Given a matrix of M x N elements (M rows, N columns), return all elements of the matrix in diagonal order as shown in the below image.
Input: [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] Output: [1,2,4,7,5,3,6,8,9] Explanation:
- The total number of elements of the given matrix will not exceed 10,000.
这道题给了我们一个mxn大小的数组,让我们进行对角线遍历,先向右上,然后左下,再右上,以此类推直至遍历完整个数组,题目中的例子和图示也能很好的帮我们理解。由于移动的方向不再是水平或竖直方向,而是对角线方向,那么每移动一次,横纵坐标都要变化,向右上移动的话要坐标加上[-1, 1],向左下移动的话要坐标加上[1, -1],那么难点在于我们如何处理越界情况,越界后遍历的方向怎么变换。向右上和左下两个对角线方向遍历的时候都会有越界的可能,但是除了左下角和右上角的位置越界需要改变两个坐标之外,其余的越界只需要改变一个。那么我们就先判断要同时改变两个坐标的越界情况,即在右上角和左下角的位置。如果在右上角位置还要往右上走时,那么要移动到它下面的位置的,那么如果col超过了n-1的范围,那么col重置为n-1,并且row自增2,然后改变遍历的方向。同理如果row超过了m-1的范围,那么row重置为m-1,并且col自增2,然后改变遍历的方向。然后我们再来判断一般的越界情况,如果row小于0,那么row重置0,然后改变遍历的方向。同理如果col小于0,那么col重置0,然后改变遍历的方向。参见代码如下:
class Solution { public: vector<int> findDiagonalOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) { if (matrix.empty() || matrix[0].empty()) return {}; int m = matrix.size(), n = matrix[0].size(), r = 0, c = 0, k = 0; vector<int> res(m * n); vector<vector<int>> dirs{{-1,1}, {1,-1}}; for (int i = 0; i < m * n; ++i) { res[i] = matrix[r][c]; r += dirs[k][0]; c += dirs[k][1]; if (r >= m) {r = m - 1; c += 2; k = 1 - k;} if (c >= n) {c = n - 1; r += 2; k = 1 - k;} if (r < 0) {r = 0; k = 1 - k;} if (c < 0) {c = 0; k = 1 - k;} } return res; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> findDiagonalOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) { if (matrix.empty() || matrix[0].empty()) return {}; int m = matrix.size(), n = matrix[0].size(), r = 0, c = 0; vector<int> res(m * n); for (int i = 0; i < m * n; ++i) { res[i] = matrix[r][c]; if ((r + c) % 2 == 0) { if (c == n - 1) {++r;} else if (r == 0) {++c;} else {--r; ++c;} } else { if (r == m - 1) {++c;} else if (c == 0) {++r;} else {++r; --c;} } } return res; } };
[0,0] -> [0,1],[1,0] -> [2,0],[1,1],[0,2] -> [1,2],[2,1] -> [2,2]
根据遍历的方向不同共分为五层,关键就是确定每一层的坐标范围,其中下边界low = max(0, i - n + 1),这样可以保证下边界不会小于0,而上边界high = min(i, m - 1),这样也保证了上边界不会大于m-1,如果是偶数层,则从上边界往下边界遍历,反之如果是奇数层,则从下边界往上边界遍历,注意从matrix中取数字的坐标,,参见代码如下:
class Solution { public: vector<int> findDiagonalOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) { if (matrix.empty() || matrix[0].empty()) return {}; int m = matrix.size(), n = matrix[0].size(), k = 0; vector<int> res(m * n); for (int i = 0; i < m + n - 1; ++i) { int low = max(0, i - n + 1), high = min(i, m - 1); if (i % 2 == 0) { for (int j = high; j >= low; --j) { res[k++] = matrix[j][i - j]; } } else { for (int j = low; j <= high; ++j) { res[k++] = matrix[j][i - j]; } } } return res; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> findDiagonalOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) { if (matrix.empty() || matrix[0].empty()) return {}; int m = matrix.size(), n = matrix[0].size(), k = 0; vector<int> res; for (int k = 0; k < m + n - 1; ++k) { int delta = 1 - 2 * (k % 2 == 0); int ii = (m - 1) * (k % 2 == 0); int jj = (n - 1) * (k % 2 == 0); for (int i = ii; i >= 0 && i < m; i += delta) { for (int j = jj; j >= 0 && j < n; j += delta) { if (i + j == k) { res.push_back(matrix[i][j]); } } } } return res; } };