def func(a, b = 5, c = 10): print("a is", a, "and b is", b, "and c is", c) func(3, 7) func(25, c = 24) func(c = 50, a = 100) func(50, c = 100,b=109)
动态语言果然跟静态语言不一样= =
def func(a, b = 5, c = 10): print("a is", a, "and b is", b, "and c is", c) return a,b,c func(3, 7) func(25, c = 24) func(c = 50, a = 100) a,b,c=func(50, c = 100,b=109) print 'a=',a,'b=',b,'c=',c
global 语句
如果要为一个定义在函数外的变量赋值,那么你就得告诉Python这个变量名不是局部的,而是 全局 的。使用global语句完成这一功能。
注:可以使用同一个global语句指定多个全局变量。例如 global x, y, z。
def func(): global x print('x is', x) x = 2 print('Changed local x to', x) # 打印: 2 x = 50 func() print('Value of x is', x)
shoplist = ["apple", "mango", "carrot", "banana"] #列表用一对方括号[]表示,每项数据之间用逗号隔开。一旦你创建了一个列表,你可以对它进行添加、删除或搜索。所以列表是可以改变的。 print("I have", len(shoplist), "items to purchase.") for i in shoplist: print i print("I also have to buy rice.") shoplist.append("rice")#添加 print("My shopping list is now", shoplist) for i in shoplist: print i shoplist.sort()#排序 for i in shoplist: print i print("The first item I will buy is", shoplist[0]) olditem = shoplist[0] del shoplist[0]#删除 print("I bought the", olditem) print("My shopping list is now", shoplist)
shoplist = ["apple", "mango", "carrot", "banana"] #Indexing or "Subscription" operation print("Item 0 is", shoplist[0]) print("Item -1 is", shoplist[-1]) #Slicing on a list print("Item 1 to 3 is", shoplist[1:3]) print("Item 2 to end is", shoplist[2:]) print("Item 1 to -1 is", shoplist[1:-1]) print("Item 0 to 1 is", shoplist[0:1]) print("Item start to end is", shoplist[:]) #Slicing on a string name = "known" print("charactor 1 to 3 is", name[1:3])
切片操作符中的第一个数(冒号之前)表示切片开始的位置,第二个数(冒号之后)表示切片到哪里结束。如果不指定第一个数,Python就从序列首开始。如果没有指定第二个数,则Python会停止在序列尾。注意,返回的序列从开始位置 开始 ,刚好在 结束 位置之前结束。即开始位置是包含在序列切片中的,而结束位置被排斥在切片外。
5. 元组
zoo = ("wolf", "elephant", "penguin") print("Number of animals in the zoo is", len(zoo)) new_zoo = ("monkey", "dolphin", zoo) print("Number of animals in the new zoo is", len(new_zoo)) print("All animals in new zoo are", new_zoo) print("Animals brought from old zoo are", new_zoo[2]) print("Last animal brought from old zoo is", new_zoo[2][2])
6. 字典(dict)
ab = {"user1" : "user1@test.com", "user2" : "user2@test.com"} print ab for name, address in ab.items(): print("Contact %s at %s" % (name, address)) if not "tom" in ab:#OR not ab.has_key("tom") ab["tom"] = "tom@test.com" #添加 print ab print("user1's address is %s" % ab["tom"]) del ab["user1"] #删除 print ab
print("Simple Assignment") shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] mylist = shoplist # mylist is just another name pointing to the same object! del shoplist[0] print("shoplist is", shoplist) print("mylist is", mylist) # notice that both shoplist and mylist both print the same list without # the 'apple' confirming that they point to the same object print("Copy by making a full slice") mylist = shoplist[:] # make a copy by doing a full slice del mylist[0] # remove first item print("shoplist is", shoplist) print("mylist is", mylist) # notice that now the two lists are different
8. 字符串函数
name = "Swaroop" # This is a string object if name.startswith("Swa"): print("Yes, the string starts with 'Swa'") if "a" in name: print("Yes, it contains the string 'a'") if name.find("war") != -1: print("Yes, it contains the string 'war'") delimiter = "_*_" mylist = ["Brazil", "Russia", "India", "China"] print(delimiter.join(mylist))
s=[0,9,5,1,2,7,3] n=7 for i in range(0,n): max=s[i] rj=i for j in range(i+1,n): if max<s[j]: max=s[j] rj=j temp=s[i] s[i]=s[rj] s[rj]=temp print s