执行configure-make-make install三部曲
>./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/home/ffmpeg
>make install
INCLUDEPATH += ./ffmpeg/include
LIBS += ./ffmpeg/lib/libavcodec.so
#include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> extern "C" { #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" #include "libswscale/swscale.h" #include "libavdevice/avdevice.h" } class recordVideo:public QObject { void recordVideoExec();
static void* ReadingThrd(void * pParam);
void recordVideo::recordVideoExec() { pthread_t thread; if(0 == pthread_create(&thread, NULL,ReadingThrd, NULL)) { printf("thread create succ, main thread id is %u ",(unsigned)pthread_self()); } } static AVFormatContext *i_fmt_ctx; static AVStream *i_video_stream; static AVFormatContext *o_fmt_ctx; static AVStream *o_video_stream; static bool bStop = false; static int frame_nums = 0; void *recordVideo::ReadingThrd(void * pParam) { avcodec_register_all(); av_register_all(); avformat_network_init(); /* should set to NULL so that avformat_open_input() allocate a new one */ i_fmt_ctx = NULL; //这是我用ONVIF协议得到的摄像头RTSP流媒体地址 char rtspUrl[] = "rtsp://"; const char *filename = "2.mp4"; if (avformat_open_input(&i_fmt_ctx, rtspUrl, NULL, NULL)!=0) { fprintf(stderr, " = could not open input file "); return nullptr; } if (avformat_find_stream_info(i_fmt_ctx, NULL)<0) { fprintf(stderr, " = could not find stream info "); return nullptr; } //av_dump_format(i_fmt_ctx, 0, argv[1], 0); /* find first video stream */ for (unsigned i=0; i<i_fmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++) { if (i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { i_video_stream = i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]; break; } } if (i_video_stream == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " = didn't find any video stream "); return nullptr; } avformat_alloc_output_context2(&o_fmt_ctx, NULL, NULL, filename); /* * since all input files are supposed to be identical (framerate, dimension, color format, ...) * we can safely set output codec values from first input file */ o_video_stream = avformat_new_stream(o_fmt_ctx, NULL); { AVCodecContext *c; c = o_video_stream->codec; c->bit_rate = 400000; c->codec_id = i_video_stream->codec->codec_id; c->codec_type = i_video_stream->codec->codec_type; c->time_base.num = i_video_stream->time_base.num; c->time_base.den = i_video_stream->time_base.den; fprintf(stderr, " = time_base.num = %d time_base.den = %d ", c->time_base.num, c->time_base.den); c->width = i_video_stream->codec->width; c->height = i_video_stream->codec->height; c->pix_fmt = i_video_stream->codec->pix_fmt; printf(" = %d height: %d pix_fmt: %d ", c->width, c->height, c->pix_fmt); c->flags = i_video_stream->codec->flags; c->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; c->me_range = i_video_stream->codec->me_range; c->max_qdiff = i_video_stream->codec->max_qdiff; c->qmin = i_video_stream->codec->qmin; c->qmax = i_video_stream->codec->qmax; c->qcompress = i_video_stream->codec->qcompress; } avio_open(&o_fmt_ctx->pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); avformat_write_header(o_fmt_ctx, NULL); int last_pts = 0; int last_dts = 0; int64_t pts, dts; while(!bStop) { //printf("------------------------------------------------------ "); AVPacket i_pkt; av_init_packet(&i_pkt); i_pkt.size = 0; i_pkt.data = NULL; if (av_read_frame(i_fmt_ctx, &i_pkt) <0 ) break; /* * pts and dts should increase monotonically * pts should be >= dts */ i_pkt.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pts = i_pkt.pts; i_pkt.pts += last_pts; dts = i_pkt.dts; i_pkt.dts += last_dts; i_pkt.stream_index = 0; //printf("%lld %lld ", i_pkt.pts, i_pkt.dts); static int num = 1; printf(" = frame %d ", num++); av_interleaved_write_frame(o_fmt_ctx, &i_pkt); //av_free_packet(&i_pkt); //av_init_packet(&i_pkt); //Sleep(10); //sleep(1); //linux下usleep()可以接受毫秒,要包含头文件#include <unistd.h> if(frame_nums > 2000) { bStop = true; } frame_nums++; usleep(10); } last_dts += dts; last_pts += pts; avformat_close_input(&i_fmt_ctx); av_write_trailer(o_fmt_ctx); avcodec_close(o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec); av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec); av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]); avio_close(o_fmt_ctx->pb); av_free(o_fmt_ctx); }
(3)然后在main函数之中创建类对象,通过类对象调用成员函数 recordVideoExec()即可