The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.
The two representations rearrange the geometry of RGB in an attempt to be more intuitive andperceptually relevant than the cartesian (cube) representation, by mapping the values into a cylinder loosely inspired by a traditional color wheel. The angle around the central vertical axis corresponds to "hue" and the distance from the axis corresponds to "saturation". These first two values give the two schemes the 'H' and 'S' in their names. The height corresponds to a third value, the system's representation of the perceived luminance in relation to the saturation.
h∈[0,360] s,v∈[0,1](百分比)
#include<stdio.h> #define uchar unsigned char static int RGBtoHSV(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B ,float HSV[3]);//return 1 if succeed and save HSV in HSV[3] static int isValid(uchar value);//if 0<=value<=255 return 1 else return 0 static uchar GetMax(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B); static uchar GetMin(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B); //implement static int RGBtoHSV(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B ,float HSV[3]) { if(isValid(R)&&isValid(G)&&isValid(B)) { int Max_value = GetMax(R , G , B); int Min_value = GetMin(R ,G ,B ) ; float H ; //compute H if(Max_value == Min_value)H = 0; else { if(Max_value==G) H = 60.0*(B-R)/(Max_value-Min_value) + 120; if(Max_value==B) H = 60.0*(R-G)/(Max_value-Min_value) +240; if(Max_value==R && G>=B)H = 60.0*(G-B)/(Max_value-Min_value); if(Max_value==R && G< B)H = 60.0*(G-B)/(Max_value-Min_value) + 360; } //end compute H //GOTO: ; float S; //compute S if(Max_value == 0)S = 0; else S = 1.0*(Max_value-Min_value)/Max_value; //end compute S float V = Max_value/255.0; HSV[0] = H; HSV[1] = S; HSV[2] = V; return 1; } else { printf("Unvalid value ! "); return 0; } } static int isValid(uchar value) { if(value>=0&&value<=255)return 1; return 0; } static uchar GetMax(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B) { uchar Max = G; if(R > G)Max = R; if(Max < B)Max = B; return Max; } static uchar GetMin(uchar R , uchar G ,uchar B) { uchar Min = G; if(R < G)Min = R; if(Min > B)Min = B; return Min ; } #undef uchar
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include"RGBtoHSV.c" int main() { float HSV[3] = {0}; printf("RGB values([0,1]):"); float fR,fG,fB; fflush(stdin); again: printf(" R:"); scanf("%f",&fR); fflush(stdin); printf(" G:"); scanf("%f",&fG); fflush(stdin); printf(" B:"); scanf("%f",&fB); fflush(stdin); int R=(int)(fR*255); int G=(int)(fG*255); int B=(int)(fB*255); RGBtoHSV( R,G,B,HSV); printf("%d %d %d",R,G,B); printf(" H:%f S:%f V:%f ",HSV[0] , HSV[1] ,HSV[2]); printf("Press 'a' to compute again :"); if('a'==getchar())goto again; else exit(0); }