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  • Redis学习--monior命令



    • 客户端缓冲区
    • 复制积压缓冲区
    • AOF缓冲区




    # The client output buffer limits can be used to force disconnection of clients
    # that are not reading data from the server fast enough for some reason (a
    # common reason is that a Pub/Sub client can't consume messages as fast as the
    # publisher can produce them).
    # The limit can be set differently for the three different classes of clients:
    # normal -> normal clients including MONITOR clients
    # replica  -> replica clients
    # pubsub -> clients subscribed to at least one pubsub channel or pattern
    # The syntax of every client-output-buffer-limit directive is the following:
    # client-output-buffer-limit <class> <hard limit> <soft limit> <soft seconds>
    # A client is immediately disconnected once the hard limit is reached, or if
    # the soft limit is reached and remains reached for the specified number of
    # seconds (continuously).
    # So for instance if the hard limit is 32 megabytes and the soft limit is
    # 16 megabytes / 10 seconds, the client will get disconnected immediately
    # if the size of the output buffers reach 32 megabytes, but will also get
    # disconnected if the client reaches 16 megabytes and continuously overcomes
    # the limit for 10 seconds.
    # By default normal clients are not limited because they don't receive data
    # without asking (in a push way), but just after a request, so only
    # asynchronous clients may create a scenario where data is requested faster
    # than it can read.
    # Instead there is a default limit for pubsub and replica clients, since
    # subscribers and replicas receive data in a push fashion.
    # Both the hard or the soft limit can be disabled by setting them to zero.
    client-output-buffer-limit normal 0 0 0
    client-output-buffer-limit replica 256mb 64mb 60
    client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 32mb 8mb 60
    # Client query buffers accumulate new commands. They are limited to a fixed
    # amount by default in order to avoid that a protocol desynchronization (for
    # instance due to a bug in the client) will lead to unbound memory usage in
    # the query buffer. However you can configure it here if you have very special
    # needs, such us huge multi/exec requests or alike.
    # client-query-buffer-limit 1gb



    通过命令client listhe info clients来获取客户端列表和客户端输入输出缓冲区的资源消耗。



    struct redisServer {
    	list *slaves, *monitors;    /* List of slaves and MONITORs */


    void monitorCommand(client *c) {
        /* ignore MONITOR if already slave or in monitor mode */
        if (c->flags & CLIENT_SLAVE) return;
        c->flags |= (CLIENT_SLAVE|CLIENT_MONITOR);


    /* Call() is the core of Redis execution of a command.
    void call(client *c, int flags) {
        long long dirty;
        ustime_t start, duration;
        int client_old_flags = c->flags;
        struct redisCommand *real_cmd = c->cmd;
        /* Sent the command to clients in MONITOR mode, only if the commands are
         * not generated from reading an AOF. */
        if (listLength(server.monitors) &&
            !server.loading &&
            !(c->cmd->flags & (CMD_SKIP_MONITOR|CMD_ADMIN)))

    replicationFeedMonitor函数会将命令进行封装,使用addReply函数将封装结果发送到所有monitor的output buffer中。

    void replicationFeedMonitors(client *c, list *monitors, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc) {
        listNode *ln;
        listIter li;
        int j;
        sds cmdrepr = sdsnew("+");
        robj *cmdobj;
        struct timeval tv;
        cmdrepr = sdscatprintf(cmdrepr,"%ld.%06ld ",(long)tv.tv_sec,(long)tv.tv_usec);
        if (c->flags & CLIENT_LUA) {
            cmdrepr = sdscatprintf(cmdrepr,"[%d lua] ",dictid);
        } else if (c->flags & CLIENT_UNIX_SOCKET) {
            cmdrepr = sdscatprintf(cmdrepr,"[%d unix:%s] ",dictid,server.unixsocket);
        } else {
            cmdrepr = sdscatprintf(cmdrepr,"[%d %s] ",dictid,getClientPeerId(c));
        for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
            if (argv[j]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
                cmdrepr = sdscatprintf(cmdrepr, ""%ld"", (long)argv[j]->ptr);
            } else {
                cmdrepr = sdscatrepr(cmdrepr,(char*)argv[j]->ptr,
            if (j != argc-1)
                cmdrepr = sdscatlen(cmdrepr," ",1);
        cmdrepr = sdscatlen(cmdrepr,"
        cmdobj = createObject(OBJ_STRING,cmdrepr);
        while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
            client *monitor = ln->value;

