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  • Qt QVariant

    Qt QVariant


    ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
    ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
    ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
    ** Commercial License Usage
    ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
    ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
    ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
    ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
    ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
    ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
    ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
    ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
    ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
    ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
    ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
    ** GNU General Public License Usage
    ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
    ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
    ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
    ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
    ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
    ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
    ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
    ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
    ** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
    #ifndef QVARIANT_H
    #define QVARIANT_H
    #include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
    #include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
    #include <QtCore/qlist.h>
    #include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
    #include <QtCore/qmap.h>
    #include <QtCore/qhash.h>
    #include <QtCore/qstring.h>
    #include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
    #include <QtCore/qobject.h>
    #include <QtCore/qbytearraylist.h>
    #if QT_HAS_INCLUDE(<variant>) && __cplusplus >= 201703L
    #include <variant>
    class QBitArray;
    class QDataStream;
    class QDate;
    class QDateTime;
    class QEasingCurve;
    class QLine;
    class QLineF;
    class QLocale;
    class QMatrix;
    class QTransform;
    class QStringList;
    class QTime;
    class QPoint;
    class QPointF;
    class QSize;
    class QSizeF;
    class QRect;
    class QRectF;
    #ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    class QRegExp;
    #endif // QT_NO_REGEXP
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    class QRegularExpression;
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    class QTextFormat;
    class QTextLength;
    class QUrl;
    class QVariant;
    class QVariantComparisonHelper;
    template <typename T>
    inline QVariant qVariantFromValue(const T &);
    template<typename T>
    inline T qvariant_cast(const QVariant &);
    namespace QtPrivate {
        template <typename Derived, typename Argument, typename ReturnType>
        struct ObjectInvoker
            static ReturnType invoke(Argument a)
                return Derived::object(a);
        template <typename Derived, typename Argument, typename ReturnType>
        struct MetaTypeInvoker
            static ReturnType invoke(Argument a)
                return Derived::metaType(a);
        template <typename Derived, typename T, typename Argument, typename ReturnType, bool = IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<T>::Value>
        struct TreatAsQObjectBeforeMetaType : ObjectInvoker<Derived, Argument, ReturnType>
        template <typename Derived, typename T, typename Argument, typename ReturnType>
        struct TreatAsQObjectBeforeMetaType<Derived, T, Argument, ReturnType, false> : MetaTypeInvoker<Derived, Argument, ReturnType>
        template<typename T> struct QVariantValueHelper;
    class Q_CORE_EXPORT QVariant
        enum Type {
            Invalid = QMetaType::UnknownType,
            Bool = QMetaType::Bool,
            Int = QMetaType::Int,
            UInt = QMetaType::UInt,
            LongLong = QMetaType::LongLong,
            ULongLong = QMetaType::ULongLong,
            Double = QMetaType::Double,
            Char = QMetaType::QChar,
            Map = QMetaType::QVariantMap,
            List = QMetaType::QVariantList,
            String = QMetaType::QString,
            StringList = QMetaType::QStringList,
            ByteArray = QMetaType::QByteArray,
            BitArray = QMetaType::QBitArray,
            Date = QMetaType::QDate,
            Time = QMetaType::QTime,
            DateTime = QMetaType::QDateTime,
            Url = QMetaType::QUrl,
            Locale = QMetaType::QLocale,
            Rect = QMetaType::QRect,
            RectF = QMetaType::QRectF,
            Size = QMetaType::QSize,
            SizeF = QMetaType::QSizeF,
            Line = QMetaType::QLine,
            LineF = QMetaType::QLineF,
            Point = QMetaType::QPoint,
            PointF = QMetaType::QPointF,
            RegExp = QMetaType::QRegExp,
            RegularExpression = QMetaType::QRegularExpression,
            Hash = QMetaType::QVariantHash,
            EasingCurve = QMetaType::QEasingCurve,
            Uuid = QMetaType::QUuid,
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
            ModelIndex = QMetaType::QModelIndex,
            PersistentModelIndex = QMetaType::QPersistentModelIndex,
            LastCoreType = QMetaType::LastCoreType,
            Font = QMetaType::QFont,
            Pixmap = QMetaType::QPixmap,
            Brush = QMetaType::QBrush,
            Color = QMetaType::QColor,
            Palette = QMetaType::QPalette,
            Image = QMetaType::QImage,
            Polygon = QMetaType::QPolygon,
            Region = QMetaType::QRegion,
            Bitmap = QMetaType::QBitmap,
            Cursor = QMetaType::QCursor,
            KeySequence = QMetaType::QKeySequence,
            Pen = QMetaType::QPen,
            TextLength = QMetaType::QTextLength,
            TextFormat = QMetaType::QTextFormat,
            Matrix = QMetaType::QMatrix,
            Transform = QMetaType::QTransform,
            Matrix4x4 = QMetaType::QMatrix4x4,
            Vector2D = QMetaType::QVector2D,
            Vector3D = QMetaType::QVector3D,
            Vector4D = QMetaType::QVector4D,
            Quaternion = QMetaType::QQuaternion,
            PolygonF = QMetaType::QPolygonF,
            Icon = QMetaType::QIcon,
            LastGuiType = QMetaType::LastGuiType,
            SizePolicy = QMetaType::QSizePolicy,
            UserType = QMetaType::User,
            LastType = 0xffffffff // need this so that gcc >= 3.4 allocates 32 bits for Type
        QVariant() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d() {}
        QVariant(Type type);
        QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy);
        QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy, uint flags);
        QVariant(const QVariant &other);
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
        QVariant(QDataStream &s);
        QVariant(int i);
        QVariant(uint ui);
        QVariant(qlonglong ll);
        QVariant(qulonglong ull);
        QVariant(bool b);
        QVariant(double d);
        QVariant(float f);
        QT_ASCII_CAST_WARN QVariant(const char *str);
        QVariant(const QByteArray &bytearray);
        QVariant(const QBitArray &bitarray);
        QVariant(const QString &string);
        QVariant(QLatin1String string);
        QVariant(const QStringList &stringlist);
        QVariant(QChar qchar);
        QVariant(const QDate &date);
        QVariant(const QTime &time);
        QVariant(const QDateTime &datetime);
        QVariant(const QList<QVariant> &list);
        QVariant(const QMap<QString,QVariant> &map);
        QVariant(const QHash<QString,QVariant> &hash);
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        QVariant(const QSize &size);
        QVariant(const QSizeF &size);
        QVariant(const QPoint &pt);
        QVariant(const QPointF &pt);
        QVariant(const QLine &line);
        QVariant(const QLineF &line);
        QVariant(const QRect &rect);
        QVariant(const QRectF &rect);
        QVariant(const QLocale &locale);
    #ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
        QVariant(const QRegExp &regExp);
    #endif // QT_NO_REGEXP
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        QVariant(const QRegularExpression &re);
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        QVariant(const QUrl &url);
        QVariant(const QEasingCurve &easing);
        QVariant(const QUuid &uuid);
        QVariant(const QJsonValue &jsonValue);
        QVariant(const QJsonObject &jsonObject);
        QVariant(const QJsonArray &jsonArray);
        QVariant(const QJsonDocument &jsonDocument);
    #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        QVariant(const QModelIndex &modelIndex);
        QVariant(const QPersistentModelIndex &modelIndex);
        QVariant& operator=(const QVariant &other);
        inline QVariant(QVariant &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(other.d)
        { other.d = Private(); }
        inline QVariant &operator=(QVariant &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
        { qSwap(d, other.d); return *this; }
        inline void swap(QVariant &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW { qSwap(d, other.d); }
        Type type() const;
        int userType() const;
        const char *typeName() const;
        bool canConvert(int targetTypeId) const;
        bool convert(int targetTypeId);
        inline bool isValid() const;
        bool isNull() const;
        void clear();
        void detach();
        inline bool isDetached() const;
        int toInt(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        uint toUInt(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        qlonglong toLongLong(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        qulonglong toULongLong(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        bool toBool() const;
        double toDouble(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        float toFloat(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        qreal toReal(bool *ok = nullptr) const;
        QByteArray toByteArray() const;
        QBitArray toBitArray() const;
        QString toString() const;
        QStringList toStringList() const;
        QChar toChar() const;
        QDate toDate() const;
        QTime toTime() const;
        QDateTime toDateTime() const;
        QList<QVariant> toList() const;
        QMap<QString, QVariant> toMap() const;
        QHash<QString, QVariant> toHash() const;
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        QPoint toPoint() const;
        QPointF toPointF() const;
        QRect toRect() const;
        QSize toSize() const;
        QSizeF toSizeF() const;
        QLine toLine() const;
        QLineF toLineF() const;
        QRectF toRectF() const;
        QLocale toLocale() const;
    #ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
        QRegExp toRegExp() const;
    #endif // QT_NO_REGEXP
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        QRegularExpression toRegularExpression() const;
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        QUrl toUrl() const;
        QEasingCurve toEasingCurve() const;
        QUuid toUuid() const;
        QJsonValue toJsonValue() const;
        QJsonObject toJsonObject() const;
        QJsonArray toJsonArray() const;
        QJsonDocument toJsonDocument() const;
    #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        QModelIndex toModelIndex() const;
        QPersistentModelIndex toPersistentModelIndex() const;
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
        void load(QDataStream &ds);
        void save(QDataStream &ds) const;
        static const char *typeToName(int typeId);
        static Type nameToType(const char *name);
        void *data();
        const void *constData() const;
        inline const void *data() const { return constData(); }
        template<typename T>
        inline void setValue(const T &value);
        template<typename T>
        inline T value() const
        { return qvariant_cast<T>(*this); }
        template<typename T>
        static inline QVariant fromValue(const T &value)
        { return qVariantFromValue(value); }
    #if defined(Q_CLANG_QDOC) || (QT_HAS_INCLUDE(<variant>) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)
        template<typename... Types>
        static inline QVariant fromStdVariant(const std::variant<Types...> &value)
            if (value.valueless_by_exception())
                return QVariant();
            return std::visit([](const auto &arg) { return fromValue(arg); }, value);
        template<typename T>
        bool canConvert() const
        { return canConvert(qMetaTypeId<T>()); }
        struct PrivateShared
            inline PrivateShared(void *v) : ptr(v), ref(1) { }
            void *ptr;
            QAtomicInt ref;
        struct Private
            inline Private() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : type(Invalid), is_shared(false), is_null(true)
            { data.ptr = nullptr; }
            // Internal constructor for initialized variants.
            explicit inline Private(uint variantType) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
                : type(variantType), is_shared(false), is_null(false)
            inline Private(const Private &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
                : data(other.data), type(other.type),
                  is_shared(other.is_shared), is_null(other.is_null)
            union Data
                char c;
                uchar uc;
                short s;
                signed char sc;
                ushort us;
                int i;
                uint u;
                long l;
                ulong ul;
                bool b;
                double d;
                float f;
                qreal real;
                qlonglong ll;
                qulonglong ull;
                QObject *o;
                void *ptr;
                PrivateShared *shared;
            } data;
            uint type : 30;
            uint is_shared : 1;
            uint is_null : 1;
        typedef void (*f_construct)(Private *, const void *);
        typedef void (*f_clear)(Private *);
        typedef bool (*f_null)(const Private *);
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
        typedef void (*f_load)(Private *, QDataStream &);
        typedef void (*f_save)(const Private *, QDataStream &);
        typedef bool (*f_compare)(const Private *, const Private *);
        typedef bool (*f_convert)(const QVariant::Private *d, int t, void *, bool *);
        typedef bool (*f_canConvert)(const QVariant::Private *d, int t);
        typedef void (*f_debugStream)(QDebug, const QVariant &);
        struct Handler {
            f_construct construct;
            f_clear clear;
            f_null isNull;
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
            f_load load;
            f_save save;
            f_compare compare;
            f_convert convert;
            f_canConvert canConvert;
            f_debugStream debugStream;
        inline bool operator==(const QVariant &v) const
        { return cmp(v); }
        inline bool operator!=(const QVariant &v) const
        { return !cmp(v); }
        inline bool operator<(const QVariant &v) const
        { return compare(v) < 0; }
        inline bool operator<=(const QVariant &v) const
        { return compare(v) <= 0; }
        inline bool operator>(const QVariant &v) const
        { return compare(v) > 0; }
        inline bool operator>=(const QVariant &v) const
        { return compare(v) >= 0; }
        friend inline bool operator==(const QVariant &, const QVariantComparisonHelper &);
    #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
        friend Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QVariant &);
    // ### Qt6: FIXME: Remove the special Q_CC_MSVC handling, it was introduced to maintain BC for QTBUG-41810 .
    #if !defined(Q_NO_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS) && !defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
        template<typename T>
        friend inline T qvariant_cast(const QVariant &);
        template<typename T> friend struct QtPrivate::QVariantValueHelper;
        Private d;
        void create(int type, const void *copy);
        bool cmp(const QVariant &other) const;
        int compare(const QVariant &other) const;
        bool convert(const int t, void *ptr) const; // ### Qt6: drop const
        // force compile error, prevent QVariant(bool) to be called
        inline QVariant(void *) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        // QVariant::Type is marked as \obsolete, but we don't want to
        // provide a constructor from its intended replacement,
        // QMetaType::Type, instead, because the idea behind these
        // constructors is flawed in the first place. But we also don't
        // want QVariant(QMetaType::String) to compile and falsely be an
        // int variant, so delete this constructor:
        QVariant(QMetaType::Type) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        // These constructors don't create QVariants of the type associcated
        // with the enum, as expected, but they would create a QVariant of
        // type int with the value of the enum value.
        // Use QVariant v = QColor(Qt::red) instead of QVariant v = Qt::red for
        // example.
        QVariant(Qt::GlobalColor) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        QVariant(Qt::BrushStyle) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        QVariant(Qt::PenStyle) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        QVariant(Qt::CursorShape) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        // force compile error when implicit conversion is not wanted
        inline QVariant(const char *) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
        typedef Private DataPtr;
        inline DataPtr &data_ptr() { return d; }
        inline const DataPtr &data_ptr() const { return d; }
    template <typename T>
    inline QVariant qVariantFromValue(const T &t)
        return QVariant(qMetaTypeId<T>(), &t, QTypeInfo<T>::isPointer);
    template <>
    inline QVariant qVariantFromValue(const QVariant &t) { return t; }
    #if QT_HAS_INCLUDE(<variant>) && __cplusplus >= 201703L
    template <>
    inline QVariant qVariantFromValue(const std::monostate &) { return QVariant(); }
    template <typename T>
    inline void qVariantSetValue(QVariant &v, const T &t)
        //if possible we reuse the current QVariant private
        const uint type = qMetaTypeId<T>();
        QVariant::Private &d = v.data_ptr();
        if (v.isDetached() && (type == d.type || (type <= uint(QVariant::Char) && d.type <= uint(QVariant::Char)))) {
            d.type = type;
            d.is_null = false;
            T *old = reinterpret_cast<T*>(d.is_shared ? d.data.shared->ptr : &d.data.ptr);
            if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
            new (old) T(t); //call the copy constructor
        } else {
            v = QVariant(type, &t, QTypeInfo<T>::isPointer);
    template <>
    inline void qVariantSetValue<QVariant>(QVariant &v, const QVariant &t)
        v = t;
    inline bool QVariant::isValid() const { return d.type != Invalid; }
    template<typename T>
    inline void QVariant::setValue(const T &avalue)
    { qVariantSetValue(*this, avalue); }
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream& operator>> (QDataStream& s, QVariant& p);
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream& operator<< (QDataStream& s, const QVariant& p);
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream& operator>> (QDataStream& s, QVariant::Type& p);
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream& operator<< (QDataStream& s, const QVariant::Type p);
    inline bool QVariant::isDetached() const
    { return !d.is_shared || d.data.shared->ref.load() == 1; }
    #ifdef Q_QDOC
        inline bool operator==(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2);
        inline bool operator!=(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2);
    /* Helper class to add one more level of indirection to prevent
       implicit casts.
