for iter = 1:num_iters %梯度下降 用户向量 for i = 1:m %返回有0有1 是逻辑值 ratedIndex1 = R_training(i,:)~=0 ; %U(i,:) * V' 第i个用户分别对每个电影的评分 %sumVec1 第i个用户分别对每个电影的评分 减去真实值 sumVec1 = ratedIndex1 .* (U(i,:) * V' - R_training(i,:)); product1 = sumVec1 * V; derivative1 = product1 + lambda_u * U(i,:); old_U(i,:) = U(i,:) - theta * derivative1; end %梯度下降 电影向量 for j = 1:n ratedIndex2 = R_training(:,j)~=0; sumVec2 = ratedIndex2 .* (U * V(j,:)' - R_training(:,j)); product2 = sumVec2' * U; derivative2 = product2 + lambda_v * V(j,:); old_V(j,:) = V(j,:) - theta * derivative2; end U = old_U; V = old_V; RMSE(i,1) = CompRMSE(train_vec,U,V); RMSE(i,2) = CompRMSE(probe_vec,U,V); end
function [ recItems ] = mf_gd( trainMatrix, featureNumber, maxEpoch, learnRate, lambdaU, lambdaV, k) %get the size the train matrix [userNumber,itemNumber] = size(trainMatrix); %init user factors and item factors Ut = 0.01 * randn(userNumber, featureNumber); Vt = 0.01 * randn(itemNumber, featureNumber); %逻辑1和0 logitMatrix = trainMatrix > 0; %calculate the gradient of user factors and item factors %and user sgd to optimize the risk function %alternative update user factors and item factors alternative for round = 1:maxEpoch, dU = -(logitMatrix .* trainMatrix) * Vt + (Ut * Vt' .* logitMatrix ) * Vt + lambdaU * Ut; dV = -(logitMatrix' .* trainMatrix') * Ut + (Vt * Ut' .* logitMatrix') * Ut + lambdaV * Vt; Ut = Ut - learnRate * dU * 2; Vt = Vt - learnRate * dV * 2; end %predict the rating of each item given by each user predictMatrix = Ut * Vt'; %sort the score of items for each user [sortedMatrix, sortedItems] = sort(predictMatrix, 2, 'descend'); %get the top-k items for each suer recItems = sortedItems(:, 1:k); end