-- 2010-02-26
-- 布朗
-- QQ:156298979
-- with ties可以附加与排序字段相同值的多个行
select top 3 with ties * from hrEmployee order by shortName asc
set rowcount 3 --设置全局变量,使每次返回的行数都为3行
select * from hrEmployee order by shortName asc
set rowcount 0 --设置全局变量,使每次返回的行数为所有行
-- select ...where 符合代替if语句
declare @m int ,@n int ,@i int
set @m=4
set @n=1
select @i= ceiling(@m/@n) where @m>@n
select @i
select serverproperty('Edition')
select stuff('abcedefg',3,2,'1234')
select CharIndex('c','abcdefg',1)
select PatIndex('%[cd]%','abcdefg')
select soundex('lfc')
select Difference('abcd','abce')
inner join --内连接
left outer join --左外连接
right outer join --右外连接
full outer join --全外连接
cross outer join --交叉连接 A表4条记录,B表5条记录,交叉后生成20条记录(笛卡尔乘积)
select * from hrEmployeeA
union all
select * from hrEmployeeB
select distinct(UserName)
select distinct(UserName) from hrEmployeeA
union all
select distinct(UserName) from hrEmployeeB
) Emp
group by UserName
exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable' --启用全文检索 'disable'禁用
create fulltext catalog nofc2 as default--为数据库创建全文目录
create fulltext index on hrEmployee([Name],[ShortName],[Description]) --创建针对数据库中某个表的一列或多列的全文索引。每个表只允许有一个全文索引
Key Index PK_hrEmployee
select * from hrEmployee where Contains(hrEmployee.*,'龙') and Contains(hrEmployee.*,'付') --(where Contains类似 where in())
select * from ContainsTable (hrEmployee,*,'龙')
select * from hrEmployee where FreeText(*,'成')
select * from FreeTextTable(hrEmployee,*,'成')
drop fulltext index on hrEmployee
drop fulltext catalog nofc2
exec sp_fulltext_database 'disable'
create view Vabc as
select * from hrEmployee
with Encryption
--Insert/exec --插入存储过程的结果集
insert into hrEmployee (Name,shortName,Description) exec sp_hrGetEmployee
--insert Default --插入表的默认值
insert into hrEmployee default values
update hrEmployee
set Salary = Salary * (1 + 2* case when t1.EnterTime > '2000-01-01' then 1 else 0 end ) from hrEmployee t1 join zj_Dept t2 on t1.DeptID = t2.DeptID
-- 2010-02-26
-- 布朗
-- QQ:156298979
-- with ties可以附加与排序字段相同值的多个行
select top 3 with ties * from hrEmployee order by shortName asc
set rowcount 3 --设置全局变量,使每次返回的行数都为3行
select * from hrEmployee order by shortName asc
set rowcount 0 --设置全局变量,使每次返回的行数为所有行
-- select ...where 符合代替if语句
declare @m int ,@n int ,@i int
set @m=4
set @n=1
select @i= ceiling(@m/@n) where @m>@n
select @i
select serverproperty('Edition')
select stuff('abcedefg',3,2,'1234')
select CharIndex('c','abcdefg',1)
select PatIndex('%[cd]%','abcdefg')
select soundex('lfc')
select Difference('abcd','abce')
inner join --内连接
left outer join --左外连接
right outer join --右外连接
full outer join --全外连接
cross outer join --交叉连接 A表4条记录,B表5条记录,交叉后生成20条记录(笛卡尔乘积)
select * from hrEmployeeA
union all
select * from hrEmployeeB
select distinct(UserName)
select distinct(UserName) from hrEmployeeA
union all
select distinct(UserName) from hrEmployeeB
) Emp
group by UserName
exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable' --启用全文检索 'disable'禁用
create fulltext catalog nofc2 as default--为数据库创建全文目录
create fulltext index on hrEmployee([Name],[ShortName],[Description]) --创建针对数据库中某个表的一列或多列的全文索引。每个表只允许有一个全文索引
Key Index PK_hrEmployee
select * from hrEmployee where Contains(hrEmployee.*,'龙') and Contains(hrEmployee.*,'付') --(where Contains类似 where in())
select * from ContainsTable (hrEmployee,*,'龙')
select * from hrEmployee where FreeText(*,'成')
select * from FreeTextTable(hrEmployee,*,'成')
drop fulltext index on hrEmployee
drop fulltext catalog nofc2
exec sp_fulltext_database 'disable'
create view Vabc as
select * from hrEmployee
with Encryption
--Insert/exec --插入存储过程的结果集
insert into hrEmployee (Name,shortName,Description) exec sp_hrGetEmployee
--insert Default --插入表的默认值
insert into hrEmployee default values
update hrEmployee
set Salary = Salary * (1 + 2* case when t1.EnterTime > '2000-01-01' then 1 else 0 end ) from hrEmployee t1 join zj_Dept t2 on t1.DeptID = t2.DeptID
update zj_UserMovement set GUID=(select hrEmployee.GUID from hrEmployee where zj_UserMovement.UserNo=hrEmployee.UserNo)
--Delete语句 连接多个表
delete from zj_Operation_Log
from zj_Operation_Log t1
join zj_Dept t2 on t1.DeptNo = t2.DeptNo
where t2.DeptName='行政部'
select @@identity --全局变量所有表最所生成的最近一个标识值
select Scope_identity() --批处理或者最近的作用域中所生成的最近一个标识值
select ident_current('hrEmployee') --指定表名的表所生成的最近一个标识值
select newid()
delete from zj_Operation_Log
from zj_Operation_Log t1
join zj_Dept t2 on t1.DeptNo = t2.DeptNo
where t2.DeptName='行政部'
select @@identity --全局变量所有表最所生成的最近一个标识值
select Scope_identity() --批处理或者最近的作用域中所生成的最近一个标识值
select ident_current('hrEmployee') --指定表名的表所生成的最近一个标识值
select newid()