Plist文件是以.plist为结尾的文件的总称. 众所周知, Plist在Mac OSX系统中起着举足轻重的作用,就如同Windows里面的Registry一样,系统和程序使用Plist文件来存储自己的安装/配置/属性等信息。正如可以使用命令行命令来处理大多数系统管理一样,操作Plist文件也是系统提供的。
$ plistbuddy -h Command Format: Help - Prints this information Exit - Exits the program, changes are not saved to the file Save - Saves the current changes to the file Revert - Reloads the last saved version of the file Clear [<Type>] - Clears out all existing entries, and creates root of Type Print [<Entry>] - Prints value of Entry. Otherwise, prints file Set <Entry> <Value> - Sets the value at Entry to Value Add <Entry> <Type> [<Value>] - Adds Entry to the plist, with value Value Copy <EntrySrc> <EntryDst> - Copies the EntrySrc property to EntryDst Delete <Entry> - Deletes Entry from the plist Merge <file.plist> [<Entry>] - Adds the contents of file.plist to Entry Import <Entry> <file> - Creates or sets Entry the contents of file Entry Format: Entries consist of property key names delimited by colons. Array items are specified by a zero-based integer index. Examples: :CFBundleShortVersionString :CFBundleDocumentTypes:2:CFBundleTypeExtensions Types: string array dict bool real integer date data Examples: Set :CFBundleIdentifier Sets the CFBundleIdentifier property to Add :CFBundleGetInfoString string "App version 1.0.1" Adds the CFBundleGetInfoString property to the plist Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes: dict Adds a new item of type dict to the CFBundleDocumentTypes array Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict Adds the new item to the beginning of the array Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict Deletes the FIRST item in the array Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes Deletes the ENTIRE CFBundleDocumentTypes array
如何定义嵌套的键值: 正如前面说的它使用一种简单的描述方式,上一层的键值在前面,而每个键值之间使用":"符号分隔,比如:本文最初的例子中Software->Gallery->OnlineMarketplace表述为:":Software:Gallery:OnlineMarketplace", 第一个":"表示根.
而如果键值的名称包含空格等特殊字符的时候,如同命令行的转义字符一样,使用"/"来转义,比如: ":Software:Gallery:Online/ Marketplace".
PlistBuddy如果不使用"-c"参数,则进入人机交互模式, "-c"的意思就是执行它后面的命令列表,而命令如果有参数,需要把它们包含在引号中,
plistbuddy -c 'Add :Software:Gallery:Version string "1.0"' ~/Desktop/com.sample.plist
plistbuddy -c "Print" ~/Desktop/com.sample.plist
plistbuddy -c 'Set :Software:Gallery:Version "1.1"' ~/Desktop/com.sample.plist
plistbuddy -c 'Delete :Software:Gallery:Version' ~/Desktop/com.sample.plist
plistbuddy -c "Merge ~/Desktop/Global.plist :Software:Gallery" ~/Desktop/com.sample.plist