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    Chapter 1 - How to Create a New cocos2d-x project on multi-platforms

    Today we will start a tutorial on how to port the famous Cocos2dSimpleGame from objc to c++, using cocos2d-x engine, then run it on win32/iphone/android/wophone multi-platforms. The Cocos2dSimpleGame is written byRay Wenderlich. Almost every beginner of cocos2d-iphone has read his tutorial series.

    First of all, you need to download the last stable version of cocos2d-x from http://download.cocos2d-x.org. It’s cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.2 when I write this article, and then update the game source to 0.8.5. The infix 0.99.5 means this c++ port is based on the parent cocos2d-iphone 0.99.5, and the suffix 0.8.2 is the version of our cocos2d–x port.

    The source of Cocos2dxSimpleGame is here https://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-x/downloads/detail?name=Cocos2dxSimpleGame-0.8.5.zip, I have tested it with cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.5.

    Let’s begin. You can jump to your platform directly from this catalogue.

    1. start with win32

    cocos2d-win32 port is well tested on WinXP + VistualStudio2008/2010. But in vista/win7, I can not promise it runs well. Here’s a protal for unluck guys who cannot run this tutorial correctly on cocos2d-win32 port…

    1.2 install Wizard on VisualStudio

    After download and unzip the package, you can go into cocos2d-x folder, click “build-win32.bat” to compilate the whole project, than click "install-templates-msvc.bat" to install the wizard. The bat scripts adapt vs2008 or 2010 automaticlly. For more detail, please read this document Cocos2d-x Application Wizard for Visual Studio User Guide
    It’s the screenhost of install-templates-msvc.bat succedd in Microsoft VistualStudio 2008 environment.

    1.3 Create a new cocos2d-win32 project

    Now open cocos2d-x/cocos2d-win32.vc2008.sln via VS2008, we can see the libs here.

    Right click the “Solution ‘cocos2d-win32.vc2008’ “, then “Add->New Project”,

    select "cocos2d-x -> cocos2d-win32 Application", fill in the name "Cocos2dxSimpleGameForWin32", and use the default location setting.
    NOTED: the location of games must stay in the directory of cocos2d-x root in win32 & wophone port.

    Click “OK -> Next”, uncheck Box2D because Cocos2dSimpleGame will not use physics. Make sure “SimpleAudioEngine in CocosDenshion” is checked, then “Finished”.

    1.4 Build and Run

    Now we can see the “Cocos2dxSimpleGameForWin32.win32” is created! Check the dependencies, our game depends on libcocos2d & libCocosDenshion now.

    Well, build and run it, if you are not unlucky enough, you can see

    1.5 Portal for unlucky guys

    I can not promise that everyone can run this HelloWorld successfully on win32. Because the cocos2d-win32 port is based on the PowerVR OpenGL ES 1.1 SDK for PC Emulation (Windows ista/XP version) 
    We integrated the PowerVR libraries in the path 

    • For win7 users: PowerVR has not release Windows7 port yet. But you still can have a try. Many win7 users in cocos2d-x community successfully run this case.
    • For winxp/vista users: If HelloWorld crashed at any glXXX or eglXXX function, please update the driver of your video card, goto the website of NVIDIA/ATI/INTEL to look for a last driver
    • For unlucky users: You can create cocos2d-x project in XCode manually, or goto church/temple to look for a better luck :p

    2. Start with WoPhone

    If you are a wophone developer, the steps of win32 above also fits you. There are only 3 differences:
    1. you must locate cocos2d-x-root in D:/Work7, wophone has a strict app path requirement.
    2. please open D:/Work7/cocos2d-x/cocos2d-wophone.sln via VS2008 instead of cocos2d-win32
    3. select “cocos2d-wophone application” in the “Add New Project” dialog, just like this

    And the result of cocos2d-wophone HelloWorld is

    3. Start with iPhone

    We have templates for xcode now since version 0.8.2。 You can create cocos2d-x projects as easy as cocos2d-iphone projects.

    At first, goto the root of cocos2d-x folder, then run the install-templates.sh in the mac shell 

    sudo ./install-templates-xcode3.sh 

    After the version 0.8.2, it may be install-templates-xcode.sh, and you can choose your xcode version, xcode3 or xcode4. 
    After the installation finisehd, you can start the Xcode, then click "Create a new Xcode project". You can see this dialog

    Select "cocos2d-x application", then click "choose", type in the project name. The cocos2d-x project will created by xcode for you.

    Notice that, the cocos2d-x project for iOS can be create in anywhere as you wish. The wizard in xcode will copy the libraries of all cocos2dx, CocosDenshion, etc, into the project folder. This is different from the wizard for win32 & wophone in VisualStudio.

    Ok, then build and run, you could see the HelloWorld scene as follows,

    4. Start with Android

    The project of android for ndk contains two parts, one for java, and the other for c++. We would run create-android-project.bat(or create-android-project.sh under linux) to create android ndk project.

    4.1 Under windows

    4.1.1 Create project

    "create-android-project.bat" is under the root of cocos2d-x. You should do some changes to work under your environment.

    Change some macros in create-android-project.bat to work in your environment.
    • set _CYGBIN=C:\cygwin\bin 
      The path of cygwin bin
    • set _ANDROIDTOOLS=D:\anroid\android-sdk-windows\tools 
      The path of android sdk tools
    • set _NDKROOT=D:\anroid\android-ndk-r4-crystax 
      The root of ndk

    Now you can run "create-android-project.bat" to create an android project: 
    Goto the root of cocos2d-x, double click create-android-project.bat, input the project name and target id. Just like this

    After version 0.8.2, you may be asked to enter the package path, the path format is like this: org.coco2dx.Cocos2dxSimpleGameForAndroid. 
    The target ids are different in different environment, you should be sure to input valid target id. Now cocos2dx supports 
    2.1-update1 and Android 2.2, other versions have not been tested.

    4.1.2 Build native code

    Now you can see a folder named "Cocos2dxSimpleGameForAndroid" under the root of cocos2d-x. Run your cygwin, and goto 
    "Cocos2dxSimpleGameForAndroid/android", then run "build_native.sh".

    4.1.3 Import project to eclipse

    Run your eclipse, click File -> New -> Project -> Android Project, and import the project like this

    4.1.4 Build java code and run

    Right click the project and select "Build Project", then right click the project and select "Run As" -> "Android Application". Then you can see the result:

    4.2 Under linux

    You should run "create-android-project.sh" to create android project, the others are the same as under windows.

    You should define some environment variables to run "create-android-project.sh" under your environment. 
    Initialize some environment variables.
    • NDK_ROOT 
      The root of ndk.
      The root of android sdk.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaoteng/p/2350380.html
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