    class QVariantComparisonHelper
        inline QVariantComparisonHelper(const QVariant &var)
            : v(&var) {}
        friend inline bool operator==(const QVariant &, const QVariantComparisonHelper &);
        const QVariant *v;
    inline bool operator==(const QVariant &v1, const QVariantComparisonHelper &v2)
        return v1.cmp(*v2.v);
    inline bool operator!=(const QVariant &v1, const QVariantComparisonHelper &v2)
        return !operator==(v1, v2);
    class Q_CORE_EXPORT QSequentialIterable
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl m_impl;
        struct Q_CORE_EXPORT const_iterator
            QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl m_impl;
            QAtomicInt *ref;
            friend class QSequentialIterable;
            explicit const_iterator(const QSequentialIterable &iter, QAtomicInt *ref_);
            explicit const_iterator(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl &impl, QAtomicInt *ref_);
            void begin();
            void end();
            const_iterator(const const_iterator &other);
            const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator &other);
            const QVariant operator*() const;
            bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const;
            bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const;
            const_iterator &operator++();
            const_iterator operator++(int);
            const_iterator &operator--();
            const_iterator operator--(int);
            const_iterator &operator+=(int j);
            const_iterator &operator-=(int j);
            const_iterator operator+(int j) const;
            const_iterator operator-(int j) const;
            friend inline const_iterator operator+(int j, const_iterator k) { return k + j; }
        friend struct const_iterator;
    #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
        explicit QSequentialIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl);
        explicit QSequentialIterable(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl &impl);
        const_iterator begin() const;
        const_iterator end() const;
        QVariant at(int idx) const;
        int size() const;
        bool canReverseIterate() const;
    class Q_CORE_EXPORT QAssociativeIterable
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl m_impl;
        struct Q_CORE_EXPORT const_iterator
            QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl m_impl;
            QAtomicInt *ref;
            friend class QAssociativeIterable;
            explicit const_iterator(const QAssociativeIterable &iter, QAtomicInt *ref_);
            explicit const_iterator(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl &impl, QAtomicInt *ref_);
            void begin();
            void end();
            void find(const QVariant &key);
            const_iterator(const const_iterator &other);
            const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator &other);
            const QVariant key() const;
            const QVariant value() const;
            const QVariant operator*() const;
            bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const;
            bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const;
            const_iterator &operator++();
            const_iterator operator++(int);
            const_iterator &operator--();
            const_iterator operator--(int);
            const_iterator &operator+=(int j);
            const_iterator &operator-=(int j);
            const_iterator operator+(int j) const;
            const_iterator operator-(int j) const;
            friend inline const_iterator operator+(int j, const_iterator k) { return k + j; }
        friend struct const_iterator;
    #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
        explicit QAssociativeIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl);
        explicit QAssociativeIterable(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl &impl);
        const_iterator begin() const;
        const_iterator end() const;
        const_iterator find(const QVariant &key) const;
        QVariant value(const QVariant &key) const;
        int size() const;
    #ifndef QT_MOC
    namespace QtPrivate {
        template<typename T>
        struct QVariantValueHelper : TreatAsQObjectBeforeMetaType<QVariantValueHelper<T>, T, const QVariant &, T>
            static T metaType(const QVariant &v)
                const int vid = qMetaTypeId<T>();
                if (vid == v.userType())
                    return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(v.constData());
                T t;
                if (v.convert(vid, &t))
                    return t;
                return T();
    #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
            static T object(const QVariant &v)
                return qobject_cast<T>(QMetaType::typeFlags(v.userType()) & QMetaType::PointerToQObject
                    ? v.d.data.o
                    : QVariantValueHelper::metaType(v));
        template<typename T>
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface : QVariantValueHelper<T>
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QSequentialIterable>
            static QSequentialIterable invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariantList>()) {
                    return QSequentialIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl(reinterpret_cast<const QVariantList*>(v.constData())));
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QStringList>()) {
                    return QSequentialIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl(reinterpret_cast<const QStringList*>(v.constData())));
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QByteArrayList>()) {
                    return QSequentialIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl(reinterpret_cast<const QByteArrayList*>(v.constData())));
                return QSequentialIterable(v.value<QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl>());
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QAssociativeIterable>
            static QAssociativeIterable invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariantMap>()) {
                    return QAssociativeIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl(reinterpret_cast<const QVariantMap*>(v.constData())));
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariantHash>()) {
                    return QAssociativeIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl(reinterpret_cast<const QVariantHash*>(v.constData())));
                return QAssociativeIterable(v.value<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>());
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QVariantList>
            static QVariantList invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QStringList>() || typeId == qMetaTypeId<QByteArrayList>() || QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(typeId, qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl>())) {
                    QSequentialIterable iter = QVariantValueHelperInterface<QSequentialIterable>::invoke(v);
                    QVariantList l;
                    for (QSequentialIterable::const_iterator it = iter.begin(), end = iter.end(); it != end; ++it)
                        l << *it;
                    return l;
                return QVariantValueHelper<QVariantList>::invoke(v);
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QVariantHash>
            static QVariantHash invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariantMap>() || QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(typeId, qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>())) {
                    QAssociativeIterable iter = QVariantValueHelperInterface<QAssociativeIterable>::invoke(v);
                    QVariantHash l;
                    for (QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator it = iter.begin(), end = iter.end(); it != end; ++it)
                        l.insertMulti(it.key().toString(), it.value());
                    return l;
                return QVariantValueHelper<QVariantHash>::invoke(v);
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QVariantMap>
            static QVariantMap invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariantHash>() || QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(typeId, qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>())) {
                    QAssociativeIterable iter = QVariantValueHelperInterface<QAssociativeIterable>::invoke(v);
                    QVariantMap l;
                    for (QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator it = iter.begin(), end = iter.end(); it != end; ++it)
                        l.insertMulti(it.key().toString(), it.value());
                    return l;
                return QVariantValueHelper<QVariantMap>::invoke(v);
        struct QVariantValueHelperInterface<QPair<QVariant, QVariant> >
            static QPair<QVariant, QVariant> invoke(const QVariant &v)
                const int typeId = v.userType();
                if (typeId == qMetaTypeId<QPair<QVariant, QVariant> >())
                    return QVariantValueHelper<QPair<QVariant, QVariant> >::invoke(v);
                if (QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(typeId, qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl>())) {
                    QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl pi = v.value<QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl>();
                    const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d1 = pi.first();
                    QVariant v1(d1.metaTypeId, d1.data, d1.flags);
                    if (d1.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
                        v1 = *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d1.data);
                    const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d2 = pi.second();
                    QVariant v2(d2.metaTypeId, d2.data, d2.flags);
                    if (d2.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
                        v2 = *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d2.data);
                    return QPair<QVariant, QVariant>(v1, v2);
                return QVariantValueHelper<QPair<QVariant, QVariant> >::invoke(v);
    template<typename T> inline T qvariant_cast(const QVariant &v)
        return QtPrivate::QVariantValueHelperInterface<T>::invoke(v);
    template<> inline QVariant qvariant_cast<QVariant>(const QVariant &v)
        if (v.userType() == QMetaType::QVariant)
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant *>(v.constData());
        return v;
    template<typename T>
    inline QT_DEPRECATED T qVariantValue(const QVariant &variant)
    { return qvariant_cast<T>(variant); }
    template<typename T>
    inline QT_DEPRECATED bool qVariantCanConvert(const QVariant &variant)
    { return variant.template canConvert<T>(); }
    #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QVariant &);
    Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QVariant::Type);
    #endif // QVARIANT_H


    ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
    ** Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation.
    ** Copyright (C) 2015 Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@woboq.com>
    ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
    ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
    ** Commercial License Usage
    ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
    ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
    ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
    ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
    ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
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    ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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    ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
    ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
    ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
    ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
    ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
    ** GNU General Public License Usage
    ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
    ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
    ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
    ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
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    ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
    ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
    ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
    ** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
    #include "qvariant.h"
    #include "qbitarray.h"
    #include "qbytearray.h"
    #include "qdatastream.h"
    #include "qdebug.h"
    #include "qmap.h"
    #include "qdatetime.h"
    #include "qeasingcurve.h"
    #include "qlist.h"
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    #include "qregularexpression.h"
    #include "qstring.h"
    #include "qstringlist.h"
    #include "qurl.h"
    #include "qlocale.h"
    #include "quuid.h"
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
    #include "qabstractitemmodel.h"
    #include "qcborarray.h"
    #include "qcborcommon.h"
    #include "qcbormap.h"
    #include "qjsonvalue.h"
    #include "qjsonobject.h"
    #include "qjsonarray.h"
    #include "qjsondocument.h"
    #include "qbytearraylist.h"
    #include "private/qvariant_p.h"
    #include "private/qlocale_p.h"
    #include "qmetatype_p.h"
    #include <qmetaobject.h>
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
    #include "qsize.h"
    #include "qpoint.h"
    #include "qrect.h"
    #include "qline.h"
    #include <cmath>
    #include <float.h>
    #include <cstring>
    namespace {
    class HandlersManager
        static const QVariant::Handler *Handlers[QModulesPrivate::ModulesCount];
        const QVariant::Handler *operator[] (const uint typeId) const
            return Handlers[QModulesPrivate::moduleForType(typeId)];
        void registerHandler(const QModulesPrivate::Names name, const QVariant::Handler *handler)
            Handlers[name] = handler;
    }  // namespace
    namespace {
    struct CoreTypesFilter {
        template<typename T>
        struct Acceptor {
            static const bool IsAccepted = QModulesPrivate::QTypeModuleInfo<T>::IsCore && QtMetaTypePrivate::TypeDefinition<T>::IsAvailable;
    } // annonymous
    namespace { // annonymous used to hide QVariant handlers
    static void construct(QVariant::Private *x, const void *copy)
        QVariantConstructor<CoreTypesFilter> constructor(x, copy);
        QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void>(constructor, x->type, 0);
    static void clear(QVariant::Private *d)
        QVariantDestructor<CoreTypesFilter> cleaner(d);
        QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void>(cleaner, d->type, 0);
    static bool isNull(const QVariant::Private *d)
        QVariantIsNull<CoreTypesFilter> isNull(d);
        return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<bool>(isNull, d->type, 0);
      Compares \a a to \a b. The caller guarantees that \a a and \a b
      are of the same type.
    static bool compare(const QVariant::Private *a, const QVariant::Private *b)
        QVariantComparator<CoreTypesFilter> comparator(a, b);
        return QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<bool>(comparator, a->type, 0);
    static qlonglong qMetaTypeNumber(const QVariant::Private *d)
        switch (d->type) {
        case QMetaType::Int:
            return d->data.i;
        case QMetaType::LongLong:
            return d->data.ll;
        case QMetaType::Char:
            return qlonglong(d->data.c);
        case QMetaType::SChar:
            return qlonglong(d->data.sc);
        case QMetaType::Short:
            return qlonglong(d->data.s);
        case QMetaType::Long:
            return qlonglong(d->data.l);
        case QMetaType::Float:
            return qRound64(d->data.f);
        case QVariant::Double:
            return qRound64(d->data.d);
        case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            return v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toDouble();
        case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            return v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toInteger();
        return 0;
    static qulonglong qMetaTypeUNumber(const QVariant::Private *d)
        switch (d->type) {
        case QVariant::UInt:
            return d->data.u;
        case QVariant::ULongLong:
            return d->data.ull;
        case QMetaType::UChar:
            return d->data.uc;
        case QMetaType::UShort:
            return d->data.us;
        case QMetaType::ULong:
            return d->data.ul;
        return 0;
    static qlonglong qConvertToNumber(const QVariant::Private *d, bool *ok)
        *ok = true;
        switch (uint(d->type)) {
        case QVariant::String:
            return v_cast<QString>(d)->toLongLong(ok);
        case QVariant::Char:
            return v_cast<QChar>(d)->unicode();
        case QVariant::ByteArray:
            return v_cast<QByteArray>(d)->toLongLong(ok);
        case QVariant::Bool:
            return qlonglong(d->data.b);
        case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isInteger() && !v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isDouble())
            return qMetaTypeNumber(d);
        case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isDouble())
        case QVariant::Double:
        case QVariant::Int:
        case QMetaType::Char:
        case QMetaType::SChar:
        case QMetaType::Short:
        case QMetaType::Long:
        case QMetaType::Float:
        case QMetaType::LongLong:
            return qMetaTypeNumber(d);
        case QVariant::ULongLong:
        case QVariant::UInt:
        case QMetaType::UChar:
        case QMetaType::UShort:
        case QMetaType::ULong:
            return qlonglong(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
        QMetaType typeInfo(d->type);
        if (typeInfo.flags() & QMetaType::IsEnumeration || d->type == QMetaType::QCborSimpleType) {
            switch (typeInfo.sizeOf()) {
            case 1:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<signed char *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.sc;
            case 2:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<qint16 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.s;
            case 4:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<qint32 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.i;
            case 8:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<qint64 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.ll;
        *ok = false;
        return Q_INT64_C(0);
    static qreal qConvertToRealNumber(const QVariant::Private *d, bool *ok)
        *ok = true;
        switch (uint(d->type)) {
        case QVariant::Double:
            return qreal(d->data.d);
        case QMetaType::Float:
            return qreal(d->data.f);
        case QVariant::ULongLong:
        case QVariant::UInt:
        case QMetaType::UChar:
        case QMetaType::UShort:
        case QMetaType::ULong:
            return qreal(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
        case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            return v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toDouble();
        case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            return v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toDouble();
            // includes enum conversion as well as invalid types
            return qreal(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
    static qulonglong qConvertToUnsignedNumber(const QVariant::Private *d, bool *ok)
        *ok = true;
        switch (uint(d->type)) {
        case QVariant::String:
            return v_cast<QString>(d)->toULongLong(ok);
        case QVariant::Char:
            return v_cast<QChar>(d)->unicode();
        case QVariant::ByteArray:
            return v_cast<QByteArray>(d)->toULongLong(ok);
        case QVariant::Bool:
            return qulonglong(d->data.b);
        case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            if (v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isDouble())
                return qulonglong(qConvertToRealNumber(d, ok));
            if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isInteger())
                return false;
            return qulonglong(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
        case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isDouble())
        case QVariant::Double:
        case QVariant::Int:
        case QMetaType::Char:
        case QMetaType::SChar:
        case QMetaType::Short:
        case QMetaType::Long:
        case QMetaType::Float:
        case QMetaType::LongLong:
            return qulonglong(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
        case QVariant::ULongLong:
        case QVariant::UInt:
        case QMetaType::UChar:
        case QMetaType::UShort:
        case QMetaType::ULong:
            return qMetaTypeUNumber(d);
        QMetaType typeInfo(d->type);
        if (typeInfo.flags() & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) {
            switch (typeInfo.sizeOf()) {
            case 1:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.uc;
            case 2:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<quint16 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.us;
            case 4:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.u;
            case 8:
                return d->is_shared ? *reinterpret_cast<qint64 *>(d->data.shared->ptr) : d->data.ull;
        *ok = false;
        return Q_UINT64_C(0);
    template<typename TInput, typename LiteralWrapper>
    inline bool qt_convertToBool(const QVariant::Private *const d)
        TInput str = v_cast<TInput>(d)->toLower();
        return !(str.isEmpty() || str == LiteralWrapper("0") || str == LiteralWrapper("false"));
     Returns the internal data pointer from \a d.
    static const void *constData(const QVariant::Private &d)
        return d.is_shared ? d.data.shared->ptr : reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&d.data.c);
    #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
      returns a QMetaEnum for a given meta tape type id if possible
    static QMetaEnum metaEnumFromType(int type)
        QMetaType t(type);
        if (t.flags() & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) {
            if (const QMetaObject *metaObject = t.metaObject()) {
                const char *enumName = QMetaType::typeName(type);
                const char *lastColon = std::strrchr(enumName, ':');
                if (lastColon)
                    enumName = lastColon + 1;
                return metaObject->enumerator(metaObject->indexOfEnumerator(enumName));
        return QMetaEnum();
     Converts \a d to type \a t, which is placed in \a result.
