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  • C语言实现-航空订票系统(飞机订票系统)







    码云:传送门 GitHub:传送门












      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <stdlib.h>
      3 #include <string.h>
      4 #include <stdbool.h>
      5 //#include "getch.h"
      6 #include <conio.h>
      7 #define MAX_Flight 50
      8 #define MAX_Passenger 20
      9 #define MAX_Order 50
     11 typedef struct Flight
     12 {
     13     char fid[20];         //航班号
     14     char fname[20];    //航班名称
     15     char start[10];  //起点
     16     char end[10];     //终点
     17     int fnum;    //票数
     18 }Flight;
     20 typedef struct Passenger
     21 {
     22     char pid[20];    //身份证
     23     char pname[10];    //姓名
     24     char password[20];    //密码
     25     char tell[20];    //电话
     26 }Passenger;
     28 typedef struct Order
     29 {
     30     char pid[20];    //身份证
     31     char fid[20];    //航班号
     32     int num;    //票数
     33 }Order;
     35 Flight *FLI;
     36 Passenger *PAS;
     37 Order *ORD;
     39 char start[10]; //起点
     40 char end[10];   //终点
     41 char search_fid[50][20];    //符合条件的航班号
     42 int search_fnum[50];    //符合条件的航班票数
     43 int online = 0; //是否登录的变量
     44 char online_pid[20];    //在线用户的身份证
     45 int search_num = 0;    //符合条件的航班数
     47 void init_sys(void);    // 系统初始化
     48 void show_flight(void);    // 显示航班表
     49 void start_sys(void);    // 系统开始运行
     50 void exit_sys(void);    // 退出系统
     51 void menu(void);        // 生成主菜单
     52 void login(void);       // 登录
     53 void logout(void);  //用户登出
     54 void passenger_info(void);  //查询旅客信息
     55 bool change_pas_info(void); //修改旅客信息
     56 void search_start(void);    // 生成查询页面
     57 bool search(void);    // 查询航班
     58 void order_list(void);    // 生成订单表
     59 void del_order(void);    // 退票
     60 void clear_stdin(void);    // 清除输入缓冲区
     61 char* get_str(char* str,size_t len);  // 获取字符串
     62 char get_cmd(char start,char end);    // 获取cmd命令
     64 int main()
     65 {
     66     init_sys();
     67     start_sys();
     68     exit_sys();
     69     return 0;
     70 }
     72 // 系统初始化
     73 void init_sys(void)
     74 {
     75     // 申请堆内存、加载数据
     76     FLI = calloc(MAX_Flight,sizeof(Flight));
     77     PAS = calloc(MAX_Passenger,sizeof(Passenger));
     78     ORD = calloc(MAX_Order,sizeof(Order));
     79     printf("system_init...
     81     FILE* ofrp = fopen("order.txt","r");
     82     int i=0;
     83     for(i=0; i<MAX_Order; i++)    //读取文本中的数据到内存
     84     {    int num = 0;
     85         num = fscanf(ofrp,"%s %s %d
     86     }
     88     FILE* ffrp = fopen("flight.txt","r");
     89     for(i=0; i<MAX_Flight; i++)
     90     {
     91         int num = 0;
     92         num = fscanf(ffrp,"%s %s %s %s %d
     93     }
     95     FILE* pfrp = fopen("passenger.txt","r");
     96     for(i=0; i<MAX_Passenger; i++)
     97     {
     98         int num = 0;
     99         num = fscanf(pfrp,"%s %s %s %s
    100     }
    101 }
    103 // 显示航班表
    104 void show_flight(void)
    105 {
    106     int i = 0;
    107     for(i=0; i<MAX_Flight; i++)
    108     {
    109         if(strlen(FLI[i].fid) != 0)
    110         {
    111             printf("id:%s name:%s start:%s end:%s fnum:%d
    112         }
    113     }
    114 }
    116 // 系统开始运行
    117 void start_sys(void)
    118 {
    119     // 进入系统的业务流程控制
    120     //printf("系统开始运行...