    在将监控日志放入客户端output buffer前会检查当前buffer是否有足够空间来存放数据(_addReplyToBuffer),如果空间不足则跳过。当监控日志存入outpu buffer后,会异步检查output buffer的水位线(asyncCloseClientOnOutputBufferLimitReached)

    /* Add the object 'obj' string representation to the client output buffer. */
    void addReply(client *c, robj *obj) {
        if (prepareClientToWrite(c) != C_OK) return;
        if (sdsEncodedObject(obj)) {
            if (_addReplyToBuffer(c,obj->ptr,sdslen(obj->ptr)) != C_OK)
        } else if (obj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
            /* For integer encoded strings we just convert it into a string
             * using our optimized function, and attach the resulting string
             * to the output buffer. */
            char buf[32];
            size_t len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),(long)obj->ptr);
            if (_addReplyToBuffer(c,buf,len) != C_OK)
        } else {
            serverPanic("Wrong obj->encoding in addReply()");
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Low level functions to add more data to output buffers.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int _addReplyToBuffer(client *c, const char *s, size_t len) {
        size_t available = sizeof(c->buf)-c->bufpos;
        if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_AFTER_REPLY) return C_OK;
        /* If there already are entries in the reply list, we cannot
         * add anything more to the static buffer. */
        if (listLength(c->reply) > 0) return C_ERR;
        /* Check that the buffer has enough space available for this string. */
        if (len > available) return C_ERR;
        return C_OK;
    void _addReplyStringToList(client *c, const char *s, size_t len) {
        if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_AFTER_REPLY) return;
        listNode *ln = listLast(c->reply);
        clientReplyBlock *tail = ln? listNodeValue(ln): NULL;
        /* Note that 'tail' may be NULL even if we have a tail node, becuase when
         * addDeferredMultiBulkLength() is used, it sets a dummy node to NULL just
         * fo fill it later, when the size of the bulk length is set. */
        /* Append to tail string when possible. */
        if (tail) {
            /* Copy the part we can fit into the tail, and leave the rest for a
             * new node */
            size_t avail = tail->size - tail->used;
            size_t copy = avail >= len? len: avail;
            memcpy(tail->buf + tail->used, s, copy);
            tail->used += copy;
            s += copy;
            len -= copy;
        if (len) {
            /* Create a new node, make sure it is allocated to at
             * least PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES */
            size_t size = len < PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES? PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES: len;
            tail = zmalloc(size + sizeof(clientReplyBlock));
            /* take over the allocation's internal fragmentation */
            tail->size = zmalloc_usable(tail) - sizeof(clientReplyBlock);
            tail->used = len;
            memcpy(tail->buf, s, len);
            listAddNodeTail(c->reply, tail);
            c->reply_bytes += tail->size;

    当水位线超过阈值后,会异步关闭客户端,防止output buffer内存消耗过多引发实例异常。

    /* Asynchronously close a client if soft or hard limit is reached on the
     * output buffer size. The caller can check if the client will be closed
     * checking if the client CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP flag is set.
     * Note: we need to close the client asynchronously because this function is
     * called from contexts where the client can't be freed safely, i.e. from the
     * lower level functions pushing data inside the client output buffers. */
    void asyncCloseClientOnOutputBufferLimitReached(client *c) {
        if (c->fd == -1) return; /* It is unsafe to free fake clients. */
        serverAssert(c->reply_bytes < SIZE_MAX-(1024*64));
        if (c->reply_bytes == 0 || c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_ASAP) return;
        if (checkClientOutputBufferLimits(c)) {
            sds client = catClientInfoString(sdsempty(),c);
            serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Client %s scheduled to be closed ASAP for overcoming of output buffer limits.", client);


    一文了解 Redis 内存监控和内存消耗



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaogao67/p/15086379.html
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