    static bool convert(const QVariant::Private *d, int t, void *result, bool *ok)
        Q_ASSERT(d->type != uint(t));
        if (d->type >= QMetaType::User || t >= QMetaType::User) {
            const bool isOk = QMetaType::convert(constData(*d), d->type, result, t);
            if (ok)
                *ok = isOk;
            if (isOk)
                return true;
        bool dummy;
        if (!ok)
            ok = &dummy;
        switch (uint(t)) {
        case QVariant::Url:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::String:
                *static_cast<QUrl *>(result) = QUrl(*v_cast<QString>(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isUrl()) {
                    *static_cast<QUrl *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toUrl();
                return false;
                return false;
    #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        case QVariant::ModelIndex:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::PersistentModelIndex:
                *static_cast<QModelIndex *>(result) = QModelIndex(*v_cast<QPersistentModelIndex>(d));
                return false;
        case QVariant::PersistentModelIndex:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::ModelIndex:
                *static_cast<QPersistentModelIndex *>(result) = QPersistentModelIndex(*v_cast<QModelIndex>(d));
                return false;
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        case QVariant::String: {
            QString *str = static_cast<QString *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Char:
                *str = *v_cast<QChar>(d);
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
                *str = QChar::fromLatin1(d->data.c);
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QVariant::LongLong:
                *str = QString::number(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *str = QString::number(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *str = QString::number(d->data.f, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest);
            case QVariant::Double:
                *str = QString::number(d->data.d, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest);
    #if QT_CONFIG(datestring)
            case QVariant::Date:
                *str = v_cast<QDate>(d)->toString(Qt::ISODate);
            case QVariant::Time:
                *str = v_cast<QTime>(d)->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
            case QVariant::DateTime:
                *str = v_cast<QDateTime>(d)->toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs);
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *str = d->data.b ? QStringLiteral("true") : QStringLiteral("false");
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *str = QString::fromUtf8(v_cast<QByteArray>(d)->constData());
            case QVariant::StringList:
                if (v_cast<QStringList>(d)->count() == 1)
                    *str = v_cast<QStringList>(d)->at(0);
            case QVariant::Url:
                *str = v_cast<QUrl>(d)->toString();
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                if (v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isString())
                    *str = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toString();
                else if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isNull())
                    return false;
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isContainer() || v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isTag())
                    return false;
                *str = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toVariant().toString();
            case QVariant::Uuid:
                *str = v_cast<QUuid>(d)->toString();
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
                *str = QString();
    #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
                    QMetaEnum en = metaEnumFromType(d->type);
                    if (en.isValid()) {
                        *str = QString::fromUtf8(en.valueToKey(qConvertToNumber(d, ok)));
                        return *ok;
                return false;
        case QVariant::Char: {
            QChar *c = static_cast<QChar *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *c = QChar(ushort(qMetaTypeNumber(d)));
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *c = QChar(ushort(qMetaTypeUNumber(d)));
                return false;
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        case QVariant::Size: {
            QSize *s = static_cast<QSize *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::SizeF:
                *s = v_cast<QSizeF>(d)->toSize();
                return false;
        case QVariant::SizeF: {
            QSizeF *s = static_cast<QSizeF *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Size:
                *s = QSizeF(*(v_cast<QSize>(d)));
                return false;
        case QVariant::Line: {
            QLine *s = static_cast<QLine *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::LineF:
                *s = v_cast<QLineF>(d)->toLine();
                return false;
        case QVariant::LineF: {
            QLineF *s = static_cast<QLineF *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Line:
                *s = QLineF(*(v_cast<QLine>(d)));
                return false;
        case QVariant::StringList:
            if (d->type == QVariant::List) {
                QStringList *slst = static_cast<QStringList *>(result);
                const QVariantList *list = v_cast<QVariantList >(d);
                const int size = list->size();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            } else if (d->type == QVariant::String) {
                QStringList *slst = static_cast<QStringList *>(result);
                *slst = QStringList(*v_cast<QString>(d));
            } else {
                return false;
        case QVariant::Date: {
            QDate *dt = static_cast<QDate *>(result);
            if (d->type == QVariant::DateTime)
                *dt = v_cast<QDateTime>(d)->date();
    #if QT_CONFIG(datestring)
            else if (d->type == QVariant::String)
                *dt = QDate::fromString(*v_cast<QString>(d), Qt::ISODate);
                return false;
            return dt->isValid();
        case QVariant::Time: {
            QTime *t = static_cast<QTime *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::DateTime:
                *t = v_cast<QDateTime>(d)->time();
    #if QT_CONFIG(datestring)
            case QVariant::String:
                *t = QTime::fromString(*v_cast<QString>(d), Qt::ISODate);
                return false;
            return t->isValid();
        case QVariant::DateTime: {
            QDateTime *dt = static_cast<QDateTime *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
    #if QT_CONFIG(datestring)
            case QVariant::String:
                *dt = QDateTime::fromString(*v_cast<QString>(d), Qt::ISODate);
    #  ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isDateTime())
                    *dt = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toDateTime();
                    return false;
    #  endif
            case QVariant::Date:
                *dt = QDateTime(*v_cast<QDate>(d));
                return false;
            return dt->isValid();
        case QVariant::ByteArray: {
            QByteArray *ba = static_cast<QByteArray *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::String:
                *ba = v_cast<QString>(d)->toUtf8();
            case QVariant::Double:
                *ba = QByteArray::number(d->data.d, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest);
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *ba = QByteArray::number(d->data.f, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest);
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
                *ba = QByteArray(1, d->data.c);
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
                *ba = QByteArray::number(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *ba = QByteArray::number(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *ba = QByteArray(d->data.b ? "true" : "false");
            case QVariant::Uuid:
                *ba = v_cast<QUuid>(d)->toByteArray();
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
                *ba = QByteArray();
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isByteArray())
                    *ba = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toByteArray();
                    return false;
    #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
                    QMetaEnum en = metaEnumFromType(d->type);
                    if (en.isValid()) {
                        *ba = en.valueToKey(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
                        return *ok;
                return false;
        case QMetaType::Short:
            *static_cast<short *>(result) = short(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QMetaType::Long:
            *static_cast<long *>(result) = long(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QMetaType::UShort:
            *static_cast<ushort *>(result) = ushort(qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QMetaType::ULong:
            *static_cast<ulong *>(result) = ulong(qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::Int:
            *static_cast<int *>(result) = int(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::UInt:
            *static_cast<uint *>(result) = uint(qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::LongLong:
            *static_cast<qlonglong *>(result) = qConvertToNumber(d, ok);
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::ULongLong: {
            *static_cast<qulonglong *>(result) = qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok);
            return *ok;
        case QMetaType::SChar: {
            signed char s = qConvertToNumber(d, ok);
            *static_cast<signed char*>(result) = s;
            return *ok;
        case QMetaType::UChar: {
            *static_cast<uchar *>(result) = qConvertToUnsignedNumber(d, ok);
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::Bool: {
            bool *b = static_cast<bool *>(result);
            switch(d->type) {
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *b = qt_convertToBool<QByteArray, const char*>(d);
            case QVariant::String:
                *b = qt_convertToBool<QString, QLatin1String>(d);
            case QVariant::Char:
                *b = !v_cast<QChar>(d)->isNull();
            case QVariant::Double:
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *b = qMetaTypeNumber(d) != Q_INT64_C(0);
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *b = qMetaTypeUNumber(d) != Q_UINT64_C(0);
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                *b = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toBool();
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isBool())
                    return false;
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                *b = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toBool(false);
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isBool())
                    return false;
                *b = false;
                return false;
        case QVariant::Double: {
            double *f = static_cast<double *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::String:
                *f = v_cast<QString>(d)->toDouble(ok);
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *f = v_cast<QByteArray>(d)->toDouble(ok);
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *f = double(d->data.b);
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *f = double(d->data.f);
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
                *f = double(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *f = double(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                *f = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toDouble();
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isDouble())
                    return false;
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                *f = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toDouble(0.0);
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isDouble())
                    return false;
                *f = 0.0;
                return false;
        case QMetaType::Float: {
            float *f = static_cast<float *>(result);
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::String:
                *f = v_cast<QString>(d)->toFloat(ok);
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *f = v_cast<QByteArray>(d)->toFloat(ok);
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *f = float(d->data.b);
            case QVariant::Double:
                *f = float(d->data.d);
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QVariant::Int:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::Long:
                *f = float(qMetaTypeNumber(d));
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
                *f = float(qMetaTypeUNumber(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                *f = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toDouble();
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isDouble())
                    return false;
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                *f = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toDouble(0.0);
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isDouble())
                    return false;
                *f = 0.0f;
                return false;
        case QVariant::List:
            if (d->type == QVariant::StringList) {
                QVariantList *lst = static_cast<QVariantList *>(result);
                const QStringList *slist = v_cast<QStringList>(d);
                const int size = slist->size();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            } else if (qstrcmp(QMetaType::typeName(d->type), "QList<QVariant>") == 0) {
                *static_cast<QVariantList *>(result) =
                    *static_cast<QList<QVariant> *>(d->data.shared->ptr);
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantList *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toArray().toVariantList();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborArray) {
                *static_cast<QVariantList *>(result) = v_cast<QCborArray>(d)->toVariantList();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantList *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toArray().toVariantList();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonArray) {
                *static_cast<QVariantList *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonArray>(d)->toVariantList();
            } else {
                return false;
        case QVariant::Map:
            if (qstrcmp(QMetaType::typeName(d->type), "QMap<QString, QVariant>") == 0) {
                *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result) =
                    *static_cast<QMap<QString, QVariant> *>(d->data.shared->ptr);
            } else if (d->type == QVariant::Hash) {
                QVariantMap *map = static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result);
                const QVariantHash *hash = v_cast<QVariantHash>(d);
                const auto end = hash->end();
                for (auto it = hash->begin(); it != end; ++it)
                    map->insertMulti(it.key(), it.value());
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isMap())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toMap().toVariantMap();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborMap) {
                *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result) = v_cast<QCborMap>(d)->toVariantMap();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isObject())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toObject().toVariantMap();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonObject) {
                *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonObject>(d)->toVariantMap();
            } else {
                return false;
        case QVariant::Hash:
            if (qstrcmp(QMetaType::typeName(d->type), "QHash<QString, QVariant>") == 0) {
                *static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result) =
                    *static_cast<QHash<QString, QVariant> *>(d->data.shared->ptr);
            } else if (d->type == QVariant::Map) {
                QVariantHash *hash = static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result);
                const QVariantMap *map = v_cast<QVariantMap>(d);
                const auto end = map->end();
                for (auto it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it)
                    hash->insertMulti(it.key(), it.value());
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isMap())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toMap().toVariantHash();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborMap) {
                *static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result) = v_cast<QCborMap>(d)->toVariantHash();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonValue) {
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isObject())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toObject().toVariantHash();
            } else if (d->type == QMetaType::QJsonObject) {
                *static_cast<QVariantHash *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonObject>(d)->toVariantHash();
            } else {
                return false;
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        case QVariant::Rect:
            if (d->type == QVariant::RectF)
                *static_cast<QRect *>(result) = (v_cast<QRectF>(d))->toRect();
                return false;
        case QVariant::RectF:
            if (d->type == QVariant::Rect)
                *static_cast<QRectF *>(result) = *v_cast<QRect>(d);
                return false;
        case QVariant::PointF:
            if (d->type == QVariant::Point)
                *static_cast<QPointF *>(result) = *v_cast<QPoint>(d);
                return false;
        case QVariant::Point:
            if (d->type == QVariant::PointF)
                *static_cast<QPoint *>(result) = (v_cast<QPointF>(d))->toPoint();
                return false;
        case QMetaType::Char:
            *static_cast<qint8 *>(result) = qint8(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
            return *ok;
        case QVariant::Uuid:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::String:
                *static_cast<QUuid *>(result) = QUuid(*v_cast<QString>(d));
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *static_cast<QUuid *>(result) = QUuid(*v_cast<QByteArray>(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isUuid())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QUuid *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toUuid();
                return false;
        case QMetaType::Nullptr:
            *static_cast<std::nullptr_t *>(result) = nullptr;
            if (QMetaType::typeFlags(t) & (QMetaType::PointerToGadget | QMetaType::PointerToQObject)
                    || d->type == QMetaType::VoidStar) {
                if (v_cast<const void *>(d) == nullptr)
            if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborValue && v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isNull())
            return false;
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        case QMetaType::QRegularExpression:
            if (d->type != QMetaType::QCborValue || !v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isRegularExpression())
                return false;
            *static_cast<QRegularExpression *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toRegularExpression();
        case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonValue::Null);
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(d->data.b);
            case QMetaType::Int:
            case QMetaType::UInt:
            case QMetaType::Double:
            case QMetaType::Float:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(qConvertToRealNumber(d, ok));
            case QVariant::String:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(*v_cast<QString>(d));
            case QVariant::StringList:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonArray::fromStringList(*v_cast<QStringList>(d)));
            case QVariant::List:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonArray::fromVariantList(*v_cast<QVariantList>(d)));
            case QVariant::Map:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(*v_cast<QVariantMap>(d)));
            case QVariant::Hash:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonObject::fromVariantHash(*v_cast<QVariantHash>(d)));
            case QMetaType::QJsonObject:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QJsonObject>(d);
            case QMetaType::QJsonArray:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QJsonArray>(d);
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument: {
                QJsonDocument doc = *v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d);
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = doc.isArray() ? QJsonValue(doc.array()) : QJsonValue(doc.object());
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toJsonValue();
            case QMetaType::QCborMap:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = v_cast<QCborMap>(d)->toJsonObject();
            case QMetaType::QCborArray:
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = v_cast<QCborArray>(d)->toJsonArray();
                *static_cast<QJsonValue *>(result) = QJsonValue(QJsonValue::Undefined);
                return false;
        case QMetaType::QJsonArray:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::StringList:
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = QJsonArray::fromStringList(*v_cast<QStringList>(d));
            case QVariant::List:
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = QJsonArray::fromVariantList(*v_cast<QVariantList>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toArray();
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->array();
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toArray().toJsonArray();
            case QMetaType::QCborArray:
                *static_cast<QJsonArray *>(result) = v_cast<QCborArray>(d)->toJsonArray();
                return false;
        case QMetaType::QJsonObject:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Map:
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(*v_cast<QVariantMap>(d));
            case QVariant::Hash:
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = QJsonObject::fromVariantHash(*v_cast<QVariantHash>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isObject())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toObject();
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument:
                if (v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->object();
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isMap())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toMap().toJsonObject();
            case QMetaType::QCborMap:
                *static_cast<QJsonObject *>(result) = v_cast<QCborMap>(d)->toJsonObject();
                return false;
        case QMetaType::QCborSimpleType:
            if (d->type == QMetaType::QCborValue && v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isSimpleType()) {
                *static_cast<QCborSimpleType *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toSimpleType();
            return false;
        case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(QCborValue::Null);
            case QVariant::Bool:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(d->data.b);
            case QMetaType::Int:
            case QMetaType::UInt:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(qConvertToNumber(d, ok));
            case QMetaType::Double:
            case QMetaType::Float:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(qConvertToRealNumber(d, ok));
            case QVariant::String:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QString>(d);
            case QVariant::StringList:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborArray::fromStringList(*v_cast<QStringList>(d));
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QByteArray>(d);
            case QVariant::Date:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(QDateTime(*v_cast<QDate>(d)));
            case QVariant::DateTime:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(*v_cast<QDateTime>(d));
            case QVariant::Url:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(*v_cast<QUrl>(d));
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
            case QVariant::RegularExpression:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(*v_cast<QRegularExpression>(d));
            case QVariant::Uuid:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue(*v_cast<QUuid>(d));
            case QVariant::List:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborArray::fromVariantList(*v_cast<QVariantList>(d));
            case QVariant::Map:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborMap::fromVariantMap(*v_cast<QVariantMap>(d));
            case QVariant::Hash:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborMap::fromVariantHash(*v_cast<QVariantHash>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborValue::fromJsonValue(*v_cast<QJsonValue>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonObject:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(*v_cast<QJsonObject>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonArray:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborArray::fromJsonArray(*v_cast<QJsonArray>(d));
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument: {
                QJsonDocument doc = *v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d);
                if (doc.isArray())
                    *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborArray::fromJsonArray(doc.array());
                    *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(doc.object());
            case QMetaType::QCborSimpleType:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QCborSimpleType>(d);
            case QMetaType::QCborMap:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QCborMap>(d);
            case QMetaType::QCborArray:
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = *v_cast<QCborArray>(d);
                *static_cast<QCborValue *>(result) = {};
                return false;
        case QMetaType::QCborArray:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::StringList:
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = QCborArray::fromStringList(*v_cast<QStringList>(d));
            case QVariant::List:
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = QCborArray::fromVariantList(*v_cast<QVariantList>(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toArray();
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = QCborArray::fromJsonArray(v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->array());
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = QCborArray::fromJsonArray(v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toArray());
            case QMetaType::QJsonArray:
                *static_cast<QCborArray *>(result) = QCborArray::fromJsonArray(*v_cast<QJsonArray>(d));
                return false;
        case QMetaType::QCborMap:
            switch (d->type) {
            case QVariant::Map:
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = QCborMap::fromVariantMap(*v_cast<QVariantMap>(d));
            case QVariant::Hash:
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = QCborMap::fromVariantHash(*v_cast<QVariantHash>(d));
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
                if (!v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->isMap())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = v_cast<QCborValue>(d)->toMap();
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument:
                if (v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->isArray())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(v_cast<QJsonDocument>(d)->object());
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
                if (!v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->isObject())
                    return false;
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(v_cast<QJsonValue>(d)->toObject());
            case QMetaType::QJsonObject:
                *static_cast<QCborMap *>(result) = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(*v_cast<QJsonObject>(d));
                return false;
    #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT
            if (d->type == QVariant::String || d->type == QVariant::ByteArray) {
                QMetaEnum en = metaEnumFromType(t);
                if (en.isValid()) {
                    QByteArray keys = (d->type == QVariant::String) ? v_cast<QString>(d)->toUtf8() : *v_cast<QByteArray>(d);
                    int value = en.keysToValue(keys.constData(), ok);
                    if (*ok) {
                        switch (QMetaType::sizeOf(t)) {
                        case 1:
                            *static_cast<signed char *>(result) = value;
                            return true;
                        case 2:
                            *static_cast<qint16 *>(result) = value;
                            return true;
                        case 4:
                            *static_cast<qint32 *>(result) = value;
                            return true;
                        case 8:
                            *static_cast<qint64 *>(result) = value;
                            return true;
            if (QMetaType::typeFlags(t) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration || d->type == QMetaType::QCborSimpleType) {
                qlonglong value = qConvertToNumber(d, ok);
                if (*ok) {
                    switch (QMetaType::sizeOf(t)) {
                    case 1:
                        *static_cast<signed char *>(result) = value;
                        return true;
                    case 2:
                        *static_cast<qint16 *>(result) = value;
                        return true;
                    case 4:
                        *static_cast<qint32 *>(result) = value;
                        return true;
                    case 8:
                        *static_cast<qint64 *>(result) = value;
                        return true;
                return *ok;
            return false;
        return true;
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    static void streamDebug(QDebug dbg, const QVariant &v)
        QVariant::Private *d = const_cast<QVariant::Private *>(&v.data_ptr());
        QVariantDebugStream<CoreTypesFilter> stream(dbg, d);
        QMetaTypeSwitcher::switcher<void>(stream, d->type, 0);
    const QVariant::Handler qt_kernel_variant_handler = {
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    static void dummyConstruct(QVariant::Private *, const void *) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant", "Trying to construct an unknown type"); }
    static void dummyClear(QVariant::Private *) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant", "Trying to clear an unknown type"); }
    static bool dummyIsNull(const QVariant::Private *d) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant::isNull", "Trying to call isNull on an unknown type"); return d->is_null; }
    static bool dummyCompare(const QVariant::Private *, const QVariant::Private *) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant", "Trying to compare an unknown types"); return false; }
    static bool dummyConvert(const QVariant::Private *, int, void *, bool *) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant", "Trying to convert an unknown type"); return false; }
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    static void dummyStreamDebug(QDebug, const QVariant &) { Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant", "Trying to convert an unknown type"); }
    const QVariant::Handler qt_dummy_variant_handler = {
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    static void customConstruct(QVariant::Private *d, const void *copy)
        const QMetaType type(d->type);
        const uint size = type.sizeOf();
        if (!size) {
            qWarning("Trying to construct an instance of an invalid type, type id: %i", d->type);
            d->type = QVariant::Invalid;
        // this logic should match with QVariantIntegrator::CanUseInternalSpace
        if (size <= sizeof(QVariant::Private::Data)
                && (type.flags() & (QMetaType::MovableType | QMetaType::IsEnumeration))) {
            type.construct(&d->data.ptr, copy);
            d->is_shared = false;
        } else {
            // Private::Data contains long long, and long double is the biggest standard type.
