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  • 小小的一个delete...(补充ECS下的Complete功能7.0 SP03引进)

    Q: 按了head层的删除键,系统也提示PO被删除了,为何重新进去PO后发现状态还是ordered?


    此PO有两个版本. 版本1已经XML output给供应商. 之后做修改,产生第二版本.

    (也就是说,delete只能针对未outputted PO=the status is "Changes Transmitted") 


    对于第一个版本且已经发送给供应商的,则无法使用head层的delete, 只能通过删除行项目进行.

    当然,如果已经产生了follow-up document,则行项目的删除也无法进行.

    Delete Button Functionality:

    'Delete' button in PO is active if the PO output (the particular version output is not generated at all) is not generated at all. ie.,"Changes Transmitted" status.

    Once the output is generated to vendor, this button won't be active for that version the PO status will be ORDERED.

    As the vendor is informed about the PO (active version sent to vendor) details.

    If we delete the purchase order, all the items within the PO become inactive.User cannot do any confirmation or invoice or any changes to the deleted PO. Inthis case PO output never been sent to vendor, vendor will not be notified about the deletion of the PO.

    When the 'Delete' button will be active?

    If we create change version of the PO and the status - 'SAVED' which means the PO's change version output is not generated. In this case we are allowed to delete the PO's change version.

    Business case requirement:

    Purchaser creates the PO with item1 qty - 10 price – 100 ORDERED the PO. Output is generated, now vendor is ready to supply the material.

    Purchaser open the PO   >change mode   > and change the qty andprice

    and few more changes in the header  > SAVED the PO   > PO status will be 'SAVED'.  Now the PO will have two versions one active version (which is already sent to vendor) and change version. This particular change version of the PO's output is not yet send to the vendor. If we delete the 'SAVED' version of the PO the change version will be deleted not the active version (because the PO is already sent to vendor).

    We can delete only the PO version which is not send to vendor (PO versionwith status - SAVED').

    If we want to delete the PO (do not want to receive any material for that particular PO) and also inform the vendor, we have to delete all the items and ORDER the PO. In this case an output is generated and the vendor is informed.

    33174 2010


    顺便再补充一下在Extended Classic Scenario下的"Complete"键的功能

    Note 1179545介绍了对于PO的"Complete"功能引入(SRM7.0 SP03开始引入)

    Regarding the 'Complete' functionality in PO updates: only PO in SRM side has it, ie.,it will update the status of the PO to 'Transaction completed' (Status I1180). It will not change anything in the corresponding ECC purchase order. In ECS, the leading PO is the SRM PO and change is possible only in SRM side.
    The reason for this behavior:
    Complete Button Functionality: 'Complete' button is active once the PO output is generated to Vendor. When clicking on "Complete" button, the PO can not be changed further.But line items within the PO is still active. This is used to control further changes to the PO by the users.
    Business Case: 

    We have created a purchase order, we need to do confirmations and invoice for the items mentioned within the PO.The PO should not be changed at all (ie., no more items added / changeto quantity or price is not allowed), in this case we can click on"Complete"button then the PO will go to "Transaction Completed" status.No further changes to this PO is possible. User can do the confirmations and invoices for the items / quantity and price mentioned in the purchaseorder. This need not be informed to the vendor, because there is no changes in quantity / price / new item.
    "Transaction completed" is the final status of the purchase order which can not be reverted in future. We can not do further modifications to the PO,Purchaser / User should be careful when they use this option. If the functionality is not required, please diable the "complete" button in component confirguration level itself. Please note that the Button will not be available to any users at all. (any furtherchanges on metadata for this button will not overwrite the button property).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lazymango/p/1870385.html
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