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  • maptalks 开发GIS地图(3)maptalks 介绍

    21. flash-marker

    1   function flash() {
    2     marker.flash(
    3       200,  //flash interval in ms
    4       5,    // count
    5       function () { // callback when flash end
    6         alert('flash ended');
    7       });
    8   }

    22. filter-marker

    1  function filter() {
    2     // condition can be a mapbox filter or a function
    3     var filtered = collection.filter(['==', 'foo', 'polygon']);
    4     filtered.forEach(function (polygon) {
    5       polygon.updateSymbol({
    6         'polygonFill' : '#f00'
    7       });
    8     });
    9   }

    23. image-marker

     1 var marker1 = new maptalks.Marker(
     2     center.sub(0.009, 0),
     3     {
     4       'symbol' : {
     5         'markerFile'   : '../../img/1.png',
     6         'markerWidth'  : 28,
     7         'markerHeight' : 40,
     8         'markerDx'     : 0,
     9         'markerDy'     : 0,
    10         'markerOpacity': 1
    11       }
    12     }
    13   ).addTo(layer);

    24. vector-marker

     1 var marker1 = new maptalks.Marker(
     2     c.sub(0.020, 0),
     3     {
     4       'symbol' : {
     5         'markerType': 'ellipse',
     6         'markerFill': 'rgb(135,196,240)',
     7         'markerFillOpacity': 1,
     8         'markerLineColor': '#34495e',
     9         'markerLineWidth': 3,
    10         'markerLineOpacity': 1,
    11         'markerLineDasharray':[],
    12         'markerWidth': 40,
    13         'markerHeight': 40,
    14         'markerDx': 0,
    15         'markerDy': 0,
    16         'markerOpacity' : 1
    17       }
    18     }
    19   ).addTo(layer);

    25.vector marker with gradient

     1 var marker0 = new maptalks.Marker([-0.109049,51.49856], {
     2     symbol:{
     3       'markerType' : 'ellipse',
     4       'markerFill' : {
     5         'type' : 'linear',
     6         'places' : [0, 0, 1, 1],
     7         'colorStops' : [
     8           [0.00, '#fff'],
     9           [0.50, '#fff27e'],
    10           [1, '#f87e4b']
    11         ]
    12       },
    13       'markerLineWidth' : 0,
    14       'markerWidth' : 100,
    15       'markerHeight' : 100
    16     }
    17   }).addTo(layer);

    26. text-marker

     1 var text = new maptalks.Marker(
     2     [-0.113049, 51.49856],
     3     {
     4       'properties' : {
     5         'name' : 'Hello
     6       },
     7       'symbol' : {
     8         'textFaceName' : 'sans-serif',
     9         'textName' : '{name}',          //value from name in geometry's properties
    10         'textWeight'        : 'normal', //'bold', 'bolder'
    11         'textStyle'         : 'normal', //'italic', 'oblique'
    12         'textSize'          : 40,
    13         'textFont'          : null,     //same as CanvasRenderingContext2D.font, override textName, textWeight and textStyle
    14         'textFill'          : '#34495e',
    15         'textOpacity'       : 1,
    16         'textHaloFill'      : '#fff',
    17         'textHaloRadius'    : 5,
    18         'textWrapWidth'     : null,
    19         'textWrapCharacter' : '
    20         'textLineSpacing'   : 0,
    22         'textDx'            : 0,
    23         'textDy'            : 0,
    25         'textHorizontalAlignment' : 'middle', //left | middle | right | auto
    26         'textVerticalAlignment'   : 'middle',   // top | middle | bottom | auto
    27         'textAlign'               : 'center' //left | right | center | auto
    28       }
    29     }
    30   ).addTo(layer);

    27. ine-pattern-animation

     1   var line = new maptalks.LineString(
     2     [
     3       map.getCenter().sub(0.1, 0),
     4       map.getCenter().add(0.1, 0)
     5     ],
     6     {
     7       symbol:{
     8         'linePatternFile' : '../../img/pattern.png',
     9         'linePatternDx' : 0,
    10         'lineWidth' : 10
    11       }
    12     }
    13   ).addTo(layer);
    15   line.animate({
    16     symbol : {
    17       // 20 is the width of pattern.png to ensure seamless animation
    18       linePatternDx : 20
    19     }
    20   }, {
    21     repeat : true
    22   });