            const size_t maxAlignment =
                qMax(Q_ALIGNOF(QVariant::Private::Data), Q_ALIGNOF(long double));
            const size_t s = sizeof(QVariant::PrivateShared);
            const size_t offset = s + ((s * maxAlignment - s) % maxAlignment);
            void *data = operator new(offset + size);
            void *ptr = static_cast<char *>(data) + offset;
            type.construct(ptr, copy);
            d->is_shared = true;
            d->data.shared = new (data) QVariant::PrivateShared(ptr);
    static void customClear(QVariant::Private *d)
        if (!d->is_shared) {
            QMetaType::destruct(d->type, &d->data.ptr);
        } else {
            QMetaType::destruct(d->type, d->data.shared->ptr);
            operator delete(d->data.shared);
    static bool customIsNull(const QVariant::Private *d)
        if (d->is_null)
            return true;
        const char *const typeName = QMetaType::typeName(d->type);
        if (Q_UNLIKELY(!typeName) && Q_LIKELY(!QMetaType::isRegistered(d->type)))
            qFatal("QVariant::isNull: type %d unknown to QVariant.", d->type);
        uint typeNameLen = qstrlen(typeName);
        if (typeNameLen > 0 && typeName[typeNameLen - 1] == '*') {
            const void *d_ptr = d->is_shared ? d->data.shared->ptr : &(d->data.ptr);
            return *static_cast<void *const *>(d_ptr) == nullptr;
        return false;
    static bool customCompare(const QVariant::Private *a, const QVariant::Private *b)
        const char *const typeName = QMetaType::typeName(a->type);
        if (Q_UNLIKELY(!typeName) && Q_LIKELY(!QMetaType::isRegistered(a->type)))
            qFatal("QVariant::compare: type %d unknown to QVariant.", a->type);
        const void *a_ptr = a->is_shared ? a->data.shared->ptr : &(a->data.ptr);
        const void *b_ptr = b->is_shared ? b->data.shared->ptr : &(b->data.ptr);
        uint typeNameLen = qstrlen(typeName);
        if (typeNameLen > 0 && typeName[typeNameLen - 1] == '*')
            return *static_cast<void *const *>(a_ptr) == *static_cast<void *const *>(b_ptr);
        if (a->is_null && b->is_null)
            return true;
        return !memcmp(a_ptr, b_ptr, QMetaType::sizeOf(a->type));
    static bool customConvert(const QVariant::Private *d, int t, void *result, bool *ok)
        if (d->type >= QMetaType::User || t >= QMetaType::User) {
            if (QMetaType::convert(constData(*d), d->type, result, t)) {
                if (ok)
                    *ok = true;
                return true;
        return convert(d, t, result, ok);
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    static void customStreamDebug(QDebug dbg, const QVariant &variant) {
        QMetaType::TypeFlags flags = QMetaType::typeFlags(variant.userType());
        if (flags & QMetaType::PointerToQObject)
            dbg.nospace() << variant.value<QObject*>();
    const QVariant::Handler qt_custom_variant_handler = {
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
    } // annonymous used to hide QVariant handlers
    static HandlersManager handlerManager;
    Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(!QModulesPrivate::Core, "Initialization assumes that ModulesNames::Core is 0");
    const QVariant::Handler *HandlersManager::Handlers[QModulesPrivate::ModulesCount]
                                            = { &qt_kernel_variant_handler, &qt_dummy_variant_handler,
                                                &qt_dummy_variant_handler, &qt_custom_variant_handler };
    Q_CORE_EXPORT const QVariant::Handler *qcoreVariantHandler()
        return &qt_kernel_variant_handler;
    Q_CORE_EXPORT void QVariantPrivate::registerHandler(const int /* Modules::Names */name, const QVariant::Handler *handler)
        handlerManager.registerHandler(static_cast<QModulesPrivate::Names>(name), handler);
        \class QVariant
        \inmodule QtCore
        \brief The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types.
        \ingroup objectmodel
        \ingroup shared
        Because C++ forbids unions from including types that have
        non-default constructors or destructors, most interesting Qt
        classes cannot be used in unions. Without QVariant, this would be
        a problem for QObject::property() and for database work, etc.
        A QVariant object holds a single value of a single type() at a
        time. (Some type()s are multi-valued, for example a string list.)
        You can find out what type, T, the variant holds, convert it to a
        different type using convert(), get its value using one of the
        toT() functions (e.g., toSize()) and check whether the type can
        be converted to a particular type using canConvert().
        The methods named toT() (e.g., toInt(), toString()) are const. If
        you ask for the stored type, they return a copy of the stored
        object. If you ask for a type that can be generated from the
        stored type, toT() copies and converts and leaves the object
        itself unchanged. If you ask for a type that cannot be generated
        from the stored type, the result depends on the type; see the
        function documentation for details.
        Here is some example code to demonstrate the use of QVariant:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 0
        You can even store QList<QVariant> and QMap<QString, QVariant>
        values in a variant, so you can easily construct arbitrarily
        complex data structures of arbitrary types. This is very powerful
        and versatile, but may prove less memory and speed efficient than
        storing specific types in standard data structures.
        QVariant also supports the notion of null values, where you can
        have a defined type with no value set. However, note that QVariant
        types can only be cast when they have had a value set.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 1
        QVariant can be extended to support other types than those
        mentioned in the \l Type enum. See \l{Creating Custom Qt Types}{Creating Custom Qt Types}
        for details.
        \section1 A Note on GUI Types
        Because QVariant is part of the Qt Core module, it cannot provide
        conversion functions to data types defined in Qt GUI, such as
        QColor, QImage, and QPixmap. In other words, there is no \c
        toColor() function. Instead, you can use the QVariant::value() or
        the qvariant_cast() template function. For example:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 2
        The inverse conversion (e.g., from QColor to QVariant) is
        automatic for all data types supported by QVariant, including
        GUI-related types:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 3
        \section1 Using canConvert() and convert() Consecutively
        When using canConvert() and convert() consecutively, it is possible for
        canConvert() to return true, but convert() to return false. This
        is typically because canConvert() only reports the general ability of
        QVariant to convert between types given suitable data; it is still
        possible to supply data which cannot actually be converted.
        For example, canConvert(Int) would return true when called on a variant
        containing a string because, in principle, QVariant is able to convert
        strings of numbers to integers.
        However, if the string contains non-numeric characters, it cannot be
        converted to an integer, and any attempt to convert it will fail.
        Hence, it is important to have both functions return true for a
        successful conversion.
        \sa QMetaType
        \obsolete Use QMetaType::Type instead
        \enum QVariant::Type
        This enum type defines the types of variable that a QVariant can
        \value Invalid  no type
        \value BitArray  a QBitArray
        \value Bitmap  a QBitmap
        \value Bool  a bool
        \value Brush  a QBrush
        \value ByteArray  a QByteArray
        \value Char  a QChar
        \value Color  a QColor
        \value Cursor  a QCursor
        \value Date  a QDate
        \value DateTime  a QDateTime
        \value Double  a double
        \value EasingCurve a QEasingCurve
        \value Uuid a QUuid
        \value ModelIndex a QModelIndex
        \value PersistentModelIndex a QPersistentModelIndex (since 5.5)
        \value Font  a QFont
        \value Hash a QVariantHash
        \value Icon  a QIcon
        \value Image  a QImage
        \value Int  an int
        \value KeySequence  a QKeySequence
        \value Line  a QLine
        \value LineF  a QLineF
        \value List  a QVariantList
        \value Locale  a QLocale
        \value LongLong a \l qlonglong
        \value Map  a QVariantMap
        \value Matrix  a QMatrix
        \value Transform  a QTransform
        \value Matrix4x4  a QMatrix4x4
        \value Palette  a QPalette
        \value Pen  a QPen
        \value Pixmap  a QPixmap
        \value Point  a QPoint
        \value PointF  a QPointF
        \value Polygon a QPolygon
        \value PolygonF a QPolygonF
        \value Quaternion  a QQuaternion
        \value Rect  a QRect
        \value RectF  a QRectF
        \value RegExp  a QRegExp
        \value RegularExpression  a QRegularExpression
        \value Region  a QRegion
        \value Size  a QSize
        \value SizeF  a QSizeF
        \value SizePolicy  a QSizePolicy
        \value String  a QString
        \value StringList  a QStringList
        \value TextFormat  a QTextFormat
        \value TextLength  a QTextLength
        \value Time  a QTime
        \value UInt  a \l uint
        \value ULongLong a \l qulonglong
        \value Url  a QUrl
        \value Vector2D  a QVector2D
        \value Vector3D  a QVector3D
        \value Vector4D  a QVector4D
        \value UserType Base value for user-defined types.
        \omitvalue LastGuiType
        \omitvalue LastCoreType
        \omitvalue LastType
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(QVariant &&other)
        Move-constructs a QVariant instance, making it point at the same
        object that \a other was pointing to.
        \since 5.2
        \fn QVariant &QVariant::operator=(QVariant &&other)
        Move-assigns \a other to this QVariant instance.
        \since 5.2
        \fn QVariant::QVariant()
        Constructs an invalid variant.
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy)
        Constructs variant of type \a typeId, and initializes with
        \a copy if \a copy is not 0.
        Note that you have to pass the address of the variable you want stored.
        Usually, you never have to use this constructor, use QVariant::fromValue()
        instead to construct variants from the pointer types represented by
        \c QMetaType::VoidStar, and \c QMetaType::QObjectStar.
        \sa QVariant::fromValue(), QMetaType::Type
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(Type type)
        Constructs an uninitialized variant of type \a type. This will create a
        variant in a special null state that if accessed will return a default
        constructed value of the \a type.
        \sa isNull()
        \fn QVariant::create(int type, const void *copy)
        Constructs a variant private of type \a type, and initializes with \a copy if
        \a copy is not 0.
    void QVariant::create(int type, const void *copy)
        d.type = type;
        handlerManager[type]->construct(&d, copy);
        \fn QVariant::~QVariant()
        Destroys the QVariant and the contained object.
        Note that subclasses that reimplement clear() should reimplement
        the destructor to call clear(). This destructor calls clear(), but
        because it is the destructor, QVariant::clear() is called rather
        than a subclass's clear().
        if ((d.is_shared && !d.data.shared->ref.deref()) || (!d.is_shared && d.type > Char))
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QVariant &p)
        Constructs a copy of the variant, \a p, passed as the argument to
        this constructor.
    QVariant::QVariant(const QVariant &p)
        : d(p.d)
        if (d.is_shared) {
        } else if (p.d.type > Char) {
            handlerManager[d.type]->construct(&d, p.constData());
            d.is_null = p.d.is_null;
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
        Reads the variant from the data stream, \a s.
    QVariant::QVariant(QDataStream &s)
        d.is_null = true;
        s >> *this;
    #endif //QT_NO_DATASTREAM
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QString &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a string value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(QLatin1String val)
        Constructs a new variant with a string value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const char *val)
        Constructs a new variant with a string value of \a val.
        The variant creates a deep copy of \a val into a QString assuming
        UTF-8 encoding on the input \a val.
        Note that \a val is converted to a QString for storing in the
        variant and QVariant::userType() will return QMetaType::QString for
        the variant.
        You can disable this operator by defining \c
        QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII when you compile your applications.
    QVariant::QVariant(const char *val)
        QString s = QString::fromUtf8(val);
        create(String, &s);
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QStringList &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a string list value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a map of \l {QVariant}s, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a hash of \l {QVariant}s, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QDate &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a date value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QTime &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a time value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QDateTime &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a date/time value, \a val.
        \since 4.7
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QEasingCurve &val)
        Constructs a new variant with an easing curve value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QUuid &val)
        Constructs a new variant with an uuid value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QModelIndex &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a QModelIndex value, \a val.
