本问题由:https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/392280779?page=1#post-411115296 而引发。
create table tb_sqsts( id number(4,0) not null primary key, seq number(3,0) not null, status number(2,0) not null)
insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('1','1','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('2','3','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('3','7','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('4','5','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('5','4','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('6','9','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('7','16','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('8','12','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('9','10','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('10','6','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('11','2','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('12','22','0');
SQL> select * from tb_sqsts order by seq; ID SEQ STATUS ---------- ---------- ---------- 11 2 0 2 3 1 5 4 0 4 5 1 10 6 1 3 7 1 6 9 0 9 10 1 8 12 1 7 16 0 12 22 0 已选择11行。
SQL> select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,a.* from tb_sqsts a; RN ID SEQ STATUS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 11 2 0 2 2 3 1 3 5 4 0 4 4 5 1 5 10 6 1 6 3 7 1 7 6 9 0 8 9 10 1 9 8 12 1 10 7 16 0 11 12 22 0 已选择11行。
SQL> select a.seq||'-'||b.seq from 2 (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) a 3 left join (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) b 4 on b.rn=a.rn+1 5 where b.rn is not null 6 and a.status<>b.status; A.SEQ||'-'||B.SEQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-3 3-4 4-5 7-9 9-10 12-16 已选择6行。 已用时间: 00: 00: 00.00
select a.seq||'-'||b.seq from (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) a left join (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) b on b.rn=a.rn+1 where b.rn is not null and a.status<>b.status
create table tb_sqsts( id number(4,0) not null primary key, seq number(3,0) not null, status number(2,0) not null) insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('1','1','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('2','3','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('3','7','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('4','5','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('5','4','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('6','9','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('7','16','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('8','12','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('9','10','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('10','6','1'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('11','2','0'); insert into tb_sqsts(id,seq,status) values('12','22','0'); select * from tb_sqsts order by seq select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,a.* from tb_sqsts a select a.seq||'-'||b.seq from (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) a left join (select row_number() over (order by seq) as rn,tb_sqsts.* from tb_sqsts ) b on b.rn=a.rn+1 where b.rn is not null and a.status<>b.status