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  • Dojo实现Tabs页报错(三)



    define(["./has!dom-addeventlistener?:./aspect", "./_base/kernel", "./sniff"], function(aspect, dojo, has){
    "use strict";
    if(has("dom")){ // check to make sure we are in a browser, this module should work anywhere
    var major = window.ScriptEngineMajorVersion;
    has.add("jscript", major && (major() + ScriptEngineMinorVersion() / 10));
    has.add("event-orientationchange", has("touch") && !has("android")); // TODO: how do we detect this?
    has.add("event-stopimmediatepropagation", window.Event && !!window.Event.prototype && !!window.Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation);
    has.add("event-focusin", function(global, doc, element){
    return 'onfocusin' in element || (element.addEventListener && (function () {
    var hasFocusInEvent = false;
    function testFocus() {
    hasFocusInEvent = true;
    try {
    var element = doc.createElement('input'),
    activeElement = doc.activeElement;
    element.style.position = 'fixed';
    element.addEventListener('focusin', testFocus, false);
    element.removeEventListener('focusin', testFocus, false);
    } catch (e) {}
    return hasFocusInEvent;
    var on = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
    // summary:
    // A function that provides core event listening functionality. With this function
    // you can provide a target, event type, and listener to be notified of
    // future matching events that are fired.
    // target: Element|Object
    // This is the target object or DOM element that to receive events from
    // type: String|Function
    // This is the name of the event to listen for or an extension event type.
    // listener: Function
    // This is the function that should be called when the event fires.
    // returns: Object
    // An object with a remove() method that can be used to stop listening for this
    // event.
    // description:
    // To listen for "click" events on a button node, we can do:
    // | define(["dojo/on"], function(listen){
    // | on(button, "click", clickHandler);
    // | ...
    // Evented JavaScript objects can also have their own events.
    // | var obj = new Evented;
    // | on(obj, "foo", fooHandler);
    // And then we could publish a "foo" event:
    // | on.emit(obj, "foo", {key: "value"});
    // We can use extension events as well. For example, you could listen for a tap gesture:
    // | define(["dojo/on", "dojo/gesture/tap", function(listen, tap){
    // | on(button, tap, tapHandler);
    // | ...
    // which would trigger fooHandler. Note that for a simple object this is equivalent to calling:
    // | obj.onfoo({key:"value"});
    // If you use on.emit on a DOM node, it will use native event dispatching when possible.
    if(typeof target.on == "function" && typeof type != "function" && !target.nodeType){
    // delegate to the target's on() method, so it can handle it's own listening if it wants (unless it
    // is DOM node and we may be dealing with jQuery or Prototype's incompatible addition to the
    // Element prototype
    return target.on(type, listener);
    // delegate to main listener code
    return on.parse(target, type, listener, addListener, dontFix, this);
    on.pausable = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
    // summary:
    // This function acts the same as on(), but with pausable functionality. The
    // returned signal object has pause() and resume() functions. Calling the
    // pause() method will cause the listener to not be called for future events. Calling the
    // resume() method will cause the listener to again be called for future events.
    var paused;
    var signal = on(target, type, function(){
    return listener.apply(this, arguments);
    }, dontFix);
    signal.pause = function(){
    paused = true;
    signal.resume = function(){
    paused = false;
    return signal;
    on.once = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
    // summary:
    // This function acts the same as on(), but will only call the listener once. The
    // listener will be called for the first
    // event that takes place and then listener will automatically be removed.
