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  • [GIT] Git-GUI 设置中文





    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn " - %s:" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2020-02-08 22:54+0100 PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> Language: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%d of the %d selected files could not be deleted." "%d 的 %d 选择的文件不能被删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Add Remote" "%s (%s): 添加远程库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Add Tool" "%s (%s): 添加工具"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Browse Branch Files" "%s (%s): 浏览分支文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Checkout Branch" "%s (%s): 检出分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Create Branch" "%s (%s): 创建分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Create Desktop Icon" "%s (%s): 创建桌面图标"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Database Statistics" "%s (%s): 数据库统计信息"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Delete Branch Remotely" "%s (%s): 删除遥远的分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Delete Branch" "%s (%s): 删除分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): File Browser" "%s (%s): 文件浏览器"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): File Viewer" "%s (%s): 文件阅读器"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Merge" "%s (%s): 合并"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Push" "%s (%s): 上传"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Remove Tool" "%s (%s): 移除工具"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): Rename Branch" "%s (%s): 重命名分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s): error" "%s (%s): 错误"
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s (%s):" ""
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s Repository" "%s 版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s hook failed:" "%s 钩子失败:"
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s of %s" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s: error" "%s 错误"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s: warning" "%s 警告"
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "%s:" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "'%s' is not an acceptable branch name." "'%s'不是一个可接受的分支名."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name." "'%s'不是一个可接受的远程库名."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "(Blue denotes repository-local tools)" "(蓝色表示本地存储库工具)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "* Binary file (not showing content)." "* 二进制文件 (不显示内容)."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "* Untracked file is %d bytes. * Showing only first %d bytes. " "* 非跟踪文件共 %d 字节. * 仅显示前 %d 字节. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'." "'合并到' 需要指定某个分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Abort Merge..." "中止合并..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Abort completed. Ready." "中止完成. 就绪."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Abort failed." "中止失败"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Abort merge? Aborting the current merge will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost. Continue with aborting the current merge?" "中止合并? 中止当前的合并操作将导致 *所有* 尚未提交的改动丢失. 是否要继续中止当前的合并操作?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Aborted checkout of '%s' (file level merging is required)." "中止 '%s' 的 checkout 操作 (需要做文件级合并)."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Aborting" "中止"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "About %s" "关于 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Add New Remote" "添加新远程库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Add New Tool Command" "添加新工具命令"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Add globally" "添加全局"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Add" "添加"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Add..." "添加..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Adding %s" "添加 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Adding all changed files" "添加全部变动的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Adding resolution for %s" "为 %s 添加解决方法"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Adding selected files" "添加选择的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Additional Diff Parameters" "附加的差异参数"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "All" "全部"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Always (Do not perform merge checks)" "总是合并 (不作合并检查)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Amend Last Commit" "修正上次提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Amended Commit Message:" "修正的提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Amended Initial Commit Message:" "修正的初始提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Amended Merge Commit Message:" "修正的合并提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Annotation complete." "标注完成."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Annotation process is already running." "注释线程已经运行."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert." "任何未缓存的改动将在这次撤销中永久丢失."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Apply/Reverse Hunk" "应用/撤消此修改块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Apply/Reverse Line" "应用/撤销行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Arbitrary Location:" "任意位置:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Are you sure you want to run %1$s on file "%2$s"?" "确定要在文件 "%2$s"上运行 %1s ?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Are you sure you want to run %s?" "你确定要运行 %s?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Arguments" "参数"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Ask the user for additional arguments (sets $ARGS)" "要求用户设置额外参数(sets $ARGS)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Ask the user to select a revision (sets $REVISION)" "要求用户选择版本(sets $REVISION)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Author:" "作者:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Blame Copy Only On Changed Files" "仅在变动的文件上Blame副本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Blame History Context Radius (days)" "Blame历史上下文范围(天)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Blame Parent Commit" "Blame上级提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch '%s' already exists." "分支 '%s' 已经存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch '%s' already exists. It cannot fast-forward to %s. A merge is required." "分支 '%s' 已经存在. 无法快速合并到 %s. 需要普通合并."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch '%s' does not exist." "分支 '%s' 并不存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch Name" "分支名"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch" "分支(branch)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch:" "分支:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branches" "分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Browse %s's Files" "浏览 %s 上的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Browse Branch Files" "浏览分支文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Browse Branch Files..." "浏览分支上的文件..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Browse Current Branch's Files" "浏览当前分支上的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Browse" "浏览"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Busy" "忙"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Calling commit-msg hook..." "调用 commit-msg 钩子..