    28. line-marker-autorotation

     1   var line = new maptalks.LineString(
     2     [
     3       [4.460010082031204, 50.41204897711654],
     4       [3.7129397695312036, 51.05869036408862],
     5       [3.2295413320312036, 51.20347195727524],
     6       [1.0872073476562036, 51.27225609350862],
     7       [-0.15424773046879636, 51.5053534272480]
     8     ],
     9     {
    10       symbol:{
    11         'lineColor' : '#1bbc9b',
    12         'lineWidth' : 3,
    13         'lineDasharray' : [10, 10],
    14         'markerFile'  : '../../img/plane.png',
    15         'markerPlacement' : 'vertex', //vertex, point, vertex-first, vertex-last, center
    16         'markerVerticalAlignment' : 'middle',
    17         'markerWidth'  : 30,
    18         'markerHeight' : 30
    19       }
    20     }
    21   ).addTo(layer);

    29. polygon-gradient

     1  var rect1 = new maptalks.Rectangle(
     2     c.sub(0.03, 0), 600, 600,
     3     {
     4       symbol:{
     5         'polygonFill' : {
     6           'type' : 'linear',
     7           'colorStops' : [
     8             [0.00, '#fff'],
     9             [0.50, '#fff27e'],
    10             [1, '#f87e4b']
    11           ]
    12         },
    13         'polygonOpacity' : 1,
    14         'lineColor' : '#fff'
    15       }
    16     }
    17   ).addTo(layer);
    19   var rect2 = new maptalks.Rectangle(
    20     c.sub(0.02, 0), 600, 600,
    21     {
    22       symbol:{
    23         'polygonFill' : {
    24           'type' : 'linear',
    25           'places' : [0, 0, 1, 1],
    26           'colorStops' : [
    27             [0.00, '#fff'],
    28             [0.50, '#fff27e'],
    29             [1, '#f87e4b']
    30           ]
    31         },
    32         'polygonOpacity' : 1,
    33         'lineColor' : '#fff'
    34       }
    35     }
    36   ).addTo(layer);
    38   var rect3 = new maptalks.Rectangle(
    39     c, 600, 600,
    40     {
    41       symbol:{
    42         'polygonFill' : {
    43           'type' : 'radial',
    44           'colorStops' : [
    45             [0.00, 'rgba(216,115,149,0)'],
    46             [0.50, 'rgba(216,115,149,1)'],
    47             [1.00, 'rgba(216,115,149,1)']
    48           ]
    49         },
    50         'polygonOpacity' : 1,
    51         'lineWidth' : 0
    52       }
    53     }
    54   ).addTo(layer);
    56   var rect4 = new maptalks.Rectangle(
    57     c.add(0.01, 0), 600, 600,
    58     {
    59       symbol:{
    60         'polygonFill' : {
    61           'type' : 'radial',
    62           'places' : [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 0.1],
    63           'colorStops' : [
    64             [0.00, '#1bbc9b'],
    65             [0.55, 'rgb(135,196,240)'],
    66             [1.00, '#34495e']
    67           ]
    68         },
    69         'polygonOpacity' : 1,
    70         'lineColor' : '#fff'
    71       }
    72     }).addTo(layer);

    30. composite-symbol

     1  var marker = new maptalks.Marker(
     2     map.getCenter(),
     3     {
     4       'symbol' : [
     5         {
     6           'markerType' : 'ellipse',
     7           'markerFill' : '#fff',
     8           'markerFillOpacity' : 1,
     9           'markerWidth' : 20,
    10           'markerHeight' : 20,
    11           'markerLineWidth' : 0
    12         },
    13         {
    14           'markerType' : 'ellipse',
    15           'markerFill' : '#1bc8ff',
    16           'markerFillOpacity' : 0.9,
    17           'markerWidth' : 55,
    18           'markerHeight' : 55,
    19           'markerLineWidth' : 0
    20         },
    21         {
    22           'markerType' : 'ellipse',
    23           'markerFill' : '#0096cd',
    24           'markerFillOpacity' : 0.8,
    25           'markerWidth' : 91,
    26           'markerHeight' : 91,
    27           'markerLineWidth' : 0
    28         },
    29         {
    30           'markerType' : 'ellipse',
    31           'markerFill' : '#0096cd',
    32           'markerFillOpacity' : 0.3,
    33           'markerWidth' : 130,
    34           'markerHeight' : 130,
    35           'markerLineWidth' : 0
    36         },
    37         {
    38           'markerType' : 'ellipse',
    39           'markerFill' : '#0096cd',
    40           'markerFillOpacity' : 0.2,
    41           'markerWidth' : 172,
    42           'markerHeight' : 172,
    43           'markerLineWidth' : 0
    44         }
    45       ]
    46     }
    47   ).addTo(layer);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/googlegis/p/14718638.html
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