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  • 【JDK1.8】JDK1.8集合源码阅读——总章





      可以看到集合的基础接口是Map, Collection以及Iterator。其余的类都实现自这3个类。

    • 蓝色为接口,红色为类,绿色为抽象类。
    • 空心三角形虚线:实现接口(implements),好像也不太准确,列如list和collection的关系是extends。因为list是接口
    • 空心三角形实线:继承(extends)


    3.1 Iterator接口

    public interface Iterator<E> {
      boolean hasNext();
      E next();
      default void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
      * 举个简单例子(把集合里的元素每个都输出出来):
      * List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
      * names.add("Joemsu");
      * names.add("GodnessY");
      * names.iterator().forEachRemaining(c -> System.out.println("hi! " + c));
      default void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action) {
        while (hasNext())


    3.2 Collection接口

    public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> {
      int size();
      boolean isEmpty();
      boolean contains(Object o);
      Iterator<E> iterator();
       * 深层拷贝,修改数组的数据不会对集合里的元素产生影响。
       * 注意:只能返回Object[],不能强制转换其他类型,如需要转型,使用下面带泛型的方法。
      Object[] toArray();
      <T> T[] toArray(T[] a);
      boolean add(E e);
      boolean remove(Object o);
      boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c);
      boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);
      boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c);
      boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c);
      void clear();
      boolean equals(Object o);
      int hashCode();
      default Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
        return Spliterators.spliterator(this, 0);
      * 如果满足filter,则删除,举个栗子:
      * Collection<String> myHeart = new ArrayList<>();
      * myHeart.add("Boduolaoshi");
      * myHeart.add("GodnessY");
      * System.out.println("before: " + myHeart.size());
      * myHeart.removeIf(s -> s.equals("Boduolaoshi"));
      * System.out.println("after: " + myHeart.size());
      default boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter) {
        boolean removed = false;
        final Iterator<E> each = iterator();
        while (each.hasNext()) {
          if (filter.test(each.next())) {
            removed = true;
        return removed;
      default Stream<E> stream() {
        return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false);
      default Stream<E> parallelStream() {
        return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), true);


    3.3 Map接口

    public interface Map<K,V> {
      int size();
      boolean isEmpty();
      boolean containsKey(Object key);
      boolean containsValue(Object value);
      V get(Object key);
      V put(K key, V value);
      V remove(Object key);
      void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m);
      void clear();
      Set<K> keySet();
      Collection<V> values();
      Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet();
      boolean equals(Object o);
      int hashCode();
      //Entry start
      interface Entry<K,V> {
        K getKey();
        V getValue();
        V setValue(V value);
        boolean equals(Object o);
        int hashCode();
        public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> comparingByKey(){
          return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
            (c1, c2) -> c1.getKey().compareTo(c2.getKey());
        public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> comparingByValue() {
          return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
            (c1, c2) -> c1.getValue().compareTo(c2.getValue());
        * 自己传比较的方法,举个栗子:
        * Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        * map.put("sorted", 2);
        * map.put("collect", 1);
        * map.put("each", 3);
        * System.out.println("before sort");
        * map.entrySet().forEach(System.out::println);
        * System.out.println("after sort");
        * map.entrySet()
        *     .stream()
        *     .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey((a, b) -> a.length() - b.length()))
        *     .collect(Collectors.toList()).forEach(System.out::println);
        public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparingByKey(Comparator<? super K> cmp) {
          return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
            (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getKey(), c2.getKey());
        public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparingByValue(Comparator<? super V> cmp) {
          return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
            (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getValue(), c2.getValue());
      //Entry end
      //获取指定key 的value,没有则返回默认值
      default V getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue) {
        V v;
        return (((v = get(key)) != null) || containsKey(key))
          ? v
          : defaultValue;
      * 对每队键值对操作: map.forEach((i, j) -> System.out.println(i + j))
      * 注意这里的(i, j)的类型与你初始化map的键值类型对应,i即K, j即V 
      default void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) {
        for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) {
          K k;
          V v;
          try {
            k = entry.getKey();
            v = entry.getValue();
          } catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
            // this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
          action.accept(k, v);
      * 传入BiFunction类型,对每个键值对进行处理,返回类型与V类型相同
      * Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
      * map.put("hi", 3);
      * map.put("hello", 4);
      * BiFunction<String, Integer, Integer> bi = (a, b) -> a.length() + b; //为了容易理解,这么写
      * map.forEach((i, j) -> System.out.println(i + ":" + j));
      * map.replaceAll(bi);
      * map.forEach((i, j) -> System.out.println(i + ":" + j));
      default void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) {
        for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) {
          K k;
          V v;
          try {
            k = entry.getKey();
            v = entry.getValue();
          } catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
            // this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
          // ise thrown from function is not a cme.
          v = function.apply(k, v);
          try {
          } catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
            // this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
      default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
        V v = get(key);
        if (v == null) {
          v = put(key, value);
        return v;
      default boolean remove(Object key, Object value) {
        Object curValue = get(key);
        if (!Objects.equals(curValue, value) ||
            (curValue == null && !containsKey(key))) {
          return false;
        return true;
      default boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue) {
        Object curValue = get(key);
        if (!Objects.equals(curValue, oldValue) ||
            (curValue == null && !containsKey(key))) {
          return false;
        put(key, newValue);
        return true;
      default V replace(K key, V value) {
        V curValue;
        if (((curValue = get(key)) != null) || containsKey(key)) {
          curValue = put(key, value);
        return curValue;
      default V computeIfAbsent(K key,
                Function<? super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction) {
        V v;
        if ((v = get(key)) == null) {
          V newValue;
          if ((newValue = mappingFunction.apply(key)) != null) {
            put(key, newValue);
            return newValue;
        return v;
      default V computeIfPresent(K key,
                BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) {
        V oldValue;
        if ((oldValue = get(key)) != null) {
          V newValue = remappingFunction.apply(key, oldValue);
          if (newValue != null) {
            put(key, newValue);
            return newValue;
          } else {
            return null;
        } else {
          return null;
      default V compute(K key,
                BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) {
        V oldValue = get(key);
        V newValue = remappingFunction.apply(key, oldValue);
        if (newValue == null) {
          // delete mapping
          if (oldValue != null || containsKey(key)) {
            // something to remove
            return null;
          } else {
            // nothing to do. Leave things as they were.
            return null;
        } else {
          // add or replace old mapping
          put(key, newValue);
          return newValue;
      default V merge(K key, V value,
                BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) {
        V oldValue = get(key);
        V newValue = (oldValue == null) ? value :
        remappingFunction.apply(oldValue, value);
        if(newValue == null) {
        } else {
          put(key, newValue);
        return newValue;




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/joemsu/p/7667588.html
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