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Calling pre-commit hook..." "调用 pre-commit 钩子..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Calling prepare-commit-msg hook..." "调用 prepare-commit-msg 钩子..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cancel" "取消"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot abort while amending. You must finish amending this commit. " "修正操作中无法中止. 你必须先完成本次修正操作. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot amend while merging. You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully completed. You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the current merge activity. " "在合并时无法修正. 你当前正在一次尚未完成的合并操作过程中. 除非中止当前合并活动, 否则无法修正之前的提交. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot clone submodules." "不能克隆子模块."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot determine HEAD. See console output for details." "无法确定 HEAD. 请查看控制终端的输出."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot fetch branches and objects. See console output for details." "无法获取分支和对象. 请查看控制终端的输出."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot fetch tags. See console output for details." "无法获取标签. 请查看控制终端的输出."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot find HEAD commit:" "找不到HEAD提交:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot find git in PATH." "PATH 中没有找到 git"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot find parent commit:" "找不到上级提交:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot merge while amending. You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge. " "修正时无法做合并. 你必须完成对该提交的修正才能继续任何类型的合并操作. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot move to top of working directory:" "无法移动到工作根目录:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot parse Git version string:" "无法解析 Git 的版本信息:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot resolve %s as a commit." "无法解析 %s 为提交."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool" "无法使用工具解决删除或链接冲突"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot use bare repository:" "不能使用裸存储库:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot write icon:" "无法修改图标:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cannot write shortcut:" "无法修改快捷方式:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Case" "区分大小写"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Change Font" "更改字体"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Change" "更改"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Checked out '%s'." "'%s' 已被检出"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Checkout After Creation" "在创建后检出"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Checkout Branch" "检出分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Checkout" "检出(checkout)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Checkout..." "检出..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Choose %s" "选择 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Clone Existing Repository" "克隆已有版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Clone Type:" "克隆类型:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Clone failed." "克隆失败."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Clone" "克隆"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Clone..." "克隆..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cloning from %s" "正从 %s 克隆"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cloning submodules" "正在克隆子模块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Close" "关闭"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Command:" "命令:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit %s appears to be corrupt" "提交 %s 似乎已损坏"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit Message Text Width" "提交描述文本宽度"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit Message:" "提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit declined by commit-msg hook." "提交被 commit-msg 钩子拒绝"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit declined by pre-commit hook." "提交被 pre-commit 钩子拒绝"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit declined by prepare-commit-msg hook." "提交被 prepare-commit-msg 钩子拒绝"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit failed." "提交失败."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit:" "提交:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit@@noun" "提交(commit)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Commit@@verb" "提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Committer:" "提交者:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Committing changes..." "正在提交变更..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Compress Database" "压缩数据库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Compressing the object database" "压缩对象数据库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Conflict file does not exist" "冲突文件不存在"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Continue" "继续"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copied Or Moved Here By:" "由复制或移动至此:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copy All" "全部复制"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copy Commit" "复制提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copy To Clipboard" "复制到剪贴板"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copy" "复制"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Copying objects" "复制 objects"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Could not add tool: %s" "不能添加工具: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Could not start ssh-keygen: %s" "不能启动 ssh-keygen: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Could not start the merge tool: %s" "不能启动合并工具: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Couldn't find git gui in PATH" "在PATH中未找到git gui"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Couldn't find gitk in PATH" "在PATH中未找到gitk"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Counting objects" "清点对象"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Create Desktop Icon" "创建桌面图标"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Create New Branch" "新建分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Create New Repository" "创建新的版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Create" "新建"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Create..." "新建..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Created commit %s: %s" "创建了 commit %s: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Creating working directory" "创建工作目录"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Current Branch:" "当前分支:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Cut" "剪切"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Database Statistics" "数据库统计信息"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Decrease Font Size" "缩小字体"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Default File Contents Encoding" "默认文件内容编码"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Default" "默认"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Branch Remotely" "删除远程分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Branch" "删除分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Branch..." "删除分支..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Files" "删除文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Local Branch" "删除本地分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Only If Merged Into" "仅在合并后删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete Only If" "删除仅当"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete these %i untracked files?" "删除这些 %i 未跟踪的文件?