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  • 单链表的相关操作

    #ifndef _SLIST_H
    #define _SLIST_H
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
        /*******1. 不带头结点的单链表*****/
        *@ m_data:数据
        struct listNode
            int m_data;
            listNode* m_pNext;
        *@ 用数组array初始化链表,数组元素个数为n
        *@ 返回链表头
        *@version 1.0
        listNode* buildList(int* array, int n);
        *@ 链表末尾加入一个数据
        void AddDataToTrial(listNode** pHead, int value);
        *pHead :指向表头的指针
        *@ 要插入元素的位置
        *@ 要出入的元素
        bool insertList(listNode** pHead, int index, int value);
        *pHead :指向表头的指针
        *@ 要要删除元素的索引
        bool deleteList(listNode** pHead, int index);
        * 打印单链表
        @ pHead  表头指针
        bool printList(listNode* pHead);
        /*******2. 带头结点的单链表*****/
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool initList(listNode* &pHead);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool BuildList(listNode* &pHead,int *array,int n);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool clearList(listNode* &pHead);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        int  lengthOfList(listNode* &pHead);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  isEmptyOfList(listNode* &pHead);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        listNode*  searchElement(listNode* &pHead,int x);
        * 若i小于0 或i 超出结点个数,则返回NULL
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        listNode*  Locate(listNode* &pHead, int i);
        *将元素value插入到链表中第i(i>=1)个结点的位置。若i不符合要求。则返回0 ,否则返回1 
        * 若i小于0 或i 超出结点个数,则返回NULL
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  Insert(listNode* &pHead,int i, int value);
        *将删除链表中第i(i>=1)个结点的元素,若i不符合要求,则返回0 。否则返回1,其删除的元素置于value返回
        * 若i小于0 或i 超出结点个数,则返回NULL
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  Remove(listNode* &pHead, int i, int &value);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  Print(listNode* &pHead);
        * pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  recursivePrint(listNode* first);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  PrintListReverse(listNode* first);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  PrintListReverseRecursive(listNode* first);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        bool  ReverseSlist(listNode*& pHead);
        * &pHead 链表头指针的引用
        listNode*  ReverseSlistRecursive(listNode* pHead);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "slist.h"
    #include <stack>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <iostream>
    listNode* buildList(int* array, int n){
        listNode*t, *pHead= new listNode();
        pHead->m_data = array[0];
        pHead->m_pNext = NULL;
        t = pHead;//取链表头
        for (size_t i = 1; i < n;++i)
            listNode* pNode = new listNode();
            t->m_pNext = pNode;
            pNode->m_data = array[i];
            t = pNode;
        return pHead;//返回链表头结点
    void AddDataToTrial(listNode** pHead, int value)
        listNode* pNew = new listNode();
        pNew->m_data = value;
        pNew->m_pNext = NULL;
        if (*pHead == NULL)
            *pHead = pNew;//当链表为空时,新插入的结点就是链表的头指针
            listNode* pNode = *pHead;//取头指针
            while (pNode->m_pNext!=NULL)
                pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
            pNode->m_pNext = pNew;//指向新的结点
    bool insertList(listNode** pHead, int index, int value)
        if (index < 1)
            std::cerr << "索引无效" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        else if (index == 1)
            listNode* pNew = new listNode();
            if (pNew == NULL)
                std::cerr << "分配内存失败" << std::endl;
                return 0;
            pNew->m_data = value;
            pNew->m_pNext =*pHead;
            *pHead = pNew;
            listNode *pNode = *pHead;//记录第二个元素的地址
            while (pNode != NULL && 0 < index - 2)
                pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
            if (pNode==NULL&&(*pHead)!=NULL)
                std::cerr << "链表长度不够,无法插入" << std::endl;
                return 0;
                listNode* pNew = new listNode();
                if (pNew == NULL)
                    std::cerr << "分配内存失败" << std::endl;
                    return 0;
                pNew->m_data = value;
                pNew->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
                pNode->m_pNext = pNew;//插入新结点
        return 1;//插入成功
    bool deleteList(listNode** pHead, int index)
        if (index < 1)
            std::cerr << "元素索引小于1。无法进行删除操作!" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        if (index == 1)
            listNode* pNode = *pHead;
            *pHead = (*pHead)->m_pNext;
            delete pNode;
            pNode = NULL;
            listNode* pNode = *pHead;
            while (pNode != NULL && 0 < index - 2)//定位第i-1个结点
                pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
            if (pNode==NULL||pNode->m_pNext==NULL)
                std::cerr << "空表或链表较短,索引无效"<<std::endl;
                return 0;
                listNode *q = pNode->m_pNext;
                pNode->m_pNext = q->m_pNext;
                delete q;
                q = NULL;
        return 1;
    bool printList(listNode* pHead)
        listNode* pNode = pHead;
