An implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks.
The main method is "processActionObservation" which processes pairs of action/observation.
The following Wiki page describes an front-end application based on this class:
- See also:
- An implementation for 2D only: CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D
// EKF SLAM void EKFSLAM() { std::string configFile="../EKF-SLAM_test.ini"; CRangeBearingKFSLAM mapping; CConfigFile cfgFile( configFile ); std::string rawlogFileName; //mapping.debugOut = &myDebugStream; CDisplayWindow3D win("My window"); // The rawlog file: rawlogFileName = cfgFile.read_string("MappingApplication","rawlog_file",std::string("log.rawlog")); unsigned int rawlog_offset = cfgFile.read_int("MappingApplication","rawlog_offset",0); unsigned int SAVE_LOG_FREQUENCY= cfgFile.read_int("MappingApplication","SAVE_LOG_FREQUENCY",1); bool SAVE_3D_SCENES = cfgFile.read_bool("MappingApplication","SAVE_3D_SCENES", true); bool SAVE_MAP_REPRESENTATIONS = cfgFile.read_bool("MappingApplication","SAVE_MAP_REPRESENTATIONS", true); string OUT_DIR = cfgFile.read_string("MappingApplication","logOutput_dir","OUT_KF-SLAM"); string ground_truth_file = cfgFile.read_string("MappingApplication","ground_truth_file",""); //cout << "RAWLOG FILE:" << endl << rawlogFileName << endl; ASSERT_( fileExists( rawlogFileName ) ); CFileGZInputStream rawlogFile( rawlogFileName ); // 创建输出目录 //deleteFilesInDirectory(OUT_DIR); //createDirectory(OUT_DIR); // Load the config options for mapping: mapping.loadOptions( CConfigFile(configFile) ); /* mapping.KF_options.dumpToConsole(); mapping.options.dumpToConsole(); */ // INITIALIZATION // ---------------------------------------- //mapping.initializeEmptyMap(); // The main loop: CActionCollectionPtr action; CSensoryFramePtr observations; size_t rawlogEntry = 0, step = 0; deque<CPose3D> meanPath; // The estimated path CPose3DPDFGaussian robotPose; std::vector<CPoint3D> LMs; std::map<unsigned int,CLandmark::TLandmarkID> LM_IDs; CMatrixDouble fullCov; CVectorDouble fullState; for(;;) { if (os::kbhit()) { // Esc quit the program char pushKey = os::getch(); if (27 == pushKey) break; } // Load action/observation pair from the rawlog: if (! CRawlog::readActionObservationPair( rawlogFile, action, observations, rawlogEntry) ) break; // file EOF if (rawlogEntry>=rawlog_offset) { // Process the action and observations: mapping.processActionObservation(action,observations); // Get current state: mapping.getCurrentState( robotPose,LMs,LM_IDs,fullState,fullCov ); //cout << "Mean pose: " << endl << robotPose.mean << endl; //cout << "# of landmarks in the map: " << LMs.size() << endl; // Build the path: meanPath.push_back( robotPose.mean ); // Free rawlog items memory: action.clear_unique(); observations.clear_unique(); }// (rawlogEntry>=rawlog_offset) //cout << format("\nStep %u - Rawlog entries processed: %i\n", (unsigned int)step, (unsigned int)rawlogEntry); step++; // Show Mapping opengl::COpenGLScenePtr &scene3D = win.get3DSceneAndLock(); // Modify the scene: opengl::CGridPlaneXYPtr grid = opengl::CGridPlaneXY::Create(-1000,1000,-1000,1000,0,5); grid->setColor(0.4,0.4,0.4); scene3D->insert( grid ); // Robot path: opengl::CSetOfLinesPtr linesPath = opengl::CSetOfLines::Create(); linesPath->setColor(1,0,0); double x0=0,y0=0,z0=0; if (!meanPath.empty()) { x0 = meanPath[0].x(); y0 = meanPath[0].y(); z0 = meanPath[0].z(); } for (deque<CPose3D>::iterator it=meanPath.begin();it!=meanPath.end();++it) { linesPath->appendLine( x0,y0,z0, it->x(), it->y(), it->z() ); x0=it->x(); y0=it->y(); z0=it->z(); } scene3D->insert( linesPath ); opengl::CSetOfObjectsPtr objs = opengl::CSetOfObjects::Create(); mapping.getAs3DObject(objs); scene3D->insert( objs ); // Unlock it, so the window can use it for redraw: win.unlockAccess3DScene(); // Update window, if required win.forceRepaint(); } // end "while(1)" } void CMrptImageBasicTestView::OnSlamEkfslam() { // 调用EKF-SLAM HANDLE handle; DWORD id; handle=CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)EKFSLAM,NULL,0,&id); CloseHandle(handle); } 执行结果 按3D格式显示,可以自主调整视角
参考:MRPT Project