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete untracked file %s?" "删除未跟踪的文件 %s ?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete" "删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Delete..." "删除..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Deleting branches from %s" "从 %s 中删除分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Deleting" "正在删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Destination Repository" "目标版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Detach From Local Branch" "从本地分支脱离"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Diff/Console Font" "Diff/控制终端字体"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Directory %s already exists." "目录 %s 已经存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Directory:" "目录:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Disk space used by loose objects" "松散对象所使用的磁盘空间"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Disk space used by packed objects" "压缩对象所使用的磁盘空间"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Display limit (gui.maxfilesdisplayed = %s) reached, not showing all %s files." "达到显示上限(gui.maxfilesdisplayed = %s),不能显示全部 %s 文件."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Do Full Copy Detection" "做完全拷贝检测"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Do Nothing Else Now" "现在什么也别做"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Do Nothing" "不做操作"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'." "在 '%s' 处不知道如何初始化版本库."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Don't show the command output window" "不要显示命令输出窗口"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Done" "完成"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Edit" "编辑"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Email Address" "Email 地址"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Encoding" "正在编码"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Encountered errors deleting files: " "删除文件遇到错误: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error loading commit data for amend:" "为修正装载提交数据出错:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error loading diff:" "装载 diff 错误:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error loading file:" "装载文件出错:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error retrieving versions: %s" "检索版本错误: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error" "错误"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Error: Command Failed" "错误: 命令失败"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Explore Working Copy" "浏览工作副本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'." "添加远程库 '%s' 失败(位于 '%s')."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to completely save options:" "无法完全保存选项:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to configure origin" "无法配置 origin"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to configure simplified git-pull for '%s'." "无法为 '%s' 配置简化的 git-pull"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to create repository %s:" "无法创建版本库 %s:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to delete branches: %s" "无法删除分支: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to open repository %s:" "无法打开版本库 %s:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to rename '%s'." "无法更名 '%s'."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to revert selected hunk." "无法撤销选择的块."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to revert selected line." "无法撤销选择的行."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to set current branch. This working directory is only partially switched. We successfully updated your files, but failed to update an internal Git file. This should not have occurred. %s will now close and give up." "无法设定当前分支. 当前工作目录仅有部分被切换出, 我们已成功的更新了您的文件但是无法更新某个内部的Git文件. 这本不该发生, %s 将关闭并放弃."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to stage selected hunk." "无法缓存所选代码段."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to stage selected line." "无法缓存选择的行."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to undo last revert." "无法重做上一次撤销."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to unstage selected hunk." "无法将选择的代码段从缓存中删除."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to unstage selected line." "无法将选择的行从缓存中删除."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Failed to update '%s'." "无法更新 '%s'."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fast Forward Only" "仅快速合并"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetch Immediately" "立即获取"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetch Tracking Branch" "获取跟踪分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetch from" "从..获取(fetch)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetching %s from %s" "获取 %s 自 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetching new changes from %s" "从 %s 处获取新的改动"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetching new changes from all remotes" "从所有远程库获取新的变更"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Fetching the %s" "获取 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File %s already exists." "文件 %s 已经存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?" "文件 %s 好像还有为解决的冲突,仍然缓存?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File level merge required." "需要文件级合并."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File type change staged, file missing" "文件类型改变已缓存,文件丢失"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File type change staged, modification not staged" "文件类型改变已缓存,修正不缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File type changed, not staged" "文件类型改变,未缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File type changed, old type staged for commit" "文件类型改变,已缓存旧类型"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File type changed, staged" "文件类型改变,已缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "File:" "文件:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Files will be permanently deleted." "文件将永久删除."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Find Text..." "查找文本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Find:" "查找"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Font Example" "字体样例"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Font Family" "字体族"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Font Size" "字体大小"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)" "强制覆盖已有的分支 (可能会丢失改动)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Force resolution to the base version?" "强制解决基版本?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Force resolution to the other branch?" "强制解决其它分支?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Force resolution to this branch?" "强制解决这个分支?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Found a public key in: %s" "公钥文件路径: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "From Repository" "从版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)" "全部复制 (较慢, 做备份)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Further Action" "进一步动作"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Garbage files" "垃圾文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Generate Key" "生成密钥"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Generating..." "生成中..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Generation failed." "生成失败."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Generation succeeded, but no keys found." "生成成功,但未找到密钥."
