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  • Aim.ms

    /* LookAt is a script for "aiming" objects at other objects via the Look-At controller. It is designed to work with multiple objects and can modify the Look-At settings as well as remove the controller, returning it to its original state.

    Author: Chris Harvey */

    --2011.7.14 盖天注解

    try (cui.unregisterDialogBar Aim) catch() try (closeRolloutFloater Aim) catch()

    rollout Look "LookAt Set-up" (  --有哟按教程 在这里打开  --这里的解释就是相当于加入控制器 加入约束  -- 快速的做约束是很好。    button   HowTo_btn   "Instructions"        63 height:55  pos:[5,13]    groupbox target_grp  "Target Object"       150 height:62  pos:[75,7]  button   Pick_btn   "Pick"          140 height:20  pos:[80,23]  editText  Pick_edt  ""           140 height:18  pos:[78,45]  button   Execute_btn  "Add LookAt"        210 height:25  pos:[10,75]  button  Remove_btn  "Remove LookAt"       210 height:25  pos:[10,103]  button  Off_btn   "LookAt Off"       103 height:21  pos:[10,130]  button  On_btn   "LookAt On"        103 height:21  pos:[117,130] 

     on HowTo_btn pressed do   (    --点开之后的对话框           rollout rHOWpage "Aim Instructions"   (    local htmlpath = getDir #scripts + "\\Harvey\\Help\\Aim_Help.html"    local size = [700,1140]          activeXControl name_ax   "http:\\www.relic.com"   (size.x-30) height:(size.y-45)  align:#center          on rHOWpage open do    (     name_ax.Navigate2 htmlpath    )    )      fHOWPage = newRolloutFloater "Aim Instructions" rHOWpage.size.x 800   addRollout rHOWPage fHOWPage rolledUp: false  )    on Pick_btn pressed do  (   global targetOBJ = pickobject()   Pick_edt.text = targetOBJ.name  )    on Execute_btn pressed do with undo label: "Look-At" on  (   max motion mode

      for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller = rotation_list ()   )      for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.Available.controller = LookAt_Constraint ()   )   for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.relative = on    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.viewline_length_abs = off    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.lookat_vector_length = 0    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.AppendTarget targetOBJ 50    )   for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.Available.controller = Euler_XYZ ()   )   for foo in $ do   (    listctrl.setname foo.rotation.controller 1 "Base"    listctrl.setname foo.rotation.controller 3 "Manual"   )   undo off     for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.setactive 3   )

      max create mode  )    on Remove_btn pressed do with undo label: "Remove LookAt" on  (   for foo in $ do   (    orig = copy foo.rotation.controller[1]    foo.rotation.controller = orig   )  )    on Off_btn pressed do with undo off  (   for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.weight[2] = 0   )  )    on On_btn pressed do with undo off  (   for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.weight[2] = 100   )  ) )

    rollout AimModifier "Modify LookAt" (   --用图片做的按钮的背景  -- 还有就是用按钮做分割 效果也是很好。  ---这个相当于把注释越是的东西哪了出来  ---在ui上画的很长 做的很漂亮、  --我在分类上也是可是这样做的  --其实要是为了跟好卡 就做 imgTag 这个控件      group "Modifiy Aim"  (   button  Line_btn1    ""          2 height:205  pos:[45,20]       checkbutton rel_CHK ""         35 height:12  pos:[7,175]       --images:#(GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)   checkbox Relative_chk "Keep Initial Offset"          pos:[80,25]   button   Line_btn2   ""          182 height:2  pos:[45,45]      checkbutton look_CHK  ""         35 height:12  pos:[7,65]   -- images:#(GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)   radioButtons Look_rdo  "Select LookAt Axis"          pos:[70,55]  labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") default: 3   checkbox Flip_chk  "Flip"              pos:[170,70]   button   Line_btn3   ""          182 height:2  pos:[45,90]     checkbutton Ucontrol_CHK ""         35 height:12  pos:[7,110]   -- images:#(GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)   radioButtons Ucontrol_rdo "Upnode Control"           pos:[70,100]  labels:#("LookAt", "Axis Alignment") default: 2   button   Line_btn4   ""          182 height:2  pos:[45,135]

      checkbutton Source_CHK  ""         35 height:12  pos:[7,155]    --images:#(GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)   radioButtons Source_rdo  "Source Axis"            pos:[70,145]  labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") default: 2   checkbox FlipS_chk  "Flip"              pos:[170,160]   button   Line_btn5   ""          182 height:2  pos:[45,180]

      checkbutton Uaxis_CHK  ""         35 height:12  pos:[7,200]    --images:#(GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", GetDir #maxroot + "\\scripts\\Harvey\\Icons\\CheckIcons.bmp", 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)   radioButtons Uaxis_rdo  "Aligned to Upnode Axis"         pos:[70,190]  labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") default: 3   button   Line_btn6   ""          182 height:2  pos:[45,225]      button   None_btn  "Check None"      105 height:25  pos:[10,235]   button  All_btn   "Check All"       105 height:25  pos:[117,235]   button  Modify_btn  "Modify Selected"     212 height:25  pos:[10,265]  )         on None_btn pressed do with undo off  (   rel_CHK.state = false   look_CHK.state = false   Ucontrol_CHK.state = false   Source_CHK.state = false   Uaxis_CHK.state = false  )    on All_btn pressed do with undo off  (   rel_CHK.state = true   look_CHK.state = true   Ucontrol_CHK.state = true   Source_CHK.state = true   Uaxis_CHK.state = true  )    on Modify_btn pressed do with undo label: "Modify Aim" on  (   if rel_CHK.state == true then for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.relative = Relative_chk.state   )   if look_CHK.state == true then for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.target_axis = ((Look_rdo.state as integer)-1)    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.target_axisFlip = Flip_chk.state   )   if Ucontrol_CHK.state == true then for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.upnode_ctrl = ((Ucontrol_rdo.state as integer)-1)   )   if Source_CHK.state == true then for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.StoUP_axis = ((Source_rdo.state as integer)-1)    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.StoUP_axisFlip = FlipS_chk.state   )   if Uaxis_CHK.state == true then for foo in $ do   (    foo.rotation.controller.LookAt_Constraint.controller.upnode_axis = ((Uaxis_rdo.state as integer)-1)   )  )   )

    Aim = NewRolloutFloater "Aim" 245 515 addRollout Look Aim addRollout AimModifier Aim

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaitian00/p/2106671.html
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