        \since 5.5
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QPersistentModelIndex &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a QPersistentModelIndex value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonValue &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a json value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonObject &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a json object value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonArray &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a json array value, \a val.
        \since 5.0
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonDocument &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a json document value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QByteArray &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a bytearray value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QBitArray &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a bitarray value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QPoint &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a point value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QPointF &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a point value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QRectF &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a rect value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QLineF &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a line value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QLine &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a line value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QRect &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a rect value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QSize &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a size value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QSizeF &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a size value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QUrl &val)
      Constructs a new variant with a url value of \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(int val)
        Constructs a new variant with an integer value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(uint val)
        Constructs a new variant with an unsigned integer value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(qlonglong val)
        Constructs a new variant with a long long integer value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(qulonglong val)
        Constructs a new variant with an unsigned long long integer value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(bool val)
        Constructs a new variant with a boolean value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(double val)
        Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(float val)
        Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, \a val.
        \since 4.6
        \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QList<QVariant> &val)
        Constructs a new variant with a list value, \a val.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(QChar c)
      Constructs a new variant with a char value, \a c.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QLocale &l)
      Constructs a new variant with a locale value, \a l.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QRegExp &regExp)
      Constructs a new variant with the regexp value \a regExp.
      \fn QVariant::QVariant(const QRegularExpression &re)
      \since 5.0
      Constructs a new variant with the regular expression value \a re.
    QVariant::QVariant(Type type)
    { create(type, 0); }
    QVariant::QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy)
    { create(typeId, copy); d.is_null = false; }
        flags is true if it is a pointer type
    QVariant::QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy, uint flags)
        if (flags) { //type is a pointer type
            d.type = typeId;
            d.data.ptr = *reinterpret_cast<void *const*>(copy);
        } else {
            create(typeId, copy);
        d.is_null = false;
    QVariant::QVariant(int val)
        : d(Int)
    { d.data.i = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(uint val)
        : d(UInt)
    { d.data.u = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(qlonglong val)
        : d(LongLong)
    { d.data.ll = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(qulonglong val)
        : d(ULongLong)
    { d.data.ull = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(bool val)
        : d(Bool)
    { d.data.b = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(double val)
        : d(Double)
    { d.data.d = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(float val)
        : d(QMetaType::Float)
    { d.data.f = val; }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QByteArray &val)
        : d(ByteArray)
    { v_construct<QByteArray>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QBitArray &val)
        : d(BitArray)
    { v_construct<QBitArray>(&d, val);  }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QString &val)
        : d(String)
    { v_construct<QString>(&d, val);  }
    QVariant::QVariant(QChar val)
        : d(Char)
    { v_construct<QChar>(&d, val);  }
    QVariant::QVariant(QLatin1String val)
        : d(String)
    { v_construct<QString>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QStringList &val)
        : d(StringList)
    { v_construct<QStringList>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QDate &val)
        : d(Date)
    { v_construct<QDate>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QTime &val)
        : d(Time)
    { v_construct<QTime>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QDateTime &val)
        : d(DateTime)
    { v_construct<QDateTime>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QEasingCurve &val)
        : d(EasingCurve)
    { v_construct<QEasingCurve>(&d, val); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QList<QVariant> &list)
        : d(List)
    { v_construct<QVariantList>(&d, list); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map)
        : d(Map)
    { v_construct<QVariantMap>(&d, map); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &hash)
        : d(Hash)
    { v_construct<QVariantHash>(&d, hash); }
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
    QVariant::QVariant(const QPoint &pt)
        : d(Point)
    { v_construct<QPoint>(&d, pt); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QPointF &pt)
        : d(PointF)
    { v_construct<QPointF>(&d, pt); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QRectF &r)
        : d(RectF)
    { v_construct<QRectF>(&d, r); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QLineF &l)
        : d(LineF)
    { v_construct<QLineF>(&d, l); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QLine &l)
        : d(Line)
    { v_construct<QLine>(&d, l); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QRect &r)
        : d(Rect)
    { v_construct<QRect>(&d, r); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QSize &s)
        : d(Size)
    { v_construct<QSize>(&d, s); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QSizeF &s)
        : d(SizeF)
    { v_construct<QSizeF>(&d, s); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QUrl &u)
        : d(Url)
    { v_construct<QUrl>(&d, u); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QLocale &l)
        : d(Locale)
    { v_construct<QLocale>(&d, l); }
    #ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    QVariant::QVariant(const QRegExp &regExp)
        : d(RegExp)
    { v_construct<QRegExp>(&d, regExp); }
    #endif // QT_NO_REGEXP
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    QVariant::QVariant(const QRegularExpression &re)
        : d(RegularExpression)
    { v_construct<QRegularExpression>(&d, re); }
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    QVariant::QVariant(const QUuid &uuid)
        : d(Uuid)
    { v_construct<QUuid>(&d, uuid); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonValue &jsonValue)
        : d(QMetaType::QJsonValue)
    { v_construct<QJsonValue>(&d, jsonValue); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonObject &jsonObject)
        : d(QMetaType::QJsonObject)
    { v_construct<QJsonObject>(&d, jsonObject); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonArray &jsonArray)
        : d(QMetaType::QJsonArray)
    { v_construct<QJsonArray>(&d, jsonArray); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QJsonDocument &jsonDocument)
        : d(QMetaType::QJsonDocument)
    { v_construct<QJsonDocument>(&d, jsonDocument); }
    #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
    QVariant::QVariant(const QModelIndex &modelIndex)
        : d(ModelIndex)
    { v_construct<QModelIndex>(&d, modelIndex); }
    QVariant::QVariant(const QPersistentModelIndex &modelIndex)
        : d(PersistentModelIndex)
    { v_construct<QPersistentModelIndex>(&d, modelIndex); }
        Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.
        Although this function is declared as returning QVariant::Type,
        the return value should be interpreted as QMetaType::Type. In
        particular, QVariant::UserType is returned here only if the value
        is equal or greater than QMetaType::User.
        Note that return values in the ranges QVariant::Char through
        QVariant::RegExp and QVariant::Font through QVariant::Transform
        correspond to the values in the ranges QMetaType::QChar through
        QMetaType::QRegExp and QMetaType::QFont through QMetaType::QQuaternion.
        Pay particular attention when working with char and QChar
        variants.  Note that there is no QVariant constructor specifically
        for type char, but there is one for QChar. For a variant of type
        QChar, this function returns QVariant::Char, which is the same as
        QMetaType::QChar, but for a variant of type \c char, this function
        returns QMetaType::Char, which is \e not the same as
        Also note that the types \c void*, \c long, \c short, \c unsigned
        \c long, \c unsigned \c short, \c unsigned \c char, \c float, \c
        QObject*, and \c QWidget* are represented in QMetaType::Type but
        not in QVariant::Type, and they can be returned by this function.
        However, they are considered to be user defined types when tested
        against QVariant::Type.
        To test whether an instance of QVariant contains a data type that
        is compatible with the data type you are interested in, use
    QVariant::Type QVariant::type() const
        return d.type >= QMetaType::User ? UserType : static_cast<Type>(d.type);
        Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant. For
        non-user types, this is the same as type().
        \sa type()
    int QVariant::userType() const
        return d.type;
        Assigns the value of the variant \a variant to this variant.
    QVariant& QVariant::operator=(const QVariant &variant)
        if (this == &variant)
            return *this;
        if (variant.d.is_shared) {
            d = variant.d;
        } else if (variant.d.type > Char) {
            d.type = variant.d.type;
            handlerManager[d.type]->construct(&d, variant.constData());
            d.is_null = variant.d.is_null;
        } else {
            d = variant.d;
        return *this;
        \fn void QVariant::swap(QVariant &other)
        \since 4.8
        Swaps variant \a other with this variant. This operation is very
        fast and never fails.
        \fn void QVariant::detach()
    void QVariant::detach()
        if (!d.is_shared || d.data.shared->ref.load() == 1)
        Private dd;
        dd.type = d.type;
        handlerManager[d.type]->construct(&dd, constData());
        if (!d.data.shared->ref.deref())
        d.data.shared = dd.data.shared;
        \fn bool QVariant::isDetached() const
        Returns the name of the type stored in the variant. The returned
        strings describe the C++ datatype used to store the data: for
        example, "QFont", "QString", or "QVariantList". An Invalid
        variant returns 0.
    const char *QVariant::typeName() const
        return QMetaType::typeName(d.type);
        Convert this variant to type QMetaType::UnknownType and free up any resources
    void QVariant::clear()
        if ((d.is_shared && !d.data.shared->ref.deref()) || (!d.is_shared && d.type > Char))
        d.type = Invalid;
        d.is_null = true;
        d.is_shared = false;
        Converts the int representation of the storage type, \a typeId, to
        its string representation.
        Returns a null pointer if the type is QMetaType::UnknownType or doesn't exist.
    const char *QVariant::typeToName(int typeId)
        return QMetaType::typeName(typeId);
        Converts the string representation of the storage type given in \a
        name, to its enum representation.
        If the string representation cannot be converted to any enum
        representation, the variant is set to \c Invalid.
    QVariant::Type QVariant::nameToType(const char *name)
        int metaType = QMetaType::type(name);
        return metaType <= int(UserType) ? QVariant::Type(metaType) : UserType;
    #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    enum { MapFromThreeCount = 36 };
    static const ushort mapIdFromQt3ToCurrent[MapFromThreeCount] =
        0, // ColorGroup
        0, // Buggy ByteArray, QByteArray never had id == 20
        Internal function for loading a variant from stream \a s. Use the
        stream operators instead.
    void QVariant::load(QDataStream &s)
        quint32 typeId;
        s >> typeId;
        if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_4_0) {
            if (typeId >= MapFromThreeCount)
            typeId = mapIdFromQt3ToCurrent[typeId];
        } else if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_5_0) {
            if (typeId == 127 /* QVariant::UserType */) {
                typeId = QMetaType::User;
            } else if (typeId >= 128 && typeId != QVariant::UserType) {
                // In Qt4 id == 128 was FirstExtCoreType. In Qt5 ExtCoreTypes set was merged to CoreTypes
                // by moving all ids down by 97.
                typeId -= 97;
            } else if (typeId == 75 /* QSizePolicy */) {
                typeId = QMetaType::QSizePolicy;
            } else if (typeId > 75 && typeId <= 86) {
                // and as a result these types received lower ids too
                // QKeySequence QPen QTextLength QTextFormat QMatrix QTransform QMatrix4x4 QVector2D QVector3D QVector4D QQuaternion
                typeId -=1;
        qint8 is_null = false;
        if (s.version() >= QDataStream::Qt_4_2)
            s >> is_null;
        if (typeId == QVariant::UserType) {
            QByteArray name;
            s >> name;
            typeId = QMetaType::type(name.constData());
            if (typeId == QMetaType::UnknownType) {
                qWarning("QVariant::load: unknown user type with name %s.", name.constData());
        create(typeId, 0);
        d.is_null = is_null;
        if (!isValid()) {
            if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_5_0) {
            // Since we wrote something, we should read something
                QString x;
                s >> x;
            d.is_null = true;
        // const cast is safe since we operate on a newly constructed variant
        if (!QMetaType::load(s, d.type, const_cast<void *>(constData()))) {
            qWarning("QVariant::load: unable to load type %d.", d.type);
        Internal function for saving a variant to the stream \a s. Use the
        stream operators instead.
    void QVariant::save(QDataStream &s) const
        quint32 typeId = type();
        bool fakeUserType = false;
        if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_4_0) {
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i <= MapFromThreeCount - 1; ++i) {
                if (mapIdFromQt3ToCurrent[i] == typeId) {
                    typeId = i;
            if (i >= MapFromThreeCount) {
                s << QVariant();
        } else if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_5_0) {
            if (typeId == QMetaType::User) {
                typeId = 127; // QVariant::UserType had this value in Qt4
            } else if (typeId >= 128 - 97 && typeId <= LastCoreType) {
                // In Qt4 id == 128 was FirstExtCoreType. In Qt5 ExtCoreTypes set was merged to CoreTypes
                // by moving all ids down by 97.
                typeId += 97;
            } else if (typeId == QMetaType::QSizePolicy) {
                typeId = 75;
            } else if (typeId >= QMetaType::QKeySequence && typeId <= QMetaType::QQuaternion) {
                // and as a result these types received lower ids too
                typeId +=1;
            } else if (typeId == QMetaType::QPolygonF) {
                // This existed in Qt 4 only as a custom type
                typeId = 127;
                fakeUserType = true;
        s << typeId;
        if (s.version() >= QDataStream::Qt_4_2)
            s << qint8(d.is_null);
        if (d.type >= QVariant::UserType || fakeUserType) {
            s << QMetaType::typeName(userType());
        if (!isValid()) {
            if (s.version() < QDataStream::Qt_5_0)
                s << QString();
        if (!QMetaType::save(s, d.type, constData())) {
            qWarning("QVariant::save: unable to save type '%s' (type id: %d).\n", QMetaType::typeName(d.type), d.type);
            Q_ASSERT_X(false, "QVariant::save", "Invalid type to save");
        \since 4.4
        Reads a variant \a p from the stream \a s.
        \sa{Serializing Qt Data Types}{Format of the QDataStream operators}
    QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream &s, QVariant &p)
        return s;
        Writes a variant \a p to the stream \a s.
        \sa{Serializing Qt Data Types}{Format of the QDataStream operators}
    QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream &s, const QVariant &p)
        return s;
        Reads a variant type \a p in enum representation from the stream \a s.
    QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream &s, QVariant::Type &p)
        quint32 u;
        s >> u;
        p = (QVariant::Type)u;
        return s;
        Writes a variant type \a p to the stream \a s.
    QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream &s, const QVariant::Type p)
        s << static_cast<quint32>(p);
        return s;
    #endif //QT_NO_DATASTREAM
        \fn bool QVariant::isValid() const
        Returns \c true if the storage type of this variant is not
        QMetaType::UnknownType; otherwise returns \c false.
    template <typename T>
    inline T qVariantToHelper(const QVariant::Private &d, const HandlersManager &handlerManager)
        const uint targetType = qMetaTypeId<T>();
        if (d.type == targetType)
            return *v_cast<T>(&d);
        T ret;
        if (d.type >= QMetaType::User || targetType >= QMetaType::User) {
            const void * const from = constData(d);
            if (QMetaType::convert(from, d.type, &ret, targetType))
                return ret;
        handlerManager[d.type]->convert(&d, targetType, &ret, 0);
        return ret;
        \fn QStringList QVariant::toStringList() const
        Returns the variant as a QStringList if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QString, or
        \l QMetaType::QVariantList of a type that can be converted to QString;
        otherwise returns an empty list.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QStringList QVariant::toStringList() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QStringList>(d, handlerManager);
        Returns the variant as a QString if the variant has a userType()
        including, but not limited to:
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray,
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime,
        \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
        \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QTime, \l QMetaType::UInt, or
        \l QMetaType::ULongLong.
        Calling QVariant::toString() on an unsupported variant returns an empty
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QString QVariant::toString() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QString>(d, handlerManager);
        Returns the variant as a QMap<QString, QVariant> if the variant
        has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantMap; otherwise returns an empty map.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QVariantMap QVariant::toMap() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QVariantMap>(d, handlerManager);
        Returns the variant as a QHash<QString, QVariant> if the variant
        has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantHash; otherwise returns an empty map.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QVariantHash QVariant::toHash() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QVariantHash>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QDate QVariant::toDate() const
        Returns the variant as a QDate if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString;
        otherwise returns an invalid date.
        If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid date will be returned if
        the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format date.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QDate QVariant::toDate() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QDate>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QTime QVariant::toTime() const
        Returns the variant as a QTime if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QTime, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString;
        otherwise returns an invalid time.
        If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid time will be returned if
        the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format time.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QTime QVariant::toTime() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QTime>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QDateTime QVariant::toDateTime() const
        Returns the variant as a QDateTime if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QDateTime, \l QMetaType::QDate, or \l QMetaType::QString;
        otherwise returns an invalid date/time.