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git Bash" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git Gui" "Git Gui"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git Repository (subproject)" "Git 版本库 (子项目)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git Repository" "Git 版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git directory not found:" "Git 目录无法找到:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Git version cannot be determined. %s claims it is version '%s'. %s requires at least Git 1.5.0 or later. Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0? " "无法确定 Git 的版本. %s 声明其版本为 '%s'. 而 %s 需要 1.5.0 或这以后的 Git 版本. 是否假定 '%s' 为版本 1.5.0? "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Global (All Repositories)" "全局 (所有版本库)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Go" "跳转"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Goto Line..." "跳转行..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Goto Line:" "跳转:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Hardlinks are unavailable. Falling back to copying." "硬连接不可用. 使用复制."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Help" "帮助"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "In File:" "在文件:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Include tags" "包含标签"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Increase Font Size" "放大字体"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Index Error" "缓存(Index)错误"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Initial Commit Message:" "初始的提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Initial file checkout failed." "初始的文件checkout失败"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Initialize Remote Repository and Push" "初始化远程库并推送"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Initializing..." "初始化..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:" "无效的 GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid date from Git: %s" "无效的日期: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid font specified in %s:" "%s 中指定的字体无效:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid global encoding '%s'" "无效的全局编码 '%s'"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid repo encoding '%s'" "无效的repo编码 '%s'"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid revision: %s" "无效版本: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Invalid spell checking configuration" "无效的拼写检测配置"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "KiB" "KiB"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "LOCAL: deleted REMOTE: " "本地: 已删除 远程: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "LOCAL: " "本地: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Last scanned state does not match repository state. Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed. The rescan will be automatically started now. " "最后一次扫描的状态和当前版本库状态不符. 另一 Git 程序自上次扫描后修改了本版本库. 在修改当前分支之前需要重新做一次扫描. 重新扫描将自动开始. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Last scanned state does not match repository state. Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before another commit can be created. The rescan will be automatically started now. " "最后一次扫描的状态和当前版本库状态不符. 另一 Git 程序自上次扫描后修改了本版本库. 在修改当前分支之前需要重新做一次扫描. 重新扫描将自动开始. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Last scanned state does not match repository state. Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before the current branch can be changed. The rescan will be automatically started now. " "最后一次扫描的状态和当前版本库状态不符. 另一 Git 程序自上次扫描后修改了本版本库. 在修改当前分支之前需要重新做一次扫描. 重新扫描将自动开始. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Linking objects" "链接 objects"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Loading %s..." "装载 %s..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Loading annotation..." "裝載标注..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..." "装载复制/移动跟踪标注..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Loading diff of %s..." "正在加载 %s 的差异..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Loading original location annotations..." "装载原始位置标注..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Local Branch" "本地分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Local Branches" "本地分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Local Merge..." "本地合并..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Location %s already exists." "位置 %s 已经存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Location:" "位置:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Main Font" "主要字体"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Match Tracking Branch Name" "匹配跟踪分支名字"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Match Tracking Branches" "匹配跟踪分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Maximum Length of Recent Repositories List" "最近的仓库列表的最大长度"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge Commit Message:" "合并提交描述:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge Into %s" "合并到 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge Verbosity" "合并冗余度"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge completed successfully." "合并成功完成."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required." "合并失败. 需要解决冲突."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge strategy '%s' not supported." "合并策略 '%s' 不支持."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge tool failed." "合并工具失效."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?" "合并工具正在运行,结束它?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merge" "合并(merge)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merged Into:" "合并到"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Merging %s and %s..." "正在合并 %s 和 %s ..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Minimum Letters To Blame Copy On" "Blame副本上最少字数"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Mirroring to %s" "正在镜像到 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Missing" "不存在"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Modified, not staged" "修改但未缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Name:" "名字:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "New Branch Name Template" "新建分支命名模板"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "New Name:" "新名字:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "New..." "新建..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Next" "下一个"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No Suggestions" "不建议"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No changes to commit." "没有改动要提交."