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  • [原创] Learning in Python:Chapter 4 Introducing Python Object Types

    Chapter 4: Introducing Python Object Types

    1. Build-in Types:

    2. Numbers:
    • Python support big numbers
    • Modules: math, random
    3. String:
    • String is a Sequence
    • Sequence operation:
      • len(s)
      • s[1], s[-1]
      • s[1:3], s[:3], s[1:], s[:-1]
      • s + 'abc'
      • s*8
    • Type-Specific methods:
      • s.find('abc')
      • s.replace('abc','bbb')
      • s.split(',')
      • s.upper()
      • s.isalpha(), s.isdigit()
      • s.rstrip()
      • Formating:
        • '%s hello, %s world' % ('I', 'python')
        • '{0} hello, {1} world'.format('I','python')
        • '{0:o}, {1:x}, {2:b}'.format(64, 64, 64)
    • String is Immutable (not changing the original string, but creating new one), but can be used to make new strings.
    • numbers, strings, and tuples are immutable; lists and dictionaries are not
    • \0 does not teminates a string
    • """  """ for mutiple-line string. r'' for raw string
    • pattern matching:
      • module:  re
    3. Getting help
    • dir(s), help(s.replace)
    4. List
    • Mutable, Sequence
    • Tpye-Specific Operations:
      • L.append()
      • L.pop(2)    # pop out the second last item
      • L.insert()
      • L.remove()
      • L.sort()
      • L.reverse()
    • Comprehension:
      • [row[1] + 1 for row in M]
      • [row[1] + 1 for row in M if row[1]%2 == 0]
      • {ord(x) for x in 'spaam'}
      • {x:ord(x) for x in 'spaam'}
    • Generator
      • G = ( sum(row) for row in M )
      • next(G)
    5. Dictinary
    • Mapping (no order), mutable
    • Type-specific operations:
      • D.keys()
      • sorted(D)  The Dictionary can be ordered.
    • Iteration Protocol: a physically stored sequence in memory.
    • Time optimization module: time,  timeit, profile
    • Missing Key:
      • if a in D
      • get: value = D.get('x', 0)
      • if/else expression: value = D['x'] if 'x' in D else 0
    6. Tuples
    • A list that cannot be changed: immutable
    • Type-specific methods:
      • T.index(4)   return the index of 4
      • T.count(4)   return the exsit times of 4
    7. Files
    • file = open("abc.txt","w")
      • w: clear/create a file for writing
    • file.write()
    • Read:
      • file.read(), read the entire file
      • file.readline(), read one line at a time
    • file.seek()
    • X = set('spam')
    • Y = {'h', 'a', 'm'}
    • >>> X, Y
    • >>> X & Y # Intersection
    • >>> X | Y # Union
    • >>> X – Y # Difference
    • >>> {x ** 2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]} # Set comprehensions in 3.0
    9.  type build-in function
    • type()    return the type of a object
    • isinstance(L, list)
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/icemoon1987/p/2708916.html
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