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  • Visual Studio 2013 编译 64 位 Python 的 C 扩展 (使用 PyObject 包装)

    对于 32 位 Python 的 C 扩展,以前用过 mingW32 编译,

    但是 mingW32 不支持 64 位 Python 的 C 扩展编译,详情可见 stackoverflow,这位前辈的大意如下,

    以下介绍 Visual Studio 2013 编译 64 位 Python 的 C 扩展步骤:

    1)准备 C 文件和包装文件,


    // Purpose: C code, for wrappered.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int fact(int n)
        if(n < 2)
            return 1;
        return n * fact(n - 1);
    char * reverse(char * s)
        char t;
        char *p = s;
        char *q = (s + (strlen(s) - 1));
        while(p < q)
            t = *p;
            *p++ = *q;
            *q-- = t;
        return s;
    // just for unit test, for the two function above
    int unit_test(void)
        // test fact()
        printf("4! = %d
    ", fact(4));
        printf("8! = %d
    ", fact(8));
        printf("12! = %d
    ", fact(12));
        // test reverse
        char s[10] = "abcdef";
        printf("reversing 'abcdef', we get '%s'
    ", reverse(s));
        char s2[10] = "madam";
        printf("reversing 'madam', we get '%s'
    ", reverse(s2));
        return 0;

      包装代码 ExtDemo_Wrapper.c

    // Purpose: According to the C code, write the Wrapper.
    #include "Python.h"
    // function declaration
    int fact(int n);
    char * reverse(char * s);
    int unit_test(void);
    static PyObject * ED_fact(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
        int num;
        if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &num))
            return NULL;
        return (PyObject *)Py_BuildValue("i", fact(num));
    static PyObject * ED_reverse(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
        char * orig_str;
        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &orig_str))
            return NULL;
        return (PyObject *)Py_BuildValue("s", reverse(orig_str));
    static PyObject * ED_unit_test(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
        return (PyObject *)Py_BuildValue("");
    static PyMethodDef EDMethods[] = {
        {"fact", ED_fact, METH_VARARGS, "fact( m )"},   // NOTE, the last string is doc-string of this function
        {"reverse", ED_reverse, METH_VARARGS, "reverse( str )"},
        {"unit_test", ED_unit_test, METH_VARARGS, "unit_test()"},
        {NULL, NULL},
    void initED()
        Py_InitModule("ED", EDMethods);


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from distutils.core import setup, Extension
    MOD = 'ED'
    setup(name=MOD, ext_modules=[
        Extension(MOD, sources=['ExtDemo.c', "ExtDemo_Wrapper.c"])])

    2) Visual Studio 2013 工具准备及编译

      开始菜单打开 Visual Studio Tools 文件夹,


      选择 64bit Native Tools,双击打开,


      设置编译环境,如下, 关于这两个参数的含义请参考 distutils.core 官方 help 文档

    set MSSdk=1





       编译完成后,在工程目录下生成 build 文件夹,


      在其中 uildlib.win-amd64-2.7 下得到编译生成的 pyd 文件,本例为 ED.pyd


    3) 验证


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaowengang/p/8528956.html
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