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No changes to commit. No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit. A rescan will be automatically started now. " "没有改动提交. 该提交没有改动任何文件也不是一个合并提交. 重新扫描将自动开始. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No changes to commit. You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit. " "没有需要提交的变动. 提交前你必须首先缓存至少一个文件. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No default branch obtained." "没有获取缺省分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No differences detected. %s has no changes. The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but the content within the file was not changed. A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the same state." "未检测到改动. 该文件的修改日期被另一个程序所更新, 但其内容并没有变化. 对于类似情况的其他文件的重新扫描将自动开始."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No keys found." "未找到密钥."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No repository selected." "没有选择版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No revision selected." "没有选择版本."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No working directory" "没有工作目录"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "No" "号码"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "None of the %d selected files could be deleted." "%d 中所选文件都不能删除."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'" "不是一个GUI合并工具: '%s'"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Not a Git repository: %s" "不是一个 Git 版本库: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes. %s will be overwritten. This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge." "请注意,diff只显示冲突的变更. %s 将被覆盖. 此操作只能通过重新启动合并来撤消."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Nothing to clone from %s." "没有东西可从 %s 克隆."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Number of Diff Context Lines" "Diff 上下文行数"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Number of loose objects" "松散对象的数量"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Number of packed objects" "压缩对象数量"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Number of packs" "压缩包数量"
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "OK" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the necessary commits. Try fetching from %s first." "由于没有获取到必要的提交,一个或多个合并测试失败.请尝试从 %s 处先获取."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Online Documentation" "在线文档"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Open Existing Repository" "打开已有版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Open Recent Repository:" "打开最近版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Open" "打开"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Open..." "打开..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Options" "选项..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Options..." "选项..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Original File:" "原始文件:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Originally By:" "最初由:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Other" "其它"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Packed objects waiting for pruning" "压缩对象等待清理"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Paste" "粘贴"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please select a branch to rename." "请选择分支更名."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please select a tracking branch." "请选择某个跟踪分支."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please select one or more branches to delete." "请选择某个或多个分支来删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please supply a branch name." "请提供分支名字."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please supply a commit message. A good commit message has the following format: - First line: Describe in one sentence what you did. - Second line: Blank - Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good. " "请提供一条提交信息. 一条好的提交信息有下列格式: - 第一行: 一句话概括你做的修改. - 第二行: 空行 - 剩余行: 请描述为什么你做的这些改动是好的. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please supply a name for the tool." "请为工具提供名字."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Please supply a remote name." "请提供远程库名."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Portions staged for commit" "部分缓存为提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Possible environment issues exist. The following environment variables are probably going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run by %s: " "可能存在环境变量的问题. 由 %s 执行的 Git 子进程可能忽略下列环境变量: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Preferences" "首选项"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Prev" "预览(Prev)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch" "获取时清除跟踪分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Prune from" "从..清除(prune)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s" "清除已经从 %s 删除的跟踪分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Pruning tracking branches deleted from all remotes" "清除所有已经从远程库删除的跟踪分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Push Branches" "上传分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Push to" "上传到(push)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Push" "上传"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Push..." "上传..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Pushing %s %s to %s" "上传 %s %s 到 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Pushing changes to %s" "上传改动到 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Quit" "退出"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "REMOTE: deleted LOCAL: " "远程: 已删除 本地: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "REMOTE: " "远程: "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reading %s..." "读取 %s..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Ready to commit." "准备提交."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Ready." "就绪"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Recent Repositories" "最近版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Recovering deleted branches is difficult. Delete the selected branches?" "恢复被删除的分支非常困难. 是否要删除所选分支?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Recovering lost commits may not be easy." "恢复丢失的提交是比较困难的."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Recursively clone submodules too" "也递归克隆子模块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Redo" "重做"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Refresh" "刷新"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Refreshing file status..." "更新文件状态..."