        If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid date/time will be
        returned if the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format date/time.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QDateTime QVariant::toDateTime() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QDateTime>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 4.7
        \fn QEasingCurve QVariant::toEasingCurve() const
        Returns the variant as a QEasingCurve if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QEasingCurve; otherwise returns a default easing curve.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QEasingCurve QVariant::toEasingCurve() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QEasingCurve>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QByteArray QVariant::toByteArray() const
        Returns the variant as a QByteArray if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray or \l QMetaType::QString (converted using
        QString::fromUtf8()); otherwise returns an empty byte array.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QByteArray QVariant::toByteArray() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QByteArray>(d, handlerManager);
    #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        \fn QPoint QVariant::toPoint() const
        Returns the variant as a QPoint if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QPoint QVariant::toPoint() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QPoint>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QRect QVariant::toRect() const
        Returns the variant as a QRect if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QRect; otherwise returns an invalid QRect.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QRect QVariant::toRect() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QRect>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QSize QVariant::toSize() const
        Returns the variant as a QSize if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QSize; otherwise returns an invalid QSize.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QSize QVariant::toSize() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QSize>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QSizeF QVariant::toSizeF() const
        Returns the variant as a QSizeF if the variant has userType() \l
        QMetaType::QSizeF; otherwise returns an invalid QSizeF.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QSizeF QVariant::toSizeF() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QSizeF>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QRectF QVariant::toRectF() const
        Returns the variant as a QRectF if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QRect or \l QMetaType::QRectF; otherwise returns an invalid
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QRectF QVariant::toRectF() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QRectF>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QLineF QVariant::toLineF() const
        Returns the variant as a QLineF if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QLineF; otherwise returns an invalid QLineF.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QLineF QVariant::toLineF() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QLineF>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QLine QVariant::toLine() const
        Returns the variant as a QLine if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QLine; otherwise returns an invalid QLine.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QLine QVariant::toLine() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QLine>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QPointF QVariant::toPointF() const
        Returns the variant as a QPointF if the variant has userType() \l
        QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QPointF QVariant::toPointF() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QPointF>(d, handlerManager);
    #endif // QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT
        \fn QUrl QVariant::toUrl() const
        Returns the variant as a QUrl if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QUrl; otherwise returns an invalid QUrl.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QUrl QVariant::toUrl() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QUrl>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QLocale QVariant::toLocale() const
        Returns the variant as a QLocale if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QLocale; otherwise returns an invalid QLocale.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QLocale QVariant::toLocale() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QLocale>(d, handlerManager);
        \fn QRegExp QVariant::toRegExp() const
        \since 4.1
        Returns the variant as a QRegExp if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QRegExp; otherwise returns an empty QRegExp.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    #ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    QRegExp QVariant::toRegExp() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QRegExp>(d, handlerManager);
    #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
        \fn QRegularExpression QVariant::toRegularExpression() const
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QRegularExpression if the variant has userType() \l
        QRegularExpression; otherwise returns an empty QRegularExpression.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QRegularExpression QVariant::toRegularExpression() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QRegularExpression>(d, handlerManager);
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QModelIndex if the variant has userType() \l
        QModelIndex; otherwise returns a default constructed QModelIndex.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert(), toPersistentModelIndex()
    QModelIndex QVariant::toModelIndex() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QModelIndex>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 5.5
        Returns the variant as a QPersistentModelIndex if the variant has userType() \l
        QPersistentModelIndex; otherwise returns a default constructed QPersistentModelIndex.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert(), toModelIndex()
    QPersistentModelIndex QVariant::toPersistentModelIndex() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QPersistentModelIndex>(d, handlerManager);
    #endif // QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QUuid if the variant has type()
        \l QMetaType::QUuid, \l QMetaType::QByteArray or \l QMetaType::QString;
        otherwise returns a default-constructed QUuid.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QUuid QVariant::toUuid() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QUuid>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QJsonValue if the variant has userType() \l
        QJsonValue; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonValue.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QJsonValue QVariant::toJsonValue() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QJsonValue>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QJsonObject if the variant has userType() \l
        QJsonObject; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonObject.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QJsonObject QVariant::toJsonObject() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QJsonObject>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QJsonArray if the variant has userType() \l
        QJsonArray; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonArray.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QJsonArray QVariant::toJsonArray() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QJsonArray>(d, handlerManager);
        \since 5.0
        Returns the variant as a QJsonDocument if the variant has userType() \l
        QJsonDocument; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonDocument.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QJsonDocument QVariant::toJsonDocument() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QJsonDocument>(d, handlerManager);
    #endif // QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
        \fn QChar QVariant::toChar() const
        Returns the variant as a QChar if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Int, or \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise
        returns an invalid QChar.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QChar QVariant::toChar() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QChar>(d, handlerManager);
        Returns the variant as a QBitArray if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QBitArray; otherwise returns an empty bit array.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QBitArray QVariant::toBitArray() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QBitArray>(d, handlerManager);
    template <typename T>
    inline T qNumVariantToHelper(const QVariant::Private &d,
                                 const HandlersManager &handlerManager, bool *ok, const T& val)
        const uint t = qMetaTypeId<T>();
        if (ok)
            *ok = true;
        if (d.type == t)
            return val;
        T ret = 0;
        if ((d.type >= QMetaType::User || t >= QMetaType::User)
            && QMetaType::convert(constData(d), d.type, &ret, t))
            return ret;
        if (!handlerManager[d.type]->convert(&d, t, &ret, ok) && ok)
            *ok = false;
        return ret;
        Returns the variant as an int if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray,
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to an int; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \b{Warning:} If the value is convertible to a \l QMetaType::LongLong but is
        too large to be represented in an int, the resulting arithmetic overflow
        will not be reflected in \a ok. A simple workaround is to use
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    int QVariant::toInt(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<int>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.i);
        Returns the variant as an unsigned int if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray,
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int,
        \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to an unsigned int; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \b{Warning:} If the value is convertible to a \l QMetaType::ULongLong but is
        too large to be represented in an unsigned int, the resulting arithmetic
        overflow will not be reflected in \a ok. A simple workaround is to use
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    uint QVariant::toUInt(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<uint>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.u);
        Returns the variant as a long long int if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray,
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int,
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\c{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to an int; otherwise \c{*}\c{ok} is set to false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    qlonglong QVariant::toLongLong(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<qlonglong>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.ll);
        Returns the variant as an unsigned long long int if the
        variant has type() \l QMetaType::ULongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool,
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double,
        \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or
        \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise returns 0.
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to an int; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    qulonglong QVariant::toULongLong(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<qulonglong>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.ull);
        Returns the variant as a bool if the variant has userType() Bool.
        Returns \c true if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Bool,
        \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int,
        \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong and
        the value is non-zero, or if the variant has type \l QMetaType::QString or
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray and its lower-case content is not one of the
        following: empty, "0" or "false"; otherwise returns \c false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    bool QVariant::toBool() const
        if (d.type == Bool)
            return d.data.b;
        bool res = false;
        handlerManager[d.type]->convert(&d, Bool, &res, 0);
        return res;
        Returns the variant as a double if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool,
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.0.
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to a double; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    double QVariant::toDouble(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<double>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.d);
        Returns the variant as a float if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool,
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.0.
        \since 4.6
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to a double; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    float QVariant::toFloat(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<float>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.f);
        Returns the variant as a qreal if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool,
        \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
        \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong;
        otherwise returns 0.0.
        \since 4.6
        If \a ok is non-null: \c{*}\a{ok} is set to true if the value could be
        converted to a double; otherwise \c{*}\a{ok} is set to false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    qreal QVariant::toReal(bool *ok) const
        return qNumVariantToHelper<qreal>(d, handlerManager, ok, d.data.real);
        Returns the variant as a QVariantList if the variant has userType()
        \l QMetaType::QVariantList or \l QMetaType::QStringList; otherwise returns
        an empty list.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), convert()
    QVariantList QVariant::toList() const
        return qVariantToHelper<QVariantList>(d, handlerManager);
    static const quint32 qCanConvertMatrix[QVariant::LastCoreType + 1] =
    /*Invalid*/     0,
    /*Bool*/          1 << QVariant::Double     | 1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::UInt
                    | 1 << QVariant::LongLong   | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong  | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray
                    | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Char,
    /*Int*/           1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Double
                    | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::LongLong   | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Char       | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray  | 1 << QVariant::Int,
    /*UInt*/          1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Double
                    | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::LongLong   | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Char       | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray,
    /*LLong*/         1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Double
                    | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Char       | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray,
    /*ULlong*/        1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Double
                    | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::LongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Char       | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray,
    /*double*/        1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::LongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray,
    /*QChar*/         1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::LongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong,
    /*QMap*/          0,
    /*QList*/         1 << QVariant::StringList,
    /*QString*/       1 << QVariant::StringList | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray  | 1 << QVariant::Int
                    | 1 << QVariant::UInt       | 1 << QVariant::Bool       | 1 << QVariant::Double
                    | 1 << QVariant::Date       | 1 << QVariant::Time       | 1 << QVariant::DateTime
                    | 1 << QVariant::LongLong   | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong  | 1 << QVariant::Char
                    | 1 << QVariant::Url        | 1 << QVariant::Uuid,
    /*QStringList*/   1 << QVariant::List       | 1 << QVariant::String,
    /*QByteArray*/    1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Int        | 1 << QVariant::UInt | 1 << QVariant::Bool
                    | 1 << QVariant::Double     | 1 << QVariant::LongLong   | 1 << QVariant::ULongLong
                    | 1 << QVariant::Uuid,
    /*QBitArray*/     0,
    /*QDate*/         1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::DateTime,
    /*QTime*/         1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::DateTime,
    /*QDateTime*/     1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::Date,
    /*QUrl*/          1 << QVariant::String,
    /*QLocale*/       0,
    /*QRect*/         1 << QVariant::RectF,
    /*QRectF*/        1 << QVariant::Rect,
    /*QSize*/         1 << QVariant::SizeF,
    /*QSizeF*/        1 << QVariant::Size,
    /*QLine*/         1 << QVariant::LineF,
    /*QLineF*/        1 << QVariant::Line,
    /*QPoint*/        1 << QVariant::PointF,
    /*QPointF*/       1 << QVariant::Point,
    /*QRegExp*/       0,
    /*QHash*/         0,
    /*QEasingCurve*/  0,
    /*QUuid*/         1 << QVariant::String     | 1 << QVariant::ByteArray,
    static const size_t qCanConvertMatrixMaximumTargetType = 8 * sizeof(*qCanConvertMatrix);
        Returns \c true if from inherits to.
    static bool canConvertMetaObject(const QMetaObject *from, const QMetaObject *to)
        if (from && to == &QObject::staticMetaObject)
            return true;
        while (from) {
            if (from == to)
                return true;
            from = from->superClass();
        return false;
    static bool canConvertMetaObject(int fromId, int toId, QObject *fromObject)
        QMetaType toType(toId);
        if ((QMetaType::typeFlags(fromId) & QMetaType::PointerToQObject) && (toType.flags() & QMetaType::PointerToQObject)) {
            if (!fromObject)
                return true;
            return canConvertMetaObject(fromObject->metaObject(), toType.metaObject());
        return false;
        Returns \c true if the variant's type can be cast to the requested
        type, \a targetTypeId. Such casting is done automatically when calling the
        toInt(), toBool(), ... methods.
        The following casts are done automatically:
        \header \li Type \li Automatically Cast To
        \row \li \l QMetaType::Bool \li \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double,
            \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString,
            \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QByteArray \li \l QMetaType::Double,
            \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString,
            \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::ULongLong, \l QMetaType::QUuid
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QChar \li \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::Int,
            \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QColor \li \l QMetaType::QString
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QDate \li \l QMetaType::QDateTime,
            \l QMetaType::QString
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QDateTime \li \l QMetaType::QDate,
            \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::QTime
        \row \li \l QMetaType::Double \li \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::Int,
            \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt,
            \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QFont \li \l QMetaType::QString
        \row \li \l QMetaType::Int \li \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QChar,
            \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString,
            \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QKeySequence \li \l QMetaType::Int,
            \l QMetaType::QString
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QVariantList \li \l QMetaType::QStringList (if the
            list's items can be converted to QStrings)
        \row \li \l QMetaType::LongLong \li \l QMetaType::Bool,
            \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double,
            \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt,
            \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QPoint \li QMetaType::QPointF
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QRect \li QMetaType::QRectF
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QString \li \l QMetaType::Bool,
            \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::QColor,
            \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, \l QMetaType::Double,
            \l QMetaType::QFont, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::QKeySequence,
            \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QTime,
            \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::ULongLong, \l QMetaType::QUuid
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QStringList \li \l QMetaType::QVariantList,
            \l QMetaType::QString (if the list contains exactly one item)
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QTime \li \l QMetaType::QString
        \row \li \l QMetaType::UInt \li \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QChar,
            \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong,
            \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::ULongLong
        \row \li \l QMetaType::ULongLong \li \l QMetaType::Bool,
            \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int,
            \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt
        \row \li \l QMetaType::QUuid \li \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QString
        A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also return true for this
        function if a qobject_cast to the type described by \a targetTypeId would succeed. Note that
        this only works for QObject subclasses which use the Q_OBJECT macro.
        A QVariant containing a sequential container will also return true for this
        function if the \a targetTypeId is QVariantList. It is possible to iterate over
        the contents of the container without extracting it as a (copied) QVariantList:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 9
        This requires that the value_type of the container is itself a metatype.
        Similarly, a QVariant containing a sequential container will also return true for this
        function the \a targetTypeId is QVariantHash or QVariantMap. It is possible to iterate over
        the contents of the container without extracting it as a (copied) QVariantHash or QVariantMap:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 10
        \sa convert(), QSequentialIterable, Q_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_CONTAINER_METATYPE(), QAssociativeIterable,
    bool QVariant::canConvert(int targetTypeId) const
        if (d.type == targetTypeId)
            return true;
    #if QT_CONFIG(itemmodel)
        if ((targetTypeId == QMetaType::QModelIndex && d.type == QMetaType::QPersistentModelIndex)
            || (targetTypeId == QMetaType::QPersistentModelIndex && d.type == QMetaType::QModelIndex))
            return true;
        if (targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantList
                && (d.type == QMetaType::QVariantList
                  || d.type == QMetaType::QStringList
                  || d.type == QMetaType::QByteArrayList
                  || QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(d.type,
                        qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl>()))) {
            return true;
        if ((targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantHash || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantMap)
                && (d.type == QMetaType::QVariantMap
                  || d.type == QMetaType::QVariantHash
                  || QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(d.type,
                        qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl>()))) {
            return true;
        if (targetTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QPair<QVariant, QVariant> >() &&
                        qMetaTypeId<QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl>())) {
            return true;
        if ((d.type >= QMetaType::User || targetTypeId >= QMetaType::User)
            && QMetaType::hasRegisteredConverterFunction(d.type, targetTypeId)) {
            return true;
        // TODO Reimplement this function, currently it works but it is a historical mess.
