1269 迷宫城堡 判断是否是一个强连通★
2767Proving Equivalences 至少加几条边让整个图变成强连通★
3836 Equivalent Sets 至少加几条边让整个图变成强连通★
1827 Summer Holiday 传递的最小费用★★
3072 Intelligence System 传递的最小费用★★
3861The King’s Problem 强连通+二分匹配★★
3639Hawk-and-Chicken 强连通缩点 + dp(累加子节点的总权值)★★
3594 Cactus 仙人掌图★★★
2242考研路茫茫——空调教室 双联通缩点+树形DP
2460Network 边双连通
3849By Recognizing These Guys, We Find Social Networks Useful 双连通求桥
3896Greatest TC 双连通
4005 The war 边双连通
3394Railway 双连通求块
2586How far away ?
2874Connections between cities
3078Network LCA+排序
3830Checkers 二分+LCA
4338 Simple Path [点连通缩块+LCA]
1236Network of Schools
2553 The Bottom of a Graph 好题! 找出度为0的集合
2186 Popular Cows 好题! 找出度为0的,其他分量都指向它的集合
2375Cow Ski Area 强连通
2762 Going from u to v or from v to u? 缩点+拓扑排序
3160 Father Christmas flymouse 强连通+最短路
3180 The Cow Prom 判断有几个环, 分量中元素大于1的个数
3114Countries in War 强连通+最短路
3592Instantaneous Transference 强连通分量+最长路
1904King's Quest 强连通+并查集
3694 Network 边双连通 (同hdu2460)
3177 Redundant Paths 构造边双连通
3352 Road Construction 构造边双连通
2942 Knights of the Round Table (点双连通经典题)
1515 Street Directions (无向图改有向图)
1438 One-way Traffic (混合图改有向图)
1330Nearest Common Ancestors
1470Closest Common Ancestors
1986Distance Queries
3728The merchant LCA+RMQ(倍增法)
2763Housewife Wind LCA+线段树(树链剖分)
zoj 2682 People like People
foj 1719 Spy Network
http://www.spoj.pl/problems/QTREE2/ LCA查找路径第k个点