    var signal = on(target, type, function(){
    // remove this listener
    // proceed to call the listener
    return listener.apply(this, arguments);
    return signal;
    on.parse = function(target, type, listener, addListener, dontFix, matchesTarget){
    // event handler function
    // on(node, touch.press, touchListener);
    return type.call(matchesTarget, target, listener);
    if(type.indexOf(",") > -1){
    // we allow comma delimited event names, so you can register for multiple events at once
    var events = type.split(/s*,s*/);
    var handles = [];
    var i = 0;
    var eventName;
    while(eventName = events[i++]){
    handles.push(addListener(target, eventName, listener, dontFix, matchesTarget));
    handles.remove = function(){
    for(var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++){
    return handles;
    return addListener(target, type, listener, dontFix, matchesTarget);
    var touchEvents = /^touch/;
    function addListener(target, type, listener, dontFix, matchesTarget){
    // event delegation:
    var selector = type.match(/(.*):(.*)/);
    // if we have a selector:event, the last one is interpreted as an event, and we use event delegation
    type = selector[2];
    selector = selector[1];
    // create the extension event for selectors and directly call it
    return on.selector(selector, type).call(matchesTarget, target, listener);
    // test to see if it a touch event right now, so we don't have to do it every time it fires
    // touch event, fix it
    listener = fixTouchListener(listener);
    if(!has("event-orientationchange") && (type == "orientationchange")){
    //"orientationchange" not supported <= Android 2.1,
    //but works through "resize" on window
    type = "resize";
    target = window;
    listener = fixTouchListener(listener);
    // add stopImmediatePropagation if it doesn't exist
    listener = addStopImmediate(listener);
    // normal path, the target is |this|
    // the target has addEventListener, which should be used if available (might or might not be a node, non-nodes can implement this method as well)
    // check for capture conversions
    var capture = type in captures,
    adjustedType = capture ? captures[type] : type;
    target.addEventListener(adjustedType, listener, capture);
    // create and return the signal
    return {
    remove: function(){
    target.removeEventListener(adjustedType, listener, capture);
    type = "on" + type;
    if(fixAttach && target.attachEvent){
    return fixAttach(target, type, listener);
    throw new Error("Target must be an event emitter");
    on.selector = function(selector, eventType, children){
    // summary:
    // Creates a new extension event with event delegation. This is based on
    // the provided event type (can be extension event) that
    // only calls the listener when the CSS selector matches the target of the event.
    // The application must require() an appropriate level of dojo/query to handle the selector.
    // selector:
    // The CSS selector to use for filter events and determine the |this| of the event listener.
    // eventType:
    // The event to listen for
    // children:
    // Indicates if children elements of the selector should be allowed. This defaults to
    // true
    // example:
    // | require(["dojo/on", "dojo/mouse", "dojo/query!css2"], function(listen, mouse){
    // | on(node, on.selector(".my-class", mouse.enter), handlerForMyHover);
    return function(target, listener){
    // if the selector is function, use it to select the node, otherwise use the matches method
    var matchesTarget = typeof selector == "function" ? {matches: selector} : this,
    bubble = eventType.bubble;
    function select(eventTarget){
    // see if we have a valid matchesTarget or default to dojo/query
    matchesTarget = matchesTarget && matchesTarget.matches ? matchesTarget : dojo.query;
    // there is a selector, so make sure it matches
    while(!matchesTarget.matches(eventTarget, selector, target)){
    if(eventTarget == target || children === false || !(eventTarget = eventTarget.parentNode) || eventTarget.nodeType != 1){ // intentional assignment
    return eventTarget;
    // the event type doesn't naturally bubble, but has a bubbling form, use that, and give it the selector so it can perform the select itself
    return on(target, bubble(select), listener);
    // standard event delegation
    return on(target, eventType, function(event){
    // call select to see if we match
    var eventTarget = select(event.target);
    // if it matches we call the listener
    return eventTarget && listener.call(eventTarget, event);
    function syntheticPreventDefault(){
    this.cancelable = false;
    this.defaultPrevented = true;
    function syntheticStopPropagation(){
    this.bubbles = false;
    var slice = [].slice,
    syntheticDispatch = on.emit = function(target, type, event){
    // summary:
    // Fires an event on the target object.