    121     //show_flight();
    122     while(true)
    123     {
    124         menu();
    125         switch(get_cmd('0','7'))
    126         {
    127         case '1': search_start(); break;
    128         case '2': order_list(); break;
    129         case '3': del_order(); break;
    130         case '4': passenger_info(); break;
    131         case '5': change_pas_info(); break;
    132         case '6': login(); break;
    133         case '7': logout(); break;
    134         case '0': return;
    135         }
    136     }
    137 }
    139 // 系统结束
    140 void exit_sys(void)
    141 {
    142     printf("data insert...
    143     FILE* ofwp = fopen("order.txt","w");
    144     printf("ready insert order.txt
    145     int i= 0;
    146     for(i=0; i<MAX_Order; i++)    //数据存储回本地
    147     {
    148         int num = 0;
    149         if(strlen(ORD[i].pid) != 0)
    150         {
    151             num = fprintf(ofwp,"%s %s %d
    152             //printf("insert order.txt success
    153         }
    154     }
    156     FILE* ffwp = fopen("flight.txt","w");
    157     printf("insert flight.txt
    158     for(i=0; i<MAX_Flight; i++)
    159     {
    160         int num = 0;
    161         if(strlen(FLI[i].fid) != 0)
    162         {
    163             num = fprintf(ffwp,"%s %s %s %s %d
    164             //printf("insert flight.txt success
    165         }
    166     }
    168     FILE* pfwp = fopen("passenger.txt","w");
    169     printf("insert passenger.txt
    170     for(i=0; i<MAX_Passenger; i++)
    171     {
    172         int num = 0;
    173         if(strlen(PAS[i].pid) != 0)
    174         {
    175             num = fprintf(pfwp,"%s %s %s %s
    176             //printf("insert passenger.txt success
    177         }
    178     }
    179     // 释放内存、保存数据
    180     free(FLI);
    181     free(PAS);
    182     free(ORD);
    183     printf("exit...
    184 }
    186 // 生成主菜单
    187 void menu(void)
    188 {
    189     printf("
    190     printf("********************************
    191     printf("|                              |
    192     printf("|      flight order system     |
    193     printf("*      1.search_flight         *
    ");  //查询航班
    194     printf("|      2.order_list            |
    ");   //查询订票信息
    195     printf("*      3.del_order             *
    ");    //退订
    196     printf("|      4.passenger_info        |
    ");   //查询旅客信息
    197     printf("*      5.change_pas_info       *
    ");  //修改旅客信息
    198     printf("|      6.login                 |
    ");  //用户登录
    199     printf("*      7.logout                *
    ");    //用户登出
    200     printf("|      0.exit_sys              |
    ");   //退出系统
    201     printf("|                              |
    202     printf("********************************
    203     //printf("
    204 }
    206 // 登录
    207 void login(void)
    208 {
    209     if(online == 0)    //如果没有登录
    210     {
    211         int i=0;
    212         int time = 0;
    213         while(time<3)
    214         {
    215             char entry_pid[20]; //临时变量身份证
    216             char entry_pw[20];  //临时变量密码
    217             printf("please login!
    218             printf("please entry pid:");
    219             get_str(entry_pid,20);
    220             printf("please entry password:");
    221             get_str(entry_pw,20);
    222             for(i=0; i<MAX_Passenger; i++)
    223             {
    224                 if(strlen(entry_pid)==0 || strlen(entry_pw)==0)
    225                 {
    226                     printf("pid or password can't be empty
    227                     time++;
    228                     break;
    229                 }
    230                 else if(strcmp(PAS[i].pid,entry_pid) == 0 && strcmp(PAS[i].password,entry_pw) == 0)
    231                 {
    232                     printf("login success!
