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  • 并行排序ShearSort ---[MPI , c++]


    (1) 对于一个nxm的数组,使用N个work进行处理.
      (2)  先按行对数组进行升序和降序排序【由左至右】,一般奇数序列work升序,偶数序号的work进行降序

    Version    : ??
    File Name :     ShearSort.py
    Description :   
    Author  :       xijun1
    Email   :       xijun1@staff.weibo.com
    Date    :       2018/12/18
    Change Activity  :   2018/12/18
    __author__ = 'xijun1'
    #include "mpi.h"
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <cassert>
    using std::cin;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
    using std::vector;
    bool Less(int a, int b){
        return a <b;
    bool Greater(int a, int b){
        return a > b;
    bool Merge(int *A ,int ps ,int mid , int len , bool( * Comp)(int a , int b) ){
        int i=ps,j=mid,cnt=0;
        int C[len-ps+1];
        bool is_change = false;
        while(i<mid&&j<len ){
            if(Comp(A[i] , A[j])) {
                C[cnt++] = A[j++];
                is_change= true;
            else C[cnt++]=A[i++];
        while(i<mid) C[cnt++]=A[i++];
        while(j<len) C[cnt++]=A[j++];
        for(i=ps; i<len ;i++)
        return is_change;
    bool Msort_(int *arg , int ps , int len  , bool( * Comp)(int a , int b) ){
        int s,t=1;
        bool is_change = false;
            int pos=ps;
                is_change |= Merge(arg,pos,pos+s,pos+t , Comp);
                pos+=t;  //移动
                is_change |= Merge(arg,pos,pos+s,len , Comp);
            is_change |= Merge(arg,ps,ps+s,len , Comp);
        return is_change;
    int main( int argc , char * argv []){
        int process_id , num_process;
        MPI_Init( & argc , &argv);
        //make  process_id = 0 to master; other slaves
        MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD , &num_process);
        MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD , &process_id);
        assert( num_process == 4 );
        int recv_buf [4];
        int brr[16];
        unsigned int part_size=(sizeof(recv_buf)/sizeof(recv_buf[0]));
        if( 0 == process_id ){
            int arr[] = {3,11,6,16, 8,1,5,10,
                       14,7,12,2, 4,13,9,15};
            int len  =sizeof(arr)/ sizeof(arr[0]);
            memcpy( brr , arr , len* sizeof(arr[0]));
            int len  =sizeof(brr)/ sizeof(brr[0]);
            memset(brr,0, len* sizeof(brr[0]));
        int epoch=0;
        while( epoch < 5 ){
        if( 0 == process_id){
            //div part len( brr )/ num_process
            part_size = (sizeof(brr)/sizeof(brr[0]))/num_process;
            for (int i = 0; i < num_process; ++i) {
                MPI_Send(&brr[i*part_size] ,part_size ,MPI_INT ,i,i,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            //work calc
            MPI_Recv(&recv_buf ,part_size,MPI_INT ,0 ,process_id,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            if( epoch&1 ){
                Msort_(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf) / sizeof(recv_buf[0]),Greater);
                if (process_id & 1) {
                    Msort_(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf) / sizeof(recv_buf[0]), Less);
                } else {
                    Msort_(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf) / sizeof(recv_buf[0]), Greater);
            MPI_Send(&recv_buf ,part_size ,MPI_INT ,0,process_id,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if(0 == process_id) {
            std::cout << "start epoch: " << epoch << std::endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < num_process; ++i) {
                MPI_Recv(&brr[i * part_size], part_size, MPI_INT, i, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                    std::cout << " " << brr[i * part_size + j];
                std::cout << std::endl;
            //check 数组是否需要停止
            if( epoch+1<5 ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                    for (int j = i; j < 4; ++j) {
                        int tmp = brr[(i * part_size) + j];
                        brr[(i * part_size) + j] = brr[(j * part_size) + i];
                        brr[(j * part_size) + i] = tmp;
        if(0 == process_id) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                    std::cout << brr[j*4 + i] << "  ";
                std::cout << std::endl;
        return 0;


    demo_mpi mpirun  --mca btl_vader_backing_directory /tmp --oversubscribe   -np 4 shear_sort
    start epoch: 0
    3 6 11 16
    10 8 5 1
    2 7 12 14
    15 13 9 4
    start epoch: 1
    2 3 10 15
    6 7 8 13
    5 9 11 12
    1 4 14 16
    start epoch: 2
    1 2 5 6
    9 7 4 3
    8 10 11 14
    16 15 13 12
    start epoch: 3
    1 8 9 16
    2 7 10 15
    4 5 11 13
    3 6 12 14
    start epoch: 4
    1 2 3 4
    8 7 6 5
    9 10 11 12
    16 15 14 13
    1  2  3  4  
    8  7  6  5  
    9  10  11  12  
    16  15  14  13  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gongxijun/p/10137787.html
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