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  • 解决PHP无法接收post超过1000个字段的问题




     1 // submitButtonId 提交按钮id,formID表单id,formUrl表单提交url,
     2     setSerializeForm: function(submitButtonId, formID, formUrl, callback, clickFn)
     3     {
     4         if($.isFunction(clickFn))
     5         {
     6             clickFn();
     7         }
     9         var $submitButton = $(submitButtonId);
    10         $(document).on('click', submitButtonId, function(event) {
    11             $submitButton.val(v.submitting);
    12             $submitButton.attr('disabled', true);
    14             // serializeArray() 方法通过序列化表单值来创建对象数组
    15             // JSON.stringify 将任意的 JavaScript 值序列化成 JSON 字符串
    16             var jsonData = $(formID).serializeArray();
    17             var jsonStr  = JSON.stringify(jsonData);
    19             $.post(formUrl, {'jsonStr':jsonStr}, function(response){
    20                 if(response.result == 'success'){
    21                     $submitButton.popover({trigger:'manual', content:response.message, placement:'right'}).popover('show');
    22                     $submitButton.next('.popover').addClass('popover-success');
    23                     if(response.locate){
    24                         setTimeout(function(){location.href = response.locate}, 1000);
    25                     }
    26                 } else {
    27                     $submitButton.attr('disabled', false);
    28                     $submitButton.val(v.saveOrder);
    30                     if($.type(response.message) == 'object')
    31                     {
    32                         $.each(response.message, function(key, value)
    33                         {
    34                             var errorOBJ   = '#' + key;
    35                             var errorLabel =  key + 'Label';
    37                             if (typeof value == 'string' || Object.prototype.toString.call(value).indexOf('Array')>0)
    38                             {
    39                                 var errorContent = $.type(value) == 'string' ? value : value.join(';');
    40                                 var errorMSG = '<span id="'  + errorLabel + '" for="' + key  + '"  class="text-error red">';
    41                                 errorMSG += errorContent;
    42                                 errorMSG += '</span>';
    43                             }
    44                             else
    45                             {
    46                                 var errorContent = '';
    47                                 for (var error in value)
    48                                 {
    49                                     errorContent += value[error];
    50                                     errorContent += ';'
    51                                 }
    52                                 errorContent.replace('。','')
    53                                 var errorMSG = '<tr id='+ errorLabel + '><td colspan=13><span for="' + key  + '"  class="text-error red">';
    54                                 errorMSG += errorContent;
    55                                 errorMSG += '</span></td></tr>';
    56                             }
    58                             $('#' + errorLabel).remove();
    60                             var $errorOBJ = $(errorOBJ);
    61                             if($errorOBJ.closest('.input-group').length > 0)
    62                             {
    63                                 $errorOBJ.closest('.input-group').after(errorMSG)
    64                             }
    65                             else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(value).indexOf('Object')>0)
    66                             {
    67                                 $errorOBJ.after(errorMSG);
    68                             }
    69                             else
    70                             {
    71                                 $errorOBJ.parent().append(errorMSG);
    72                             }
    73                             $errorOBJ.css('margin-bottom', 0);
    74                             $errorOBJ.css('border-color','#953B39');
    75                             if($errorOBJ[0].id.indexOf('products') >= 0)
    76                             {
    77                                 var index = parseInt($errorOBJ.index("tr[id *= 'products']")) - errorLabelTotal;
    78                                 errorLabelTotal++;
    79                                 var $actionItem = $('.actionList-item:eq('+index+')');
    80                                 $actionItem.css('margin-bottom','28px');
    81                             }
    83                             $(errorOBJ).change(function()
    84                             {
    85                                 $('#' + errorLabel).remove();
    86                             });
    87                         });
    88                     } else {
    89                         $submitButton.popover({trigger:'manual', content:response.message, placement:'right'}).popover('show');
    90                         $submitButton.next('.popover').addClass('popover-danger');
    91                         function destroy(){$submitButton.popover('destroy')}
    92                         setTimeout(destroy,3000);
    93                     }
    94                 }
    95                 if($.isFunction(callback)) return callback(response);
    96             }, 'json');
    97         });
    98     }


    1 $.setSerializeForm('#submitOrder', '#orderAjaxForm', v.formUrl);
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    RDF Basics
    摘录) (ASWP) Chap 5 Logic & Inference: rules
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hbujt/p/5538179.html
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