在FORM中连续执行了几个 insert /*+ append */ into ,没提交。运行后报12838错误,经查原因如下:
如果用了insert /*+ append */ into table as select .. from table 这样的操作来insert,必须在操作后commit,或是rollback,不然就不能再insert /*+ append */ into table as select .. from table 。
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
ORA-12838 cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.
Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation
Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.
Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation