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  • 读书笔记_java设计模式深入研究 第十章 命令模式 Command


    package pattern.chp10.commander.simple;
    * 类描述:命令接口
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 11:07:14 AM Jing Created.
    public interface ICommand {
    * 方法说明:打扫命令
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 4, 2015 11:07:36 AM
    * @return void
    public void sweep();
    package pattern.chp10.commander.simple;
    * 类描述:命令发送者
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 11:19:09 AM Jing Created.
    public class Teacher implements ICommand{
    private Student reciever;
    public Teacher(Student student) {
    this.reciever = student;
    public void sweep() {
    package pattern.chp10.commander.simple;
    * 类描述:命令接受者,学生
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 11:07:55 AM Jing Created.
    public class Student {
    * 方法说明:正在打扫
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 4, 2015 11:08:36 AM
    * @return void
    void sweeping(){
    System.out.println("We are sweeping the floor");
    package pattern.chp10.commander.simple;
    * 类描述:命令请求者
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 11:21:03 AM Jing Created.
    public class Invoke {
    ICommand command;
    public Invoke(ICommand command) {
    this.command = command;
    public void execute(){
    package pattern.chp10.commander.simple;
    * 类描述:
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 2:31:11 PM Jing Created.
    public class MainTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Student s = new Student();
    ICommand t = new Teacher(s);
    Invoke invoke = new Invoke(t);
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    * 类描述:坐标
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 2:55:20 PM Jing Created.
    public class Point {
    float x, y;
    public Point(float x, float y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    * 类描述:面积计算
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 2:56:12 PM Jing Created.
    public class PolyonCalc {
    * 方法说明:根据坐标点计算面积
    * Author: Jing Create Date: Jan 4, 2015 2:56:40 PM
    * @param pt
    * @return
    * @return float
    public float getArea(Point[] pt) {
    float s = 0;
    int size = pt.length;
    if (size < 3) {
    return s;
    s = pt[0].y * (pt[size - 1].x - pt[1].x);
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    s += pt[i].y * (pt[(i - 1)].x - pt[(i + 1) % size].x);
    return (float) s / 2;
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    * 类描述:命令发送者
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 3:04:52 PM Jing Created.
    public interface ICommand {
    * 方法说明:计算面积
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 4, 2015 3:05:10 PM
    * @return
    * @return float
    float calc();
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    * 类描述:具体面积命令发送者
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 3:05:44 PM Jing Created.
    public class AreaCommander implements ICommand {
    PolyonCalc calc;
    Point[] pt;
    public AreaCommander(PolyonCalc calc, Point[] pt) {
    this.calc = calc;
    this.pt = pt;
    public float calc() {
    return calc.getArea(pt);
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    * 类描述:命令管理
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 4, 2015 3:07:22 PM Jing Created.
    public class CommandManage {
    ArrayList<ICommand> list = new ArrayList<ICommand>();
    * 方法说明:添加命令
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 9:41:32 AM
    * @param c
    * @return void
    public void add(ICommand c){
    * 方法说明:执行命令
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 9:41:59 AM
    * @return void
    public void executeCommand(){
    for(ICommand command : list){
    float value = command.calc();
    System.out.println("The area is : " + value);
    package pattern.chp10.commander.area;
    * 类描述:
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 9:43:15 AM Jing Created.
    public class MainTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    CommandManage manage = new CommandManage();
    PolyonCalc calc = new PolyonCalc();
    Point[] pt = new Point[3];
    pt[0] = new Point(0, 0);
    pt[1] = new Point(1, 0);
    pt[2] = new Point(0, 1);
    AreaCommander com = new AreaCommander(calc, pt);


    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:信息接收功能
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:03:36 AM Jing Created.
    public interface ISource {
    * 方法说明:是否为信息标志
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 10:05:13 AM
    * @return
    * @return boolean
    boolean isbFire();
    * 方法说明:设置重要信息标志
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 10:05:26 AM
    * @param bFire
    * @return void
    void setbFire(boolean bFire);
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:信息
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:04:59 AM Jing Created.
    public class Msgsrc implements ISource {
    String msg;
    boolean bFire;
    public String getMsg() {
    return msg;
    public void setMsg(String msg) {
    this.msg = msg;
    public boolean isbFire() {
    return bFire;
    public void setbFire(boolean fire) {
    this.bFire = fire;
    * 方法说明:判断消息
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 10:08:53 AM
    * @param msg
    * @return void
    public void come(String msg){
    this.msg = msg;
    bFire = true;
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:特殊消息处理功能(命令接收者)
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:19:57 AM Jing Created.
    public interface IReceiver {
    * 方法说明:消息处理
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 10:20:34 AM
    * @param src
    * @return void
    void process(ISource src);

    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:具体消息处理类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:21:02 AM Jing Created.
    public class ShowReceive implements IReceiver {
    public void process(ISource src) {
    Msgsrc obj = (Msgsrc) src;
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:Email接受者
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:22:44 AM Jing Created.
    public class EmailReceive implements IReceiver {
    public void process(ISource src) {
    System.out.println("This is email receiver,ths msg is : " + ((Msgsrc) src).getMsg());
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:命令监测功能(相当于Invoke)
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:24:37 AM Jing Created.
    public interface ICommand {
    * 方法说明:消息处理
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Jan 5, 2015 10:25:39 AM
    * @return void
    void noticeCommand();
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:具体命令类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:34:13 AM Jing Created.
    public class Command implements ICommand {
    IReceiver rvr;
    ISource src;
    public Command(IReceiver rvr, ISource src) {
    this.rvr = rvr;
    this.src = src;
    public void noticeCommand() {
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    import java.util.Vector;
    * 类描述:命令管理
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:37:15 AM Jing Created.
    public class CommandManage extends Thread {
    Vector<ICommand> v = new Vector<ICommand>();
    ISource src;
    boolean bMark = true;
    public CommandManage(ISource src) {
    this.src = src;
    public void addCommand(ICommand c) {
    public void run() {
    while (bMark) {
    if (!src.isbFire()) {
    for (ICommand comm : v) {
    package pattern.chp10.commander.message;
    * 类描述:
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Jan 5, 2015 10:55:06 AM Jing Created.
    public class MainTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Msgsrc src = new Msgsrc();//定义事件源(发送者)
    ShowReceive rvr = new ShowReceive();//定义接收者
    EmailReceive rvr2 = new EmailReceive();
    Command com = new Command(rvr, src);//定义命令
    Command com2 = new Command(rvr2, src);//定义命令
    CommandManage manage = new CommandManage(src);//命令接收集
    String[] s = {"Liu:sdad", "zhang:sdada", "li:sdasdasd"};
    for(String sTemp: s){
    manage.bMark = false;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jingLongJun/p/4491066.html
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