    ##::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "RegExp" ""
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remote Details" "远程库明细"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remote" "远程库(remote)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remote:" "远程库:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remove Remote" "移除远程库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remove Tool Commands" "远程库工具命令"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remove" "移除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Remove..." "移除..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Rename Branch" "更改分支名:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Rename" "更名..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Rename..." "更名..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Repository" "版本库(repository)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Repository:" "版本库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Requires merge resolution" "需要解决合并冲突"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Rescan" "重新扫描"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reset '%s'?" "复位 '%s'?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reset changes? Resetting the changes will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost. Continue with resetting the current changes?" "是否复位当前改动? 复位当前的改动将导致 *所有* 未提交的改动丢失. 是否要继续复位当前的改动?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reset" "复位"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reset..." "复位(Reset)..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Resetting '%s' to '%s' will lose the following commits:" "复位 '%s' 到 '%s' 将导致下列提交的丢失:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Restore Defaults" "恢复默认值"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert Changes" "撤销修改"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert Hunk" "撤销块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert Line" "撤销行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert Lines" "撤销多行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert To Base" "撤销到Base"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert changes in file %s?" "撤销文件 %s 中的改动?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revert changes in these %i files?" "撤销这些 (%i个) 文件的改动?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reverting %s" "正在撤销 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reverting dictionary to %s." "正在撤销字典到 %s ."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Reverting selected files" "正在撤销选择的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revision Expression:" "版本表达式:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revision To Merge" "要合并的版本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revision expression is empty." "版本表达式为空."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Revision" "版本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Run Command: %s" "运行命令: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Run Merge Tool" "运行合并工具"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Run only if a diff is selected ($FILENAME not empty)" "只有在选择了diff时才运行($FILENAME不为空)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Running %s requires a selected file." "正在运行 %s 需要选择一个文件."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Running merge tool..." "正在运行合并工具..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Running thorough copy detection..." "正在运行全面的副本检测..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Running: %s" "正在运行: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Save" "保存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Scanning %s..." "正在扫描 %s..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Scanning for modified files ..." "扫描修改过的文件 ..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Select All" "全选"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Select" "选择"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Setting up the %s (at %s)" "正在准备 %s (在 %s )"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)" "共享方式 (最快, 不推荐, 不做备份)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Shared only available for local repository." "共享方式仅当是本地版本库时有效."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show Diffstat After Merge" "在合并后显示 Diff 统计信息"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show History Context" "显示历史上下文"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show Less Context" "显示更少上下文"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show More Context" "显示更多上下文"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show SSH Key" "显示 SSH 密钥"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show a dialog before running" "在运行前显示对话框"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Show untracked files" "显示未跟踪的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Sign Off" "签名(Sign Off)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Source Branches" "源端分支:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Source Location:" "源位置:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Spell Checker Failed" "拼写检查器失败"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Spell checker silently failed on startup" "在启动时拼写检查器静默失败"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Spell checking is unavailable" "拼写检查不可用"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Spelling Dictionary:" "拼写字典:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage %d untracked files?" "缓存 %d 未跟踪的文件?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage Changed Files To Commit" "为提交缓存修改的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage Changed" "缓存改动"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage Hunk For Commit" "为提交缓存修改块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage Line For Commit" "为提交缓存行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage Lines For Commit" "未提交缓存多行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Stage To Commit" "为提交缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staged Changes (Will Commit)" "已缓存的改动 (将被提交)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staged for commit" "缓存为提交"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staged for commit, missing" "缓存为提交, 不存在"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staged for removal" "缓存为删除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staged for removal, still present" "缓存为删除, 但仍存在"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staging area (index) is already locked." "缓存区域 (index) 已被锁定."