        int i = 0;
        while (pNode != NULL)
            std::cout << "第" << i << "个元素为:" << pNode->m_data << std::endl;
            pNode = pNode->m_pNext;//指向下一个元素
        std::cout << "总计" << i << "个元素打印完成" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    bool ReverseSlist(listNode*& pHead)
            return 0;
        listNode* pre, *temp, *head;//pre 指向前结点 temp 指向现结点,head 指向下一结点
        pre = temp = nullptr;
        head = pHead;
        while (head!=nullptr)
            temp = head;//跟进当前结点
            head = head->m_pNext;//指向下一结点
            temp->m_pNext = pre;//反转当前结点
            pre = temp;//更新前一结点
        pHead = temp;//返回翻转后的链表
        if (temp == nullptr)
            return 0;
        return 1;
    listNode* ReverseSlistRecursive(listNode* pHead)
        if (pHead == nullptr || pHead->m_pNext == nullptr)//链表为空或链表仅仅有一个元素
            return pHead;
            listNode* newNode = ReverseSlistRecursive(pHead->m_pNext);
            pHead->m_pNext->m_pNext = pHead;
            pHead->m_pNext = nullptr;
            return newNode;
    bool initList(listNode* &pHead)
        pHead = new listNode;
        if (!pHead)
            std::cerr << "内存分配失败" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        pHead->m_pNext = NULL;//初始化矩阵头
        return 1;
    bool BuildList(listNode* &pHead, int *array, int n)
        listNode* p = pHead;
        if (p == NULL)
            std::cerr << "链表头不存在" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n;i++)
            listNode* pNew = new listNode;
            pNew->m_data = array[i];
            pNew->m_pNext = NULL;
            p->m_pNext = pNew;
            p = p->m_pNext;
        return 1;
    bool clearList(listNode* &pHead)
        listNode* p;
        while (pHead->m_pNext!=NULL)//当链表不空时
            p = pHead->m_pNext;
            pHead->m_pNext = p->m_pNext;
            delete p;
        return 1;
    int lengthOfList(listNode* &pHead)
        int cout = 0;
        listNode* p = pHead->m_pNext;
        while (p!=NULL)
            p = p->m_pNext;
        return cout;
    bool isEmptyOfList(listNode* &pHead)
        return (pHead->m_pNext==NULL);
    listNode* searchElement(listNode* &pHead, int x)
        listNode* p = pHead->m_pNext;//取出链表头指针
        while (p != NULL&&p->m_data != x)
            p = p->m_pNext;
        return p;
    listNode* Locate(listNode* &pHead, int i)
        if (i < 0)
            return NULL;
        listNode* p = pHead;
        int cout = 0;
        while (p!=NULL&&cout<i)
            p = p->m_pNext;
        return p;
    bool Insert(listNode* &pHead,int i, int value)
        listNode* p = pHead;
        int cout = 0;
        while (p!=NULL&&cout<i-1)
            p = p->m_pNext;
        if (p == NULL||i<1)
            std::cerr << "链表为空或者索引无效" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        listNode* pNew = new listNode();
        pNew->m_data = value;
        pNew->m_pNext = p->m_pNext;
        p->m_pNext = pNew;
        return 1;
    bool Remove(listNode* &pHead, int i, int &value)
        listNode* p = pHead;
        int cout = 0; 
        while (p!=NULL&&cout<i-1)//取出第i-1个结点指针
            p = p->m_pNext;
        if (p == NULL || p->m_pNext==NULL||i < 1)
            std::cerr << "链表为空或者索引无效" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        listNode* d = p->m_pNext;//第i个结点指针
        p->m_pNext = d->m_pNext;
        value = d->m_data;
        delete d;
        d = NULL;
        return 1;
    bool Print(listNode* &pHead)
        if (pHead == NULL||pHead->m_pNext==NULL)
            std::cerr << "链表头不存在或链表为空" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        listNode* p = pHead->m_pNext;
        int cout = 0;
        while (p!=NULL)
            std::cout << "第" << cout << "个元素为" << p->m_data << std::endl;
            p = p->m_pNext;
        return 1;
    bool recursivePrint(listNode* first)
        if (first == NULL)
            return 0;
        std::cout << first->m_data << std::endl;
    bool PrintListReverse(listNode* first)
        listNode* p = first;
        std::stack<listNode*> nodes;
        while (p != NULL)
            p = p->m_pNext;
        while (!nodes.empty())
            p = nodes.top();
            std::cout << p->m_data << std::endl;
        return 1;
    bool PrintListReverseRecursive(listNode* first)
        listNode* p = first;
        if (p != NULL)
            if (p->m_pNext != NULL)
            std::cout << p->m_data << std::endl;
        return 1;
    // list.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "slist.h"
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        int array[] = { 1, 2, 3,4 };
        listNode* list = buildList(array,4);
        //BuildList(list,array, 4);
        // 1.索引小于1
        /*listNode* list=new listNode();
        //2. 链表为空。索引大于1
        //insertList(&list, 2, 0);
        //3. 链表为空。索引为1
        //insertList(&list, 1, 0);
        //insertList(&list, 1, 0);
        //insertList(&list, 2, 0);
        //6. 链表不为空。索引大于链表长度+1,无法插入
        //insertList(&list, 6, 5);
        //Insert(list, 5, 5);
        /*listNode* f = Locate(list, 5);
        if (f==NULL)
           std::cout << "元素不存在"<< std::endl;
        listNode* list2 = ReverseSlistRecursive(list);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jzssuanfa/p/7239413.html
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