1. 运动命令:
forward(degree) #向前移动距离degree代表距离
backward(degree) #向后移动距离degree代表距离
right(degree) #向右移动多少度
left(degree) #向左移动多少度
goto(x,y) #将画笔移动到坐标为x,y的位置
stamp() #复制当前图形
speed(speed) #画笔绘制的速度范围[0,10]整数
2. 画笔控制命令:
down() #移动时绘制图形,缺省时也为绘制
up() #移动时不绘制图形
pensize(width) #绘制图形时的宽度
color(colorstring) #绘制图形时的颜色
fillcolor(colorstring) #绘制图形的填充颜色
lucy : 梦想照进现实;露茜;青春风采;
import turtle import math def p_line(t, n, length, angle): """Draws n line segments.""" for i in range(n): t.fd(length) t.lt(angle) def polygon(t, n, length): """Draws a polygon with n sides.""" angle = 360/n p_line(t, n, length, angle) def arc(t, r, angle): """Draws an arc with the given radius and angle.""" arc_length = 2 * math.pi * r * abs(angle) / 360 n = int(arc_length / 4) + 1 step_length = arc_length / n step_angle = float(angle) / n # Before starting reduces, making a slight left turn. t.lt(step_angle/2) p_line(t, n, step_length, step_angle) t.rt(step_angle/2) def petal(t, r, angle): """Draws a 花瓣 using two arcs.""" for i in range(2): arc(t, r, angle) t.lt(180-angle) def flower(t, n, r, angle, p): """Draws a flower with n petals.""" for i in range(n): petal(t, r, angle) t.lt(p/n) def leaf(t, r, angle, p): """Draws a 叶子 and fill it.""" t.begin_fill() # Begin the fill process. t.down() flower(t, 1, 40, 80, 180) t.end_fill() def main(): window=turtle.Screen() #creat a screen window.bgcolor("blue") lucy=turtle.Turtle() lucy.shape("turtle") lucy.color("red") lucy.width(5) lucy.speed(0) # Drawing flower flower(lucy, 10, 40, 100, 360) # Drawing pedicel lucy.color("brown") lucy.rt(90) lucy.fd(200) # Drawing leaf lucy.rt(270) lucy.color("green") leaf(lucy, 40, 80, 180) lucy.ht() window.exitonclick() main()