition);
          if (this.initialIndex < this.items.length && this.initialIndex >= 0) {
            this.activeIndex = this.initialIndex;
      beforeDestroy() {
        if (this.$el) removeResizeListener(this.$el, this.resetItemPosition);


      <div v-show="ready" class="el-carousel__item"
          'is-active': active,
          'el-carousel__item--card': $parent.type === 'card',
          'is-in-stage': inStage,
          'is-hover': hover,
          'is-animating': animating
          msTransform: `translateX(${ translate }px) scale(${ scale })`,
          webkitTransform: `translateX(${ translate }px) scale(${ scale })`,
          transform: `translateX(${ translate }px) scale(${ scale })`
        <div v-if="$parent.type === 'card'" v-show="!active" class="el-carousel__mask"></div>
      const CARD_SCALE = 0.83;
      export default {
        name: 'ElCarouselItem',
        props: {
          name: String, //幻灯片的名字,可用作 setActiveItem 的参数
          label: { //该幻灯片所对应指示器的文本
            type: [String, Number],
            default: ''
        data() {
          return {
            hover: false,
            translate: 0, //偏移量设置
            scale: 1,
            active: false,
            ready: false,
            inStage: false,
            animating: false
        methods: {
          processIndex(index, activeIndex, length) {
            if (activeIndex === 0 && index === length - 1) {
              return -1;
            } else if (activeIndex === length - 1 && index === 0) {
              return length;
            } else if (index < activeIndex - 1 && activeIndex - index >= length / 2) {
                // 如果,index在activeIndex前一页的前面,并且之间的间隔在一半页数即以上,则返回页数长度+1,这样它们会被置于最右侧
              return length + 1;
            } else if (index > activeIndex + 1 && index - activeIndex >= length / 2) {
                // 如果,index在activeIndex后一页的后面,并且之间的间隔在一般页数即以上,则返回-2,这样它们会被置于最左侧
              return -2;
            return index;
          calculateTranslate(index, activeIndex, parentWidth) {
            if (this.inStage) {
              return parentWidth * ((2 - CARD_SCALE) * (index - activeIndex) + 1) / 4;
            } else if (index < activeIndex) {
              return -(1 + CARD_SCALE) * parentWidth / 4;
            } else {
              return (3 + CARD_SCALE) * parentWidth / 4;
          // 这是用来移动幻灯片。
          translateItem(index, activeIndex, oldIndex) {
            // 获取父组件的宽度
            const parentWidth = this.$parent.$el.offsetWidth;
            // 获取幻灯片数组的长度
            const length = this.$parent.items.length;
            // 如果不是card模式
            if (this.$parent.type !== 'card' && oldIndex !== undefined) {
              this.animating = index === activeIndex || index === oldIndex;
            if (index !== activeIndex && length > 2 && this.$parent.loop) {
              // 对当前索引进行处理
              index = this.processIndex(index, activeIndex, length);
            if (this.$parent.type === 'card') {
              this.inStage = Math.round(Math.abs(index - activeIndex)) <= 1;
              this.active = index === activeIndex;
              this.translate = this.calculateTranslate(index, activeIndex, parentWidth);
              this.scale = this.active ? 1 : CARD_SCALE;
            } else {
              this.active = index === activeIndex;
              // 设置幻灯片的偏移量
              this.translate = parentWidth * (index - activeIndex);
            this.ready = true;
          handleItemClick() {
            const parent = this.$parent;
            if (parent && parent.type === 'card') {
              const index = parent.items.indexOf(this);
        created() {
          this.$parent && this.$parent.updateItems();
        destroyed() {
          this.$parent && this.$parent.updateItems();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fangnianqin/p/10115069.html
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