    233                     strcpy(online_pid,entry_pid);
    234                     online = 1;
    235                     return;
    236                 }
    237                 else if(i==MAX_Passenger-1)
    238                 {
    239                     printf("pid or password error
    240                     time++;
    241                 }
    242             }
    243         }
    244         online = -1;
    245         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    246     }
    247     else if(online ==1)
    248     {
    249         printf("you have been login
    250     }
    251     else
    252     {
    253         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    254     }
    256 }
    258 // 用户登出
    259 void logout(void)
    260 {
    261     if(online == 1)    //如果已经登录
    262     {
    263         online = 0;
    264         printf("logout success
    265     }
    266     else if(online == -1)
    267     {
    268         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    269     }
    270     else
    271     {
    272         printf("you have not login
    273     }
    274 }
    276 // 查询旅客信息
    277 void passenger_info(void)
    278 {
    279     if(online == 1)    //如果已经登录
    280     {
    281         //printf("online_pid:");
    282         //puts(online_pid);
    283         int i = 0;
    284         for(i=0; i<MAX_Passenger; i++)
    285         {
    286             if(strcmp(online_pid,PAS[i].pid)==0)
    287             {
    288                 printf("pid:%s, pname:%s, password:%s, tell:%s
    289                 break;
    290             }
    291         }
    292     }
    293     else if(online == -1)
    294     {
    295         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    296     }
    297     else
    298     {
    299         printf("you have not login
    300     }
    301 }
    303 //修改旅客信息
    304 bool change_pas_info(void)
    305 {
    306     if(online == 1)    //如果已经登录
    307     {
    308         printf("your old info:
    309         int i = 0;
    310         for(i=0; i<MAX_Passenger; i++)
    311         {
    312             if(strcmp(online_pid,ORD[i].pid)==0)
    313             {
    314                 printf("pid:%s, pname:%s
    password:%s, tell:%s
    315                 break;
    316             }
    317         }
    318         char new_pid[20];
    319         char new_pname[10];
    320         char new_password[20];
    321         char new_tell[20];
    322         printf("please entry new pid:");
    323         get_str(new_pid,20);
    324         printf("please entry new pname:");
    325         get_str(new_pname,10);
    326         printf("please entry new password:");
    327         get_str(new_password,20);
    328         printf("please entry new tell:");
    329         get_str(new_tell,20);
    330         strcpy(PAS[i].pid,new_pid);
    331         strcpy(PAS[i].pname,new_pname);
    332         strcpy(PAS[i].password,new_password);
    333         strcpy(PAS[i].tell,new_tell);
    334         printf("change success
    335     }
    336     else if(online == -1)
    337     {
    338         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    339     }
    340     else
    341     {
    342         printf("you have not login
    343     }
    344 }
    346 // 开始查询航班
    347 void search_start(void)
    348 {
    349     if(search())
    350     {
    351         printf("1.order
    352         printf("0.back
    353         char cmd = get_cmd('0','1');
    354         if(cmd == '0')
    355         {
    356             return;
    357             //start_sys();
    358         }
    359         else
    360         {
    361             char fid[20];   // 选择的航班号
    362             if(online == 1) // 如果已经登录
    363             {
    364                 printf("please entry fid:");
    365                 get_str(fid,20);
    366                 if(0 == strlen(fid))
    367                 {
    368                     printf("fid is empty
    369                 }
    370                 int i = 0;
    371                 for(i=0; i<search_num; i++)
    372                 {
    373                     //printf("fid:%s s_fid:%s num:%d
    374                     if(strcmp(fid,search_fid[i])==0 && search_fnum[i]>0)    //查询到对应航班
    375                     {
    376                         printf("order success
    377                         int j=0;
    378                         for(j=0; j<MAX_Flight; j++) // 遍历航班表
    379                         {
    380                             if(strcmp(fid,FLI[j].fid)==0)
    381                             {
    382                                 FLI[j].fnum--;    //票数减1
    383                                 break;
    384                             }
    385                         }
    386                         int k=0;
    387                         for(k=0; k<MAX_Order; k++)  // 遍历订票表
    388                         {
    389                             //printf("ready insert...
