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  • hdu 4005 The war


    In the war, the intelligence about the enemy is very important. Now, our troop has mastered the situation of the enemy's war zones, and known that these war zones can communicate to each other directly or indirectly through the network. We also know the enemy is going to build a new communication line to strengthen their communication network. Our task is to destroy their communication network, so that some of their war zones can't communicate. Each line has its "cost of destroy". If we want to destroy a line, we must spend the "cost of destroy" of this line. We want to finish this task using the least cost, but our enemy is very clever. Now, we know the network they have already built, but we know nothing about the new line which our enemy is going to build. In this condition, your task is to find the minimum cost that no matter where our enemy builds the new line, you can destroy it using the fixed money. Please give the minimum cost. For efficiency, we can only destroy one communication line. 
      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #include<cstdlib>
      5 #include<cmath>
      6 #include<algorithm>
      7 #include<vector>
      8 #define inf 0x7fffffff
      9 using namespace std;
     10 const int maxn=10000+10;
     11 const int M = 2e5+100;
     12 int n,m;
     13 struct Edge
     14 {
     15     int u,v,cost;
     16     int next;
     17 }edge[M];
     18 int head[maxn],edgenum;
     19 void add(int u,int v,int cost)
     20 {
     21     Edge E={u,v,cost,head[u] };
     22     edge[edgenum]=E;
     23     head[u]=edgenum++;
     25     Edge E1={v,u,cost,head[v] };
     26     edge[edgenum]=E1;
     27     head[v]=edgenum++;
     28 }
     30 int pre[maxn],low[maxn],dfs_clock,bcc_cnt,index;
     31 int mark[maxn];
     32 vector< vector<Edge> > dfsmap;
     33 vector<int> vec;
     34 int color[maxn];
     35 int dfs(int u,int fa)
     36 {
     37     low[u]=pre[u]= ++dfs_clock;
     38     int flag=1;
     39     for (int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next)
     40     {
     41         int v=edge[i].v;
     42         if (v==fa && flag) {flag=0;continue; }
     43         if (!pre[v])
     44         {
     45             dfs(v,u);
     46             low[u]=min(low[u],low[v]);
     47         }
     48         else if (pre[v]<pre[u])
     49         low[u]=min(low[u],pre[v]);
     50     }
     51 }
     52 void tarjan(int u,int fa){
     53     vec.push_back(u);
     54     pre[u]=low[u]=index++;
     55     mark[u]=true;
     56     bool flag=true;
     57     for(int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next){
     58         int d=edge[i].v;
     59         if(d==fa && flag){flag=false;continue;}
     60         if(!pre[d]){
     61             tarjan(d,u);
     62             low[u]=min(low[u],low[d]);
     63         }else {
     64             low[u]=min(low[u],pre[d]);
     65         }
     66     }
     67     if(low[u]==pre[u]){
     68         int d;
     69         bcc_cnt++;
     70         do{
     71             d=vec.back();
     72             vec.pop_back();
     73             color[d]=bcc_cnt;
     74             mark[d]=false;
     75         }while(d!=u);
     76     }
     77 }
     78 void find_bcc()
     79 {
     80     memset(pre,0,sizeof(pre));
     81     memset(low,0,sizeof(low));
     82     memset(mark,false,sizeof(mark));
     83     vec.clear();
     84     dfs_clock=bcc_cnt=0;
     85     index=1;
     86     for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
     87     if (!pre[i]) tarjan(i,-1);
     88 }
     89 int mindistance;
     90 pair<int,int> dfs2(int u,int fa)
     91 {
     92     int first=inf,second=inf;
     93     for (int i=0 ;i<dfsmap[u].size() ;i++)
     94     {
     95         int v=dfsmap[u][i].v;
     96         int w=dfsmap[u][i].cost;
     97         if (v==fa) continue;
     98         pair<int,int> tmp=dfs2(v,u);
     99         if (tmp.first>w) swap(tmp.first,w);
    100         //if (second>w) second=w;
    101         if (tmp.first<first)
    102         {
    103             second=min(tmp.second,first);
    104             first=tmp.first;
    105         }
    106         else if (tmp.first<second) second=tmp.first;
    107     }
    108     return make_pair(first,second);
    109 }
    110 int main()
    111 {
    112     int a,b,c;
    113     while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)
    114     {
    115         memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));
    116         edgenum=0;
    117         for (int i=0 ;i<m ;i++)
    118         {
    119             scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);
    120             add(a,b,c);
    121         }
    122         find_bcc();
    123         cout<<endl<<bcc_cnt<<endl;
    124         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
    125         cout<<i<<"  "<<low[i]<<"  "<<color[i]<<endl;
    126         cout<<endl;
    127         dfsmap.resize(n+10);
    128         for (int i=1 ;i<n+10 ;i++) dfsmap[i].clear();
    129         int mindist=inf,uu=0,vv=0;
    130         for (int i=0 ;i<edgenum ;i++)
    131         {
    132             int u=edge[i].u;
    133             int v=edge[i].v;
    134             int w=edge[i].cost;
    135             int u1=color[u] ,v1=color[v] ;
    136             if (u1 != v1)
    137             {
    138                 Edge E={u1,v1,edge[i].cost };
    139                 dfsmap[u1].push_back(E);
    140                 if (edge[i].cost<mindist)
    141                 {
    142                     mindist=edge[i].cost;
    143                     uu=u1 ;vv=v1 ;
    144                 }
    145             }
    146         }
    147 //        for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
    148 //        {
    149 //            int u=low[i];
    150 //            for (int j=head[i] ;j!=-1 ;j=edge[j].next)
    151 //            {
    152 //                int v=low[edge[j].v ];
    153 //                if (u!=v)
    154 //                {
    155 //                    Edge E={u,v,edge[j].cost };
    156 //                    dfsmap[u].push_back(E);
    157 //                    if (edge[j].cost<mindist)
    158 //                    {
    159 //                        mindist=edge[j].cost;
    160 //                        uu=u ;vv=v ;
    161 //                    }
    162 //                }
    163 //            }
    164 //        }
    165         mindistance=inf;
    166         pair<int,int> p1=dfs2(uu,vv);
    167         pair<int,int> p2=dfs2(vv,uu);
    168         //pair<int,int> p1=dfs3(uu,vv);
    169         //pair<int,int> p2=dfs3(vv,uu);
    170         mindistance=min(mindistance,min(p1.second,p2.second));
    171         printf("%d
    ",mindistance==inf ? -1 : mindistance);
    172     }
    173     return 0;
    174 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huangxf/p/4127253.html
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