参数 | 使用方法 |
lookup_value | 查找值。必填字段。填写需要查找的值,或者选择需要查找的值所在的单元格。 |
match_range | 匹配区域。必填字段。选取lookup_value的查找区域,也就是你要在哪里找lookup_value。通常选取一整列。 |
return_range | 返回区域。必填字段。选取需要返回的区域,通常选取与match_range相邻的某一列。也就是说,当你在match_range的某一行中找到lookup_value后,你要返回这一行中哪一列的值,或者说,你要返回这一行与哪一列相交处的单元格的值。 |
return_array | 是否返回数组。可选参数。默认值为False,不返回数组,将所有匹配返回到一个单元格中,用逗号隔开。如果填True,函数就会返回数组,即把匹配结果返回到多个单元格内。这时需要将该公式中的引用转换为绝对引用,并复制到多个单元格,同时选中这些单元格后,按ctrl+shift+enter结束输入。此时公式会被一对大括号"{}"包括,意为该函数为数组函数(array formula),他的返回结果分散在多个单元格中。 |
remove_duplicate | 是否去除返回结果中的重复项。可选参数。默认值为False,即不开启去除重复功能。填True开启去重功能。 |
delimiter | 分隔符。可选参数。默认值为英文逗号","。该参数用来自定义返回结果中的分隔符。如果return_array填true,则该参数失效。 |
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本自定义函数由于使用了第三方库,使用前需要做Early Binding:即在VBE编辑器中,选择菜单栏中的Tool — Reference:
弹出如下图的对话框后,选择Microsoft Scripting Runtime,打钩,点OK。
Function LookUpAllMatches(ByVal lookup_value As String, ByVal match_range As Range, _ ByVal return_range As Range, Optional ByVal return_array = False, _ Optional ByVal remove_duplicate = False, Optional ByVal delimiter As String = ",") 'By Jing He 2017-12-29 'Last update 2018-02-02 Dim match_index() As Long, result_set() As String ReDim match_index(1 To match_range.Cells.Count) Set match_range = zTrim_Range(match_range) Set return_range = zTrim_Range(return_range) If match_range.Count <> return_range.Count Then LookUpAllMatches = "Number of cells in trimed match_range and in trimed return_range are not equal." Exit Function End If Dim i As Long, mc As Long 'used to count, to get the index of a cell in a range mc = 0 'match count For i = 1 To match_range.Cells.Count If match_range.Cells(i).Value = lookup_value Then mc = mc + 1 match_index(mc) = i End If Next i If mc = 0 Then Exit Function 'Removing duplicate process. Use Scripting.Dictionary object. If remove_duplicate Then Dim d As Dictionary, key As String Set d = New Dictionary For i = 1 To mc key = return_range.Cells(match_index(i)).Value If Not d.Exists(key) Then d.Add key, key Next i ReDim result_set(1 To d.Count) 'Convert the hashtable to a array of all the values its = d.Items 'the index of this items array starts at 0 instead of 1 which is the standard for all the other arraries in ths UDF. For i = 0 To d.Count - 1 result_set(i + 1) = its(i) Next i 'close the object; release memeory Set d = Nothing Else ReDim result_set(1 To mc) For i = 1 To mc result_set(i) = return_range.Cells(match_index(i)).Value Next i End If If return_array Then LookUpAllMatches = result_set Exit Function End If Dim result As String 'Convert result_set to a single-line text result = result_set(1) For i = 2 To UBound(result_set) result = result & delimiter & result_set(i) Next i LookUpAllMatches = result End Function Function zTrim_Range(ByVal rng As Range) As Range 'By Jing He 2017-12-29 'Last update 2017-12-29 Dim maxRow As Long, maxUsedRow As Long, maxUsedRowTemp As Long maxRow = Columns(1).Cells.Count If rng.Cells.Count maxRow <> 0 Then 'One or multiple columns selected For i = 1 To rng.Columns.Count If Cells(maxRow, rng.Cells(1, i).Column) = "" Then maxUsedRowTemp = Cells(maxRow, rng.Cells(1, i).Column).End(xlUp).Row If maxUsedRowTemp > maxUsedRow Then maxUsedRow = maxUsedRowTemp End If Next i Set zTrim_Range = Intersect(rng, Range(Rows(1), Rows(maxUsedRow))) Else Set zTrim_Range = rng End If End Function