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  • verbose

    Definition of verbose:

    1. containing more words than necessary wordy <a verbose reply>; also :  impaired by wordiness <a verbose style>

    2. given to wordiness <a verbose orator>

    Examples of verbose in a sentence

    1. Something seems to have gone seriously wrong with the subediting and proof-reading of this self-indulgently verbose and misprint-ridden production, which is further flawed by a mis-match between the author's vaulting theoretical ambitions and his scholarly limitations, notably his faulty grasp of ancient Greek and inability to deliver a clear and consistent line of reasoned and logical argument. —Paul Cartledge, Times Literary Supplement, 8 Mar. 1991

    2. What makes this tiny tome so much fun are the answers. There are occasional one-word zingers: to a verbose question as to whether a resident of a planet with two suns would have two shadows, Merlin's response is “Yes.” The longest answers are about a page in length and seem to be triggered when a questioner happens upon one of the author's favorite topics or pet peeves, such as relativity, tachyons, and the endangered ozone layer. —James H. Sharp, Air & Space Smithsonian, February/March 1990

    3. I must confess … that if I had known how many classics there are in English literature, and how verbose the best of them contrive to be, I should never have undertaken the work. They only allow one seventy thousand words, you see. —Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out, 1915

    4. He is a verbose speaker.

    5. She has a verbose writing style.

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