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  • jQuery核心之jQuery Object及其相关的常用方法

    1、jQuery Object 和 原生的DOM对象之间有许多方法是不一样的,用jQuery的方法大部分情况下返回的是jQuery Object,但是jQuery也提供了一些方法可以很轻松的获取原生的DOM对象。

    先来看:获取jQuery Object之一,
    // Selecting only the first <h1> element on the page (in a jQuery object)
    var headings = $( "h1" );
    var firstHeading = headings.eq( 0 );
    这里主要是因为headings里面包含有多个jQuery Object,所以用这个方法来获取特定的jQuery Object。

    获取DOM 对象:
    // Selecting only the first <h1> element on the page.
    var firstHeadingElem = $( "h1" ).get( 0 );

    // Selecting only the first <h1> element on the page (alternate approach).
    var firstHeadingElem = $( "h1" )[ 0 ];
    通过这两种方法获取的对象是原生DOM 对象,所以它有innerHTML,appendChild,等原生的js方法,但是没有jQuery特有的html(),after()等方法

    还得注意:每一个通过选择器获取的jQuery Object是独一无二的,也就是它们之间的===关系总是返回false.
    alert( $( "#logo" ) === $( "#logo" ) ); // alerts "false"

    但是:用get()方法却可以获取同一个DOM 元素 ,此时它们之间的===关系返回true.
    alert( $( "#logo" ).get(0) === $( "#logo" ).get(0) ); 

    为了更好的区分jQuery Object和 native DOM Object 可以把$加在jQuery Object面前来标识它,这样使得代码更加容易阅读
    // Comparing DOM elements (with more readable variable names).
    var $logo1 = $( "#logo" );
    var logo1 = $logo1.get( 0 );
    var $logo2 = $( "#logo" );
    var logo2 = $logo2.get( 0 );
    alert( logo1 === logo2 ); // alerts "true" 

    <div class="grandparent">
    <div class="parent">
    <div class="child">
    <span class="subchild"></span>
    <div class="surrogateParent1"></div>
    <div class="surrogateParent2"></div>
    // Selecting an element's direct parent:
    // returns [ div.child ]
    $( "span.subchild" ).parent();
    // Selecting all the parents of an element that match a given selector:
    // returns [ div.parent ]
    $( "span.subchild" ).parents( "div.parent" );
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent, div.grandparent ]
    $( "span.subchild" ).parents();
    // Selecting all the parents of an element up to, but *not including* the selector:
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent ]
    $( "span.subchild" ).parentsUntil( "div.grandparent" );
    // Selecting the closest parent, note that only one parent will be selected
    // and that the initial element itself is included in the search:
    // returns [ div.child ]
    $( "span.subchild" ).closest( "div" );
    // returns [ div.child ] as the selector is also included in the search:
    $( "div.child" ).closest( "div" ); 

    // Selecting an element's direct children:
    // returns [ div.parent, div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.grandparent" ).children( "div" );
    // Finding all elements within a selection that match the selector:
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent, div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.grandparent" ).find( "div" ); 
    // Selecting a next sibling of the selectors:
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    $( "div.parent" ).next();
    // Selecting a prev sibling of the selectors:
    // returns [] as No sibling exists before div.parent
    $( "div.parent" ).prev();
    // Selecting all the next siblings of the selector:
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.parent" ).nextAll();
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    $( "div.parent" ).nextAll().first();
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.parent" ).nextAll().last();
    // Selecting all the previous siblings of the selector:
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.parent ]
    $( "div.surrogateParent2" ).prevAll();
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    $( "div.surrogateParent2" ).prevAll().first();
    // returns [ div.parent ]
    $( "div.surrogateParent2" ).prevAll().last(); 

    // Selecting an element's siblings in both directions that matches the given selector:
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.parent" ).siblings();
    // returns [ div.parent, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    $( "div.surrogateParent1" ).siblings(); 

    // Working with classes.
    var h1 = $( "h1" );
    h1.addClass( "big" );
    h1.removeClass( "big" );
    h1.toggleClass( "big" );
    if ( h1.hasClass( "big" ) ) {
    addClass() 增加样式类
    removeClass() 删除样式类
    toggleClass("a") 如果样式类a存在,那么就删除样式类a,如果它不存在,那么就增加样式类a(起到一个样式切换的效果)

    // Basic dimensions methods.
    // Sets the width of all <h1> elements.
    $( "h1" ).width( "50px" );
    // Gets the width of the first <h1> element.
    $( "h1" ).width();
    // Sets the height of all <h1> elements.
    $( "h1" ).height( "50px" );
    // Gets the height of the first <h1> element.
    $( "h1" ).height();
    // Returns an object containing position information for
    // the first <h1> relative to its "offset (positioned) parent".
    $( "h1" ).position(); 

    4、数据方法(Data methods)
    // Storing and retrieving data related to an element.
    $( "#myDiv" ).data( "keyName", { foo: "bar" } );
    $( "#myDiv" ).data( "keyName" ); // Returns { foo: "bar" }

    // Storing a relationship between elements using .data()
    $( "#myList li" ).each(function() {
    var li = $( this );
    var div = li.find( "div.content" );
    li.data( "contentDiv", div );
    // Later, we don't have to find the div again;
    // we can just read it from the list item's data
    var firstLi = $( "#myList li:first" );
    firstLi.data( "contentDiv" ).html( "new content" );

  • 相关阅读:
    【转载】Java 9 新特性——模块化
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iceseal/p/3868674.html
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