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  • 路径查找基础知识-动画演示
















    1. package {
    2. import flash.display.Sprite;
    3. import flash.geom.Point;
    4. import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    5. import flash.utils.Timer;
    6. import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    7. public class Main extends Sprite {
    8. private var canvas:Sprite;
    9. private var startPoint:Point;
    10. private var endPoint:Point;
    11. private var currPoint:Point;
    12. private var tileVector:Vector.<Object>;
    13. private var path:Vector.<Point>;
    14. private var timer:Timer;
    15. public function Main() {
    16. canvas=new Sprite();
    17. addChild(canvas);
    18. fieldSetup();
    19. drawGrid();
    20. findPath();
    21. stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,addWall);
    22. }
    23. // fieldSetup prepares the field. Each tile in the field is set to its default value:
    24. // * it's walkable
    25. // * it's not the start point
    26. // * it's not the end point
    27. // * it has not been visited
    28. private function fieldSetup():void {
    29. timer=new Timer(100);
    30. canvas.graphics.clear();
    31. tileVector=new Vector.<Object>();
    32. for (var i:Number=0; i<16; i++) {
    33. tileVector[i]=new Vector.<Object>();
    34. for (var j:Number=0; j<12; j++) {
    35. tileVector[i][j]=new Object();
    36. tileVector[i][j].walkable=true;
    37. tileVector[i][j].startPoint=false;
    38. tileVector[i][j].endPoint=false;
    39. tileVector[i][j].visited=false;
    40. }
    41. }
    42. // while the starting point is choosen absolutely random...
    43. startPoint=new Point(Math.floor(Math.random()*16),Math.floor(Math.random()*12));
    44. tileVector[startPoint.x][startPoint.y].startPoint=true;
    45. tileVector[startPoint.x][startPoint.y].visited=true;
    46. // ... we want the end point to be at least 10 tiles away from start point.
    47. // jsut to make things interesting
    48. do {
    49. endPoint=new Point(Math.floor(Math.random()*16),Math.floor(Math.random()*12));
    50. } while (manhattan(startPoint,endPoint)<10);
    51. tileVector[endPoint.x][endPoint.y].endPoint=true;
    52. }
    53. // findPath function initializes the field and sets the time listener to draw the path
    54. private function findPath():void {
    55. path=new Vector.<Point>();
    56. path.push(startPoint);
    57. for (var i:Number=0; i<16; i++) {
    58. for (var j:Number=0; j<12; j++) {
    59. tileVector[i][j].visited=false;
    60. }
    61. }
    62. currPoint=new Point(startPoint.x,startPoint.y);
    63. timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,step);
    64. timer.start();
    65. }
    66. // step is the core function. Let's explain it deeply
    67. private function step(e:TimerEvent):void {
    68. // f will be the variable which minimum value will decide which direction to take.
    69. // I created a minF variable with an high value to store the minimum f value found
    70. var minF:Number=10000;
    71. // initializing a temporary Point variable
    72. var savedPoint:Point;
    73. for (var i:Number=-1; i<=1; i++) {
    74. for (var j:Number=-1; j<=1; j++) {
    75. // these two for loops together with this if statement will scan for all four directions. No diagonals at the moment.
    76. if ((i!=0 && j==0)||(i==0 && j!=0)) {
    77. // we consider a tile only if:
    78. // * is inside the tile field 
    79. // * is walkable (not a wall)
    80. // * has not been already visited
    81. if (insideField(currPoint,i,j) && tileVector[currPoint.x+i][currPoint.y+j].walkable && !tileVector[currPoint.x+i][currPoint.y+j].visited) {
    82. // now, core of the loop: let's determine g, h and f
    83. // g represents the cost to move from the starting tile to the current tile. At the moment we aren't using this variable
    84. // so getG function will always return 1
    85. var g:Number=getG(i,j);
    86. // h is the presumable distance from the current tile and the ending tile. One of the quickest way to determine it is
    87. // using manhattan distance
    88. var h:Number=manhattan(new Point(currPoint.x+i,currPoint.y+j),endPoint);
    89. // f is just the sum of g and h
    90. var f:Number=g+h;
    91. // if the current f value is lower than the minimum f value found so far...
    92. if (f<minF) {
    93. // ... we update minF value and we save the current tile
    94. minF=f;
    95. savedPoint=new Point(currPoint.x+i,currPoint.y+j);
    96. }
    97. }

