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    gets函数,构造为 char *gets(char * s) , 不足是不检查预留存储区是否能够容纳你实际输入数据,多出则溢出。

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 80
    int main()
    	char name[MAX];
    	char *ptr;
    	printf("What's your name?
    	ptr = gets(name);
    	printf("Hello , %s!
    " , name);
    	return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 10
    int main()
    	char name[MAX];
    	char *ptr;
    	printf("What's your name?
    	ptr = fgets(name, MAX, stdin);
    	printf("Hello , %s! , my firend %s!
    ", name, ptr);
    	return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 10
    int main()
    	char name[11], gf_name[12];
    	int count;
    	printf("What's your name and your gf's name?
    	count = scanf("%5s %10s", name, gf_name);
    	printf("Hello %d, , %s! , your girl friend is %s!
    ", count, name, gf_name);
    	return 0;


    1. puts 直接输出
    2. fputs 可输出到文件流
    3. priintf 格式化输出
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main()
    	char beauty[80] = "you are best beautiful in the world";
    	const hi = "ni hao a xiaohui !";
    	puts("this is puts call
    	fputs(beauty, stdout);
    	printf("foramt output is %s 
    ", "ok");
    	return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    	char beauty[80] = "you are best beautiful in the world
    	char hi[120] = "ni hao a xiaohui !";
    	// strlen 函数 字符个数,不包括 结束标志
    	printf("length of beauty is %d , sizeof is %d 
    ", strlen(beauty), sizeof(beauty));
    	*(beauty + 3) = 'r';// 修改字符串
    	// strcat(s1,s2) 向s1添加s2 , s1可能溢出
    	printf("strcat add = %s 
    ", strcat(hi, beauty));
    	// strncat(s1,s2,max) 向s1添加s2 指定添加的长度
    	char s1[5] = "hi";
    	char s2[10] = "hi boy";
    	printf("strncat add = %s 
    ", strncat(s1, s2, 2)); // hihi
    	// strcmp(s1,s2) 相同则返回0
    	char s3[3] = "aa";
    	char s4[4] = "aa";
    	printf("s3==s4 is %d , strcmp(s3,s4) is %d 
    ", s3 == s4, strcmp(s3, s4));
    	// strncmp(s1,s2,length) 对字符串前len个字符进行比较
    	char s5[3] = "aa";
    	char s6[4] = "aab";
    	printf("s5==s6 is %d , strcmp(s5,s6) is %d ,strcmp(s5,s6) is %d 
    		s5 == s6, strcmp(s5, s6), strncmp(s5, s6, 2));
    	// strcpy(target,source) 字符串拷贝 ,不检查目标字符串是否溢出
    	char temp[50];
    	char greet[15] = "good morning!";
    	strcpy(temp, greet);
    	strcpy(temp + strlen(greet), "ok"); // 再追加
    	printf("after strcpy temp is: %s 
    ", temp);
    	// strncpy(target,source,n)  检查目标字符串溢出
    	char target[10];
    	char source[30] = "what is make you so beautiful";
    	strncpy(target, source, sizeof(target) - 1);
    	target[sizeof(target) - 1] = ''; // 源字符串超出限制,还要手动补 
    	printf("after strncpy target is: %s 
    ", target);
    	// sprintf(target,format,arg1,arg2...) 格式化输出到字符串
    	char brief[50];
    	sprintf(brief, "I am %d years old ,my name is %s", 24, "qianqian.sun");
    	printf("after sprintf brief is: %s 
    ", brief);
    	// 其他字符串函数
    	// char *strchr(const char * s , int c); 返回一个指向s中存放字符c的第一个位置的指针,若没有找到,返回空指针
    	// cahr *strpbrk(const char * s1 ,const char * s2); 返回一个指针,指向s1中存放s2中任何字符串的第一个位置。
    	// char *strrchr(const char * s ,int c);返回一个指针,指向字符串s中字符c最后一次出现的地方;
    	// cahr *strstr(const char * s1,const char * s2);返回指针,指向s1中第一次出现s2的地方。
    	// atoi(char * s) 字符串转整数
    	// atof() atol() strtol() strtoul() strtod()字符串转换为数字 使用sprintf转换为字符串
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hiqianqian/p/6823219.html
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