zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 如何实现CSS居中?–CSS居中常用方法




       1: .center-children {
       2:   text-align: center;
       3: }
       1: .center-me {
       2:   margin: 0 auto;
       3: }




       1: <main class="inline-block-center">
       2:   <div>
       3:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row.
       4:   </div>
       5:   <div>
       6:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row. I have more content in me than my siblings do.
       7:   </div>
       8:   <div>
       9:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row.
      10:   </div>
      11: </main>
      12: <main class="flex-center">
      13:   <div>
      14:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row.
      15:   </div>
      16:   <div>
      17:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row. I have more content in me than my siblings do.
      18:   </div>
      19:   <div>
      20:     I'm an element that is block-like with my siblings and we're centered in a row.
      21:   </div>
      22: </main>


       1: body {
       2:   background: #f06d06;
       3:   font-size: 80%;
       4: }
       5: main {
       6:   background: white;
       7:   margin: 20px 0;
       8:   padding: 10px;
       9: }
      10: main div {
      11:   background: black;
      12:   color: white;
      13:   padding: 15px;
      14:   max-width: 125px;
      15:   margin: 5px;
      16: }
      17: .inline-block-center {
      18:   text-align: center;
      19: }
      20: .inline-block-center div {
      21:   display: inline-block;
      22:   text-align: left;
      23: }
      24: .flex-center {
      25:   display: flex;
      26:   justify-content: center;
      27: }



       1: .link {
       2:   padding-top: 30px;
       3:   padding-bottom: 30px;
       4: }


       1: .center-text-trick {
       2:   height: 100px;
       3:   line-height: 100px;
       4:   white-space: nowrap;
       5: }
    多行的文本也可以利用上下等padding的方式也可以让多行居中,但是如果这方法没用,你可以让这些文字的容器按table cell模式显示,然后设置文字的vertical-align属性对齐,
       1: <table>
       2:   <tr>
       3:     <td>
       4:       I'm vertically centered multiple lines of text in a real table cell.
       5:     </td>
       6:   </tr>
       7: </table>
       8: <div class="center-table">
       9:   <p>I'm vertically centered multiple lines of text in a CSS-created table layout.</p>
      10: </div>


       1: body {
       2:   background: #f06d06;
       3:   font-size: 80%;
       4: }
       5: table {
       6:   background: white;
       7:   width: 240px;
       8:   border-collapse: separate;
       9:   margin: 20px;
      10:   height: 250px;
      11: }
      12: table td {
      13:   background: black;
      14:   color: white;
      15:   padding: 20px;
      16:   border: 10px solid white;
      17:   /* default is vertical-align: middle; */
      18: }
      19: .center-table {
      20:   display: table;
      21:   height: 250px;
      22:   background: white;
      23:   width: 240px;
      24:   margin: 20px;
      25: }
      26: .center-table p {
      27:   display: table-cell;
      28:   margin: 0;
      29:   background: black;
      30:   color: white;
      31:   padding: 20px;
      32:   border: 10px solid white;
      33:   vertical-align: middle;
      34: }




       1: .parent {
       2:   position: relative;
       3: }
       4: .child {
       5:   position: absolute;
       6:   top: 50%;
       7:   height: 100px;
       8:   margin-top: -50px; /* 如果没有使用: border-box; 的盒子模型则需要设置这个 */
       9: }


       1: .parent {
       2:   position: relative;
       3: }
       4: .child {
       5:   position: absolute;
       6:   top: 50%;
       7:   transform: translateY(-50%);
       8: }


       1: <main>  
       2:   <div>
       3:      I'm a block-level element with an unknown height, centered vertically within my parent.
       4:   </div>  
       5: </main>
       1: body {
       2:   background: #f06d06;
       3:   font-size: 80%;
       4: }
       5: main {
       6:   background: white;
       7:   height: 300px;
       8:   width: 200px;
       9:   padding: 20px;
      10:   margin: 20px;
      11:   display: flex;
      12:   flex-direction: column;
      13:   justify-content: center;
      14:   resize: vertical;
      15:   overflow: auto;
      16: }
      17: main div {
      18:   background: black;
      19:   color: white;
      20:   padding: 20px;
      21:   resize: vertical;
      22:   overflow: auto;
      23: }




       1: //这种方案有极好的跨浏览器支持。
       2: .parent {
       3:   position: relative;
       4: }
       5: .child {
       6:   width: 300px;
       7:   height: 100px;
       8:   padding: 20px;
       9:   position: absolute;
      10:   top: 50%;
      11:   left: 50%;
      12:   margin: -70px 0 0 -170px;
      13: }



       1: .parent {
       2:   position: relative;
       3: }
       4: .child {
       5:   position: absolute;
       6:   top: 50%;
       7:   left: 50%;
       8:   transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
       9: }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ido321/p/3997227.html
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