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Problem Description
Give you two definitions tree and rooted tree. An undirected connected graph without cycles is called a tree. A tree is called rooted if it has a distinguished vertex r called the root. Your task is to make a program to calculate the number of rooted trees with n vertices denoted as Tn. The case n=5 is shown in Fig. 1.
There are multiple cases in this problem and ended by the EOF. In each case, there is only one integer means n(1<=n<=40) .
For each test case, there is only one integer means Tn.
Sample Input
1 2 5
Sample Output
1 1 9
按照递推的思路,f[n]=f[a1]*f[a2]*….f[ai]; 其中 a1+a2+…+ai=n 且a1<=a2<=….<=ai
进一步考虑,对于n=a*sum[a]+b*sum[b]+c*sum[c]; sum[k]为一个拆分中k的个数
仅对sum[a]个 a计算
就相当于从(f[a]个不同a)中选取sum[a]个(可以重复) 的排列
即 多重排列 C(f[a]+sum[a]-1,sum[a]);
#include<iostream> #define int64 __int64 using namespace std; int64 f[41]; int cnt[41] , n; //计算组合数 int64 C(int64 n,int64 m){ m=m<(n-m)?m:(n-m); int64 ans=1; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) ans=ans*(n-i+1)/i; return ans; } //拆分数并计算f[n] int dfs(int temp, int left){ if( left == 0 ){ int64 ans = 1; for(int i = 1; i<=n ;i ++){ if(cnt[i] == 0) continue; //计算并累加多重排列 ans = ans * C(f[i] + cnt[i] - 1 , cnt[i]); } f[n] += ans; return 0; } for(int i=temp;i<=left;i++){ cnt[i]++; dfs(i,left-i); cnt[i]--; } return 0; } int main() { f[1] = f[2] = 1; for(n = 3; n <= 40 ; n++) dfs(1,n-1); while(cin>>n) cout<<f[n]<<endl; return 0; }