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  • MySQL学习笔记之MySQL视图(view)




      1)基本语法:create view view_name as 查询语句
            mysql> create view students_grade as select st.*,sc.score,su.name as 科目 from students st left join score sc on st.id=sc.student_id left join subject su on sc.subject_id=su.id;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
            mysql> show create view students_grade G;
            *************************** 1. row ***************************
                   View: students_grade
            Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `students_grade` AS select `st`.`id` AS `id`,`st`.`name` AS `name`,`st`.`gender` AS `gender`,`st`.`age` AS `age`,`sc`.`score` AS `score`,`su`.`name` AS `科目` from ((`students` `st` left join `score` `sc` on((`st`.`id` = `sc`.`student_id`))) left join `subject` `su` on((`sc`.`subject_id` = `su`.`id`)))
            character_set_client: utf8mb4
            collation_connection: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)
            mysql> select * from information_schema.views where table_name='stu'G;
            *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  TABLE_CATALOG: def
                   TABLE_SCHEMA: testdb2
                     TABLE_NAME: stu
                VIEW_DEFINITION: select `testdb2`.`students`.`id` AS `id`,`testdb2`.`students`.`name` AS `name`,`testdb2`.`students`.`gender` AS `gender`,`testdb2`.`students`.`age` AS `age` from `testdb2`.`students` where (`testdb2`.`students`.`id` > 15)
                   CHECK_OPTION: NONE
                   IS_UPDATABLE: YES
                        DEFINER: root@localhost
                  SECURITY_TYPE: DEFINER
           CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT: utf8mb4
           COLLATION_CONNECTION: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
           1 row in set (0.00 sec)
            mysql> select * from students_grade;
            | id | name      | gender | age  | score | 科目   |
            |  1 | 张三      |      1 |   18 |    69 | NULL   |
            |  1 | 张三      |      1 |   18 |    90 | NULL   |
            |  1 | 张三      |      1 |   18 |  NULL | 英语   |
            |  1 | 张三      |      1 |   18 |    79 | 数学   |
            |  1 | 张三      |      1 |   18 |    80 | 语文   |
            |  2 | 李四      |      1 |   19 |    57 | NULL   |
            |  2 | 李四      |      1 |   19 |  NULL | NULL   |
            |  2 | 李四      |      1 |   19 |    85 | 英语   |
            |  2 | 李四      |      1 |   19 |    97 | 数学   |
            |  2 | 李四      |      1 |   19 |    86 | 语文   |
            |  3 | 周芷若    |      2 |   18 |    60 | NULL   |
            |  3 | 周芷若    |      2 |   18 |  NULL | NULL   |
            |  3 | 周芷若    |      2 |   18 |  NULL | 英语   |
            |  3 | 周芷若    |      2 |   18 |  NULL | 数学   |
            |  3 | 周芷若    |      2 |   18 |    90 | 语文   |
            |  4 | 赵敏      |      2 |   18 |    68 | NULL   |
            |  4 | 赵敏      |      2 |   18 |  NULL | NULL   |
            |  4 | 赵敏      |      2 |   18 |    45 | 英语   |
            |  4 | 赵敏      |      2 |   18 |    87 | 数学   |
            |  4 | 赵敏      |      2 |   18 |    86 | 语文   |
            |  5 | Lucy      |      2 |   19 |  NULL | NULL   |
            |  6 | Tony      |      1 |   20 |  NULL | NULL   |
            |  7 | Lucy      |      2 |   20 |  NULL | NULL   |
            23 rows in set (0.01 sec)
            mysql> show table status where comment='view';
                  语法:create or replace view view_name as select 查询语句
                  例:mysql> create or replace view stu as select name,gender from students where id > 10;
                  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
                  alter [algorithm={undefined|merge|temptable}] [definer={'用户名'@'主机'|current_user}] [sql security {definer|invoker}] view view_name as select 查询语句 [with [local|cascaded] check option]
                  例:mysql> alter algorithm=undefined definer = current_user sql security definer view stu as select name,gender from students where id > 15 with cascaded check option;
                  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
                  mysql> select * from stu;
                  | name      | gender |
                  | Lily      |      2 |
                  | Lily      |      2 |
                  | 令狐冲    |      1 |
                  | 王语嫣    |      2 |
                  4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
                  mysql> update stu set name='LiLei' where name='Lily';
                  Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)
                  Rows matched: 2  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0