    // target:
    // The target object to fire the event on. This can be a DOM element or a plain
    // JS object. If the target is a DOM element, native event emitting mechanisms
    // are used when possible.
    // type:
    // The event type name. You can emulate standard native events like "click" and
    // "mouseover" or create custom events like "open" or "finish".
    // event:
    // An object that provides the properties for the event. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/event.initEvent
    // for some of the properties. These properties are copied to the event object.
    // Of particular importance are the cancelable and bubbles properties. The
    // cancelable property indicates whether or not the event has a default action
    // that can be cancelled. The event is cancelled by calling preventDefault() on
    // the event object. The bubbles property indicates whether or not the
    // event will bubble up the DOM tree. If bubbles is true, the event will be called
    // on the target and then each parent successively until the top of the tree
    // is reached or stopPropagation() is called. Both bubbles and cancelable
    // default to false.
    // returns:
    // If the event is cancelable and the event is not cancelled,
    // emit will return true. If the event is cancelable and the event is cancelled,
    // emit will return false.
    // details:
    // Note that this is designed to emit events for listeners registered through
    // dojo/on. It should actually work with any event listener except those
    // added through IE's attachEvent (IE8 and below's non-W3C event emitting
    // doesn't support custom event types). It should work with all events registered
    // through dojo/on. Also note that the emit method does do any default
    // action, it only returns a value to indicate if the default action should take
    // place. For example, emitting a keypress event would not cause a character
    // to appear in a textbox.
    // example:
    // To fire our own click event
    // | require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom"
    // | ], function(on, dom){
    // | on.emit(dom.byId("button"), "click", {
    // | cancelable: true,
    // | bubbles: true,
    // | screenX: 33,
    // | screenY: 44
    // | });
    // We can also fire our own custom events:
    // | on.emit(dom.byId("slider"), "slide", {
    // | cancelable: true,
    // | bubbles: true,
    // | direction: "left-to-right"
    // | });
    // | });
    var args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
    var method = "on" + type;
    if("parentNode" in target){
    // node (or node-like), create event controller methods
    var newEvent = args[0] = {};
    for(var i in event){
    newEvent[i] = event[i];
    newEvent.preventDefault = syntheticPreventDefault;
    newEvent.stopPropagation = syntheticStopPropagation;
    newEvent.target = target;
    newEvent.type = type;
    event = newEvent;
    // call any node which has a handler (note that ideally we would try/catch to simulate normal event propagation but that causes too much pain for debugging)
    target[method] && target[method].apply(target, args);
    // and then continue up the parent node chain if it is still bubbling (if started as bubbles and stopPropagation hasn't been called)
    }while(event && event.bubbles && (target = target.parentNode));
    return event && event.cancelable && event; // if it is still true (was cancelable and was cancelled), return the event to indicate default action should happen
    var captures = has("event-focusin") ? {} : {focusin: "focus", focusout: "blur"};
    var stopImmediatePropagation =function(){
    this.immediatelyStopped = true;
    this.modified = true; // mark it as modified so the event will be cached in IE
    var addStopImmediate = function(listener){
    return function(event){
    if(!event.immediatelyStopped){// check to make sure it hasn't been stopped immediately
    event.stopImmediatePropagation = stopImmediatePropagation;
    return listener.apply(this, arguments);
    // emitter that works with native event handling
    on.emit = function(target, type, event){
    if(target.dispatchEvent && document.createEvent){
    // use the native event emitting mechanism if it is available on the target object
    // create a generic event
    // we could create branch into the different types of event constructors, but
    // that would be a lot of extra code, with little benefit that I can see, seems
    // best to use the generic constructor and copy properties over, making it
    // easy to have events look like the ones created with specific initializers
    var nativeEvent = target.ownerDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
    nativeEvent.initEvent(type, !!event.bubbles, !!event.cancelable);

  • 相关阅读:
    结对第一次 — 疫情统计可视化(原型设计)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hzcya1995/p/13315535.html
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