    98. }
    99. }
    100. }
    101. // once all neighbor tiles have been scanned, we can have two situations:
    102. // * we found a candidate (savedPoint) for the next tile, and we continue the process
    103. // * we did not found a candidate, so we are on a dead end and we must backtrack
    104. if (savedPoint) {
    105. // continue...
    106. if (savedPoint.x!=endPoint.x||savedPoint.y!=endPoint.y) {
    107. drawTile(savedPoint.x,savedPoint.y,0x0000ff);
    108. }
    109. tileVector[savedPoint.x][savedPoint.y].visited=true;
    110. currPoint=savedPoint;
    111. path.push(currPoint);
    112. if (path.length>2) {
    113. drawTile(path[path.length-2].x,path[path.length-2].y,0xcccccc);
    114. }
    115. if (currPoint.x==endPoint.x&&currPoint.y==endPoint.y) {
    116. // solved
    117. timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,step);
    118. }
    119. }
    120. else {
    121. // backtrack
    122. if (path.length>1) {
    123. currPoint=path[path.length-2];
    124. drawTile(path[path.length-1].x,path[path.length-1].y,0xffffff);
    125. path.pop();
    126. }
    127. else {
    128. // can't be solved
    129. drawTile(currPoint.x,currPoint.y,0xff00ff);
    130. timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,step);
    131. }
    132. }
    133. }
    134. // getG function will become really important during next steps, but at the moment just returns 1
    135. private function getG(n1:Number,n2:Number) {
    136. return 1;
    137. }
    138. // function to find manhattan distance between two points
    139. private function manhattan(p1:Point,p2:Point):Number {
    140. return Math.abs(p1.x-p2.x)+Math.abs(p1.y-p2.y);
    141. }
    142. // insideField checks if a given point inside the field will remain inside the field after adding a x and y offset
    143. private function insideField(p:Point,n1:Number,n2:Number):Boolean {
    144. if (p.x+n1>15||p.x+n1<0||p.y+n2>11||p.y+n2<0) {
    145. return false;
    146. }
    147. return true;
    148. }
    149. // function to add/remove a wall or generate another random grid
    150. private function addWall(e:MouseEvent):void {
    151. var row:Number=Math.floor(mouseY/40);
    152. var col:Number=Math.floor(mouseX/40);
    153. if (! tileVector[col][row].startPoint&&! tileVector[col][row].endPoint) {
    154. tileVector[col][row].walkable=! tileVector[col][row].walkable;
    155. }
    156. else {
    157. timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,step);
    158. fieldSetup();
    159. }
    160. drawGrid();
    161. findPath();
    162. }
    163. // drawTile function just draws a tile in a given position with a given color
    164. private function drawTile(pX:Number,pY:Number,color:Number):void {
    165. canvas.graphics.beginFill(color,1);
    166. canvas.graphics.drawRect(pX*40,pY*40,40,40);
    167. canvas.graphics.endFill();
    168. }
    169. // function to draw the entire grid;
    170. private function drawGrid() {
    171. canvas.graphics.clear();
    172. canvas.graphics.lineStyle(1,0x999999);
    173. for (var i:Number=0; i<16; i++) {
    174. for (var j:Number=0; j<12; j++) {
    175. drawTile(i,j,0xffffff);
    176. if (tileVector[i][j].walkable==false) {
    177. drawTile(i,j,0x000000);
    178. }
    179. if (tileVector[i][j].startPoint==true) {
    180. drawTile(i,j,0x00ff00);
    181. }
    182. if (tileVector[i][j].endPoint==true) {
    183. drawTile(i,j,0xff0000);
    184. }
    185. }
    186. }
    187. }
    188. }
    189. }



















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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gl5773477/p/3971143.html
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