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staging of untracked files" "缓存未跟踪的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)" "标准方式 (快速, 部分备份, 作硬连接)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Standard only available for local repository." "标准方式仅当是本地版本库时有效."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Start git gui In The Submodule" "在子模块中启动git gui"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Starting %s... please wait..." "正在启动 %s ... 请等待..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Starting Revision" "起始版本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Starting..." "开始..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Staying on branch '%s'." "停留在分支 '%s'."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Success" "成功"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Summarize Merge Commits" "概述合并提交:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "System (%s)" "系统 (%s)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tab spacing" "制表符宽度"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tag" "标签"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Target Directory:" "目标目录:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "The 'master' branch has not been initialized." "'master'分支尚未初始化."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:" "下列分支没有完全被合并到 %s:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "The following branches are not completely merged into %s: - %s" "下列分支没有被全部合并到 %s 中: - %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "There is nothing to amend. You are about to create the initial commit. There is no commit before this to amend. " "没有改动需要修正. 你正在创建最初的提交. 在此之前没有提交可以修正. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "This Detached Checkout" "该脱节的Checkout"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "This is example text. If you like this text, it can be your font." "这是样例文本. 如果你喜欢, 你可以设置该字体."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "This repository currently has approximately %i loose objects. To maintain optimal performance it is strongly recommended that you compress the database when more than %i loose objects exist. Compress the database now?" "该版本库当前约有 %i 个松散对象. 为达到较优的性能,强烈建议你在松散对象多于 %i 时压缩数据库. 现在就压缩数据库么?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tool '%s' already exists." "工具 '%s' 已经存在."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tool Details" "工具详情"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tool completed successfully: %s" "工具成功完成: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tool failed: %s" "工具失败: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tool: %s" "工具: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tools" "工具"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tracking Branch" "跟踪分支:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Tracking branch %s is not a branch in the remote repository." "跟踪分支 %s 并不是远端版本库中的一个分支"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Transfer Options" "传输选项"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Trust File Modification Timestamps" "相信文件的改动时间"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "URL" "URL"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to cleanup %s" "无法清理 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to copy object: %s" "无法复制 object: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s" "无法复制 objects/info/alternates: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to display %s" "无法显示 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to display parent" "不能显示上级"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to hardlink object: %s" "不能硬链接对象: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to obtain your identity:" "不能获得你的身份:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unable to unlock the index." "无法解锁缓存 (index)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Undo Last Revert" "重做上次撤销"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Undo" "撤销"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unexpected EOF from spell checker" "来自拼写检查器的意料之外的EOF"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unknown file state %s detected. File %s cannot be committed by this program. " "检测到未知文件状态 %s. 文件 %s 无法由该程序提交. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unlock Index" "解锁 Index"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unmerged files cannot be committed. File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them and stage the file before committing. " "尚未合并的文件没有办法提交. 文件 %s 有合并冲突, 你必须解决这些冲突并缓存该文件作提交. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unmodified" "未修改"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unrecognized spell checker" "拼写检查器非法"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstage From Commit" "从本次提交撤除"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstage Hunk From Commit" "从提交中撤除修改块"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstage Line From Commit" "从提交中撤除行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstage Lines From Commit" "从提交中撤除多行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstaged Changes" "未缓存的改动"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstaging %s from commit" "从提交缓存中删除 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unstaging selected files from commit" "从提交缓存中删除选择的文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unsupported merge tool '%s'" "不支持合并工具 '%s'"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Unsupported spell checker" "不支持拼写检查器"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Untracked, not staged" "未跟踪, 未缓存"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Update Existing Branch:" "更新已有分支:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Updated" "已更新"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to resynchronize git-gui." "更新 Git 缓存(Index)失败, 重新扫描将自动开始以重新同步 git-gui."