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  • 剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY66

    Shopping has become a favorite pastime for some young people. Do we need to encourage the young to do something more useful in their free time? What is your opinion?

    Ever larger shopping malls are popping up everywhere in cities to accommodate a growing number of shoppers consisting mainly of young people. For some, shopping is no longer something we do because we need something, but a recreation, an end in itself. Some even spend hours each day roaming from one store to another. It is a consolation this pastime is still largely confined to the fair sex.

    Shopping for its own sake is a waste of both time and money. Indeed, most men cannot understand or endure the 'pleasure' of shopping. With nothing particularly in mind, women forge ahead tirelessly or even effortlessly, with their long-suffering boyfriends or husbands trailing behind and asking vainly to take a break. Since there is no apparent aim, women often try on numerous dresses, shoes or purfumes without buying anything. What possible good can come out of this? Some might argue that they can improve their taste and become more fashion-savvy. But it is not worth the time and energy.

    Apart from stealing our time, shopping has a more insidious effect. It advocates a luxurious lifestyle. Ever glitzy are those shopping malls with a plethora of goods often beyong the means of ordinary consumers. Hence, most of us go window-shopping to admire those flashy things with exorbitant prices. The more shopping we do, the more we long for those luxuries. We start to envy those rich enough to enjoy luxuries. Making money becomes our primary goal. When we can't get it by legitimate means, some of us will get it by hook or crook. 'We desire what we can see' as the famous line in The Silence of the Lamb aptly puts it. So why get ourselves daily tempted?

    There are worthier things to do than shopping. I would recommend reading. Read whatever you like as much as possible. Personally, I prefer biography and history books. Then we should do more community service. Instead of focusing on what we want, we should concentrate on what others want. As it often turns out, happiness comes from our harmonious relationships with others rather than material prosperity.





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14468398.html
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