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  • [VIM使用系列] coc.vim的安装和使用


    coc.vim 可以使用的插件如下表:

    Implemented coc extensions
    You can find available coc extensions by searching coc.nvim on npm, or use coc-marketplace, which can search and install extensions in coc.nvim directly.
        coc-angular for angular.
        coc-ansible for yaml.ansible, use ansible-language-server (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-ansible)
        coc-blade for blade, laravel blade templates extension. Provides "formatter", "linter", "completion" and more...
        coc-browser for browser words completion
        coc-calc expression calculation extension
        coc-cfn-lint for CloudFormation Linter, cfn-python-lint
        coc-clangd for C/C++/Objective-C, use clangd
        coc-clang-format-style-options coc.nvim extension, helps you write .clang-format more easily.
        coc-cmake for cmake code completion
        coc-css for css, scss and less.
        coc-cssmodules css modules intellisense.
        coc-deno for deno, fork of vscode_deno.
        coc-diagnostic for All filetypes, use diagnostic-languageserver.
        coc-discord discord rich presence for coc.nvim
        coc-discord-rpc fully customizable discord rpc integration with support for over 130+ of the most popular languages
        coc-dash-complete Press - to trigger buffer source completion.
        coc-dot-complete Press . to trigger buffer source completion.
        coc-ecdict ECDICT extension
        coc-elixir for elixir, based on elixir-ls.
        coc-ember for ember projects.
        coc-emmet provides emmet suggestions in completion list.
        coc-erlang_ls for erlang, based on erlang_ls
        coc-esbonio for rst (reStructuredText), esbonio ([Sphinx] Python Documentation Generator) language server extension.
        coc-eslint Eslint extension for coc.nvim
        coc-explorer File Explorer extension
        coc-floaterm for vim-floaterm integration
        coc-flow for flow
        coc-flutter for flutter
        coc-fsharp for fsharp.
        coc-fzf-preview provide powerful fzf integration.
        coc-gist gist management
        coc-git provides git integration.
        coc-glslx for glsl, use glslx.
        coc-go for go, use gopls.
        coc-golines golines(go formatter) extension
        coc-graphql for graphql.
        coc-highlight provides default document symbol highlighting and color support.
        coc-html for html, handlebars and razor.
        coc-htmldjango for htmldjango, django templates (htmldjango) extension. Provides "formatter", "linter" and more...
        coc-htmlhint for html, Integrates the HTMLHint static analysis tool.
        coc-html-css-support for HTML id and class attribute completion.
        coc-intelephense for php, fork of vscode-intelephense. (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-intelephense)
        coc-java for java, use eclipse.jdt.ls.
        coc-jedi for python, use jedi-language-server.
        coc-json for json.
        coc-julia for julia.
        coc-just-complete Press _ to trigger buffer source completion.
        coc-lists provides some basic lists like fzf.vim.
        coc-lightbulb VSCode  for coc.nvim
        coc-lsp-wl for wolfram mathematica, fork of vscode-lsp-wl.
        coc-ltex grammar/spell checker
        coc-markdownlint for markdown linting
        coc-markdown-preview-enhanced Markdown Preview Enhanced for coc.nvim
        coc-markmap markdown + mindmap for coc.nvim
        coc-metals for Scala using Metals
        coc-nginx for nginx, use nginx-language-server and nginxfmt (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-nginx)
        coc-omnisharp for csharp and visualbasic.
        coc-perl for perl.
        coc-phpactor for php, using phpactor
        coc-phpls for php, use intelephense-docs.
        coc-phpstan for php, use phpstan (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-phpstan)
        coc-php-cs-fixer for php, Integrates the php-cs-fixer (PHP Coding Standards Fixer).
        coc-psalm for php, use psalm language server.
        coc-powershell for PowerShellEditorService integration.
        coc-prettier a fork of prettier-vscode.
        coc-prisma for Prisma schema integration.
        coc-pydocstring for python, using doq (python docstring generator) extension.
        coc-pylsp for python, use pylsp(python-lsp-server). (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-pylsp)
        coc-pyright for python, Pyright extension
        coc-python for python, extension forked from vscode-python. (Not maintained anymore)
        coc-r-lsp for r, use R languageserver.
        coc-reason for reasonml
        coc-rls for rust, use Rust Language Server
        coc-rome for javascript, typescript, json and more, use Rome
        coc-rust-analyzer for rust, use rust-analyzer
        coc-sh for bash using bash-language-server.
        coc-stylelintplus for linting CSS and CSS preprocessed formats
        coc-stylelint for linting CSS and CSS preprocessed formats
        coc-snippets provides snippets solution.
        coc-solargraph for ruby, use solargraph.
        coc-sourcekit for Swift
        coc-spell-checker A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code
        coc-sql for sql.
        coc-sqlfluff for sql, SQLFluff (A SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans) extension
        coc-stylua Stylua(lua formatter) extension
        coc-sumneko-lua Lua extension using sumneko lua-language-server
        coc-svelte for svelte.
        coc-svg for svg.
        coc-swagger for improved Swagger/OpenAPI spec authoring experience.
        coc-tabnine for tabnine.
        coc-tailwindcss for tailwindcss.
        coc-tasks for asynctasks.vim integration
        coc-texlab for LaTeX using TexLab.
        coc-thrift-syntax-support for thrift.
        coc-toml for toml using taplo.
        coc-translator language transaction extension
        coc-tsserver for javascript and typescript.
        coc-vetur for vue, use vetur.
        coc-volar for vue, use volar. (scoped packages: @yaegassy/coc-volar).
        coc-vimlsp for viml.
        coc-webview Using an external browser to support the webview.
        coc-xml for xml, use lsp4xml.
        coc-yaml for yaml
        coc-yank provides yank highlights & history.
        coc-zig for zig files.
        coc-zls zls extension, for zig
    Tips: use :CocConfig to edit the configuration file. Completion & validation are supported after coc-json is installed.
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiftle/p/15791142.html
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