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Updating working directory to '%s'..." "更新工作目录到 '%s'..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Usage" "用法"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use '/' separators to create a submenu tree:" "用 '/' 分隔符生成一个子菜单树:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use Local Version" "用本地版本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use Merge Tool" "用合并工具"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use Remote Version" "用远程库版本"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use Textconv For Diffs and Blames" "为Diffs和Blames使用Textconv"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)" "使用 thin pack (适用于低速网络连接)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "User Name" "用户名"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Verify Database" "验证数据库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Verifying the object database with fsck-objects" "使用 fsck-objects 验证对象数据库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize %s's History" "图示 %s 分支的历史"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize All Branch History In The Submodule" "在子模块中图示所有分支的历史"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize All Branch History" "图示所有分支的历史"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize Current Branch History In The Submodule" "在子模块中图示当前分支的历史"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize Current Branch's History" "图示当前分支的历史"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize These Changes In The Submodule" "在子模块中图示这些更改"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Visualize" "图示"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Warn before committing to a detached head" "提交到游离head前警告"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Working... please wait..." "工作中,请等待..."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "You are about to commit on a detached head. This is a potentially dangerous thing to do because if you switch to another branch you will lose your changes and it can be difficult to retrieve them later from the reflog. You should probably cancel this commit and create a new branch to continue. Do you really want to proceed with your Commit?" "你即将在一个游离的head上提交.这样做具有潜在的危险,因为如果您切换到另一个分支,您将丢失您的更改,并且稍后很难从reflog中检索它们.您可能应该取消此提交并创建一个新分支后继续. 您真的想继续您的提交吗?"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "You are in the middle of a change. File %s is modified. You should complete the current commit before starting a merge. Doing so will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise. " "你正处在一个改动当中. 文件 %s 已被修改. 你必须完成当前的提交后才能开始合并. 如果需要, 这么做将有助于中止一次失败的合并. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "You are in the middle of a conflicted merge. File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them, stage the file, and commit to complete the current merge. Only then can you begin another merge. " "你正处在一个有冲突的合并操作中. 文件 %s 有合并冲突. 你必须解决这些冲突, 缓存该文件, 并提交来完成当前的合并.仅当这样后才能开始下一个合并操作. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "You are no longer on a local branch. If you wanted to be on a branch, create one now starting from 'This Detached Checkout'." "你不在某个本地分支上. 如果你想位于某分支上, 从当前脱节的Checkout中创建一个新分支."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "You must correct the above errors before committing." "你必须在提交前修正上述错误."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Your OpenSSH Public Key" "你的 OpenSSH 公钥"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Your key is in: %s" "你的密钥是在: %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "[Up To Parent]" "[上层目录]"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn " * Untracked file clipped here by %s. * To see the entire file, use an external editor. " " * 未跟踪的文件在这里被 %s 剪裁. * 使用外部编辑器查看整个文件. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn " This is due to a known issue with the Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin." " 这是由 Cygwin 发布的 Tcl 代码中一个 已知问题所引起."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn " A good replacement for %s is placing values for the user.name and user.email settings into your personal ~/.gitconfig file. " " %s 的一个很好的替代方案是将 user.name 以及 user.email 设置放在你的个人 ~/.gitconfig 文件中. "
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "buckets" "大量"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "commit-tree failed:" "commit-tree 失败:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "fatal: Cannot resolve %s" "致命错误: 无法解决 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory" "致命错误: 无法获取路径 %s 的信息: 该文件或目录不存在"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "fetch %s" "获取(fetch)"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "fetch all remotes" "获取所有远程库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "files checked out" "文件检出"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "files reset" "文件重置"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "files" "文件"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git." "git-gui - Git 的图形化用户界面"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "git-gui: fatal error" "git-gui: 致命错误"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "lines annotated" "标注行"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "objects" "objects"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "pt." "磅"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "push %s" "上传 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "remote prune %s" "清除远端 %s"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "remote prune all remotes" "清除远端全部远程库"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "update-ref failed:" "update-ref 失败:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "usage:" "用法:"
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'." "警告: Tcl 不支持编码方式 '%s'."
    ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "write-tree failed:" "write-tree 失败:"

  • 相关阅读:
    build web application with golang
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/flamegreat/p/13969747.html
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