自动化测试过程中,有时需要获取元素的位置、大小,以获取元素的位置,通过 Actions 模拟鼠标,进行相对坐标操作。例如,有些元素定位不方便,或者需要对某一元素相对区域范围进行暴力点击测试,此时就需要获取相应的坐标。
1 /** 2 * Get element position, and return integer Array [left, top, width, height] 3 * 4 * @author Aaron.ffp 5 * @version V1.0.0: autoSeleniumDemo main.aaron.sele.core SeleniumCore.java getElementPositionAndSize, 2015-7-27 23:38:31 Exp $ 6 * 7 * @param webdriver : WebDriver 8 * @param by : By 9 * 10 * @return int[left,top,width,height] 11 */ 12 public int[] getElementPositionAndSize(WebDriver webdriver, By by){ 13 // store element position 14 int[] elementPosition = new int[4]; 15 16 // get element 17 WebElement element = webdriver.findElement(by); 18 19 // get location of element 20 Point e_location = element.getLocation(); 21 22 // get size of element 23 Dimension e_size = element.getSize(); 24 25 elementPosition[0] = e_location.getX(); 26 elementPosition[1] = e_location.getY(); 27 elementPosition[2] = e_size.width; 28 elementPosition[3] = e_size.height; 29 30 return elementPosition; 31 } 32 33 /** 34 * Get element position, and return integer Array [left, top, width, height] 35 * 36 * @author Aaron.ffp 37 * @version V1.0.0: autoSeleniumDemo main.aaron.sele.core SeleniumCore.java getElementPositionAndSize, 2015-7-27 23:35:31 Exp $ 38 * 39 * @param by : By 40 * 41 * @return int[left,top,width,height] 42 */ 43 public int[] getElementPositionAndSize(By by){ 44 // store element position 45 int[] elementPosition = new int[4]; 46 47 // get element 48 WebElement element = this.webdriver.findElement(by); 49 50 // get location of element 51 Point e_location = element.getLocation(); 52 53 // get size of element 54 Dimension e_size = element.getSize(); 55 56 elementPosition[0] = e_location.getX(); 57 elementPosition[1] = e_location.getY(); 58 elementPosition[2] = e_size.width; 59 elementPosition[3] = e_size.height; 60 61 return elementPosition; 62 }
至此,WebUI 自动化功能测试脚本第 028-获取元素位置及大小 顺利完结,希望此文能够给初学 Selenium 的您一份参考。
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