Whenever is a Ruby gem that provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.
$ gem install whenever
Or with Bundler in your Gemfile.
gem 'whenever', :require => false
(3)运行以下命令,This will create an initial config/schedule.rb
file for you.
$ wheneverize .
every 1.day, at: '00:01 am' do command "cd /opt/app/ruby/cms/current && RAILS_ENV=#{@environment} bundle exec rails runner script/fetch_video.rb", output: 'log/fetch.log' end
$ whenever
19:23 [root@a03.test.3g.b28.youku]$ whenever --help Usage: whenever [options] -i [identifier], Default: full path to schedule.rb file --update-crontab -w, --write-crontab [identifier] Default: full path to schedule.rb file -c, --clear-crontab [identifier] -s, --set [variables] Example: --set 'environment=staging&path=/my/sweet/path' -f, --load-file [schedule file] Default: config/schedule.rb -u, --user [user] Default: current user -k, --cut [lines] Cut lines from the top of the cronfile -r, --roles [role1,role2] Comma-separated list of server roles to generate cron jobs for -v, --version
$whenever -i
RAILS_ENV=production rails runner script/fetch_videos.rb
(7)部署的时候需要注意在 "config/deploy.rb" file加上:
require "whenever/capistrano"
set :whenever_command, "bundle exec whenever"
$ crontab -l