        uint currentType = d.type;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::SChar || currentType == QMetaType::Char)
            currentType = QMetaType::UInt;
        if (targetTypeId == QMetaType::SChar || currentType == QMetaType::Char)
            targetTypeId = QMetaType::UInt;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::Short || currentType == QMetaType::UShort)
            currentType = QMetaType::Int;
        if (targetTypeId == QMetaType::Short || currentType == QMetaType::UShort)
            targetTypeId = QMetaType::Int;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::Float)
            currentType = QMetaType::Double;
        if (targetTypeId == QMetaType::Float)
            targetTypeId = QMetaType::Double;
        if (currentType == uint(targetTypeId))
            return true;
        if (targetTypeId < 0)
            return false;
        if (targetTypeId >= QMetaType::User) {
            if (QMetaType::typeFlags(targetTypeId) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) {
                targetTypeId = QMetaType::Int;
            } else {
                return canConvertMetaObject(currentType, targetTypeId, d.data.o);
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QJsonValue || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QJsonValue) {
            switch (currentType == QMetaType::QJsonValue ? targetTypeId : currentType) {
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
            case QMetaType::QString:
            case QMetaType::Bool:
            case QMetaType::Int:
            case QMetaType::UInt:
            case QMetaType::Double:
            case QMetaType::Float:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::QVariantList:
            case QMetaType::QVariantMap:
            case QMetaType::QVariantHash:
            case QMetaType::QCborValue:
            case QMetaType::QCborArray:
            case QMetaType::QCborMap:
                return true;
                return false;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QJsonArray)
            return targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantList || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborValue
                    || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborArray;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QJsonObject)
            return targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantMap || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantHash
                    || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborValue || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborMap;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QCborValue || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborValue) {
            switch (currentType == QMetaType::QCborValue ? targetTypeId : currentType) {
            case QMetaType::UnknownType:
            case QMetaType::Nullptr:
            case QMetaType::Bool:
            case QMetaType::Int:
            case QMetaType::UInt:
            case QMetaType::Double:
            case QMetaType::Float:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::LongLong:
            case QMetaType::ULongLong:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::QString:
            case QMetaType::QByteArray:
            case QMetaType::QDateTime:
            case QMetaType::QUrl:
            case QMetaType::QRegularExpression:
            case QMetaType::QUuid:
            case QMetaType::QVariantList:
            case QMetaType::QVariantMap:
            case QMetaType::QVariantHash:
            case QMetaType::QJsonValue:
            case QMetaType::QJsonArray:
            case QMetaType::QJsonObject:
            case QMetaType::QJsonDocument:
            case QMetaType::QCborArray:
            case QMetaType::QCborMap:
            case QMetaType::QCborSimpleType:
                return true;
                return false;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QCborArray)
            return targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantList || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborValue
                    || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QJsonArray;
        if (currentType == QMetaType::QCborMap)
            return targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantMap || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QVariantHash
                    || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QCborValue || targetTypeId == QMetaType::QJsonObject;
        // FIXME It should be LastCoreType intead of Uuid
        if (currentType > int(QMetaType::QUuid) || targetTypeId > int(QMetaType::QUuid)) {
            switch (uint(targetTypeId)) {
            case QVariant::Int:
                if (currentType == QVariant::KeySequence)
                    return true;
            case QVariant::UInt:
            case QVariant::LongLong:
            case QVariant::ULongLong:
                   return currentType == QMetaType::ULong
                       || currentType == QMetaType::Long
                       || currentType == QMetaType::UShort
                       || currentType == QMetaType::UChar
                       || currentType == QMetaType::Char
                       || currentType == QMetaType::SChar
                       || currentType == QMetaType::Short
                       || QMetaType::typeFlags(currentType) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration;
            case QVariant::Image:
                return currentType == QVariant::Pixmap || currentType == QVariant::Bitmap;
            case QVariant::Pixmap:
                return currentType == QVariant::Image || currentType == QVariant::Bitmap
                                  || currentType == QVariant::Brush;
            case QVariant::Bitmap:
                return currentType == QVariant::Pixmap || currentType == QVariant::Image;
            case QVariant::ByteArray:
                return currentType == QVariant::Color || currentType == QMetaType::Nullptr
                                  || ((QMetaType::typeFlags(currentType) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) && QMetaType::metaObjectForType(currentType));
            case QVariant::String:
                return currentType == QVariant::KeySequence || currentType == QVariant::Font
                                  || currentType == QVariant::Color || currentType == QMetaType::Nullptr
                                  || ((QMetaType::typeFlags(currentType) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration) && QMetaType::metaObjectForType(currentType));
            case QVariant::KeySequence:
                return currentType == QVariant::String || currentType == QVariant::Int;
            case QVariant::Font:
                return currentType == QVariant::String;
            case QVariant::Color:
                return currentType == QVariant::String || currentType == QVariant::ByteArray
                                  || currentType == QVariant::Brush;
            case QVariant::Brush:
                return currentType == QVariant::Color || currentType == QVariant::Pixmap;
            case QMetaType::Long:
            case QMetaType::Char:
            case QMetaType::SChar:
            case QMetaType::UChar:
            case QMetaType::ULong:
            case QMetaType::Short:
            case QMetaType::UShort:
                return currentType == QVariant::Int
                    || (currentType < qCanConvertMatrixMaximumTargetType
                        && qCanConvertMatrix[QVariant::Int] & (1U << currentType))
                    || QMetaType::typeFlags(currentType) & QMetaType::IsEnumeration;
            case QMetaType::QObjectStar:
                return canConvertMetaObject(currentType, targetTypeId, d.data.o);
                return false;
        if (targetTypeId == String && currentType == StringList)
            return v_cast<QStringList>(&d)->count() == 1;
        return currentType < qCanConvertMatrixMaximumTargetType
            && qCanConvertMatrix[targetTypeId] & (1U << currentType);
        Casts the variant to the requested type, \a targetTypeId. If the cast cannot be
        done, the variant is still changed to the requested type, but is left in a cleared
        null state similar to that constructed by QVariant(Type).
        Returns \c true if the current type of the variant was successfully cast;
        otherwise returns \c false.
        A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also convert
        and return true for this function if a qobject_cast to the type described
        by \a targetTypeId would succeed. Note that this only works for QObject subclasses
        which use the Q_OBJECT macro.
        \note converting QVariants that are null due to not being initialized or having
        failed a previous conversion will always fail, changing the type, remaining null,
        and returning \c false.
        \sa canConvert(int targetTypeId), clear()
    bool QVariant::convert(int targetTypeId)
        if (d.type == uint(targetTypeId))
            return true;
        QVariant oldValue = *this;
        if (!oldValue.canConvert(targetTypeId))
            return false;
        create(targetTypeId, 0);
        // Fail if the value is not initialized or was forced null by a previous failed convert.
        if (oldValue.d.is_null && oldValue.d.type != QMetaType::Nullptr)
            return false;
        if ((QMetaType::typeFlags(oldValue.userType()) & QMetaType::PointerToQObject) && (QMetaType::typeFlags(targetTypeId) & QMetaType::PointerToQObject)) {
            create(targetTypeId, &oldValue.d.data.o);
            return true;
        bool isOk = true;
        int converterType = std::max(oldValue.userType(), targetTypeId);
        if (!handlerManager[converterType]->convert(&oldValue.d, targetTypeId, data(), &isOk))
            isOk = false;
        d.is_null = !isOk;
        return isOk;
      \fn bool QVariant::convert(const int type, void *ptr) const
      Created for qvariant_cast() usage
    bool QVariant::convert(const int type, void *ptr) const
        return handlerManager[type]->convert(&d, type, ptr, 0);
        \fn bool operator==(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns \c true if \a v1 and \a v2 are equal; otherwise returns \c false.
        If \a v1 and \a v2 have the same \l{QVariant::}{type()}, the
        type's equality operator is used for comparison. If not, it is
        attempted to \l{QVariant::}{convert()} \a v2 to the same type as
        \a v1. See \l{QVariant::}{canConvert()} for a list of possible
        The result of the function is not affected by the result of QVariant::isNull,
        which means that two values can be equal even if one of them is null and
        another is not.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool operator!=(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns \c false if \a v1 and \a v2 are equal; otherwise returns \c true.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
    /*! \fn bool QVariant::operator==(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if they are
        equal; otherwise returns \c false.
        QVariant uses the equality operator of the type() it contains to
        check for equality. QVariant will try to convert() \a v if its
        type is not the same as this variant's type. See canConvert() for
        a list of possible conversions.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool QVariant::operator!=(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if they are not
        equal; otherwise returns \c false.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool QVariant::operator<(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if this is less than \a v.
        \note Comparability might not be availabe for the type stored in this QVariant
        or in \a v.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool QVariant::operator<=(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if this is less or equal than \a v.
        \note Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant
        or in \a v.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool QVariant::operator>(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if this is larger than \a v.
        \note Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant
        or in \a v.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
        \fn bool QVariant::operator>=(const QVariant &v) const
        Compares this QVariant with \a v and returns \c true if this is larger or equal than \a v.
        \note Comparability might not be available for the type stored in this QVariant
        or in \a v.
        \warning To make this function work with a custom type registered with
        qRegisterMetaType(), its comparison operator must be registered using
    static bool qIsNumericType(uint tp)
        static const qulonglong numericTypeBits =
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Bool |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Double |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Float |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Char |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::SChar |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::UChar |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Short |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::UShort |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Int |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::UInt |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Long |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::ULong |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::LongLong |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::ULongLong;
        return tp < (CHAR_BIT * sizeof numericTypeBits) ? numericTypeBits & (Q_UINT64_C(1) << tp) : false;
    static bool qIsFloatingPoint(uint tp)
        return tp == QVariant::Double || tp == QMetaType::Float;
    static int normalizeLowerRanks(uint tp)
        static const qulonglong numericTypeBits =
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Bool |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Char |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::SChar |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::UChar |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::Short |
                Q_UINT64_C(1) << QMetaType::UShort;
        return numericTypeBits & (Q_UINT64_C(1) << tp) ? QVariant::Int : tp;
    static int normalizeLong(uint tp)
        const uint IntType = sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) ? QVariant::Int : QVariant::LongLong;
        const uint UIntType = sizeof(ulong) == sizeof(uint) ? QVariant::UInt : QVariant::ULongLong;
        return tp == QMetaType::Long ? IntType :
               tp == QMetaType::ULong ? UIntType : tp;
    static int numericTypePromotion(uint t1, uint t2)
        // C++ integral ranks: (4.13 Integer conversion rank [conv.rank])
        //   bool < signed char < short < int < long < long long
        //   unsigneds have the same rank as their signed counterparts
        // C++ integral promotion rules (4.5 Integral Promotions [conv.prom])
        // - any type with rank less than int can be converted to int or unsigned int
        // 5 Expressions [expr] paragraph 9:
        // - if either operand is double, the other shall be converted to double
        // -     "       "        float,   "          "         "         float
        // - if both operands have the same type, no further conversion is needed.
        // - if both are signed or if both are unsigned, convert to the one with highest rank
        // - if the unsigned has higher or same rank, convert the signed to the unsigned one
        // - if the signed can represent all values of the unsigned, convert to the signed
        // - otherwise, convert to the unsigned corresponding to the rank of the signed
        // floating point: we deviate from the C++ standard by always using qreal
        if (qIsFloatingPoint(t1) || qIsFloatingPoint(t2))
            return QMetaType::QReal;
        // integral rules:
        // for all platforms we support, int can always hold the values of lower-ranked types
        t1 = normalizeLowerRanks(t1);
        t2 = normalizeLowerRanks(t2);
        // normalize long / ulong: in all platforms we run, they're either the same as int or as long long
        t1 = normalizeLong(t1);
        t2 = normalizeLong(t2);
        // implement the other rules
        // the four possibilities are Int, UInt, LongLong and ULongLong
        // if any of the two is ULongLong, then it wins (highest rank, unsigned)
        // otherwise, if one of the two is LongLong, then the other is either LongLong too or lower-ranked
        // otherwise, if one of the two is UInt, then the other is either UInt too or Int
        if (t1 == QVariant::ULongLong || t2 == QVariant::ULongLong)
            return QVariant::ULongLong;
        if (t1 == QVariant::LongLong || t2 == QVariant::LongLong)
            return QVariant::LongLong;
        if (t1 == QVariant::UInt || t2 == QVariant::UInt)
            return QVariant::UInt;
        return QVariant::Int;
    static int integralCompare(uint promotedType, const QVariant::Private *d1, const QVariant::Private *d2)
        // use toLongLong to retrieve the data, it gets us all the bits
        bool ok;
        qlonglong l1 = qConvertToNumber(d1, &ok);
        qlonglong l2 = qConvertToNumber(d2, &ok);
        if (promotedType == QVariant::Int)
            return int(l1) < int(l2) ? -1 : int(l1) == int(l2) ? 0 : 1;
        if (promotedType == QVariant::UInt)
            return uint(l1) < uint(l2) ? -1 : uint(l1) == uint(l2) ? 0 : 1;
        if (promotedType == QVariant::LongLong)
            return l1 < l2 ? -1 : l1 == l2 ? 0 : 1;
        if (promotedType == QVariant::ULongLong)
            return qulonglong(l1) < qulonglong(l2) ? -1 : qulonglong(l1) == qulonglong(l2) ? 0 : 1;
        return 0;
    static int numericCompare(const QVariant::Private *d1, const QVariant::Private *d2)
        uint promotedType = numericTypePromotion(d1->type, d2->type);
        if (promotedType != QMetaType::QReal)
            return integralCompare(promotedType, d1, d2);
        // qreal comparisons
        bool ok;
        qreal r1 = qConvertToRealNumber(d1, &ok);
        qreal r2 = qConvertToRealNumber(d2, &ok);
        if (r1 == r2)
            return 0;
        // only do fuzzy comparisons for finite, non-zero numbers
        int c1 = std::fpclassify(r1);
        int c2 = std::fpclassify(r2);
        if ((c1 == FP_NORMAL || c1 == FP_SUBNORMAL) && (c2 == FP_NORMAL || c2 == FP_SUBNORMAL)) {
            if (qFuzzyCompare(r1, r2))
                return 0;
        return r1 < r2 ? -1 : 1;
    bool QVariant::cmp(const QVariant &v) const
        auto cmp_helper = [] (const QVariant::Private &d1, const QVariant::Private &d2)
            Q_ASSERT(d1.type == d2.type);
            if (d1.type >= QMetaType::User) {
                int result;
                if (QMetaType::equals(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(d1)), QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(d2)), d1.type, &result))
                    return result == 0;
            return handlerManager[d1.type]->compare(&d1, &d2);
        // try numerics first, with C++ type promotion rules (no conversion)
        if (qIsNumericType(d.type) && qIsNumericType(v.d.type))
            return numericCompare(&d, &v.d) == 0;
        if (d.type == v.d.type)
            return cmp_helper(d, v.d);
        QVariant v1 = *this;
        QVariant v2 = v;
        if (v2.canConvert(v1.d.type)) {
            if (!v2.convert(v1.d.type))
                return false;
        } else {
            // try the opposite conversion, it might work
            qSwap(v1, v2);
            if (!v2.convert(v1.d.type))
                return false;
        return cmp_helper(v1.d, v2.d);
    int QVariant::compare(const QVariant &v) const
        // try numerics first, with C++ type promotion rules (no conversion)
        if (qIsNumericType(d.type) && qIsNumericType(v.d.type))
            return numericCompare(&d, &v.d);
        // check for equality next, as more types implement operator== than operator<
        if (cmp(v))
            return 0;
        const QVariant *v1 = this;
        const QVariant *v2 = &v;
        QVariant converted1;
        QVariant converted2;
        if (d.type != v.d.type) {
            // if both types differ, try to convert
            if (v2->canConvert(v1->d.type)) {
                converted2 = *v2;
                if (converted2.convert(v1->d.type))
                    v2 = &converted2;
            if (v1->d.type != v2->d.type && v1->canConvert(v2->d.type)) {
                converted1 = *v1;
                if (converted1.convert(v2->d.type))
                    v1 = &converted1;
            if (v1->d.type != v2->d.type) {
                // if conversion fails, default to toString
                int r = v1->toString().compare(v2->toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
                if (r == 0) {
                    // cmp(v) returned false, so we should try to agree with it.
                    return (v1->d.type < v2->d.type) ? -1 : 1;
                return r;
            // did we end up with two numerics? If so, restart
            if (qIsNumericType(v1->d.type) && qIsNumericType(v2->d.type))
                return v1->compare(*v2);
        if (v1->d.type >= QMetaType::User) {
            int result;
            if (QMetaType::compare(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(d)), QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(v2->d)), d.type, &result))
                return result;
        switch (v1->d.type) {
        case QVariant::Date:
            return v1->toDate() < v2->toDate() ? -1 : 1;
        case QVariant::Time:
            return v1->toTime() < v2->toTime() ? -1 : 1;
        case QVariant::DateTime:
            return v1->toDateTime() < v2->toDateTime() ? -1 : 1;
        case QVariant::StringList:
            return v1->toStringList() < v2->toStringList() ? -1 : 1;
        int r = v1->toString().compare(v2->toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
        if (r == 0) {
            // cmp(v) returned false, so we should try to agree with it.
            return (d.type < v.d.type) ? -1 : 1;
        return r;
    const void *QVariant::constData() const
        return d.is_shared ? d.data.shared->ptr : reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&d.data.ptr);
        \fn const void* QVariant::data() const
    void* QVariant::data()
        return const_cast<void *>(constData());
        Returns \c true if this is a null variant, false otherwise. A variant is
        considered null if it contains no initialized value, or the contained value
        is a null pointer or is an instance of a built-in type that has an isNull
        method, in which case the result would be the same as calling isNull on the
        wrapped object.
