20:39:51 SQL> create table t1 (t1 timestamp); Table created. 20:39:55 SQL> insert into t1 values(systimestamp); 1 row created. 20:39:59 SQL> select t1 - systimestamp from t1; T1-SYSTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +000000000 04:59:50.680620 1 row selected. 20:40:08 SQL>
我的笔记本电脑运行Oracle很流畅,仅仅在5小时之内花了4秒消逝。运行在64位的Linux系统的Oracle ——客户端以TZ=EST5EDT运行,但服务器端以UK时运行(目前BST(GMT+1))。
在MOS: 340512.1的时间戳和时区评论可用——关于MOS的常问问题,幸亏Jure Bratina,在这个问题上评论,227334.1——“日期和日历——常问问题”。
Oracle提供三个时间戳:systimestamp,localtimestamp和current_timestamp(根据很多一致性原则,仅仅有一个使用下划线)。Oracle也提供三个时间戳类型:timestamp,timestamp with time zone和timestamp with local time zone。Oracle同时也提供两种时区,叫做dbtimezone和sessiontimezone。
select current_timestamp, localtimestamp, systimestamp from dual ; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCALTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-APR-13 AM +01:00 17-APR-13 AM 17-APR-13 AM -04:00
create table t1 ( t0 timestamp, tz timestamp with time zone, tl timestamp with local time zone, ts_type varchar2(20) ) ; insert into t1 values( systimestamp, systimestamp, systimestamp, 'sys Timestamp' ); commit; select * from t1; T0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TZ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL TS_TYPE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 17-APR-13 AM 17-APR-13 AM -04:00 17-APR-13 AM sys Timestamp select dump(t0,16), dump(tz,16), dump(tl,16), ts_type from t1 ; DUMP(T0,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DUMP(TZ,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DUMP(TL,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TS_TYPE -------------------- Typ=180 Len=11: 78,71,4,11,7,2d,5,15,11,d0,68 Typ=181 Len=13: 78,71,4,11,b,2d,5,15,11,d0,68,10,3c Typ=231 Len=11: 78,71,4,11,b,2d,5,15,11,d0,68 sys Timestamp
TZ——the timestamp with time zone列,有实例的timestamp,但是存储(b, 2d,5 – 11:44:04)有时区信息(10,3c),允许会话知晓全局的时间和地区(或者更一进步,时区)信息。
TL——the timestamp with local time zone列,有实例的timestamp,但没有存储(b, 2d, 5 – 11:44:04)时区信息。因此当你查询时,输出的结果被调整为适合长的时间戳。这是正确的全局时刻,显示相关的本地时间。但是,作为惩罚,将会丢失关于进入(在哪个时区)的信息。
索引时间(虽然在Tony Hasler’s blog的评论里的连接或许可以所有你想要的答案),Oracle设计的错误我曾经访问过。
For your entertainment – there’s nothing up my sleeves, this was a simple cut-n-paste after real-time typing with no tricks: 20:39:51 SQL> create table t1 (t1 timestamp); Table created. 20:39:55 SQL> insert into t1 values(systimestamp); 1 row created. 20:39:59 SQL> select t1 - systimestamp from t1; T1-SYSTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +000000000 04:59:50.680620 1 row selected. 20:40:08 SQL> My laptop runs Oracle so quickly that it took only 4 seconds for 5 hours to elapse ! on 64-bit Linux – the client is running with TZ=EST5EDT, while the server is running UK Time (currently BST (GMT+1)) Comments available on MOS: 340512.1 Timestamps & time zones – Frequently Asked Questions Another MOS note, thanks to Jure Bratina in the comments: 227334.1 – “Dates & Calendars – Frequently Asked Questions” in the question Update: As Niall quotes in the comments: “times are difficult”. Oracle supplies three timestamps: systimestamp, localtimestamp, and current_timestamp. (For reasons of consistency, only one of uses an underscore ;) ) Oracle also supplies three timestamp types: timestamp, timestamp with time zone, and timestamp with local time zone. Oracle also supplies two timezone calls: dbtimezone, and sessiontimezone If you need to figure out all the details of how these things hang together, I think you need to set your machine timezone to something that isn’t UTC (or GMT as I still tend to call it), then use two separate machines as clients, with their timezones set to two other timezones (again avoiding UTC). I’ve done a few experiments but without being so rigorous in my settings – my machine was running on GMT, but I opened a (UNIX) session and set the session time zone to EST5EDT to start the database, while running other (UNIX) session with different TZ settings. The reason I should have restarted the machine in a different timezone is that Oracle “normalises” some timestamps to UTC – which means there are cases when I can’t be certain whether the stored value is in UTC because it has been normalised or because it simply was the actual machine time. So here’s a little experiment (, instance started in EST5EDT, unix session running in UTC, connecting across the network to the server). select current_timestamp, localtimestamp, systimestamp from dual ; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCALTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-APR-13 AM +01:00 17-APR-13 AM 17-APR-13 AM -04:00 Notes: systimestamp reflects the instance timestamp – which is 5 hours earlier than the session timestamp. systimestamp returns a timestamp with time zone, not just a timestamp localtimestamp and current_timestamp show the client time, but localtimestamp doesn’t show the timezone, current_timestamp does (the +1:00 appears because Daylight Saving Time (British Summer Time) is active so my session is one hour ahead of UTC, while the database is 4 hours behind.) Another quick test: create table t1 ( t0 timestamp, tz timestamp with time zone, tl timestamp with local time zone, ts_type varchar2(20) ) ; insert into t1 values( systimestamp, systimestamp, systimestamp, 'sys Timestamp' ); commit; select * from t1; T0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TZ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL TS_TYPE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 17-APR-13 AM 17-APR-13 AM -04:00 17-APR-13 AM sys Timestamp select dump(t0,16), dump(tz,16), dump(tl,16), ts_type from t1 ; DUMP(T0,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DUMP(TZ,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DUMP(TL,16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TS_TYPE -------------------- Typ=180 Len=11: 78,71,4,11,7,2d,5,15,11,d0,68 Typ=181 Len=13: 78,71,4,11,b,2d,5,15,11,d0,68,10,3c Typ=231 Len=11: 78,71,4,11,b,2d,5,15,11,d0,68 sys Timestamp Notes: T0 – the timestamp column, has the instance timestamp in it – but doesn’t have any timezone information stored; the raw dump show the value 6:44:04 (7, 2d, 5 – convert from hex and substract one). Anyone on ANY timezone will see their output showing 6:44:04 if they select this column. TZ – the timestamp with time zone column, has the instance timestamp, but has stored it as (b, 2d,5 – 11:44:04) with time zone information (10,3c) that allows the session to know what “global” moment the information really represents and the location (or, rather, time zone) where is was entered. TL – the timestamp with local time zone, has the instance timestamp, but has stored it as (b, 2d, 5 – 11:44:04) with NO timezone information. So the output when you query this column is adjusted to suit the local timestamp. It’s the right “global” moment, and it displays as the relevant local time. But, as a penalty, it’s lost the information about where (in which time zone) it was entered. I think that examination of the content of the raw dumps of the three different types may help you understand why you need to store timestamps in a column type that includes a time zone – if you don’t then you lose some information, and time-based arithmetic will give you some surprises if your application crosses timezones. Next Issue: Indexing time (though the link in the comments below to Tony Hasler’s blog probably gives you all the answers you need), and an Oracle design error that I’ve visited before. I’ve visited before. http://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2010/04/05/failed-login/
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