    390                             if(strlen(ORD[k].pid) == 0) // 在空位置插入数据
    391                             {
    392                                 strcpy(ORD[k].pid,online_pid);  // 插入当前用户身份证
    393                                 strcpy(ORD[k].fid,search_fid[i]);   // 插入当前选择的航班号
    394                                 ORD[k].num = 1;
    395                                 printf("insert_to_order success
    396                                 break;
    397                             }
    398                         }
    399                         return;
    400                     }
    401                     else if(strcmp(fid,search_fid[i])==0 && search_fnum[i] == 0)
    402                     {
    403                         printf("no ticket
    404                         search_start();
    405                     }
    406                     else if(i==MAX_Flight-1)
    407                     {
    408                         printf("don't have this fid
    409                         search_start();
    410                     }
    411                 }
    412             }
    413             else if(online == -1)
    414             {
    415                 printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    416             }
    417             else
    418             {
    419                 login();
    420             }
    421         }
    422     }
    423 }
    425 // 查询航班
    426 bool search(void)
    427 {
    428     printf("start: 
    429     get_str(start,10);
    430     printf("end: 
    431     get_str(end,10);
    432     int i=0;
    433     search_num = 0;
    434     for(i=0; i<MAX_Flight; i++)
    435     {
    436         if(strlen(start) == 0 || strlen(end) == 0)
    437         {
    438             printf("start or end can't be empty
    439             return false;
    440         }
    441         if(strcmp(FLI[i].start,start)==0 && strcmp(FLI[i].end,end)==0)
    442         {
    443             printf("fid:%s, ticket_num:%d
    444             strcpy(search_fid[search_num],FLI[i].fid);
    445             search_fnum[search_num] = FLI[i].fnum;
    446             //printf("search_fid[%d]:%s, search_fun[%d]:%d
    447             ++search_num;
    448         }
    449         if(0 == search_num && i == MAX_Flight-1)
    450         {
    451             printf("no flight
    452             return false;
    453         }
    454         if(search_num > 0 && i == MAX_Flight-1)
    455         {
    456             //show_flight();
    457             return true;
    458         }
    459     }
    460 }
    462 // 输出订单信息
    463 void order_list(void)
    464 {
    465     if(online == 1)
    466     {
    467         int i=0;
    468         for(i=0; i<MAX_Order; i++)
    469         {
    470             if(strcmp(online_pid,ORD[i].pid)==0)
    471             {
    472                 //printf("online_pid:%s
    473                 printf("fid:%s, pid:%s, ticket:%d
    474             }
    475         }
    476     }
    477     else if(online == -1)
    478     {
    479         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    480     }
    481     else
    482     {
    483         login();
    484     }
    485 }
    487 // 删除订单
    488 void del_order(void)
    489 {
    490     if(online == 1)
    491     {
    492         char fid[20];
    493         printf("order_list:
    494         order_list();
    495         printf("please entry del_order fid:");
    496         get_str(fid,20);
    497         int i=0;
    498         for(i=0; i<MAX_Order; i++)
    499         {
    500             if(strlen(fid)==0)  //判空
    501             {
    502                 printf("del_order fid can't be empty
    503                 return;
    504             }
    505             if(strcmp(fid,ORD[i].fid)==0)
    506             {
    507                 memset(ORD[i].pid,'',sizeof(ORD[i].pid));
    508                 int j=0;
    509                 for(j=0; j<MAX_Flight; j++)
    510                 {
    511                     if(strcmp(fid,FLI[j].fid)==0)
    512                     {
    513                         FLI[j].fnum++;  // 返还飞机票
    514                         break;
    515                     }
    516                 }
    517                 printf("delete success
    518                 return;
    519             }
    520         }
    521     }
    522     else if(online == -1)
    523     {
    524         printf("you have been locked,you can use this system now
    525     }
    526     else
    527     {
    528         login();
    529     }
    531 }
    533 // 清理输入缓冲区
    534 /*void clear_stdin(void)
    535 {
    536     stdin->_IO_read_ptr = stdin->_IO_read_end;//清理输入缓冲区
    537 }
    538 */
    540 // 读取输入字符串
    541 char* get_str(char* str,size_t len)
    542 {
    543     if(NULL == str)
    544     {
    545         puts("empty ptr!");
    546         return NULL;
    547     }
    549     char *in=fgets(str,len,stdin);
    551     size_t cnt = strlen(str);
    552     if('
    ' == str[cnt-1])
    553     {
    554         str[cnt-1] = '';
    555     }
    556     else
    557     {
    558         scanf("%*[^
    559         scanf("%*c");
    560     }
    562     //clear_stdin();
    564     return str;
    565 }
    567 // 获取cmd命令
    568 char get_cmd(char start,char end)
    569 {
    570     //clear_stdin();
    572     printf("please entry cmd:");
    573     while(true)
    574     {
    575         char val = getch();
    576         if(val >= start && val <= end)
    577         {
    578             printf("%c
    579             return val;
    580         }
    581     }
    582 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ikaros-521/p/11180065.html
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