YYF is a couragous scout. Now he is on a dangerous mission which is to penetrate into the enemy's base. After overcoming a series difficulties, YYF is now at the start of enemy's famous "mine road". This is a very long road, on which there are numbers of mines. At first, YYF is at step one. For each step after that, YYF will walk one step with a probability of p, or jump two step with a probality of 1-p. Here is the task, given the place of each mine, please calculate the probality that YYF can go through the "mine road" safely.
The input contains many test cases ended with EOF. Each test case contains two lines. The First line of each test case is N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10) and p (0.25 ≤ p ≤ 0.75) seperated by a single blank, standing for the number of mines and the probability to walk one step. The Second line of each test case is N integer standing for the place of N mines. Each integer is in the range of [1, 100000000].
For each test case, output the probabilty in a single line with the precision to 7 digits after the decimal point.
Sample Input
1 0.5 2 2 0.5 2 4
Sample Output
0.5000000 0.2500000
设dp[i]表示到达i点的概率,则 初始值 dp[1]=1.
很容易想到转移方程: dp[i]=p*dp[i-1]+(1-p)*dp[i-2];
N个有地雷的点的坐标为 x[1],x[2],x[3]```````x[N].
就比如第一段 1~x[1]. 通过该段其实就相当于是到达x[1]+1点。那么p[x[1]+1]=1-p[x[1]].

1 #include<cstdio> 2 3 #include<cstring> 4 5 #include<algorithm> 6 7 using namespace std; 8 9 struct Mat 10 11 { 12 13 double d[2][2]; 14 15 }; 16 17 #define maxn 30 18 19 int x[maxn]; 20 21 Mat mul(Mat a,Mat b) 22 23 { 24 25 Mat temp; 26 27 for(int i=0;i<2;i++) 28 29 for(int j=0;j<2;j++) 30 31 { 32 33 temp.d[i][j]=0; 34 35 for(int k=0;k<2;k++) 36 37 temp.d[i][j]+= (a.d[i][k]* b.d[k][j]); 38 39 } 40 41 return temp; 42 43 } 44 45 Mat pow(Mat a,int n) 46 47 { 48 49 Mat temp; 50 51 temp=a; 52 53 Mat ret; 54 55 ret.d[0][0]=1.0; 56 57 ret.d[0][1]=0.0; 58 59 ret.d[1][0]=0.0; 60 61 ret.d[1][1]=1.0; 62 63 while(n) 64 65 { 66 67 if(n&1) 68 69 ret=mul(ret,temp); 70 71 temp=mul(temp,temp); 72 73 n>>=1; 74 75 } 76 77 return ret; 78 79 } 80 81 int main() 82 83 { 84 85 int n;double p; 86 87 while(scanf("%d%lf",&n,&p)!=EOF) 88 89 { 90 91 Mat tt; 92 93 tt.d[0][0]=p; 94 95 tt.d[0][1]=1-p; 96 97 tt.d[1][0]=1; 98 99 tt.d[1][1]=0; 100 101 for(int i=0;i<n;i++) 102 103 scanf("%d",&x[i]); 104 105 sort(x,x+n); 106 107 double ans=1; 108 109 Mat temp; 110 111 temp=pow(tt,x[0]-1); 112 113 ans*=(1-temp.d[0][0]); 114 115 116 117 for(int i=1;i<n;i++) 118 119 { 120 121 if(x[i]==x[i-1]) 122 123 continue; 124 125 temp=pow(tt,x[i]-x[i-1]-1); 126 127 ans*=(1-temp.d[0][0]); 128 129 } 130 131 printf("%.7f\n",ans); 132 133 } 134 135 return 0; 136 137 }