        \warning Null variants is not a single state and two null variants may easily
        return \c false on the == operator if they do not contain similar null values.
        \sa convert(int)
    bool QVariant::isNull() const
        return handlerManager[d.type]->isNull(&d);
    #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
    QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QVariant &v)
        QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
        const uint typeId = v.d.type;
        dbg.nospace() << "QVariant(";
        if (typeId != QMetaType::UnknownType) {
            dbg << QMetaType::typeName(typeId) << ", ";
            bool userStream = false;
            bool canConvertToString = false;
            if (typeId >= QMetaType::User) {
                userStream = QMetaType::debugStream(dbg, constData(v.d), typeId);
                canConvertToString = v.canConvert<QString>();
            if (!userStream && canConvertToString)
                dbg << v.toString();
            else if (!userStream)
                handlerManager[typeId]->debugStream(dbg, v);
        } else {
            dbg << "Invalid";
        dbg << ')';
        return dbg;
    QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QVariant::Type p)
        QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
        dbg.nospace() << "QVariant::"
                      << (int(p) != int(QMetaType::UnknownType)
                         ? QMetaType::typeName(p)
                         : "Invalid");
        return dbg;
    /*! \fn template<typename T> void QVariant::setValue(const T &value)
        Stores a copy of \a value. If \c{T} is a type that QVariant
        doesn't support, QMetaType is used to store the value. A compile
        error will occur if QMetaType doesn't handle the type.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 4
        \sa value(), fromValue(), canConvert()
    /*! \fn template<typename T> T QVariant::value() const
        Returns the stored value converted to the template type \c{T}.
        Call canConvert() to find out whether a type can be converted.
        If the value cannot be converted, a \l{default-constructed value}
        will be returned.
        If the type \c{T} is supported by QVariant, this function behaves
        exactly as toString(), toInt() etc.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 5
        If the QVariant contains a pointer to a type derived from QObject then
        \c{T} may be any QObject type. If the pointer stored in the QVariant can be
        qobject_cast to T, then that result is returned. Otherwise a null pointer is
        returned. Note that this only works for QObject subclasses which use the
        Q_OBJECT macro.
        If the QVariant contains a sequential container and \c{T} is QVariantList, the
        elements of the container will be converted into \l {QVariant}s and returned as a QVariantList.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 9
        \sa setValue(), fromValue(), canConvert(), Q_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_CONTAINER_METATYPE()
    /*! \fn bool QVariant::canConvert() const
        Returns \c true if the variant can be converted to the template type \c{T},
        otherwise false.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 6
        A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also return true for this
        function if a qobject_cast to the template type \c{T} would succeed. Note that this only works
        for QObject subclasses which use the Q_OBJECT macro.
        \sa convert()
    /*! \fn template<typename T> static QVariant QVariant::fromValue(const T &value)
        Returns a QVariant containing a copy of \a value. Behaves
        exactly like setValue() otherwise.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 7
        \note If you are working with custom types, you should use
        the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() macro to register your custom type.
        \sa setValue(), value()
    /*! \fn template<typename... Types> QVariant QVariant::fromStdVariant(const std::variant<Types...> &value)
        \since 5.11
        Returns a QVariant with the type and value of the active variant of \a value. If
        the active type is std::monostate a default QVariant is returned.
        \note With this method you do not need to register the variant as a Qt metatype,
        since the std::variant is resolved before being stored. The component types
        should be registered however.
        \sa fromValue()
        \fn template<typename T> QVariant qVariantFromValue(const T &value)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns a variant containing a copy of the given \a value
        with template type \c{T}.
        This function is equivalent to QVariant::fromValue(\a value).
        \note This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6
        which did not support member template functions. It is advised
        to use the other form in new code.
        For example, a QObject pointer can be stored in a variant with the
        following code:
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 8
        \sa QVariant::fromValue()
    /*! \fn template<typename T> void qVariantSetValue(QVariant &variant, const T &value)
        \relates QVariant
        Sets the contents of the given \a variant to a copy of the
        \a value with the specified template type \c{T}.
        This function is equivalent to QVariant::setValue(\a value).
        \note This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6
        which did not support member template functions. It is advised
        to use the other form in new code.
        \sa QVariant::setValue()
        \fn template<typename T> T qvariant_cast(const QVariant &value)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns the given \a value converted to the template type \c{T}.
        This function is equivalent to QVariant::value().
        \sa QVariant::value()
    /*! \fn template<typename T> T qVariantValue(const QVariant &value)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns the given \a value converted to the template type \c{T}.
        This function is equivalent to
        \l{QVariant::value()}{QVariant::value}<T>(\a value).
        \note This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6
        which did not support member template functions. It is advised
        to use the other form in new code.
        \sa QVariant::value(), qvariant_cast()
    /*! \fn bool qVariantCanConvert(const QVariant &value)
        \relates QVariant
        Returns \c true if the given \a value can be converted to the
        template type specified; otherwise returns \c false.
        This function is equivalent to QVariant::canConvert(\a value).
        \note This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6
        which did not support member template functions. It is advised
        to use the other form in new code.
        \sa QVariant::canConvert()
        \typedef QVariantList
        \relates QVariant
        Synonym for QList<QVariant>.
        \typedef QVariantMap
        \relates QVariant
        Synonym for QMap<QString, QVariant>.
        \typedef QVariantHash
        \relates QVariant
        \since 4.5
        Synonym for QHash<QString, QVariant>.
        \typedef QVariant::DataPtr
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_construct
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_clear
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_null
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_load
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_save
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_compare
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_convert
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_canConvert
    /*! \typedef QVariant::f_debugStream
        \fn DataPtr &QVariant::data_ptr()
        \fn const DataPtr &QVariant::data_ptr() const
        \class QSequentialIterable
        \since 5.2
        \inmodule QtCore
        \brief The QSequentialIterable class is an iterable interface for a container in a QVariant.
        This class allows several methods of accessing the elements of a container held within
        a QVariant. An instance of QSequentialIterable can be extracted from a QVariant if it can
        be converted to a QVariantList.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 9
        The container itself is not copied before iterating over it.
        \sa QVariant
    #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
    QSequentialIterable::QSequentialIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl)
    QSequentialIterable::QSequentialIterable(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl &impl)
      : m_impl(impl)
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const QSequentialIterable &iter, QAtomicInt *ref_)
      : m_impl(iter.m_impl), ref(ref_)
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl &impl, QAtomicInt *ref_)
      : m_impl(impl), ref(ref_)
    void QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::begin()
    void QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::end()
    /*! \fn QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::begin() const
        Returns a QSequentialIterable::const_iterator for the beginning of the container. This
        can be used in stl-style iteration.
        \sa end()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::begin() const
        const_iterator it(*this, new QAtomicInt(0));
        return it;
        Returns a QSequentialIterable::const_iterator for the end of the container. This
        can be used in stl-style iteration.
        \sa begin()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::end() const
        const_iterator it(*this, new QAtomicInt(0));
        return it;
        Returns the element at position \a idx in the container.
    QVariant QSequentialIterable::at(int idx) const
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d = m_impl.at(idx);
        if (d.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d.data);
        return QVariant(d.metaTypeId, d.data, d.flags);
        Returns the number of elements in the container.
    int QSequentialIterable::size() const
        return m_impl.size();
        Returns whether it is possible to iterate over the container in reverse. This
        corresponds to the std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator trait of the
        const_iterator of the container.
    bool QSequentialIterable::canReverseIterate() const
        return m_impl._iteratorCapabilities & QtMetaTypePrivate::BiDirectionalCapability;
        \class QSequentialIterable::const_iterator
        \since 5.2
        \inmodule QtCore
        \brief The QSequentialIterable::const_iterator allows iteration over a container in a QVariant.
        A QSequentialIterable::const_iterator can only be created by a QSequentialIterable instance,
        and can be used in a way similar to other stl-style iterators.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 9
        \sa QSequentialIterable
        Destroys the QSequentialIterable::const_iterator.
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::~const_iterator() {
        if (!ref->deref()) {
            delete ref;
        Creates a copy of \a other.
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const const_iterator &other)
      : m_impl(other.m_impl), ref(other.ref)
        Assigns \a other to this.
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator=(const const_iterator &other)
        if (!ref->deref()) {
            delete ref;
        m_impl = other.m_impl;
        ref = other.ref;
        return *this;
        Returns the current item, converted to a QVariant.
    const QVariant QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator*() const
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d = m_impl.getCurrent();
        if (d.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d.data);
        return QVariant(d.metaTypeId, d.data, d.flags);
        Returns \c true if \a other points to the same item as this
        iterator; otherwise returns \c false.
        \sa operator!=()
    bool QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator &other) const
        return m_impl.equal(other.m_impl);
        Returns \c true if \a other points to a different item than this
        iterator; otherwise returns \c false.
        \sa operator==()
    bool QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const
        return !m_impl.equal(other.m_impl);
        The prefix ++ operator (\c{++it}) advances the iterator to the
        next item in the container and returns an iterator to the new current
        Calling this function on QSequentialIterable::end() leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator--()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator &QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator++()
        return *this;
        The postfix ++ operator (\c{it++}) advances the iterator to the
        next item in the container and returns an iterator to the previously
        current item.
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator++(int)
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        The prefix -- operator (\c{--it}) makes the preceding item
        current and returns an iterator to the new current item.
        Calling this function on QSequentialIterable::begin() leads to undefined results.
        If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function
        leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator++(), canReverseIterate()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator &QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator--()
        return *this;
        The postfix -- operator (\c{it--}) makes the preceding item
        current and returns an iterator to the previously current item.
        If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function
        leads to undefined results.
        \sa canReverseIterate()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator--(int)
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        Advances the iterator by \a j items.
        \sa operator-=(), operator+()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator &QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator+=(int j)
        return *this;
        Makes the iterator go back by \a j items.
        If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function
        leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator+=(), operator-(), canReverseIterate()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator &QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator-=(int j)
        return *this;
        Returns an iterator to the item at \a j positions forward from
        this iterator.
        \sa operator-(), operator+=()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator+(int j) const
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        Returns an iterator to the item at \a j positions backward from
        this iterator.
        If the container in the QVariant does not support bi-directional iteration, calling this function
        leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator+(), operator-=(), canReverseIterate()
    QSequentialIterable::const_iterator QSequentialIterable::const_iterator::operator-(int j) const
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QSequentialIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        \class QAssociativeIterable
        \since 5.2
        \inmodule QtCore
        \brief The QAssociativeIterable class is an iterable interface for an associative container in a QVariant.
        This class allows several methods of accessing the elements of an associative container held within
        a QVariant. An instance of QAssociativeIterable can be extracted from a QVariant if it can
        be converted to a QVariantHash or QVariantMap.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 10
        The container itself is not copied before iterating over it.
        \sa QVariant
    #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
    QAssociativeIterable::QAssociativeIterable(QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl)
    QAssociativeIterable::QAssociativeIterable(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl &impl)
      : m_impl(impl)
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const QAssociativeIterable &iter, QAtomicInt *ref_)
      : m_impl(iter.m_impl), ref(ref_)
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl &impl, QAtomicInt *ref_)
      : m_impl(impl), ref(ref_)
    void QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::begin()
    void QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::end()
    void QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::find(const QVariant &key)
        Q_ASSERT(key.userType() == m_impl._metaType_id_key);
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData dkey(key.userType(), key.constData(), 0 /*key.flags()*/);
        Returns a QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator for the beginning of the container. This
        can be used in stl-style iteration.
        \sa end()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::begin() const
        const_iterator it(*this, new QAtomicInt(0));
        return it;
        Returns a QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator for the end of the container. This
        can be used in stl-style iteration.
        \sa begin()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::end() const
        const_iterator it(*this, new QAtomicInt(0));
        return it;
        \since 5.5
        Returns a QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator for the given key \a key
        in the container, if the types are convertible.
        If the key is not found, returns end().
        This can be used in stl-style iteration.
        \sa begin(), end(), value()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::find(const QVariant &key) const
        const_iterator it(*this, new QAtomicInt(0));
        QVariant key_ = key;
        if (key_.canConvert(m_impl._metaType_id_key) && key_.convert(m_impl._metaType_id_key))
        return it;
        Returns the value for the given \a key in the container, if the types are convertible.
        \sa find()
    QVariant QAssociativeIterable::value(const QVariant &key) const
        const const_iterator it = find(key);
        if (it == end())
            return QVariant();
        return *it;
        Returns the number of elements in the container.
    int QAssociativeIterable::size() const
        return m_impl.size();
        \class QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator
        \since 5.2
        \inmodule QtCore
        \brief The QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator allows iteration over a container in a QVariant.
        A QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator can only be created by a QAssociativeIterable instance,
        and can be used in a way similar to other stl-style iterators.
        \snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qvariant.cpp 10
        \sa QAssociativeIterable
        Destroys the QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator.
        if (!ref->deref()) {
            delete ref;
        Creates a copy of \a other.
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::const_iterator(const const_iterator &other)
      : m_impl(other.m_impl), ref(other.ref)
        Assigns \a other to this.
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator=(const const_iterator &other)
        if (!ref->deref()) {
            delete ref;
        m_impl = other.m_impl;
        ref = other.ref;
        return *this;
        Returns the current value, converted to a QVariant.
    const QVariant QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator*() const
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d = m_impl.getCurrentValue();
        QVariant v(d.metaTypeId, d.data, d.flags);
        if (d.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d.data);
        return v;
        Returns the current key, converted to a QVariant.
    const QVariant QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::key() const
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d = m_impl.getCurrentKey();
        QVariant v(d.metaTypeId, d.data, d.flags);
        if (d.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d.data);
        return v;
        Returns the current value, converted to a QVariant.
    const QVariant QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::value() const
        const QtMetaTypePrivate::VariantData d = m_impl.getCurrentValue();
        QVariant v(d.metaTypeId, d.data, d.flags);
        if (d.metaTypeId == qMetaTypeId<QVariant>())
            return *reinterpret_cast<const QVariant*>(d.data);
        return v;
        Returns \c true if \a other points to the same item as this
        iterator; otherwise returns \c false.
        \sa operator!=()
    bool QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator &other) const
        return m_impl.equal(other.m_impl);
        Returns \c true if \a other points to a different item than this
        iterator; otherwise returns \c false.
        \sa operator==()
    bool QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const
        return !m_impl.equal(other.m_impl);
        The prefix ++ operator (\c{++it}) advances the iterator to the
        next item in the container and returns an iterator to the new current
        Calling this function on QAssociativeIterable::end() leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator--()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator &QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator++()
        return *this;
        The postfix ++ operator (\c{it++}) advances the iterator to the
        next item in the container and returns an iterator to the previously
        current item.
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator++(int)
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        The prefix -- operator (\c{--it}) makes the preceding item
        current and returns an iterator to the new current item.
        Calling this function on QAssociativeIterable::begin() leads to undefined results.
        \sa operator++()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator &QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator--()
        return *this;
        The postfix -- operator (\c{it--}) makes the preceding item
        current and returns an iterator to the previously current item.
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator--(int)
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        Advances the iterator by \a j items.
        \sa operator-=(), operator+()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator &QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator+=(int j)
        return *this;
        Makes the iterator go back by \a j items.
        \sa operator+=(), operator-()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator &QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator-=(int j)
        return *this;
        Returns an iterator to the item at \a j positions forward from
        this iterator.
        \sa operator-(), operator+=()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator+(int j) const
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));
        Returns an iterator to the item at \a j positions backward from
        this iterator.
        \sa operator+(), operator-=()
    QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator QAssociativeIterable::const_iterator::operator-(int j) const
        QtMetaTypePrivate::QAssociativeIterableImpl impl;
        return const_iterator(impl, new QAtomicInt(0));


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