                  mysql> select * from stu;
                  | name      | gender |
                  | LiLei     |      2 |
                  | LiLei     |      2 |
                  | 令狐冲    |      1 |
                  | 王语嫣    |      2 |
                  4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
                  mysql> alter view stu as select * from students;
                  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
                  mysql> insert into stu(name,gender) values('小红',2);
                  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
                  mysql> delete from stu where id = 1;
                  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
            语法:drop view [if exists] view_name[,view_name,...];
            mysql> drop view if exists stu,stu1,stu2,stu3,stu4;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.02 sec)
            CREATE [or replace] [algorithm = {undefined | merge | temptable}] DEFINER=`用户名`@`主机` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW view_name [(column_list)] AS select_statement [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]
            a)or replace:创建视图时已经存在则替换,不存在创建。
                  ① undefined:MySQL自动选择所需要的算法。
                  ② merge:将视图的语句与视图定义合并,使得视图定义的某一部分取代语句的对应部分。
                  ③ temptable:将视图的结果存入临时表,然后使用临时表执行语句。      
            d)SQL security:创建视图时,创建者必须对创建视图时使用到的所有表具有select权限。sql security指定视图查询数据时的安全验证方式。
                  ① SQL SECURITY DEFINER:默认,表示访问视图时以创建者的权限来执行。
                  ② SQL SECURITY INVOKER:表示以访问者的权限来执行。
            e)with check option 约束:对视图所做的DML操作的结果,不能违反视图的where条件的限制。
            例1:当不使用with check option约束时:
            mysql> create or replace view stu as select * from students where id > 15;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
            mysql> insert into stu(id,name,gender) values(11,'Lily',2);
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
            例2:基于视图stu创建新的视图stu1,并使用with cascaded checked option
            mysql> create or replace view stu1 as select * from stu with cascaded check option;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
            mysql> insert into stu1(id,name,gender) values(12,'Lily',2);
            ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'testdb2.stu1' #插入失败
            mysql> create or replace view stu2 as select * from stu1 where id < 30;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec
            mysql> insert into stu2(id,name,gender) values(12,'Lily',2);
            ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'testdb2.stu2' #依然插入失败,因为stu2是基于stu1创建的,所以stu2取决于stu1
            mysql> insert into stu2(id,name,gender) values(21,'Lily',2);
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) #插入成功,因为stu2没有做约束
            总而言之,当视图使用WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION时,mysql会循环检查视图的规则以及底层视图的规则。
            来看下使用with local check option约束的情况:
            mysql> alter view stu1 as select * from stu with local check option;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
            mysql> insert into stu2(id,name,gender) values(12,'Tomy',2);
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
            在这种情况下可以执行成功,因为MySQL视图中的WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTIONS选项没有检查stu视图的规则。不过,在使用WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION创建的stu1视图示例中,此语句执行失败。
            mysql> insert into stu2(id,name,gender) values(33,'令狐冲',1);
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
            mysql> alter view stu2 as select * from stu1 where id<30 with local check option;
            Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
            mysql> insert into stu2(id,name,gender) values(32,'任盈盈',2);
            ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'testdb2.stu2'
            因此,如果视图使用WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION,mysql会检查WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION和WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION选项的视图规则。与使用WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION的视图不同,mysql检查所有依赖视图的规则。不过我们要注意,在mysql5.7.6之前,如果我们使用带有WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION的视图,mysql只会检查当前视图的规则,并且不会检查底层视图的规则。
            如果视图中的限制条件是基表中自增ID,使用视图insert数据时,不指定ID则将无视with check option限制。
            mysql> insert into stu2(name,gender) values('王语嫣',2);
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
            mysql> select * from students where name='王语嫣';
            | id | name      | gender | age  |
            | 34 | 王语嫣    |      2 | NULL |
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huige185/p/14049705.html
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