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  • js日期函数

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head>
      4   <title>郭颖的测试</title>
      5   <meta charset="utf8">
      6 </head>
      8 <body>
      9 </body>
     10 <script src="jquery-3.0.0.js"></script>
     11 <script>
     12 var month,date,hours,minutes,seconds;
     13 var curTime = new Date($.ajax({async: false}).getResponseHeader("Date"));
     14 var curTime1 = new Date($.ajax({async: false}).getResponseHeader("Date"));
     15 var curTime2 = new Date($.ajax({async: false}).getResponseHeader("Date"));
     16 console.log(curTime);
     17 function checkMonth(d){
     18   if(d.getMonth() < 10){
     19     month = '0'+(d.getMonth()+1);
     20   } else {
     21     month = d.getMonth()+1;
     22   }
     23   return month;
     24 }
     25 function checkDate(d){
     26   if(d.getDate() < 10){
     27     date = '0'+d.getDate();
     28   } else {
     29     date = d.getDate();
     30   }
     31   return date;
     32 }
     33 function checkHours(d){
     34   if(d.getHours() < 10){
     35     hours = '0'+d.getHours();
     36   } else {
     37     hours = d.getHours();
     38   }
     39   return hours;
     40 } 
     41 function checkMinutes(d){
     42   if(d.getMinutes() < 10){
     43     minutes = '0'+d.getMinutes();
     44   } else {
     45     minutes = d.getMinutes();
     46   }
     47   return minutes;
     48 }
     49 function checkSeconds(d){
     50   if(d.getSeconds() < 10){
     51     seconds = '0'+d.getSeconds();
     52   } else {
     53     seconds = d.getSeconds();
     54   }
     55   return seconds;
     56 }
     57 //获取今天的日期时间,str决定格式,常见可选''或'-'
     58 function getCurDateTime(d,str) {
     59   checkMonth(d);
     60   checkDate(d);
     61   checkHours(d);
     62   checkMinutes(d);
     63   checkSeconds(d);
     64   if(str=="-"){
     65     var time = d.getFullYear() + str + month + str + date + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
     66   } else if(str==''){
     67     var time = d.getFullYear() + str + month + str + date + str + hours + str + minutes + str + seconds; 
     68   }
     69   return time;
     70 }
     71 //获取今天的日期,str决定格式,常见可选''或'-'
     72 function getCurDate(d,str) {
     73   checkMonth(d);
     74   checkDate(d);
     75   var time = d.getFullYear() + str + month + str + date;
     76   return time;
     77 }
     78 //获取今天的时间,str决定格式,常见可选''或'-'
     79 function getCurTime(d,str){
     80   checkHours(d);
     81   checkMinutes(d);
     82   checkSeconds(d);
     83   var time = hours + str + minutes + str + seconds;
     84   return time;
     85 }
     86 //获取AddDayCount天后的日期,str决定格式,常见可选''或'-'
     87 function GetDateStr(dd,AddDayCount,str) {
     88   var guo = dd;
     89   guo.setDate(guo.getDate()+AddDayCount);
     90   var y = guo.getFullYear();
     91   var m = checkMonth(guo);//获取当前月份的日期
     92   var d = checkDate(guo);
     93   var result = y+str+m+str+d;
     94   return result;
     95 }
     96 var todayAll = getCurDateTime(curTime,'');
     97 var today_All = getCurDateTime(curTime,'-');
     98 var nowPart = getCurTime(curTime,'');
     99 var now_Part = getCurTime(curTime,':');
    100 var datePart = getCurDate(curTime,'');
    101 var date_Part = getCurDate(curTime,'-');
    102 var yesterdayPart = GetDateStr(curTime1,-1,'');
    103 var tomorrowPart = GetDateStr(curTime2,+1,'');
    104 console.log(todayAll);
    105 console.log(today_All);
    106 console.log(nowPart);
    107 console.log(now_Part);
    108 console.log(datePart);
    109 console.log(date_Part);
    110 console.log(yesterdayPart);
    111 console.log(tomorrowPart);
    112 var time1 = parseInt(curTime.getTime()/1000);
    113 console.log(time1);
    114 var date2 = date_Part+" 13:09:00";
    115 console.log(date2);
    116 date2 = new Date(Date.parse(date2.replace(/-/g, "/")));
    117 console.log(date2);
    118 var time2 = parseInt(date2.getTime()/1000);
    119 var date3 = date_Part+" 04:04:00";
    120 console.log(date3);
    121 date3 = new Date(Date.parse(date3.replace(/-/g, "/")));
    122 console.log(date3);
    123 var l_tx = yesterdayPart+'180';
    124 var n_tx = datePart+'001';
    125 // var ll_tx = myDate
    126 console.log(l_tx);
    127 console.log(n_tx);
    128 </script>
    129 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guoyinglichong/p/7124417.html
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