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  • SpringBoot 使用 Gson 序列化(禁用 Jackson)

    1. SpringBoot 整合 Gson

    Jackson is the preferred and default library.


    Auto-configuration for Jackson is provided and Jackson is part of spring-boot-starter-json. When Jackson is on the classpath an ObjectMapper bean is automatically configured. Several configuration properties are provided for customizing the configuration of the ObjectMapper.


    Auto-configuration for Gson is provided. When Gson is on the classpath a Gson bean is automatically configured. Several spring.gson.* configuration properties are provided for customizing the configuration. To take more control, one or more GsonBuilderCustomizer beans can be used.

    (1) 禁用 Jackson

    去除 JacksonAutoConfiguration

    @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {JacksonAutoConfiguration.class})

    去除 Jackson 依赖(可选)


    (2) 使用 Gson


    配置 HttpMessageConverter

    public class ApplicationConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
        public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
        private GsonHttpMessageConverter customGsonHttpMessageConverter() {
            return new GsonHttpMessageConverter(new GsonBuilder().create());


    public class GsonConfig {
        public GsonHttpMessageConverter customGsonHttpMessageConverter(Gson gson) {
            return new GsonHttpMessageConverter(gson);

    (3) 验证

    至此,@ResponseBody 转化 Json 时使用的就是 GsonHttpMessageConverter

    2. 整合 Swagger

    SpringBoot 整合 Swagger3.0

    Springfox 默认使用 Jackson 做序列化。若使用 Gson,则解析的 Json 格式会有误

    public class GsonConfig {
        public Gson gson() {
            return new GsonBuilder()
                    .registerTypeAdapter(Json.class, new SpringfoxJsonToGsonAdapter())
        public GsonHttpMessageConverter customGsonHttpMessageConverter(Gson gson) {
            return new GsonHttpMessageConverter(gson);
        public class SpringfoxJsonToGsonAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Json> {
            public JsonElement serialize(Json json, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
                return JsonParser.parseString(json.value());

    注意:需引入 Jackson 包,否则 Swagger 会启动失败

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lb477/p/14752162.html
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