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     1 #!/bin/bash
     2 set –eu         
     3 current_home=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/..  #获取主路径
     4 source $current_home/conf/app.conf     #关联其他脚本
     5 source $current_home/scripts/app.rc
     6 function usage() { 
     7 echo "Usage: $0" >&2   #重定向为标准错误
     8 exit $1
     9 }
    10 cur_date=$(date +%Y%m%d) 
    11 while getopts "h" opt; do
    12 case $opt in
    13 h) uage 0;;
    14 ?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; usage 1;; 
    15 esac
    16 done
    17 shift $((OPTIND-1))
    18 #pre_date=$(date -d "$cur_date -1 day" + %Y%m%d)  
    19 input_dir=$current_home/scripts/input  
    20 input=$input_dir/input.sh 
    21 echo "$(getdate) > BEGIN Build Input" 2>&1 #重定向为标准输出
    22 echo "$(getdate) > STAR Build Input" 2>&1
    23 sh $input $cur_date  #运行该目录下的脚本
    24 echo "$(getdate) > FINISH Build Input" 2>&1
    25 echo "$(getdate) > END Build Input" 2>&1


     1 #!/bin/bash
     2 #set -eu
     3 current_home=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/../..
     4 source $current_home/conf/app.conf
     5 source $current_home/scripts/app.rc
     6 function usage() {
     7 echo "Usage: $0" >&2
     8 exit $1
     9 }
    10 class=/ClassPath/
    11 job_name=$(basename ${0%.sh})
    12 job_conf=$(get_job_conf $0)
    13 libjars=$exec_jar
    14 force=true
    15 cur_date=$1
    16 #pre_date=$(date -d "$cur_date -1 day" +%Y%m%d)
    17 inputdata=/InPutDateDir/
    18 outputdata=$app_prefix/out
    19 busy_file=$outputdata.busy
    20 done_file=$outputdata.done
    21 $force && hrm $done_file && hrm $busy_file
    22 hexist $busy_file || hexist $done_file && exit
    23 htouch $busy_file
    24 hrmr $outputdata
    25 hjar $exec_jar $class $inputdata $outputdata #运行—>hadoop jar
    26 htouch $done_file

    app.conf 设置变量

     1 export JAVA_HOME="/home/yunti/java-current"
     2 # hadoop conf
     3 hadoop_home=/home/yunti/hadoop-current
     4 hadoop_exec=$hadoop_home/bin/hadoop
     5 hadoop_exec_conf=$HOME/hadoop/conf
     6 # libjar conf
     7 exec_jar=$current_home/jar/snapshot.jar
     8 # io conf
     9 app_prefix=/HDFSHome/
    10 #local path conf
    11 log_dir=$current_home/log

    hadoop.rc  hadoop指令

      1 # Hadoop resource file #运行hadoop指令 “$@”输入的全部指令
      2 function hadoop() {
      3 if [ -n "$hadoop_exec_conf" ]; then
      4 $hadoop_exec --config $hadoop_exec_conf "$@"
      5 else
      6 $hadoop_exec "$@"
      7 fi
      8 }
      9 function hput() {
     10 hadoop fs -put "$@"
     11 }
     12 function hget() {
     13 hadoop fs -get "$@"
     14 }
     15 function hcat() {
     16 hadoop fs -cat "$@"
     17 }
     18 function hls() {
     19 hadoop fs -ls "$@"
     20 }
     21 function htext() {
     22 hadoop fs -text "$@"
     23 }
     24 function hgetmerge() {
     25 hadoop fs -getmerge "$@"
     26 }
     27 function htouch() {
     28 hadoop fs -touchz "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     29 return 0
     30 }
     31 function hexist() {
     32 hadoop fs -test -e "$@"
     33 }
     34 function hrmr() {
     35 if hexist "$@"; then
     36 hadoop fs -rmr "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     37 fi
     38 }
     39 function hrm() {
     40 if hexist "$@"; then
     41 hadoop fs -rm "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     42 fi
     43 }
     44 function hmv() {
     45 hadoop fs -mv "$@"
     46 }
     47 function hmkdir() {
     48 hadoop fs -mkdir "$@"
     49 }
     51 function hcp() {
     52 hadoop fs -cp "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     53 }
     54 function hsetrep() {
     55 hadoop fs -setrep "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     56 }
     57 function hdfs_part_num() {
     58 if hexist "$@"; then
     59 hadoop fs -ls "$@" | grep 'part-' | wc -l
     60 fi
     61 }
     62 function hdfs_size() {
     63 if hexist "$@"; then
     64 hadoop fs -dus "$@" | grep "$@" | awk '{print $2;}'
     65 fi
     66 }
     67 function hdfs_time() {
     68 if hexist "$@"; then
     69 hadoop fs -ls "$@" | grep "$@" | awk '{print $6","$7}'
     70 fi
     71 }
     72 function hdfs_check() {
     73 path=$1
     74 num_parts=$2
     75 min_size=$3
     76 parts=$(hadoop fs -ls $path | grep 'part-' | wc -l)
     77 size=$(hadoop fs -dus $path | awk '{print $2}')
     78 if [[ $parts == $num_parts && $size -ge $min_size || 
     79 min_size == 0 ]]; then
     80 return 0
     81 else
     82 return 1
     83 fi
     84 }
     85 function get_counter() {
     86 cat $1 | grep 'INFO mapred.JobClient: ' | 
     87 sed 's/.*INFO mapred.JobClient: //' > $2
     88 }
     89 function hjar() {
     90 local tag_file=$log_dir/${job_name/: /.}.$cur_date.tag
     91 local log_file=$log_dir/${job_name/: /.}.$cur_date.log
     92 local counter_file=$log_dir/${job_name/: /.}.$cur_date.cnt
     93 touch $tag_file
     94 hadoop jar "$@" 2>&1 | tee $log_file
     95 local status=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
     96 get_counter $log_file $counter_file
     97 return $status
     98 }
     99 function hdistcp() {
    100 hadoop distcp "$@"
    101 }
    102 function hstat() {
    103 hadoop fs -stat "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
    104 }
    105 function dist_pull() {
    106 if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    107 echo "$(getdate) > invalid number of argument"
    108 return 1
    109 fi
    110 local src=$1
    111 local dest=$2
    112 local log_dir=${dest}_distcp_logs
    113 if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
    114 log_dir=$3
    115 fi
    116 hexist $log_dir && hrmr $log_dir
    117 hdistcp -Dmapred.map.child.java.opts="-Djava.system.class.loader=org.apache.hadoop.mapred.DeAppClassLoader -Xmx200m" 
    118 -libjars $hadoop_jar -i -overwrite -delete -m $distcp_map_num -log $log_dir $src $dest
    119 local ret=$?
    120 if [ $ret == 0 ]
    121 then
    122 hadoop fs -chmod -R +r $dest
    123 fi
    124 return $ret
    125 }
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    build.sh 编译生成项目

    1 ##build.sh
    2 #!bin/bash 
    4 mvn clean package 
    5 rm -f jar/*.jar 
    6 cp target/*.jar jar/snapshot.jar
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gray035/p/3823089.html
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