在Delphi中,TStringList中有一个叫Find的Function。它的作用是在一个StringList中查找一个string,并且返回这个string在StringList中的索引。Delphi Help中的说明如下:
Locates the index for a string in a sorted list and indicates whether a string with that value already exists in the list.
Delphi syntax:
function Find(const S: string; var Index: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
C++ syntax:
virtual bool __fastcall Find(const AnsiString S, int &Index);
Use Find to obtain the index in a sorted list where the string S should be added. If the string S, or a string that differs from S only in case when CaseSensitive is false, already exists in the list, Find returns true. If the list does not contain a string that matches S, Find returns false. The index where S should go is returned in the Index parameter. The value of Index is zero-based, where the first string has the index 0, the second string has the index 1, and so on.
Note: Only use Find with sorted lists. For unsorted lists, use the IndexOf method instead.
strlstTmp: TStringList;
strlstTmp.Find(strToFind); // strToFind: 需要被查找的string
Index := self.IndexOf(strToFind); // Index: string所在StringList的索引位置。